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DC Rebirth |OT| It's not a reboot, and it always was [SPOILERS for Rebirth #1]

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Imo no. It's pretty sad when the characters end up way better when showing up in other books. Although I'm thinking about Robin Wars and Grayson mostly. Even Eternal was more bearable.

That's too bad. I think Red Hood is/can be a very compelling character. DC's version of the Punisher, basically, and his origins with Batman could actually make him work uniquely with characters other than the Batfamily.

But I don't think I've seen a comic where I think he was exceptionally written. He was okay in his introduction story, but I think the edits made in the movie made depicted him much better (they didn't really change much other than cutting out a lot of unnecessary stuff, but that was enough to elevate him I thought). But I don't know of a comic that used him exceptionally well.
red head wally for JLA is what I mean.


unless that is bart, dunno. His hair is too different from new wally and I don't think that's barry.

Also, I think that that far right figure has to be Superwoman.

'Cause it's not Supergirl, like I initially thought.

That's too bad. I think Red Hood is/can be a very compelling character. DC's version of the Punisher, basically, and his origins with Batman could actually make him work uniquely with characters other than the Batfamily.

But I don't think I've seen a comic where I think he was exceptionally written. He was okay in his introduction story, but I think the edits made in the movie made depicted him much better (they didn't really change much other than cutting out a lot of unnecessary stuff, but that was enough to elevate him I thought). But I don't know of a comic that used him exceptionally well.

Red Hood is at his absolute worst when he's a Punisher knockoff, because the Punisher was a shit character to start with and adding a bat symbol doesn't improve him.

I don't know about "exceptional," but Red Hood & The Outlaws is a fun romp, and he's great in Batman Eternal, Batman & Robin Eternal, and Robin War.


Do you know if he got any better? He's been on the book so long, you'd think he'd gain some competency in telling stories with the characters.

No. In fact, the book got significantly worse.

After Rocafort left, I left.

I came back for a bit when Tynion came on board, but despite being a better writer, the book was still shit.

Conceptually, Red Hood is one of my favorite DC characters. I think I have seen him executed to satisfaction maybe 2 - 3 times.
No. In fact, the book got significantly worse.

After Rocafort left, I left.

I came back for a bit when Tynion came on board, but despite being a better writer, the book was still shit.

Honestly, I felt like Tynion was even worse than Lobdell. Like, significantly so. I'm still not sure what's up with that, he's generally much better, but his Outlaws stuff was legit hard to read.


Red Hood is at his absolute worst when he's a Punisher knockoff, because the Punisher was a shit character to start with and adding a bat symbol doesn't improve him.

I don't know about "exceptional," but Red Hood & The Outlaws is a fun romp, and he's great in Batman Eternal, Batman & Robin Eternal, and Robin War.

I don't believe in shit characters in the abstract. Nor good characters. Any character can be written well, or poorly. As far as punisher goes, despite the 3 movies based on him not appealing to me at all, I think they did a fantastic job with him in Daredevil's second season. What changed? The writing. It's all in the writing, always.

I've been meaning to check out all 3 of those titles since forever. I have SUCH a comic backlog, you have no idea.


Weirdly enough, I think Arkham Knight Genesis told a pretty good Jason Todd story. Only 6 issues too by Tomasi.
I don't believe in shit characters in the abstract. Nor good characters. Any character can be written well, or poorly. As far as punisher goes, despite the 3 movies based on him not appealing to me at all, I think they did a fantastic job with him in Daredevil's second season. What changed? The writing. It's all in the writing, always.

I've been meaning to check out all 3 of those titles since forever. I have SUCH a comic backlog, you have no idea.

Heh, that's true enough. My feelings on the Punisher, though, is that there aren't really any good straight Punisher stories I like (as in, ones that aren't deconstructions or parodies or some other silliness), so I guess by that metric I find him shit. Jason has some potential in this heroes for hire deal he's in right now, if Lobdell could commit to the concept for 15 minutes at a time.

The "dark trinity" feels like it also has some similar potential, though again, I doubt Lobdell will fully execute on it. Could still be very fun, though.

Weirdly enough, I think Arkham Knight Genesis told a pretty good Jason Todd story. Only 6 issues too by Tomasi.

Oh shit, that was him?

Definitely going to have to look into that.


Out of curiosity, what do you think they should have done to win back those fans?

Pretty much do what Disney did with The Force Awakens: take the storytelling, themes, visuals, and characters back to what people liked about it in the first place. DC was riding high during the era of Identity Crisis, Infinite Crisis, and 52 - along with a superior Vertigo lineup that stood up against the best Image and Dark Horse had to offer. Go back to that, and then move forward. It would mean rolling back all of these weird thematic and character changes they've made since New 52, but it doesn't seem to be working for them anyways, so there'd be nothing to lose.


So excited for Nightwing to be back in blue and continue plot threads from Grayson.

That dumb red costume can stay in the dumpster.


Wow Rucka is back with DC? Didn't they have sort of a falling out a while back? I'll definitely will check out Wonder Woman. I always wanted to check out his older WW run I guess now would be a good time.

Is it bad the most exciting thing to me is that Rucka writing for DC again means that there is now a chance that we might see Renee Montoya again?


Pretty much do what Disney did with The Force Awakens: take the storytelling, themes, visuals, and characters back to what people liked about it in the first place. DC was riding high during the era of Identity Crisis, Infinite Crisis, and 52 - along with a superior Vertigo lineup that stood up against the best Image and Dark Horse had to offer. Go back to that, and then move forward. It would mean rolling back all of these weird thematic and character changes they've made since New 52, but it doesn't seem to be working for them anyways, so there'd be nothing to lose.

Hmm I'm still not sure what you're saying there since you didn't use any specific examples. Like, let's take some characters like The Flash, or Batman, or Superman, or Wonder Woman. What are they doing on rebirth that you wish they were doing differently? I guess I just have a hard time understanding since we know so little about the new series.
So is Geoff Johns not writing anything?

I don't recall him saying anything else besides from this interview

Are there characters that you think haven't necessarily gotten their due recently that you're looking to focus on?

There are a ton of characters that people miss. That I miss. You'll see a lot of them back, but with a story. I don't want to throw characters back in just to throw them back in. They have to have a purpose. A story that has to be told. Some of my best conversations lately were with James Tynion, [editors] Mark Doyle, Chris Conroy and Rebecca Taylor on several Bat-characters. It was one of the most fulfilling creative discussions I've been in. We were in the room just talking about these characters in the Batman universe, that have come in and out for a long time but haven't really stuck, and suddenly they were coming to life. This specific character suddenly became a vital character to the Bat-universe; that character suddenly became a vital character to this universe. It was exciting because it not only built on these characters, but created story. Great story.

And there are a lot of other characters -- a lot of main characters, too, but a lot of background characters -- that haven't had their due, that haven't had their spotlight in a while, that will be bubbling up to the surface. One in particular, I'm extremely excited to be writing.

You're stepping away from "Justice League," and obviously writing a very important 80-page book -- not to throw more at you, but is there a plan for you to take on another ongoing in the near future?

For now, I'm concentrated really on this one-shot and then what comes next spinning out of it, which we can talk about soon. I'm putting everything I have into it. It really is important to me to make it the absolute best I possibly I can. And I'm having an absolute blast with it. It's the most fun I've had writing comics ever.

Other then that he hasn't dropped many hints. I think he's got his claws sunk into Shazam like a hawk though, especially since he's not in the JL by Hitch lineup but Jessica Cruz is, implying that his run is finally in modern day.


Tom King on Batman has me excited.

So dumb question-have they definitively said that anything changes in as far as continuity or is this more along the lines of a new jumping on point?
Are you kidding? The only reason Punisher's traditional costume doesn't include a Make America Great Again hat is because when he started out Trump was still just an obnoxious real estate mogul.

First off, he still is. Secondly, doesnt DC discriminate by not allowing gay kisses/marriage? Sad!

If DC ran Kamala Khan, DiDio would be making her register right now.

So dumb question-have they definitively said that anything changes in as far as continuity or is this more along the lines of a new jumping on point?

To steal a GAF meme, itsfuckingnothing.gif. This is the exact equivalent of when Marvel resets its numbering every few years to boost sales temporarily. Same with the twice per month schedule. $2.99 x 2 = a price increase to keep up with all the mainline books. It will work...for a few months.
Tom King on Batman has me excited.

So dumb question-have they definitively said that anything changes in as far as continuity or is this more along the lines of a new jumping on point?

I... well, I think it's both. Rebirth is going to do something to continuity, to somehow merge in elements and possibly characters from the old DCU, into the New 52 'verse. This will then be a jumping in point, with each of the Rebirth oneshots presumably laying out the new status quo.

They've been pretty damn vague about the specifics.
I... well, I think it's both. Rebirth is going to do something to continuity, to somehow merge in elements and possibly characters from the old DCU, into the New 52 'verse. This will then be a jumping in point, with each of the Rebirth oneshots presumably laying out the new status quo.

They've been pretty damn vague about the specifics.

You REALLY are working to not use the word reboot there, lol. Same as DC did today, when it clearly is resetting/rebooting a lot of the status quo.

"It's not a reboot! We're just introducing characters not in the current continuity, changing our focus, and resetting the numbers."

Big two play semantics. Change is fine, and can even be great. I'm interested in at least two of these books, compared to zero current DC offerings.
You REALLY are working to not use the word reboot there, lol. Same as DC did today, when it clearly is resetting/rebooting a lot of the status quo.

"It's not a reboot! We're just introducing characters not in the current continuity, changing our focus, and resetting the numbers."

Big two play semantics. Change is fine, and can even be great. I'm interested in at least two of these books, compared to zero current DC offerings.

But it's very clearly not a reboot. That's not what rebooting means. It's no different than what generally happens when a new creative team takes over, just that almost every book has a new creative team.


Rebirth definitely isn't rebooting Batman to the status quo.

Batman #50
The comic has already done that... and I am thankful for it.


I honestly don't get the "two Supermen" thing with two separate titles of two supermen existing together. Was this really necessary? Were people really clamoring for the Pre-52 Superman to return?


You REALLY are working to not use the word reboot there, lol. Same as DC did today, when it clearly is resetting/rebooting a lot of the status quo.

"It's not a reboot! We're just introducing characters not in the current continuity, changing our focus, and resetting the numbers."

Big two play semantics. Change is fine, and can even be great. I'm interested in at least two of these books, compared to zero current DC offerings.

If you're a superhero comic fan (which is an assumption on my part) and you're interested in zero DC books, you're being purposefully ignorant to their offerings. Both of the big two have plenty of varied and critically acclaimed books, enough that nobody could outright say one of them is good and the other has nothing interesting to them.
You REALLY are working to not use the word reboot there, lol. Same as DC did today, when it clearly is resetting/rebooting a lot of the status quo.

"It's not a reboot! We're just introducing characters not in the current continuity, changing our focus, and resetting the numbers."

Big two play semantics. Change is fine, and can even be great. I'm interested in at least two of these books, compared to zero current DC offerings.

I'm really not. A reboot is explicitly not about introducing older elements, it's about getting rid of them. This is definitely not a reboot. It's bringing older stuff in and merging it. Hell, it's like you said, resetting the numbers... except for the books that aren't, like Gotham Academy and Earth 2, or Action Comics and Detective Comics which are actually going back to their pre-New 52 numbering.

I'm still not 100% clear on what Rebirth is, but it's not a reboot. That much I'm sure of.

Honestly this is the right approach. Talk about continuity and that's all anyone wants to look at. Ignore it and most people are happy to talk about the cool new creative teams.

Yeah, I get that. Still wish I knew though ;__;

Gimme those spoilers, DC!

I honestly don't get the "two Supermen" thing with two separate titles of two supermen existing together. Was this really necessary? Were people really clamoring for the Pre-52 Superman to return?

They were, to the point where Pre-N52 Superman's book is pulling down numbers on par or better than Post-N52 Superman's books :p
I honestly don't get the "two Supermen" thing with two separate titles of two supermen existing together. Was this really necessary? Were people really clamoring for the Pre-52 Superman to return?

Some people were.

I think it could work if they focus on different things. Clark White focusing on the family, lois lane, maintaining his secret identity and guarding metropolis, while new52 Superman focusing on JL and Sci Fi aspect of Superman as well as Batman/Superman team ups.
But it's very clearly not a reboot. That's not what rebooting means. It's no different than what generally happens when a new creative team takes over, just that almost every book has a new creative team.

So previous characters that don't exist in this continuity are coming back from before and that means...what exactly? Today's presentation was super cautious to mention anything continuity related, but the teams and lineups indicate changes are coming. There is a reboot spectrum with lots of gradients.

When these books drop, it will be impossible to rectify some of the changes with the current universe outside of clearly changed continuity. It's disingenuous for DC to indicate otherwise, just like it was for ANAD Marvel.

I don't know why the big two are scared to tell the truth or fans complain if they do. Comics in general have the worst continuity of all major media, by far. Shit is convoluted and has been overhauled a million times. For readers to get mad about something from 15 years ago no longer being canon is insane.
I just realized the 'Dark Trinity' idea is a callback to the Justice League.

Bizarro = Superman
Red Hood = Batman
Artemis = Wonder Woman

Now I understand the idea behind the team.
David Finch drawing Batman tho, eew!

I'm gonna be extremely broke goddamn there is so many interesting titles coming out. I'm getting Aquaman, Superman, Nightwing, New Superman, Trinity, Superwoman, Superwoman, The Superman, The Flash (godspeed!), Cyborg (please actually become interesting), Deathstroke, Super Sons, Titans, Blue Beetle, Wonder Woman, Justice League, and Batman Beyond.

Too bad Lobdell is writing Redhood though because that Dark Trinity stuff sounds really cool. And Dan Jurgen's Superman and Lois title was poo so I'm not gonna bother with Action Comics.

And LOL at the Green Lanterns slumming it with Vendetti and Sam Humphries. Those books are gonna suck so much. Too bad, because I'm really interested in Jessica Cruz and Simon Baz.

EDIT: And I really like Wally's Flash symbol in his hair. You have to give black characters some kind of interesting hair style when you try to give them that Booster Gold mask or it just looks bland.


Isn't Weirdworld by Humphries supposed to be good? That Kitty Pryde/Star-Lotd mini he did for Secret Wars was pretty good, even though it was crazy short.
I'm really not. A reboot is explicitly not about introducing older elements, it's about getting rid of them. This is definitely not a reboot. It's bringing older stuff in and merging it. Hell, it's like you said, resetting the numbers... except for the books that aren't, like Gotham Academy and Earth 2, or Action Comics and Detective Comics which are actually going back to their pre-New 52 numbering.

I'm still not 100% clear on what Rebirth is, but it's not a reboot. That much I'm sure of.

This isn't getting rid of aspects of New 52? Just costume changes and lineup swaps? How can you bring in things that don't exist in the current universe without fundamentally changing its structure?

The fact that you, a massive DC fan, don't even know what Rebirth means indicates the messaging is screwed up. DC was really toeing the line in how they described it since they fear backlash for calling it what it is.


Isn't Weirdworld by Humphries supposed to be good? That Kitty Pryde/Star-Lotd mini he did for Secret Wars was pretty good, even though it was crazy short.

The Weirdworld Secret Wars mini-series was fun, but the ongoing series has just been non-sensical and no fun.
Speaking of the red hood is that him next to the flash? Or we don't know yet.

We don't, but it's probably not. Despite the name, he doesn't really wear a hood much. And his old/new look is back, so the costume doesn't have on anymore :p

More likely to be Green Arrow, at a total guess.

Also they changed his fucking helmet again.

They need to just sit all their artists down in a room and hash out what the fuck that thing is supposed to look like.


More Snyder. Can't wait, absolutely loved his run on Batman can't wait!

I'm most excited to see him tackle arcs that don't have to be all huge and epic in scale. I loved those, but a lot of times I prefer the 3-5 issue arcs about smaller characters.


So, as somebody who hasn't read any N52 Green Arrow stuff outside of Lemire/Sorrentino, should I be worried that Ben Percy is staying on with Rebirth? I LOVE his new look, but obviously that isn't enough to carry the book, lol.


We don't, but it's probably not. Despite the name, he doesn't really wear a hood much. And his old/new look is back, so the costume doesn't have on anymore :p

More likely to be Green Arrow, at a total guess.

Also they changed his fucking helmet again.

They need to just sit all their artists down in a room and hash out what the fuck that thing is supposed to look like.

I was thinking that too. But I would also expect him to have a quiver or bow behind him.
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