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Do you care about real time ray tracing?

At this point in time, is real time raytracing worthwhile?

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RT has been on developers mouths for decades, this is where the real-time computer graphics are inevitably heading whether someone likes it or not. Thanks to RT we are slowly but surely reaching CGI level of visuals in games, so hopefully the tech adopts even further and further.


These things aren't in my field. I dont notice a lot of things people bring up in threads, nor do I want to.

I only know when the game looks really good, or bad, but couldn't say why either way.

I just want developers to make a visually pleasing game so its whatever they choose to do, IDC.


I like Ray Tracing I just don't think it is worth the performance hit for what you get.
I also loved Physic Effects and everyone gave up on that also.
Like Physics, they will figure out another way to do it without the hit.
So, I don't expect it to be a bullet point in the next "gen".
Yes in isolation, but in combination with the jump to 4K being the norm, it's only exacerbating the stagnation in graphics and world design generally.

Super high resolution, beautifully lit games are nice, but when it's coming at the expense of those games not really looking noticeably better or more complicated than they have for the last decade, for most of the next decade, well I'm not sure that's the best trade off.


For lighting, it makes a world of difference vs traditional Global Illumination. For reflections and other small details, don't care. It's cool in concept, but in gameplay, I probably won't notice it.


I loved seeing ray tracing first the first time on PC. My first real "holy shit" moment was when I played the minecraft ray tracing beta, that was a sight to behold.

The new gpus that just came out are really the first opportunity that we can see ray tracing get fully implemented in a way it'll have a much bigger impact, like in the upcoming CP2077.

The only way I see it not being worth it is on consoles since they're comparatively using an older GPU (rtx 2080) that even on PC couldn't do ray tracing extensively, and also took quite a major performance hit. But it's a feature they could slap on the box so here we are.

HDR to me even now was kinda a meh addition to video games. Ray tracing though I think is gonna be here to stay and produce really impressive results once developers get a better grasp on how to implement it moving forward.




I have tried using it a few times but the tax on performance is tremendous every time. DLSS is the thin line that Nvidia uses to justify its use but DLSS is gross and ugly. I would rather keep my graphical fidelity and have the other goods. Seems like we are still a bit off from good ray tracing performance.


Gold Member
I like Ray Tracing I just don't think it is worth the performance hit for what you get.
I also loved Physic Effects and everyone gave up on that also.
Like Physics, they will figure out another way to do it without the hit.
So, I don't expect it to be a bullet point in the next "gen".

No, what happened is that computing got more powerful and the performance became acceptable with the hit.

The same thing is happening with ray tracing, but probably not on the next generation of console. I think it is going to be very limited on console but will take off on PC over the next few years.
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If raytracing continues to evolve for real-time usage, then it can mean a lot for users outside of just video games.


Gold Member
Most people in here: i can't even distinguish between state of the art old school reflections\shadows and rtx..so obviously i care about rtx :messenger_kissing_smiling:

Personally i don't give a fuck about rtx, and i have an rtx capable gpu...

Maybe in 10 years when it's gonna be massively used and not some partial application here and there just to get the master race with the dick in their hands.
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Not when it comes at the cost of higher fidelity visuals and higher resolution. Some want res/fidelity, some want higher FPS and some will want ray tracing. Give us the options, devs.

*crosses fingers*


I want better lighting because it can make a huge difference (I always think of Skyrim dungeons, they need it), but not at the expense of performance. UE5’s demo did lighting just fine, and I’d happily have that level of lighting over RT if it meant performance.
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I'm excited about the potential - real time tracing can really make artist work much easier without faking shadows, light etc.

Right now it's early and can be just an resource-heavy overused hog. Not all surfaces need to be a mirror goddamnit!


i tried it on a rtx2080, with shadow of the tomb raider on pc, not worth it. if the frame rate was 120fps without and 60fps with ray tracing... it would be OK. but when it is 60 without, and 30 with ray tracing, it is unacceptable. because the “ Reality“ with ray tracing is destroyed with the low frame rate.
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I'm fine with baked + GI.
Bad games without RT will still be bad with RT.
The resources would be better used in making better gameplay, level design and story.
Resources and dev time are limited, RT is just a distraction for now. When we have hardware that can easily do full RT at 4k@60, then it's the time to explore it.


I do, but not at the expense of FPS drops, i used it on Control and it does look better, but without DLSS, it wasn't worth the performance hit at the time in my opinion. future titles may be different.


Good RT is going to cross that uncanny valley gap between "This looks so real but my brain knows that some things are off" vs "This actually feels real even if some things are off. I feel like I'm actually in another world." When RT is fully implemented well, the atmosphere from the lighting alone is going to just feel right.


It's great. I wouldn't say it's amazing for the end results, but it is game changing for how developers do things. No longer will they have to artificially do this stuff which I imagine would be massively beneficial for them.

Have you ever seen Control with RTX enabled? The windows are both reflective and transparent and it's a sight to behold for sure. I'm also a big fan of the bounce lighting too.

Obviously it seems like such a small detail, and that would be right, but it's all these small details that add up to a more believable image in the long run.
I can understand why it would make things better for developers, for sure.
But looking at screens people post, I just don't get it. Well done fake lighting can look... pretty good. The performance cost for the difference you are getting just doesn't seem that big.
Maybe I will try playing Control one of these days and see what I think.

The Fartist

Gold Member
I think it's great but it's a waste of resources at the moment, kinda like 4K if that makes sense. But it is the future for sure and the new RTX 30XX cards seem to be able to churn out great ray tracing for a pretty penny. I'll take that Unreal 5 pre baked lighting please, for now.


Personally, I'm very much into visuals so anything that can better immerse me into the environment/world is a plus for me. I don't know any of the technical jargon, but I know I am impressed with Control's real-time ray tracing and look forward to Cyberpunk 2077 among other games.


yes for sure. lighting is super important in 3D CGI graphics, and i have seen how good lighting can make even the simplest of shapes look incredibly realistic.


They/Them A-10 Warthog
In this thread are lots of people who are not devs. RT frees up game devs to spend less time on lighting and more time on more interesting parts of the game (detailed worlds). RT Global Illumination is pretty much set and forget because it functions like light does in the real world (which is why it is so taxing on hardware). This method is infinitely better than the trillions of hours level designers spent tweaking the ever living shit out of old school gi + baking. How yall don't get that is hilarious. This is supposed to be a fucking enthusiast gaming forum...learn the craft.

I mean, has anyone ever sat there for hours waiting for their level to bake only to find out an actor/Mesh was facing the wrong direction? Whelp better fire up that shit up again!

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I'd rather on consoles they prioritise framerate then resolution. Already seeing sub 4k 30fps is not what I wanted this gen of consoles.


Depends on the game...

In WoW, I don't really care about it because I'm more concerned about having situational awareness of the all the shit around my character that is going to kill me. Adding more effects to that just makes it harder especially if you play a melee class and the ground near whatever you are attacking is already an orgy of particle effects.

But for something like Cyberpunk2077, it matters quite a bit. Well-implemented Ray Tracing will add a great deal to immersion and I have a feeling once we see it done well with our own eyes, its going to become something we expect in all AA/AAA games going forward.
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Certainly, it really makes a difference.

But I also believe that the technology needs to be improved, so games can remain stable when it's turned on.


The only thing I care about visually is the game looking good and running at 60 FPS. Whatever is done technically to achieve that means nothing to me.


Better graphics is always a priority to me so the fact this a push towards better graphics, then absolutely it matters.


Elden Member
YES, in 5 years we're going to look back at games without it and realize how dated and poor they looked. Its a game changer, one I dont think people will appreciate until they look back after it becomes super common.


What time is it?
Beyond Quake II, which I'd really love to try, no. If RTX helps developers with easier lighting implementations I guess I'd change my answer. I mostly satisfied with the fidelity on offer in games today.
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I care but from a developer's point of view. It makes rendering more straightforward to reason about (and thus to debug and extend). I mean, you can write a simple raytracer for spheres on a business card. But as a player I wouldn't really give a shit, tbh. However, raytracing is also really useful in non-graphical applications like radiation treatment planning or simulation of spatial sound or to simulate electromagnetic radiation of black holes. Doing graphics via raytracing is just the canonical use case, because it directly correlates to how our current model of visual perception works.


I don´t care about ray tracing, this is just Nvidia and Amd trying to seed necessity for future iterations of their hardware and keep the cash flowing. I hope devs get a clue once everybody starts to favor the 60fps modes.

See, these demos prove that hardware RT, and the subsequent extra load on the shader engine, and the processor, were never necessary:

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Ray tracing is the sacre graal of the 3d graphic, it is so exciting to finally see it in real time , even though it is in a preliminar form. 4k is much more useless and performance hog
No if used for global illumination and shadows. For reflections is a waste. So far Lumen is the star of the show, SVOGI for the win!.
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Elden Member
Im really glad all the detractors aren't the ones in charge or this stuff, I imagine we wouldn't even get past Counter Strike visuals with how some of you think. I wonder how many of you rolled your eyes at Pixel Shading, Anti Aliasing, real time dynamic shadows/lighting and the works.


Im really glad all the detractors aren't the ones in charge or this stuff, I imagine we wouldn't even get past Counter Strike visuals with how some of you think. I wonder how many of you rolled your eyes at Pixel Shading, Anti Aliasing, real time dynamic shadows/lighting and the works.

I´m glad that Ray tracing acolytes were not in charge in the past or we would not have all of those techniques.
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