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DOOM Gameplay Demo (E3 2015)

This game is going to get very poor reviews. Looks so by the numbers and borrows too many elements from other games that everybody is already tired of.

I can already see the 5-7.5 scores.

We don't need another DOOM game. The sales will reflect that for sure.

Oh how wrong I hope you are!


It's missing doom guy face in the HUD.
I think the weapon wheel would've been a perfect moment to show Doomguy's face reflection semi-transparent. Akin to Samus' reflection in Metroid Prime.

Except Doomguy could be slowly wetting his lips with his tongue - something You might expect in the original game's HUD!

If anyone at id is reading this, you know how to contact me. I accept PayPal or cash. Contact me now and get a free wallpaper of me.

Smurf Yetti

Neo Member
I'm just curious how do you make a "modern" version of DOOM?

After seeing that Brutal Doom, I would say do something like that. Blast some metal music, make it fast paced, let the player jump off walls, karate kick demons, and blow stuff up. Don't make it serious, make it fun. (Maybe this would suit Duke Nukem better though...)


The act of shooting enemies didn't look that impressive honestly. Very little if any effect on the environment, little effect to the enemies before the death animation, kinda weak sound design with the thump and crack of guns being lost in a mess of noise (check those auto riles, scust_face.jpg). The movement and pace of encounters looked good, but feedback needs a jolt IMO.

I agree. The impacts that didn't result in dismemberment (which looked pretty good, and might even be slightly dynamic), were not very impressive. At most it resulted in stuns -- and the shader effect of being stunned would cover any superficial wounds we'd be on the look out for here in terms of a more interesting damage model.

That, and the animation/impact of it was certainly weak. Seemed unfinished. Hopefully over this year they're able to revisit those things and maybe tone down the stun shader effect -- it's really something that doesn't need to cover the whole body, though I noticed that it's probably for the context. In other words, if the top half if shaded yellow, and bottom half is blue, then probably aiming at either half when attempting the execution results in a different move. In that case I guess it's "ok", but I will still prefer it be more subtle.


regarding the aftershow trailer with 'sped up gameplay', some saying the gun animations arent sped up and they may have had auto run turned off in the show demo.


Gold Member
Do you really think the game will come anywhere close to Ultra-Violence levels of enemies? Just none of what I saw indicates an understanding of what the old Doom games were other than "gore."

We saw a 13 minute presentation of a (possibly 12+ hour game if the Wolfenstein reboot is any indication) game that is a year out. I am sure they are not going to let you see all the eggs in their basket just yet.

The gameplay trailer sure was more reminiscent of that mode that did not gain it's cult following until later in Doom's life as well.

From what I saw personally, it looked like Doom on steroids. And offered everything I wish I had in the original when I was in High School daydreaming about improvements or "what ifs" 20 years ago.


I just recently watched some old Doom videos, and this new Doom doesn't look like Doom at all. Unless you can skip all those enemy rooms by just running past everything, then it might actually be something. But the level design so far looks awful, the finishing moves are stupid, the slowdown with the weapon change is stupid (actually the whole weapon wheel is stupid), you get like all the weapons in that first stage, everything looks so scripted... the list goes on, bleh....
regarding the aftershow trailer with 'sped up gameplay', some saying the gun animations arent sped up and they may have had auto run turned off in the show demo.

At least a good portion of my concerns would be assuaged if we just had some footage of the character sprinting for an extended period of time with no limitations on his running. I still have some other problems with the demo, but the speed never picking up enough is the biggest one.
Maybe Doom 3 made me cynical but this didn't really help my fears any.

Main things that worried me:

1. it was pretty slow for someone who was bragging about it being fast

2. it seems to be more painkiller "fight room of enemies, move on" then having any doom exploration. The hand opening the door sort of suggested there might be a key system? but I'm not real confident.

3. I didn't like the enemy design. The enemies didn't look nearly as distinctive as they did in OG doom.

4. All those executions

So much this. Still hyped though. Let's hope they nailed the exploration aspect.
This game is going to get very poor reviews. Looks so by the numbers and borrows too many elements from other games that everybody is already tired of.

I can already see the 5-7.5 scores.

We don't need another DOOM game. The sales will reflect that for sure.

Let me borrow your crystal ball because I have much better uses for it than you. lol


Gold Member
I think the weapon wheel would've been a perfect moment to show Doomguy's face reflection semi-transparent. Akin to Samus' reflection in Metroid Prime.

Except Doomguy could be slowly wetting his lips with his tongue - something You might expect in the original game's HUD!

If anyone at id is reading this, you know how to contact me. I accept PayPal or cash. Contact me now and get a free wallpaper of me.

I can get behind this. A homage to his hud animations should be added.


Your guy rips a dead guy's arm off in order to open a door. Your guy rips a dude's skull on half and proceeds to rip half his torso in half afterward with his hands. Oh and every single chainsaw kill. What else could you want in the over the top, gratuitous violence department?

That stuff is great but the gibs are weak. If they're gonna let you gib fools, then make it look sick. I'm sure there's more work to be done and maybe next thursday is gib-day.


It looks dissapointing visually. Not that it's ugly, but it's a bit sad that that this is doesn't blow me away. id's games used to be huge leaps visually. Rage wasn't, but even that looked excellent on launch and it was designed for outdated weak consoles, so it was natural. Now came next gen and id just doesn't seem to be able to hang out with the best ones. As a pcgamer, this makes me very sad.

The gameplay looks very nice though. id knows how to make good combat systems and this one feels a lot faster, more frantic and brutal than the one in Doom 3.


I don't get it. People lost their shit over this? It looks like the same miasma of brown we've been looking at for decades. It's just in less shadow this time. Maybe all the streams are just shit but I wasn't impressed by the graphics either. It looks like RAGE.

Maybe it's time we just all admit that Doom was a product of its time and admit that that time is over.


Gold Member
I'm just going to say this....

I could make a better Doom game than what I just saw.

Daikatana 2 CONFIRMED!!!

You are so silly Mr. Romero.


I am sure they are saving the bigger more diverse stuff for later on, especially since this is till a year out still. A year out.
Hopefully they take the feedback about the colour palette on board. The enemies in Doom were all very distinct and colourful. This presentation didn't have much of that, it also seemed to be hyping up the revenant more than we're used to. Part of the fun of Doom is opening a door, seeing that it has a horde of Revenants/Arachnotrons/Pain Elementals behind it and noping the fuck out. They might get that, just like they might understand a lot of the other things people are bringing up. But their demo didn't convey that very well.

There's not really anything wrong with their approach it just doesn't seem very Doom-like.
Mixed feelings.

The teaser we got last month(?) got me pretty hyped, but now I don't know.

I mean what's up with all the focus to the gore and over the top, borderline comedic violence? I mean, the original Doom had gore and violence, but it was never just about that. At least not to me. In the originals, the level of gore was just right to make an actually scary atmoshphere. When I look at this and the various mods like Brutal Doom and such, it feels like they have turned this once scary and atmoshperic game into a splatter comedy.

Or maybe it's just me.


I am glad that they saved fallout 4 for the end. Doom looked generic and parhetic in the sense this they are showing this stuff in 2015.


I'm just curious how do you make a "modern" version of DOOM?

I can't think of any other way other than what they've shown us. I mean, if it looks generic or "by the numbers", well, that is DOOM. How do you modernize that? Other than making a completely brainless Multiplayer style game of first person battles.

I think what they showed was perfectly fine and I'm sure as they continue to demo the game we'll get better impressions on how it actually plays.

TBH, I think something like DOOM 3 with better level design and lighting would work just fine for me. The way the player interacted with the environment in DOOM 3 was really memorable for me. The enemies were all really unique and it felt like DOOM has properly been updated for the time.

What I saw today looked like they'd taken too many unnecessary elements from other modern shooters and shoved them where they don't belong. The executions, the lack of colour, the frequent cutscenes and animations that take away player control. They all just don't belong in DOOM for me.


Gold Member
Hopefully they take the feedback about the colour palette on board. The enemies in Doom were all very distinct and colourful. This presentation didn't have much of that, it also seemed to be hyping up the revenant more than we're used to. Part of the fun of Doom is opening a door, seeing that it has a horde of Revenants/Arachnotrons/Pain Elementals behind it and noping the fuck out. They might get that, just like they might understand a lot of the other things people are bringing up. But their demo didn't convey that very well.

There's not really anything wrong with their approach it just doesn't seem very Doom-like.

I am with you on this one. I do hope they tweak the palette as well to have more of a throwback feel.


TBH, I think something like DOOM 3 with better level design and lighting would work just fine for me. The way the player interacted with the environment in DOOM 3 was really memorable for me. The enemies were all really unique and it felt like DOOM has properly been updated for the time.

What I saw today looked like they'd taken too many unnecessary elements from other modern shooters and shoved them where they don't belong. The executions, the lack of colour, the frequent cutscenes and animations that take away player control. They all just don't belong in DOOM for me.

I didn't see any cutscenes. Do you mean the animations for picking up guns and ripping demons up? I wouldn't really call those cutscenes.
That level editor looks awesome. I cant wait to get this. Creating horde modes and such is always fun and with your own custom maps and enemy spawns and such sounds like fun. Plus multiplayer maps. Yeah i am sold. The first sp demo looked a little odd but the second hell part was amazing.


I didn't see any cutscenes. Do you mean the animations for picking up guns and ripping demons up? I wouldn't really call those cutscenes.

Fine, animations. Whatever. Look at when the guy picks up the chainsaw. What follows is about 2 minutes of insta-kill animations that take control away from the player for the duration. once the novelty of the gore wears off, the player will more than like stop using that weapon because it will then be "that weapon that takes away control".


Everything seems right, just that horrible slowdown when weapon changing. Why does that need to be there?


I don't quite get the hatred. It's fast paced; it's about shotgun, demons, and gore; the combat is intense and stylish; the graphics is on par with other modern shooters; the added parkour and takedown actions from the showcase clips are Titanfall-level fluid; and we have a more friendly editor to boost user generated contents. I really like what I saw and I believe that it has the potential to fully revive the franchise just like what The New Order did to Wolfenstein.


Well. It's a controller based demo for E3 so that's that.

Would *love* some B-Roll mouse and keyboard footage to see how that plays though. At 120hz would be amazing.
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