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Dr. Dre to Release New Album as 'Straight Outta Compton' Soundtrack

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I feel the same way about people saying it's the best. IMO its the dreggs of the album, almost unlistenable.

Snoop is on fire though. Considering he is at this point the Nicholas Cage of hip hop, it's nice to see him pull out verses like these.

Disatisfiction, your snarkiness is made up?

Seriously not seeing how someone who liked The Chronic or especially 2001 wouldn't immediately latch onto it. It's classic Dre through and through.

EDIT: For the Love of Money bumps so hard, GAT DAMN


First listen, just a few tracks in and I already really like it. It sounds fresh, diverse, and interesting. Dre sounds slightly different vocally, don't know if that's just the headphones I use these days compared to one's I used to, or if he's actually mixed up his delivery a touch.
First listen, just a few tracks in and I already really like it. It sounds fresh, diverse, and interesting. Dre sounds slightly different vocally, don't know if that's just the headphones I use these days compared to one's I used to, or if he's actually mixed up his delivery a touch.

Both. I originally listened to it on my kinda shitty cans and it sounded like he pitched his voice up. Listened to it again on better headphones and a decent Bluetooth speaker and he sounded fine, especially the latter.

He does mix up his flow/tone a lot which is what throws the listener off initially I think.

I bought Relapse: Refill because of this thread, hope it's good.


Both. I originally listened to it on my kinda shitty cans and it sounded like he pitched his voice up. Listened to it again on better headphones and a decent Bluetooth speaker and he sounded fine, especially the latter.

He does mix up his flow/tone a lot which is what throws the listener off initially I think.

I bought Relapse: Refill because of this thread, hope it's good.

Cool, not just me then.

But yea, just finished my first listen. Thought it was great. Going in for the second listen straight away. Glad I listened to the impressions in here. I expected this to be a dud, but I'm pleasantly surprised.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Album still streaming anywhere on itunes still? Not sure I want to buy it yet as I have an Android phone and Apple Music isn't out for it.
I still don't know what the "best" or "worst" song on the album is, but my favorite is probably "It's All On Me". So smooth, and BJ the Chicago Kid killed that hook.


Heard it today. There doesn't seem to be any standout singles tracks but rather just one long consistent musical journey down memory lane. The production is on point (Issues reminds me of that Mos Def track though) and all featured artists are great. It's alright. Nothing spectacular but it's enjoyable.
I've listened to this album over a dozen times now and it keeps growing on me. Just got done listening through all of the Detox leaks I missed over the years and the quality of those versus what is on Compton is massive. You can tell that he was trying to make Detox chart/sell MP3 singles while Compton is what he actually wanted to make as an artist. He definitely made the right choice to start over on something fresh.

I'm doubling down on my Satisfiction love, too. The more I listen to it the more it gives me Chronic/Doggystyle vibes, especially with the chorus. IMO it's the ultimate Dre song that's a perfect fusion of Chronic and 2001 with a modern touch.

Also, totally LTTP that the bassline from Forgot About Dre is sampled from the opening of The Climb. Hilarious to me since Tragic Kingdom was my very first CD and 2001 was my second.
Its not bad like I said, just the worst song on there IMO.

I guess we can just chalk it up to different rap tastes then since a lot of people have gushed about Loose Cannons being one of the best while I find it the weakest thanks to the lack of focus, disjointed beat switching and terrible skit at the end. Satisfiction was the track that immediately stood out to me and is my personal favorite on the album
although For the Love of Money, Issues and Animals are pretty damn close behind


I'm no expert and honestly don't even listen much to this genre anymore but my first impression was that I was disappointed to keep hearing all these other guests on the tracks rather than Dre. I think I'm probably nostalgic for the old stuff since I went and listened to the old albums instead.

I did hear some good beats along the way but I think I need to listen to it with a more open mind tomorrow.


Only track I don't really like is Talk About It. Enjoy all the others to varying degrees. There's no real absolutely incredible stand outs (besides maybe Medicine Man and One Shot Kill), but a few tracks are still really solid and memorable, and then everything else is enjoyable, easy listening. It's rare for me to listen to a hip hop album this consistent, where every track bar just one is good.


I made the plunge on buying this the other day. Having listened to it at the gym the last couple days, I really enjoy it. The production is spot on and the lyrics are good. It's really growing on me. One Shot One Kill is by far my favorite track. Snoop should release a whole album of this stuff. If he had been coming this hard all these years, I would be a fan of his.


After several listens, I'm almost confident that this album is going to attain classic status. It's one hell of an achievement. As good as the Detox leaks were (and I do hope they all get released some day), this is much more impressive.


I made the plunge on buying this the other day. Having listened to it at the gym the last couple days, I really enjoy it. The production is spot on and the lyrics are good. It's really growing on me. One Shot One Kill is by far my favorite track. Snoop should release a whole album of this stuff. If he had been coming this hard all these years, I would be a fan of his.

I would kill for a Dre/Snoop only album


I gotta say I like the project. There's a lot of interesting quirks, with competent production throughout that takes me to different eras in hip hop. I thought a bunch of no names would bring it all down but they held their own. A couple of songs slap in the whip, so that's a nice bonus.



I kept 8 tracks in my itunes library after listening to the whole thing 5 times. Some beats just really get on my nerves. Based on that 50% of the album are good in my book. lol.
The nostalgia I felt at the start of 'For the love of money' and the way dre sampled was masterful

Loving this album - I'm glad dre killed detox for this, no doubt it's taken a lot of the things that worked for him when he was working on detox so it's a best of both worlds - a ton of work has gone into this but it's fairly light


Really liked Em's verse, but I don't get how this is supposedly his best 'in a long time' (which probably means everything past TES, except for Encore).


i've been begging for over 5 years.
The more I listen to the album and more I fall in love with it. This is album of the year material for me. Nah, album of the forever.

West Coast rap is back


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Kendrick fucking goes in on Deep Water. Not surprising, but still, he kills it.


Sat alone in a boggy marsh
Finally listened to it. Got to say i really enjoyed it. Some solid verses beats p, and these hooks are great

Truly dont understand people calling it trash its a solid album.


It's embarrassing to see sing song rappers cite Snoop as inspiration when none of them could put out a verse like on One Shot One Kill. Every Kendrick verse was fire especially Deep Water. I won't miss whatever comes next for King Mez. Eminem probably had the best verse on the album which isn't surprising. Great listen from the beginning to the end.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
I'm sorry if this is getting obnoxious but I fucking love this album. I'm on somewhere around listen #10 or so. I'm still recognizing things in the production.

Honestly I don't think we are going to see this level of studio production again. It really is a shame if this is Dre's 'swan song' as he's indicated. I need more Dr.



I was very surprised when this album didn't only not suck like the past post 2001 Dre albums, but it's actually awesome! I play songs from it daily.
The movie uses the hook and instrumental from Games track. The music and cinematography are perfect in the specific sequence I'm talking about.
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