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Dragon Age 4 is Officially called Dragon Age: Dreadwolf


Why make the main enemy is a Dragon Age game a quick and nimble creature? The more I think about it, the worse it gets. Maybe it will appeal to the furry crowd if there's a big titted wolfess.
You literally know nothing about the franchise if you think this is talking about a literal wolf. what are you doing here?
The Warden, Morrigan, those where the good old days...

I have almost no recollection of this Solas guy and I played Inquisition twice.
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The Warden, Morrigan, those where the good old days...

I have almost no recollection of this Solas guy and I played Inquisition twice.

Did you play the DLC? The final one was completely focused on setting up Solas as the villain of 4. Hell, there were hints throughout the main game that this was where his path would lead.
Did you play the DLC? The final one was completely focused on setting up Solas as the villain of 4. Hell, there were hints throughout the main game that this was where his path would lead.
Most of the things I remember from Inquisition's story cringe moments and getting into weird conversations. I honestly can't remember what the main threat was in the game, nor who I played as.

Maybe I didn't play the DLC...
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Most of the things I remember from Inquisition's story cringe moments and getting into weird conversations. I honestly can't remember what the main threat was in the game.

I will say while I disagree with you on the writing in general, I did think the villain of Inquisition was meh. That’s why the DLC’s sequel hook excited me as a former party member becoming the main villain for the sequel would be cool. Shame I had to wait a decade, but at least it’s happening.
We got 2 shitty DA games out of 3 total. I don't have much hope for this one, especially considering how hard Bioware has fallen in the past decade.


I will say while I disagree with you on the writing in general, I did think the villain of Inquisition was meh. That’s why the DLC’s sequel hook excited me as a former party member becoming the main villain for the sequel would be cool. Shame I had to wait a decade, but at least it’s happening.
Funny enough you encounter him(Corypheus) in DA2 if you played one of the dlc’s, I can’t recall which one though.

He’s a interesting villain if you look at his lore but he was plagued by bad writing.

Also the Dreadwolf title fits, since I’m pretty sure you’re gonna be chasing Solas, possibly through Tevinter.
I like DA series but no doubt Witcher stole the majority of the casual fans. The lore needs to move away from the chosen one bullshit though.


After years of hard work and brainstorming, they finally have a title.

I hope they'll keep this momentum going and provide us with some artwork and a teaser by 2035.

For real though, I spent an embarrassing number of hours playing through this series multiple times so sure, I'm stoked to play another one. My only gripe with it was that Inquisition had such an inconsequential story where the villain sucked and none of your choices mattered. It was fun and epic on a moment-to-moment basis but in the end, it didn't have a good enough payoff like Origins had. I hope they're gonna make up for it in this new game.
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Gold Member
I have no confidence in modern Bioware to make a good game. This will be more SJW schlock.
Is it only me but I’m a little surprise by the purple color. I don’t really associate the purple color with dragon age.
Was it the case in previous game?
I feel these two comments are connected somehow..

I cant quite put my finger on it :pie_thinking:

(I can, the game will be wokey nonsense and women with power haircuts) :messenger_tears_of_joy:


Is there any reason to foster this hope, considering anyone who worked on Dragon Age 1 and 2 did pretty much zero input on Dragon Age 4?
Well, I'm not clutching a hanky in my hand and pray to myself with quivering lips for the new Dragon Age to be good. I'll just keep my fingers crossed because I liked the previous games.

Original creators being gone sucks but it doesn't automatically mean that the people who pick up the mantle after them are gonna fail and the game's gonna suck. There are franchises that did well despite the original creators being long gone from the company. We're just gonna have to wait and see.


Here is a sample of what you can expect, from the director of the game.

I took the bait and looked at this human's Twitter page. I, just, don't know, what to think. I don't want to say, the bright neon purple title may be indicative of the direction of the game, but I feel like that might also not be a stretch.


Why does that logo and colour scheme set off alarm bells for me,lol......I mean,I'm not exactly expecting a masterpiece of a game but something about that initial logo seems off to me.....maybe I'm fucking nuts.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
And it will be shit like the last two games. BioWare can’t develop quality titles anymore and haven’t for decades. And seeing who the directors and writers of this title are? Zero chance it will be above fucking trash.

BioWare should just close their doors before they further embarass themselves.
BioWere strikes again. They probably spent the last few years drafting the logo, deciding on the color, and that's all to the actual game so far.

Also, if you're ever read anything by the Lead Writer, are you in for a treat. It's nearly incoherent rambling of too many characters doing something somewhere and as gripping as it sounds.


Gold Member
Looking forward to the headline review that gives it a 4/10 at launch called

"Drag On Age : Deadwolf"

I have no hope for this series considering its still in the hands or EA.


mildly interested, need to see gameplay first. Enjoyed the first, second was ok, third was a slog, but decent.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community

Are Dragon Age 1-3 worth playing?

I think 1 is excellent but janky.

2 is known around here as "shit mountain". Take from that what you will.

3... well it's huge and grindy, somehow like a single player MMO. If you enjoy that you'll like it, otherwise you'll get bored midway.
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Gold Member
At least you will have an easy choice who to send on the obligatory 'suicicde mission' these games always have.
Statistically speaking, wouldn't most of them end up killing themselves before accomplishing anything?

Horribly dark humor aside, which I'll probably be reprimanded for, I just cannot get excited for this. Maybe if I see the game and it looks great. But I haven't been a big fan of Dragon Age since the first game. The only reason I even put in enough time to get far into the second game was so I could shag Isabella. Though in my defense, I had already put in about 15 hours into the game when I decided I definitely didn't like it. So, I was a bit invested anyways. I tried to get into Inquisition but something about it just really put me off.

It was about that time I realized something was definitely wrong with Bioware. The Old Republic almost completely died early on, Dragon Age 2 had already been a disappointment, and Mass Effect 3 had a crappy ending. That last one wasn't terribly surprising when I found out that the lead writer for the first two games didn't even work on the third and left the company before the game even released. Casey Hudson leaving the same year Inquisition released also put me off. That guy basically put BioWare on the map with Knights of the Old Republic and the Mass Effect trilogy. He was Bioware's Golden Boy Director.

Since then we had Andromeda, which was very subpar, and Anthem, which was a goddamn disaster. Hudson came back to be General Manager and then left again after just two and a half years. With nothing releasing under him in his time as GM. This new Dragon Age has been in development for 7 years already and we've seen fuck all about it. The project was put on hold, canceled, rebooted, and had live service added and then taken away. It has been through 3 directors and 3 executive producers in addition to several veteran staff members leaving after the original cancellation. The lead writer of Mass Effect 3 (...yeah) is the production director for the game.

Maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised but my gut tells me a project that has gone through that much and been present for that much company turmoil will probably be average at best.
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Gold Member
based off what? a fucking title? Inquisition is a solid game, and it doesn’t take a ton of changes that have that become great again
Because it’s still open world or hub based. They aren’t going to change it now. Settle down. It’s not personal.


Gold Member
? DAI has region maps, just like Origins. This will probably be the same. again, what are you talking about?
It’s nothing like Origins at all. Stop screwing around. You saying so is being disingenuous.

Whatever it’s obvious personal for you. Have a nice day.


Why are they wasting time on this series... Make new IP or fucking start developing new Mass Effect finally.


thumb yes GIF by EnBW

What? you don't have confidence in the lead writer?
:messenger_fearful: Does Feeder mean what I think it means??
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