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Drakengard 3 |OT| This Silence Is Mine

How did you guys beat
One on her dragon in the cathedral

The performance during that fight is terrible. The frame rate slows to a crawl
and there's just no room to properly move or strafe around. I'm also doing so very little damage, even when attacking during Gabriel's power up attack.

Just hide between the columns, the sword attacks won't be able to hit you. As for damage hit him during the power up attack. As you mentioned you've been trying but it's very finicky about whether or not the attacks connect. You need 3 or 4 to stun him.

And I don't remember that section being too bad performance wise, think the game other's sections are so bad that 20 feels smooth :p

B and C should be about 2 hours each.

D should be about 3-4 or something.

Isnt there some sort of icon showing how many chests you picked up on a stage? Dont remember have not turned the game on in a while as its loaded up on my other PS3 thats boxed up at the moment.

On the chapter select screen it will show you how many chests you have. There will be three treasure chest icons, the ones lit up you have gotten on that level. It's worth noting that the order of those icons aren't necessarily the order they appear in the level. I was confused a bit trying to find a chest I missed because of that.

Ah ok, thanks guys!


On the chapter select screen it will show you how many chests you have. There will be three treasure chest icons, the ones lit up you have gotten on that level. It's worth noting that the order of those icons aren't necessarily the order they appear in the level. I was confused a bit trying to find a chest I missed because of that.

are you sure about this? seems to usually be the case for me, though i've only missed getting all of them first time in like 4 levels and 2 of them are the worst stage.


How did you guys beat
One on her dragon in the cathedral

The performance during that fight is terrible. The frame rate slows to a crawl
and there's just no room to properly move or strafe around. I'm also doing so very little damage, even when attacking during Gabriel's power up attack.

I thought it was pretty easy, the framerate didn't act up for me either. Just remember to use your intoner mode.


Just hide between the columns, the sword attacks won't be able to hit you. As for damage hit him during the power up attack. As you mentioned you've been trying but it's very finicky about whether or not the attacks connect. You need 3 or 4 to stun him.

And I don't remember that section being too bad performance wise, think the game other's sections are so bad that 20 feels smooth :p

My patience was probably just running thin at that point. I'll give it a try again today, I'm not in a rush to beat it. Game is enjoyable in small bursts.


YES! I beat branch D! I've never been so tense in my life. So satisfying to beat it.

Now I just have to wait for the rest of the DLC to get localised.
YES! I beat branch D! I've never been so tense in my life. So satisfying to beat it.

Now I just have to wait for the rest of the DLC to get localised.

That's awesome. I've goten as far is beating Branch B and so far I like it. Can't wait to beat the other 2 Branches.

Dumb Question: I remember beating the main story and I think I got the message "Branch A unlocked" and "Branch B unlocked." Is Branch A the main story line? I'm assuming it is, but just want to double check myself.
Oh boy, time for the rhythm game. This will probably be my last post in this thread :p

Edit: OMG OMG OMG WHY. 20 second load, 15 second cutscene. AGH

Edit 2: It never ends ;-;


That's awesome. I've goten as far is beating Branch B and so far I like it. Can't wait to beat the other 2 Branches.

Dumb Question: I remember beating the main story and I think I got the message "Branch A unlocked" and "Branch B unlocked." Is Branch A the main story line? I'm assuming it is, but just want to double check myself.

Yeah, Branch A is the main story up to the first ending. Have fun with the final two branches, I enjoyed them a lot.

Oh boy, time for the rhythm game. This will probably be my last post in this thread :p

Edit: OMG OMG OMG WHY. 20 second load, 15 second cutscene. AGH

Edit 2: It never ends ;-;

You can skip the cutscene at least. So all in all, pretty good, eh?


Looks like Mr.Yoko will hide in his closet

Yoko won't show his face in public because he can't hide from the tide

They aren't hard, just boring. I have to dodge attacks for a minute for a chance to do 10-15% of dmg.

I'm on the last verse now. Hope my DJMax/Guitar hero skills will be useful.

edit: failed twice at the black screen, fuck this shit. Watched the ending on youtube.
I expected more from this game, at least from the story/characters.

Yeah, the boss fights near the end are so simplistic and drawn out that it's disappointing.

Oh boy, time for the rhythm game. This will probably be my last post in this thread :p

Edit: OMG OMG OMG WHY. 20 second load, 15 second cutscene. AGH

Edit 2: It never ends ;-;

I have posted a lot of times in this thread about how I hate the final part of the game. I have lost on the last two notes so many times it hurt. The final cutscene only makes me angrier.
I keep losing on the bit where 9 notes are sputtered out at once. Just don't get the timing.

And you can skip the first cutscene but it loads it first and then you have to load the actual game portion which is done with a 20 second, unskippable introduction.


I just watched douchebagchoclats YouTube video about this game. I'm kinda interested in it now. Not enough to shell out 50 dollars though. I shall wait.
I sucked it up and got all the weapons. Guess I'm just a glutton for punishment *Decadus grunt*

All the talk about the last part has me scared. I'm not very good with rhythm games. On a scale of 1-10, how difficult is it? I need to be mentally prepared.


I forgot about the last note and I put the controller down and oh my god ;-;

Yep. Yep. Yep I know this feeling.

I sucked it up and got all the weapons. Guess I'm just a glutton for punishment *Decadus grunt*

All the talk about the last part has me scared. I'm not very good with rhythm games. On a scale of 1-10, how difficult is it? I need to be mentally prepared.

It's not difficult, it's just that the final notes are very trying. Also sometimes you may mistake some notes to be singular, rather than doubles or triples due to the way some chimes sound.
It's not difficult, it's just that the final notes are very trying. Also sometimes you may mistake some notes to be singular, rather than doubles or triples due to the way some chimes sound.
Alright cool. I saw someone on Gamefaqs took 14 hours trying to beat it and thought "It can't possibly be that hard....can it?"
Ugh, I did it. Too exhausted to actually write detailed impressions of the game as a whole. Had fun for the most part though, and was amused more often than not. Easily the most I've laughed at a game for a long time, but as a Drakengard game I can understand why some were disappointed in terms of it not really completely filling its role as prequel.

I need to lie down.

Alright cool. I saw someone on Gamefaqs took 14 hours trying to beat it and thought "It can't possibly be that hard....can it?"
Really depends on whether you're rhythmically inclined I suppose. Or can work out beats at least. That is something I've always been terrible at so it was a bit of a challenge. Took me about 2 hours going by my start post.


Alright cool. I saw someone on Gamefaqs took 14 hours trying to beat it and thought "It can't possibly be that hard....can it?"

It can take you a while to get the timing down, but after that it's easy peasy. Try not to become dependent on the screen for timing though, and you'll be fine. Just be careful on the last two notes.
I've been playing this in small bursts since launch, thoroughly enjoying it so far. Game is something special, albeit not for everybody.

I loved Bullet Witch


I'm a broken man. I can't do it anymore. That last boss ...
That last note while subtitles are there.
Why make anything this unfair? What's the point? I will see the game in hell.
I just beat Three, so I've got a ways to go. But this already has been one of the best experiences of last gen. The humor, the voice-acting (for the most part), and the smooth gameplay have been the highlights. Well worth the $50. However, the frame-rate goes to hell when the screen fills up with enemies and fireballs. The camera sucks as well in close corners.
I'm a broken man. I can't do it anymore. That last boss ...
That last note while subtitles are there.
Why make anything this unfair? What's the point? I will see the game in hell.

That last boss is a troll, it's designed to fuck with us. It's no accident.


Neo Member
Square Enix finally emailed me my preorder bonuses. I already got the preorder bonuses from Dio a couple days ago, so I want to pay that kindness forward and offer my code to another GAF member. I believe it is all Wave 1,2, & 3 bonuses. So first to PM me for it will get it.

Edit: GONE


He was talking about causing the player to throw the controller and a game being impossible for humans at his GDC speech, and i'd be surprised if he wasn't at least thinking of that when he and his team were coming up with the final boss. It's kind of assholey, but it's at least interesting.
Okay, i think it's fascinating. I'm pretty sure this is the only piece of media where i was both laughing and crying, both because i was simultaneously sad and amused and also because i was about to lose it.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
And that's what Yoko Taro games are all about.


Yes, making the final boss, of the final extra ending a complete bastard to beat is a dick move, the important thing is that its a dick move that could only ever happen in a game!

Objectively speaking, failing to beat it isn't materially that big of a deal - simply put you aren't missing out on much. Yet, to a gamer looking to "see it all", its a big deal, and the creator is underscoring this by making achieving that goal deliberately obtuse.

Its a legit thing to do, unless you feel that the best and only way to create interactive entertainment is to produce what amounts to a guided experience for the player.
I honestly am not sure which final boss is truly harder. Drakengard 1 or 3. Both are tough bastards in their own right.

The first one, the only really hard part in the last minute was alternating between pressing two buttons at a ridiculous speed. In 3, it's a lot of camera hijinks, the fight as about three times as long, and those last couple notes after the fade to black are pure evil.

Though I will say, what follows after Drakengard 1's boss is way more sad and rage inducing than what 3 has.


I have an extra costume code from the GS pre-order pack if anyone wants it. I don't know how to hide it in a quote, so first person who PM's me can have it. :)

Edit: Claimed by suikodan!
Interesting to see Eurogamer's reviewer admit that his Nier score was too harsh.
Doesn't seem like he'll regret his Drakengard 3 score though lol. It's a shame the game turned out like this.
6.8 Seconds. 6.8 SECONDS!

That's how long I timed that final note. I had to use a damn stopwatch to get that note. But I finally did it.

That was the most satisfying moment in gaming I've had in years. The last time was with Resonance of Fate. God knows I loved that game.

Characters: 10/10
Story: 8/10
Music: 8/10
Graphics: 6/10
Gameplay: 6/10

Overall: 8/10

That final boss man. That final boss. I only want another one if it stars Zero again though. She was by far the best female character I've played as in forever.


I made it. I will never play this section again.

One question, did anybody understand what the point of the
Lost Verses
was and why they
changed the story to Branch D after they repaired their own Branches?
All of them were pointless wastes of time and had no relevance whatsoever.


Asked eariler in the thread how long a single playthrough is, but heard some conflicting reports. Generally how long is a first playthrough?


Asked eariler in the thread how long a single playthrough is, but heard some conflicting reports. Generally how long is a first playthrough?

It's difficult to say, since the game doesn't tell you how long you have played. But I'd wager it took me roughly 20 hours to beat the game through Branch D.
Asked eariler in the thread how long a single playthrough is, but heard some conflicting reports. Generally how long is a first playthrough?

There's only one playthrough, it's a linear game. There's no hour counter, but maybe 20-25 hours? I could be off though.
So I just got a trophy pop plus some weapons from Dito and Decadeus was this basedd on how much I used these two or was it based on weapon usage? Wanna get it with Octa and Cent while i'm finishing branch C.
So I just got a trophy pop plus some weapons from Dito and Decadeus was this basedd on how much I used these two or was it based on weapon usage? Wanna get it with Octa and Cent while i'm finishing branch C.
It's the former. I got Dito and Octa's second weapons because I had used them the most. Start using thing other two so you can get their weapons as well.
So I just got a trophy pop plus some weapons from Dito and Decadeus was this basedd on how much I used these two or was it based on weapon usage? Wanna get it with Octa and Cent while i'm finishing branch C.
I think it's supposed to be based on companion usage, but they unlocked in a bizarre order for me so I'm not sure if it's bugged or what.
Good to know thanks guys.

I'm finding these branches to be not only tedious but incredibly unsatisfying in terms of clarifying anything or plot for that matter, its Taro's rejected pet script ideas I feel like. Granted I haven't finished C quite yet, the recycling of levels certainly follows in the Taro tradition so I cant really complain I suppose on that front but at least in prior games the narrative was expanded in a meaningful way or interpreted dramatically different but oh so insane. So far A is the best by far.
Good to know thanks guys.

I'm finding these branches to be not only tedious but incredibly unsatisfying in terms of clarifying anything or plot for that matter, its Taro's rejected pet script ideas I feel like. Granted I haven't finished C quite yet, the recycling of levels certainly follows in the Taro tradition so I cant really complain I suppose on that front but at least in prior games the narrative was expanded in a meaningful way or interpreted dramatically different but oh so insane. So far A is the best by far.
B and C are pretty pointless yeah. Nothing gets answered until D, but A is by far the strongest part of the game.
Beat branch C, starting see the story cohesion actually presenting itself!

I'm very curious about the flower and its apparent penchant for destroying the world, and finally the game reveals the motivations (albeit not the origins of the flower yet) of Zero about goddamn time. Also curious who the hell the glasses girl narrating this flow chart of time is. I'm curious if this is the tangent of the timeline that connects directly with Drakengard (or am I misreading the connotation of the call back to DOD 1 with the credits song lol) Though the "pact concept" of branch B ties better into the actual I suppose. Any who onto D which judging by this thread isn't going to be very fun! Hopefully the game answers some of these questions in the next branch...hopefully...please
Beat branch C, starting see the story cohesion actually presenting itself!

I'm very curious about the flower and its apparent penchant for destroying the world, and finally the game reveals the motivations (albeit not the origins of the flower yet) of Zero about goddamn time. Also curious who the hell the glasses girl narrating this flow chart of time is. I'm curious if this is the tangent of the timeline that connects directly with Drakengard (or am I misreading the connotation of the call back to DOD 1 with the credits song lol) Though the "pact concept" of branch B ties better into the actual I suppose. Any who onto D which judging by this thread isn't going to be very fun! Hopefully the game answers some of these questions in the next branch...hopefully...please
I thought Branch A's ending was supposed to lead into the first game. Or at least that's how I interpreted Brother's actions at the end, that it was supposed to be the origin of the Cult of Watchers. Granted it's been ages since I've played the first Drakengard.
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