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Dyack: "NeoGAF...I would say is probably the worst forum." Response.

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If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
commariodore64 said:
Denis - it's ok. Don't get too upset.
I mean, sure - you were banned by the worst gaming forum on the net, but that doesn't mean that your game is getting panned by critics- right? ...Oh, I just did a quick check on metacritic - i guess your game is getting panned... you know - I bet Gamefaqs would take you in... remember - they really like candy there!
:lol :lol :lol


needs 2 extra inches
Solideliquid said:
How many multi-million dollar games have you made?
the fuck! cut the shit out, this guy is nothing but trouble he shits on this forum everywhere else and have the AUDACITY to post: "of course i'll be around, isn't GAF supposed to be my home away from home" in the official thread?

he's a bad apple, and now he's gone.


Z3F said:
One guy has already made a bunch of games. The other guy's biggest accomplishment is being the police commissioner of a nerd forum. Who's the bigger loser?


The guy who's obsessed with converting the gaming forum.
You know considering all the pure drama this whole Too Human/Denis Dyack shitstorm. I think ALOT of people on these boards (Denis, some of the mods, other users) just really need to grow up.

This whole thing is way outta line. Denis was out of line, posters are out of line, mods are out of line. The pure hatred and anarchy of the this whole debacle is just insane. It reminds me of a little kid hitting another little kid and saying he did it because the other little kid hit him first. Two wrongs don't make a right.

I hope that this can all just die sooner rather then later. People will like the game, other won't, like all games before Too Human and all games after Too Human.


GenericPseudonym said:
Oh shit, the NeoGAF is imploding in on itself! Dennis was right all along!


The Innocent X said:
Hey Evilore, maybe you should ban skip as well. HE DEFIED TEH GAF

I get the feeling whilst alot of people are laughing EviLore is taking this pretty seriously. Hes made 2 posts and both of them are pretty fucking intense.


Junior Member
KTallguy said:
The funniest and most hypocritical part of this is how he was having a grand old time chatting it up in the official thread for the game, after calling NeoGAF the worst forum out there.

It's not just that he made a mediocre game... plenty of people do that. He's obsessed with smashing any dissenting opinion he can find.

I'm sure he's readying an army of alt accounts as we speak. You just can't quit it.

He didn't say this was the worst forum ever he said that out of all the forums this was the one that hated on Too Human the most. Read the full article please.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
I am not a Dyack fan, but I hope his banning doesn't unite the the Dyackians in some sort of anti-GAF campaign. Banning him may have just martyred him in some people's eyes. I say give him the shovel and let himself dig deeper into irrelevance rather than ban him.


phez said:
But what happens when the shots started to fire from the other side? You can't commend him on the personal attacks, of course - but what about you guys, you're somehow better?
Yeah, it's kinda funny:

NeoGAF: Too Human sucks and Dyack is a complete moron.

Sure, no problem.

Dyack: NeoGAF sucks.

OMG, WTF! How dare he say something like that? What a loser! We own him! Etc. etc.



crowphoenix said:
I know you're annoyed, man, but I don't think we need to burn any bridges.

what bridges...1up doesn't give gaf free publicity on a weekly basis, it's vice versa. :lol


Zeliard said:
Yes, but a lot of people shitting on Too Human pre-demo would have been banned were it almost any other game. It became almost expected of a gaffer to bash Too Human here at one point. I'm hardly saying that means GAF is some terrible forum (far from it), but simply that this situation goes both ways.

Dyack was also directly contributing to the Too Human thread quite recently and answering questions. How many other devs here do that (I'm not saying no others do, but it can't be very many)?

I'll agree it goes both ways, and that he definitely had some unfair (but definitely called for, given the nature of the board especially) treatment. It comes down to Evilore's decision though, and I don't see anything wrong with him responding to what the whole 'For or Against' (and subsequent events) thread started.


no 1up fight, no bridges burned. I've already explained what happened when he came to visit us on the show. we had about 30 minutes of preparation, thinking we would be talking about the game -- I had printouts of 20+ questions from our boards ready to go, then denis opened up his laptop and began his speech. we really had no idea what was going on.

so yeah, tyler, you were right. we were dumbfounded by it. big whoop.


otake said:
please talk about warhammer or crysis warhead instead!
You'd be better of listening to GfW Radio instead for talk on those :p

I bet they'll discuss this at GfW too.

Think Dyack would be awesome on that show too :eek:
140.85 said:
Duke Togo said:
LOL @ all the "this is so childish" posts. This man talked a big game, shat on the forum, and failed to deliver a game worthy of purchase. I support this banning 100%.
Well said.
Whether or not you agree with the banning, there's better ways to ban him, like not making a thread about how much Dyack hurt your feelings and offended you, thus fueling the fires even more. If you're going to take a "stand" against someone you think is childishly and unfairly attacking your forums, you can do so without looking like a fucking child yourself.

But no, instead we have this mockery of a thread.
Damnit. Now I have no venue to constantly beg Dyack to make Eternal Darkness 2.

Honestly though, he deserved it. He has no right to post on a privately owned message board, and if he is going to not only directly insult us, but insult us in public interviews across the net, the NeoGAF has every fucking right to ban him.


TheHeretic said:
I get the feeling whilst alot of people are laughing EviLore is taking this pretty seriously. Hes made 2 posts and both of them are pretty fucking intense.

EvilLore owns the forum. It's his baby, and it's perfectly understandable that he would be annoyed by Dyack's trashing of it in other publications. I just don't think the banning was deserved in light of the fact that Too Human for quite a while now has been GAF's personal whipping boy. I think both sides should have apologized to each other and just moved on.
Dyack had the ban coming. He didn't just say 'I hate teh GAF'. He's commented many timesthat the site is damaging society and should be closed. EvilLore has allowed DD to said whatever the fuck he wants with no consequence. In tern, the users have been allowed to say what the fuck they want about Denis and the game, so in the end it's all fair. Dyack even said himself in the resent Insomniac interview that he would BAN HIMSELF if he could (which he COULD), so its best to just end it mess here. Dyack has talked too much and its time to move on now that the game is out.

To be fair however, it feels like this thread is just getting in the last word in a bad way. I remember reading this post yesterday
I know this is different because most of us DO understand the context, but 'Lore should have just pm'd Denis that post and banned him without comment. Neither side is a winner.


needs 2 extra inches
shuri said:
I kind of understand the guy. Working so long on a project and seeing it being ripped appart feels awful
Sex is a stress reliever, it's not GAF's fault that he's not getting any.
squeezing a boob hurrrrr


skip said:
no 1up fight, no bridges burned. I've already explained what happened when he came to visit us on the show. we had about 30 minutes of preparation, thinking we would be talking about the game -- I had printouts of 20+ questions from our boards ready to go, then denis opened up his laptop and began his speech. we really had no idea what was going on.

so yeah, tyler, you were right. we were dumbfounded by it. big whoop.

shit. that must've been super awkward.
Mamesj said:
what bridges...1up doesn't give gaf free publicity on a weekly basis, it's vice versa. :lol

True. What I meant was, I don't want GAF getting into a fight with the rest of the industry over this. Very poorly phrased on my part, but nitwits are want to do that. :D
I stopped caring about Too Human because of Denis's embarrassing drama on the internet and no sings of improvements in the game even after long long long development time. Denis just doesn't get it. How high you have to be to not realize yet that it's you who did most damage than anybody else. To your game and to your team's morale.

Other than that, if previous DD/Too Human threads were any signs, this thread will be graveyard for many members when it is locked.
This is why I love gaming forums, let's enjoy this circus while it lasts. :lol

Though Denis's actions have turn to the level of 16 year old forum troll, not something a man of his position, age, maturity, status should do. Disgraceful.

If he released a decent product all the hate would subside, that's all they had to do. Now they're taking out their aggrivation on god knows who.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
shuri said:
I kind of understand the guy. Working so long on a project and seeing it being ripped appart feels awful

there are many other devs who have been working for a long tome on a game only to see how it`s getting ripped apart by the media... should any dev/film-maker/muusican etc. now act like dyack ? i don`t think so...

he just underestimated the power of neogaf and gaming forums in general and got pWned .... did he really thought he could take on neogaf and convince the board that too human is TEH SHIT ? :lol


skip said:
no 1up fight, no bridges burned. I've already explained what happened when he came to visit us on the show. we had about 30 minutes of preparation, thinking we would be talking about the game -- I had printouts of 20+ questions from our boards ready to go, then denis opened up his laptop and began his speech. we really had no idea what was going on.

so yeah, tyler, you were right. we were dumbfounded by it. big whoop.
No skip. Don't you get it. Evilore owned you! He ownnnnned you!! (sigh)

All this shit is so stupid. It's the ol' my e-penis is bigger than your e-penis.
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