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eBay listing of the year


I think it's important to note that he said "Clues may or may not be red herrings" and not "Clues may or may not be true", like some of you like to think. That's a big difference red herrings are something obvious, what he's saying is the clues he's giving may in reality be really obscure rather than obvious, he's not saying that the clues are totally useless.



Holy fuck, over 100.

Dr. Kirby 's auction and mine are both sucking though. :(

Think of the kitties!
.:Wesker:. said:
They would need to fix the game-breaking glitch on the last level.

Is that problem in all copies of the game?

I ask this because I've heard that SSSV often crashes in systems with Expansion Paks in them, but I've never had a crash with my copy of the game and I've had an Expansion Pak in since long before I had the game and have never taken it out. I haven't gotten to the last level though, so I can't say anything about that bug... it is a pretty fun game, though.
HUELEN10 said:
Holy fuck, over 100.

Dr. Kirby 's auction and mine are both sucking though. :([/QUOTE]
Because yours weren't 'featured' on Kotaku.

But hey, who's to say one of those fools won't be coming back to this thread, see the 2 new auctions, and post up a new story for them as well?


Perhaps I'm lttp on this, but why did the seller physically remove the label instead of photoshopping a box with a question mark onto the cartridge?
gerg said:
Perhaps I'm lttp on this, but why did the seller physically remove the label instead of photoshopping a box with a question mark onto the cartridge?
Because then even the person who's getting it won't know until they put it in the N64 and start playing it. It adds to the allure.
On Dec-22-09 at 11:41:31 PST, seller added the following information:




Corporate Apologist
Mine is still under the treashold of "This will cover the shipping"

I was really aiming for "Hey, cool, I broke even on how much it would of been on its owned, and raised some money for Toys For Tots"

Yes Boss!

HUELEN10 said:
Mine i up to 7.50 USD. If it passes 10 USD, I am gonna include a second game! :D

Crap, I thought I was bidding on yours but it turns out I'm doing Dr. Kirby's. Either way, I hope I win my auction...I plan to beat the game, whatever it is.


Corporate Apologist
Yes Boss! said:
Crap, I thought I was bidding on yours but it turns out I'm doing Dr. Kirby's. Either way, I hope I win my auction...I plan to beat the game, whatever it is.
Why is the only love I get accidental :/


Yes Boss hates kitties confirmed! :mad:
Just kidding. The money on all 3 auctions is going to a good cause. We had some laughs, we've been able to help people out, and the winners will get a surprise. This threads has helped bring out the good in a lot of people this holiday season. :)


Corporate Apologist
Yes Boss! said:
Not accidental. I wanted a gameboy classic game since I bought a new Gameboy color last month. Yours is the one I want! :D

What do you have for the Gameboy so far?


Corporate Apologist
Yes Boss! said:
I bought it with these two games (no black and white games so I'm good):

Ah, great games, and in a condition I wish I had. I just have the carts like most of my Gameboy Collection since a big bulk of it was bought off of Gamestop for like $20 when they put there games to 75% off, edge made it 85% off, and there prices were before any discount below market value.

I cleaned out every store withen 50 miles of any decent games. Made so much money, and got some great stuff :lol

Yes Boss!

Damn Drkirby,

The thing closed at $6. I'll send the payment but PM me your paypal address and I'll ship off another $10 to help cover costs.


Yes Boss! said:
Damn Drkirby,

The thing closed at $6. I'll send the payment but PM me your paypal address and I'll ship off another $10 to help cover costs.
Holiday cheer all-around! :D Mine closed at 8 USD, and all the money goes to help the kitties!

BTW, the winner was NOT a GAFer. Should I reveal the game?

But yeah GAF, we did something good here. :) Happy holidays!


Steve, the dog with no powers that we let hang out with us all for some reason
I'm planning to auction a blank NES game. You guys would never guess which one is, but I think the game is AWESOME. Plain and simple.I'd give the money to a charity as well..


Corporate Apologist
bernardobri said:
I'm planning to auction a blank NES game. You guys would never guess which one is, but I think the game is AWESOME. Plain and simple.I'd give the money to a charity as well..
Is it Blaster Master?

Yes Boss!

I still plan to beat Drkirby's game and post a photo of the end here in this thread. I'm moving away for nine months Jan. 18 (military related) so this is the game I'm playing the last week or two. I'm open for anything as I've beaten Hannah Montana DS and am currently playing through Style Savvy.


Costanza said:
I would have bet my (future) first born child that it was a Sonic game.
I told you ASPCA was a big clue, think about it! :D

Sonic's been abused by Sega so much, won't you help him and the other abused animals?

And it DID help! 8 more bucks for the kitties! :3

BTW, I am a regular ASPCA donor. One of the 2 charities I regularly donate to.


Corporate Apologist
I donate cheap toys that kids to Toys for Tots each year. This year I gave a $1 pokemon action figure with a marble thingy of Buneary.

This one here:

It was the only thing donated at work for a month till I bitched enough that everyone else got a bunch of stuff and filled up both boxes we had. It was so pathetic seeing my little toy as the only thing in this large Toys for Tots box.

Also, I'll send you my Paypal address in the morning Boss, and as an added bonus, I'll toss in more gameboy games! Whooo! Half of them have fairly bad labels, but they should work.

What sucks though is when pull them out I found a version of the game I am giving away with an even worse label, there is only like 1/3rd of it left.


bernardobri said:
I'm planning to auction a blank NES game. You guys would never guess which one is, but I think the game is AWESOME. Plain and simple.I'd give the money to a charity as well..

It's Color a Dinosaur isn't it? Don't worry your shames safe with me...
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