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Edge previews 40 hours of Final Fantasy XV


Maybe we should just wait and play the game instead of melting down like this. If they went linear for story purposes then I honestly can't see that as a bad thing. Also, we knew beforehand about the linearity part by Tabata himself, it's not like they're lying to us. Calm down =/


Thirteen flew over the cuckoo's nest
Maybe we should just wait and play the game instead of melting down like this. If they went linear for story purposes then I honestly can't see that as a bad thing. Also, we knew beforehand about the linearity part by Tabata himself, it's not like they're lying to us. Calm down =/

You can still tell a story in an open world eh... just look at the witCher. I stand by the idea that was just easier going linear with the tight schedule than working on more of the open world.


The Xenogears comparison is moot when you consider that nobody in the development team of FFXV is capable of writing anything remotely close to the caliber of Xenogears.
Thank you.
it's so easy to understand how this company changed and that any comparison with the past is now mostly obsolete.


You can still tell a story in an open world eh... just look at the witCher. I stand by the idea that was just easier going linear with the tight schedule than working on more of the open world.

Did you even play The Witcher 3 to the end? There were a lot of linear segments by the end wrapping up the story. Also, I don't understand why linearity HAS to be a bad thing, look at TLOU and Uncharted 4 and even previous FF titles, they were enjoyable and told a great story on their own right despite being linear. So assuming the game is going to be weak or a repeat of MGSV is just stretching it. You need to calm down, the reviewer wasn't even that harsh, he said he enjoyed it, there is nothing that warrants this kind of skepticism. It might be what they were going for since the beginning, it doesn't have to mean that they ran out of time and did the second part last minute, that's ridiculous!


Neo Member
Linearity isn't a bad thing, it just carries a huge negative connotation ever since the early hallways of XIII. I never noticed people making arguments against linearity until XIII came out.
Linearity isn't a bad thing, it just carries a huge negative connotation ever since the early hallways of XIII. I never noticed people making arguments against linearity until XIII came out.

I remember X being criticized for its lack of exploration/world map. At least that's where the discussion has started.
Did you even play The Witcher 3 to the end? There were a lot of linear segments by the end wrapping up the story. Also, I don't understand why linearity HAS to be a bad thing, look at TLOU and Uncharted 4 and even previous FF titles, they were enjoyable and told a great story on their own right despite being linear. So assuming the game is going to be weak or a repeat of MGSV is just stretching it. You need to calm down, the reviewer wasn't even that harsh, he said he enjoyed it, there is nothing that warrants this kind of skepticism. It might be what they were going for since the beginning, it doesn't have to mean that they ran out of time and did the second part last minute, that's ridiculous!

I think when people criticise a game for being linear, it's only when the player is being funneled down a series of corridors for a substantial amount of time, like The Order or Final Fantasy XIII. I don't think anybody would actually complain about Uncharted 4's environmental structure. For me it represents the perfect balance of exploration and detailed graphical fidelity, which is far more preferable than open world..


I think when people criticise a game for being linear, it's only when the player is being funneled down a series of corridors for a substantial amount of time, like The Order or Final Fantasy XIII. I don't think anybody would actually complain about Uncharted 4's environmental structure. For me it represents the perfect balance of exploration and detailed graphical fidelity, which is far more preferable than open world..

I get that, but I don't think that would be the case for XV's second part, not after how they tried to correct every mistake they've done in XIII. I mean, the only time the reviewer used the word "corridors" is when he described a late game dungeon, which is a given for it being a dungeon. People are blowing this out of proportion for no reason at all, what are they going to do when someone actually shit all over the game?

Anyway, I reserve my judgement till I try the game myself. I admit, I panicked in the beginning but the more I read into it the more I realized that his complaints are basically subjective things or things being worked on like camera issues.
You can still tell a story in an open world eh... just look at the witCher. I stand by the idea that was just easier going linear with the tight schedule than working on more of the open world.
You migh have to read the spoiler first before you start assuming. It explains or hints at the reason anyways.
Once FFXV will release, I think we'll need a debate here on gaf, a special thread where we'll be able to discuss in depth the sense of Linearity vs Open world, because I think most people still don't know the difference between the two and how each of them can enrich in their own way the narrative and gameplay, if executed well.
Of all possible linear/open structures, I feel like more open early and more linear later is the structure that tends to fit most narratives we see in videogames. When you're escalating conflicts later in a story, it's probably good for it to be more focused, even "rushed", rather than what we often see. When you're fighting for the fate of something big, but you can just chill out and do sidequests for 10 hours first, it's a bit weird.


DOOM/Overwatch/Uncharted 4/Battlefield 1/Titanfall 2/Dark Souls 3/The Witness/Hitman/Ratchet and Clank?

Only played Uncharted 4 and Dark Souls III out of these, but I'd definitely say they both disappointed me. Dark Souls III much less, but Uncharted 4 was terrible.


Of all possible linear/open structures, I feel like more open early and more linear later is the structure that tends to fit most narratives we see in videogames. When you're escalating conflicts later in a story, it's probably good for it to be more focused, even "rushed", rather than what we often see. When you're fighting for the fate of something big, but you can just chill out and do sidequests for 10 hours first, it's a bit weird.

All the best FF games had more open moments in the game where you could roam the world map and do sidequests. But the story beats always happen in a linear path. This is the best possible structure for FF games in my opinion. They allow the player to rush the story or go for a very long and rewarding 100% playthrough.


DOOM/Overwatch/Uncharted 4/Battlefield 1/Titanfall 2/Dark Souls 3/The Witness/Hitman/Ratchet and Clank?

Hate FPS for the most part so, didn't and will never play Doom, TF2, OW and BF1

Didn't care care for the last HM game few years ago so, this new one isn't in my list and never will be

DS3 and Uncharted 4 are the most underwhelming games of the year

R&C is fantastic, but it's just a remake and does nothing new compared to the original iirc.

Have yet to try Witness.

Just terrible year for me overall


Hate FPS for the most part so, didn't and will never play Doom, TF2, OW and BF1

Didn't care care for the last HM game few years ago so, this new one isn't in my list and never will be

DS3 and Uncharted 4 are the most underwhelming games of the year

R&C is fantastic, but it's just a remake and does nothing new compared to the original iirc.

Have yet to try Witness.

Just terrible year for me overall

Indies are amazing this year, though, if you're interested in that.
Still waiting for more previews. It'll be more nice to see other people's opinions besides this Edge writer.

Now that I think about it, I haven't played 12 or 2 yet. I should start with one of them soon.


I could really go for this game coming tomorrow with my Pro instead of the end of the month. Need to immerse myself in some proper bullshit rn.


Looks like everyone is reposting info from the other thread so...

I think that's kind of contradictory, he basically says it's got a powerful ending but still left him confused. Actually, the preview contradicts itself multiple times, it's rather badly written.

There's nothing contradictory about that statement. Something can be powerful and also confusing.


Crystal Bearer
Still waiting for more previews. It'll be more nice to see other people's opinions besides this Edge writer.

Now that I think about it, I haven't played 12 or 2 yet. I should start with one of them soon.
The game is out in 20 days. Why not wait at this point and form your own opinion. Besides, the next wave of coverage will be reviews.


I have a feeling the review reactions thread is going to be unbearable regardless of how well the game actually reviews..


I have a feeling the review reactions thread is going to be unbearable regardless of how well the game actually reviews..

I'm definitely avoiding that thread. Even reading bits and pieces of this EDGE preview have me worried that the game will suck. I should just play the game and form my own opinions on whether it sucks or not :D


You saw the prelude to that in here.

We dont need reviews, previews or context for the atmosphere around this game to be insufferable here.

I'm sure it'll even itself out after a few days/weeks, but i'm not going to subject myself to release day threads of this game :/
We dont need reviews, previews or context for the atmosphere around this game to be insufferable here.

I'm sure it'll even itself out after a few days/weeks, but i'm not going to subject myself to release day threads of this game :/
As someone who was on the no man's sky train I can comfortably say you can at least enter the Ot idk if it mas because more badass was on his AAA game with moderation or people not interested just didn't come in for awhile but the first like 100 or so pages was pretty good. And that game got more shit than ffxv has for sure


Mixing linear with open world is actually interesting.

I mostly dislike Open world games though they do have their benefits. I don't know, I think a game that opens up with big areas an then turns more narrative heavy and linear towards the end could be really interesting.

Have a first half that takes advantage of the open world to make the player level up and quest around and explore big areas and gives this feeling that there realy is a big and real world out there. And then later on once he is ready to focus more heavily on the main plot take adavantage of the more linear design to create areas with more complex level design, have a better control over the pacing and create cool setpiece moments.

Not a lot of games do that and I think it could have interesting results.
Take something like the Witcher 3. Fun open world and great sidequests but I feel like the main story could have used more linear elements. Hell, one of my favorite main missions is the one near the end of the game where you
travel through paralel worlds
and that one is super linear


Oh, it's so different from the orchestral version.
I wonder where it'll be used, since this one is clearly not suited for exploration music.

I really want a dance scene with Noct and Luna with this and the one in the room from Platinum Demo as soundtracks.

It's likely stuck to the Piano Collections, but we've had examples of stuff from the Piano Collections actually get into one of the games (FFX HD, Via Purifico I think?).

I want them to throw a ton of arrangements for Gratia Mundi in the game. It's so good. And yeah, I really want a ball room scene between Luna and Noctis.
The game is out in 20 days. Why not wait at this point and form your own opinion. Besides, the next wave of coverage will be reviews.
Oh yeah I forgot about it being so close. That's a good idea though. Still buying it no matter what but I just wanted to see more impressions to prepare myself.


Man, I don't think the threads are as bad as people say, I have a lot of fun with FFXV GAF.

Maybe I'm one of the shitposters, and that's why I don't notice. :p


As someone who was on the no man's sky train I can comfortably say you can at least enter the Ot idk if it mas because more badass was on his AAA game with moderation or people not interested just didn't come in for awhile but the first like 100 or so pages was pretty good. And that game got more shit than ffxv has for sure
That's really good to hear. I am hopeful that the OT will mostly be discussion, observations and criticism amongst people who are actually interested in the game. I'm definitely going to check lots of reviews and impressions to inform myself before playing, but I don't expect the review thread to be anything less than dramatic.

That piano arrangement is gorgeous, I hope some official sheet music is eventually released too!

Edge preview and the elections got me like.. thanks for the hug Obama.


You can still tell a story in an open world eh... just look at the witCher. I stand by the idea that was just easier going linear with the tight schedule than working on more of the open world.

You can, but it's 10x more difficult. It's an incredibly rare feat to pull off. And it doesn't really offer a great benefit as a trade-off. Linear design, so far in gaming's young life, is completely superior to open world design.
I might have overreacted in this thread but I doubt I will be doing the same in the reviews thread. I was mainly frustrated over the interpretation that some people were having over the preview, even though the writer enjoyed it and the preview wasn't bad after all (I initially thought it was).

When we talk about reviews thread, we are talking about multiple reviews from different journalists and that will be the real test of the game. I am confident in it and pretty hopeful that it can get an average above 85, but who knows, we were wrong about American elections as well :p


Holy shit this sounds like a nightmare. My 80 year old grandma has played every single one of the games in this series outside of the MMOs, stealthing around is probably not in her wheelhouse. This game is nothing like its predecessors in anything other than names and it will be jarring to fans of the series looking for more of the same. For people who like the other games this one is now aping I am sure this will be a hoot.
I might have overreacted in this thread but I doubt I will be doing the same in the reviews thread. I was mainly frustrated over the interpretation that some people were having over the preview, even though the writer enjoyed it and the preview wasn't bad after all (I initially thought it was).

When we talk about reviews thread, we are talking about multiple reviews from different journalists and that will be the real test of the game. I am confident in it and pretty hopeful that it can get an average above 85, but who knows, we were wrong about American elections as well :p
I think I'll just stay as far away as possible from the review thread. I feel like there will be some "active" discussions there that I don't wanna be a part of but will get sucked in anyway. Plus I want to enjoy the game for what I think of it and not get influenced by others.
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