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EGM's E3 Grades

Sony: A
"Spectacular third-party exclusives power an unbeatable lineup of titles - both online and off - for every flavor of gamer"

Xbox: B
"Xbox is set for its best fall yet based on Halo 2 alone. Still, despite its superior online service, Xbox can't match the breadth of PS2's library"

Gamecube: B
"Powerhouse first-party games (realistic Zelda!) have us psyched, even as third-party support continues to slip and Nintendo focuses on DS"


"A weak showing of games compared to previous years. Could GBA be on the way out?"

source: ign forums
Y'all want me to post the scores? I'm getting them directly from the IGN Xbox boards. Some dude also scanned the first Halo 2 ads from the mag.


Beside MGS3 and FF12 what does Sony have? I honestly don't know... Yeah the PSP was there but all that is, is a tiny PS2. I would have given Nintendo an A+, Xbox a A- and Sony a B.

Driv3r: 8.5, 7.5, 6.5
NCAA Football 2005: 9, 9.5, 9
MLG Slugfest: Loaded: 8, 7, 8
Harry Potter PoA: 7, 6.5, 6
Mega Man Anniversary: 8, 8, 7
Psi-Ops: 8, 7.5, 7.5


Splinter Cell PT: 9, 9, 9.5
Karaoke Revolution Volume 2: 8.5, 8.5, 8.5
Way of the Samurai 2: 6, 5.5, 5
Smash Court Tennins 2: 7, 8, 8


Full Spectrum Warrior: 8, 7, 8
Thief: 7, 7, 8.5
Shadow Ops; 4, 4.5, 4


Tales of Symphonia: 8.5, 7.5, 8.5


Kuroyume said:
Beside MGS3 and FF12 what does Sony have? I honestly don't know... Yeah the PSP was there but all that is, is a tiny PS2. I would have given Nintendo an A+, Xbox a A- and Sony a B.


Only the biggest titles this gen.


Well I added FF12 in... :p Eh, GTA doesn't look so hot to me. It looks like the same old sutff with little things added in. Anyway yeah these games will be amazing, it's just that they didn't blow me away like the stuff in Microsoft or Nintendo.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I agree completly, sounds about right.
Sony simply has a game to make anyone happy.

And yes, the GBA lineup is pretty bland.
neptunes said:
Except for minish cap (magical hood) the gba was pretty much crap.

I'd like to thank the media for not bothering to play or observe the Racing Gears stand in the Nintendo booth. I'm sure everybody was too busy trying to eat the plastic food items over in the Phantom booth anyway.

Kon Tiki

Crazymoogle said:
I'd like to thank the media for not bothering to play or observe the Racing Gears stand in the Nintendo booth. I'm sure everybody was too busy trying to eat the plastic food items over in the Phantom booth anyway.


What the release dates for Racing Gears and the Pirate game?


GBA overall was a step down from last year, but in all honestly none of the consoles lineups really compare to GBA's stellar 2003 library either. I do agree though that GBA seems to be suffering (both from Nintendo and 3rd parties) in favor of DS.

I'd say all platforms had "B" grade showings though, everyone's effort and attention seemed centered on DS and PSP.

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
Crazymoogle said:
I'd like to thank the media for not bothering to play or observe the Racing Gears stand in the Nintendo booth. I'm sure everybody was too busy trying to eat the plastic food items over in the Phantom booth anyway.
Honestly if I wasn't on GAF I would not have even noticed its existence. I didn't even notice it and the other games in Nintendo's e3 brochure until a couple days ago... and I'm allegedly paid to follow the game industry.

Nintendo likes hiding GBA games, is all. Lots of imperceptive people didn't hear about Mario and Luigi until after the show last year either.
siamesedreamer said:
Gamecube: B
"Powerhouse first-party games (realistic Zelda!) have us psyched, even as third-party support continues to slip and Nintendo focuses on DS"


"A weak showing of games compared to previous years. Could GBA be on the way out?"
A big fat WTF to those grades. How the hell can 1 game be the saving grace for the GC elevating it's score to that of a B? Compared to both PS2 and Xbox, the GC had the weakest showing so I'd grade it accordingly; C.

The GBA's showing was weak, PERIOD! That grade should be lowered to a D, imo.


While I could see putting Nintendo's total booth on par with Xbox's booth, I think it's a pretty big insult to say Gamecube's showing was equivalent to Xbox's. I certainly didn't think much of MS's booth, but they've still got 3rd party support almost as good as PS2 and they have an extremely strong lineup. Gamecube had my game of the show RE4, the suprise of the show Zelda, and MP2 looks good, but beyond that there wasn't much. As they said GC third party support was nearly non-existant plus there's still no online support.

Xbox on the otherhand had the entire EA Sports catalog on Xbox Live, FSW, Riddick, Doom3, Republic Commando, MK: Deception, DOA Ultimate, Halo 2, Jade Empire, KOTOR 2, PSI-Ops, Mercenaries, Pain Killer, Call of Duty, Far Cry, Fable, Men of Valor, Iron Phoenix, DDR Ultramix 2, Burnout 3, SNK Vs. Capcom Chaos, Advent Rising, Area 51, Conker, Mech Assault 2, Battlefield, Silent Hill 4, SW: Battlefront, Kameo, Dead to Rights 2 and on and on with support in almost every genre from 3rd parties. Almost every single 3rd party game I look into is now only for PS2 and Xbox or Xbox and PC. No way is Xbox's lineup at E3 equal to that of the Gamecube's. I'd rate Nintendo's showing better than Microsoft's because of the DS & a better booth, but no way can they give that much credit to Gamecube. 3 great looking games for Gamecube can't make up for a complete lack of 3rd party support.

I agree that Sony was much better though. Even not counting the PSP they dominated the show with the PS2 lineup and had the biggest booth. When you count in the PSP which was the most impressive thing at E3 they won by a mile.

Also asking if GBA is on the way out? That's just stupid. Nintendo is adamant that the Gameboy line and the DS line are intended to be two completely seperate platforms. The DS is not even going to be able to play old Gameboy games like the GBA can.

It always amazes me how wrong EGM is at accessing E3 every year. Do they spend the entire 3 days in meetings and end up missing the real show or what? Whatever they're doing it's not working for them at all. I remember when they came back from E3 completely overlooked Splinter Cell and said that the MGS Substance port was going to be the biggest game of the year for Xbox. :D They also thought Mario/Metroid/Wind Waker were going to completely crush the Xbox that year.


I thought they were all about even, actually. I'm more excited about the big games for Xbox and GC than I am the PS2 ones. But PS2 has sheer variety. Dunno. It's a tough call. They would've all gotten B's or B+'s in my book.

*edit* - By the way, did they have anything to say about the DS and the PSP? The newest PLAY absolutely abuses the DS, but GamePro said they both had a strong showing.
Mr_Furious said:
A big fat WTF to those grades. How the hell can 1 game be the saving grace for the GC elevating it's score to that of a B? Compared to both PS2 and Xbox, the GC had the weakest showing so I'd grade it accordingly; C.

The GBA's showing was weak, PERIOD! That grade should be lowered to a D, imo.

actually I'd say that MS had the weaker show. Their press con was boring as; unsurprising and hell, Halo 2, we've already seen as has XNA if you guys follow that GDC announcement. What was on show at the MS stand that can be construed as really xcting is beyond me. Their 3rd party pc ports are shapely up nicely (but will only excite if you don't have a decent pc) and then.. there's Halo 2. If you want to talk about 1 title, that prize should go the MS. AND for 2 years running. Multi-platform titles just ain't that hot.

Their hot titles are HALO2, FABLE, JADE EMPIRE and maybe OUTRUN2.

IMO rumble roses is the GOTS


works for Gamestop (lol)
siamesedreamer said:
If I post the Halo 2 ads in the EGM, then would that be a bannable offense?

I don't see why it would be. I mean, it's a friggin ad! It's not like EGM has exclusive rights to it :p
siamesedreamer said:
If I post the Halo 2 ads in the EGM, then would that be a bannable offense?

um. Please. No more Halo hype. :O

Post please. Damn, hype machine beginning.. I'm sure they'll be happy for you to spread the love. Free advertising. Better check the TOS though


I think it would be pretty lame for any legal/banning issues to emerge from the posting of ads (unless they came from the advertisers themselves), but I'm just another poster, so don't take my word for it.

OK, I'll put them in another thread.


Hmm, I don't know:

D. Copyrighted Material

The posting of full transcriptions of articles and whole or partially-scanned images is not allowed. Users in breach of this rule are subject to banning, although a verbal warning may be administered for a first offense. The posting of review scores (without text), news summaries, rumors, and review paraphrasing is acceptable, as long as credit is given to the original source.


Crazymoogle said:
I'd like to thank the media for not bothering to play or observe the Racing Gears stand in the Nintendo booth.

Played it, had a lot of fun, dug the character art, got really confused because I was sure you'd implied here that all 4 of the upcoming titles would be represented at e3, couldn't find an Orbital booth, shrugged, played it a little more, had fun.

On the GBA tip: DK: King of Swing was aces (one of my tops of the convention), Minish Cap, as mentioned previously, was duly amazing, and Mario Pinball and Party were also going quite strong (though I couldn't find anyone who could make heads or tails of the oddball 'reward' 'games' in Party that opened up after you finished the main minigame).

The rest was primarily licenses or stuff that's been out for months in Japan.

fenky said:
Lots of imperceptive people didn't hear about Mario and Luigi until after the show last year either.

If I remember right, M&L had at least 3 or 4 stations -- maybe at least 2 GameCube Player uprights and a couple around the ring? Mario Vs. Donkey Kong, though, was the one that I slapped my forehead over missing last year. It must have only had a single station?


Mr_Furious said:
A big fat WTF to those grades. How the hell can 1 game be the saving grace for the GC elevating it's score to that of a B? Compared to both PS2 and Xbox, the GC had the weakest showing so I'd grade it accordingly; C.

The GBA's showing was weak, PERIOD! That grade should be lowered to a D, imo.

Wtf? Did you not see Resident Evil 4 or Metroid Prime 2? Paper Mario? Baiten Kaitos? Give me a break...


siamesedreamer said:
OK, I'll put them in another thread.


Hmm, I don't know:

D. Copyrighted Material

The posting of full transcriptions of articles and whole or partially-scanned images is not allowed. Users in breach of this rule are subject to banning, although a verbal warning may be administered for a first offense. The posting of review scores (without text), news summaries, rumors, and review paraphrasing is acceptable, as long as credit is given to the original source.

You won't get banned for an Ad


works for Gamestop (lol)
The copyright rule really only pertains to exclusive previews/articles in magazines and stuff. People have posted game ads in this forum before...I wouldn't worry about it. Worst thing that will happen is it'll get edited
siamesedreamer said:
OK, I'll put them in another thread.

D. Copyrighted Material

The posting of ... partially-scanned images is not allowed. .

pity really. Isn't everything copyrighted these days. You can argue that.. some of the avatars are a breach. I really wanted to scan the Sudeki Character development images from my 3dworld mag to show what they'd done. I mean, flaming aside, it would have been interesting to see what others thought of the development of the character design. It wouldn't even have been a huge pic and these aren't available on the net. I guess that does make them exclusives. Bugger.
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