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EGM's E3 Grades


SolidSnakex said:
Ofcourse they didn't say it, but it's very obvious that's what it was a substitute for (atleast for the moment). Both involve a different type of multiplayer gaming, it's just that one works for most people and the other doesn't. The connectivity way also fit into Nintendo's plan of not losing money, which is why Nintendo didn't want to go online.
The reason for connectivity was literally to tie their hugely successful GBA line with their lagging GC line. Anything else is I'm afraid your own wild speculation.... connectivity wasn't a substitue for anything and it's hardly had the impact avioding optical media did for Nintendo. Maybe 16bit optical media, but it's not like Sega CD or Turbo CD got Sega and NEC very far when it mattered.

SolidSnakex said:
THe main reason connectivity didn't work is because it was too forced. The majority of time with online gaming is that you can still play an offline multiplayer. With connectivity you were forced to play it one way and one way online you had no other choice.
I'd agree with this, though really I'm not sure 4Swords at least could've been done any other way ( it really needed the second screen). FFCC could've easily used Mana style ring menus though. I think Nintendo should've pushed connectivity options as cool bonuses in other games though, like they did with Animal Crossing or The Wind Waker.
jarrod said:
I'd agree with this, though really I'm not sure 4Swords at least could've been done any other way ( it really needed the second screen). FFCC could've easily used Mana style ring menus though. I think Nintendo should've pushed connectivity options as cool bonuses in other games though, like they did with Animal Crossing or The Wind Waker.

Why not just do a 4 player splitscreen for 4 Swords. That way everyone has their own screen and can do whatever they want. FFCC could've followed the same way. Neither needed to be connectivity only, they were very forced. I don't know if connectivity could've ever caught on, but it'd had a much better shot if Nintendo wouldn't have forced it as much as they did. It's still going to get another shot with upcoming portables. Hopefully it's handeled in a much better way because it could potentially be a good feature if done right.


SolidSnakex said:
Why not just do a 4 player splitscreen for 4 Swords. That way everyone has their own screen and can do whatever they want. FFCC could've followed the same way. Neither needed to be connectivity only, they were very forced. I don't know if connectivity could've ever caught on, but it'd had a much better shot if Nintendo wouldn't have forced it as much as they did. It's still going to get another shot with upcoming portables. Hopefully it's handeled in a much better way because it could potentially be a good feature if done right.
I don't think split screen would've worked in either game really. In FFCC all the characters were on the same screen anyway, they could've just stuck stats on the screen and had ring menus like in the Mana games imo. For Zelda... I dunno, tiny pop up windows might've worked for interiors in place of GBAs but I think part of the fun is the secretive element of GBA screens. The option would've been nice though.

king zell

---- said:
While I could see putting Nintendo's total booth on par with Xbox's booth, I think it's a pretty big insult to say Gamecube's showing was equivalent to Xbox's. I certainly didn't think much of MS's booth, but they've still got 3rd party support almost as good as PS2 and they have an extremely strong lineup. Gamecube had my game of the show RE4, the suprise of the show Zelda, and MP2 looks good, but beyond that there wasn't much. As they said GC third party support was nearly non-existant plus there's still no online support.

Did I miss something? or was I watching another E3?

maybe you failed to notice : Baten Kaitos.. Tales of Symphonia.. Killer 7.. Megaman X command Mission.. Viewtiful Joe 2.. Donkey Kong Jungle Beat.. Star Fox.. Paper Mario.. Zelda 4 Swords.. Donkey Konga.. Pikmin 2

or maybe they are not as good as Xbox's PC ports.,.


being watched
A travesty. Halo 2 alone decimates the PS2 lineup into oblivion, it's wounded carcuss crashing to the ground, maggot ridden in the face of the full fury of Master Chief on XB Live. Add to that Kameo, Conker, Riddick, Fable, BC etc. Flawless Xboxen victory.

God damn stupid EGM noobs.
I could write E3 impressions for EGM prior to the event. So predictable.

"Add to that Kameo, Conker, Riddick, Fable, BC etc. Flawless Xboxen victory."

I agree with you to an extint but to EGM there is Halo, Halo 2, and the rest of the crap on the Xbox. At least with their overall view of the system.


they call me "Man Gravy".
king zell said:
Did I miss something? or was I watching another E3?

maybe you failed to notice : Baten Kaitos.. Tales of Symphonia.. Killer 7.. Megaman X command Mission.. Viewtiful Joe 2.. Donkey Kong Jungle Beat.. Star Fox.. Paper Mario.. Zelda 4 Swords.. Donkey Konga.. Pikmin 2

or maybe they are not as good as Xbox's PC ports.,.

Actually, you're right, they're not. The xport lineup alone is much better and will considerably outsell that craptacular lineup.

I'm not kidding.


E3 awards are always going to be crappy to somebody. So much of it is either based on arbitary standards (like the number of titles in this case) or just plan tastes. Frankly, even if the Xbox and GC libraries are decimated by the PS2 by sheer numbers, I'm still more excited about what we'll be getting with those consoles this year. But that's just my feelings though, many will disagree and write up a big PS2 list. This is where the problems with rating a E3 show come to head.


So what's the guestimation on how many consoles each company will sell for the holiday season? Sony>MS>Nintendo?


GC lineup is shit except RE4/MP2 and even those I will buy later since there is gonna be Halo2,GT4,MGS3, GTA:SA then I need to get PSP, God of war and FF12 next year. Gamecube is gonna sell bad this xmas if GC outsells xbox near end of year it will be a miracle youve been warned.
Kiriku said:
Hehe, that character art reminds me of One Piece. Looks great.
You're a fan of One Piece, right Crazymoogle?...unless my memory is out sailing. :p

It doesn't take a sail to make that guess. One Piece was definitely inspiration while working on the game.
Mr_Furious said:
A big fat WTF to those grades. How the hell can 1 game be the saving grace for the GC elevating it's score to that of a B? Compared to both PS2 and Xbox, the GC had the weakest showing so I'd grade it accordingly; C.

The GBA's showing was weak, PERIOD! That grade should be lowered to a D, imo.
Holy God lay off the fuckin LSD! One game GCN what the hell are you talking about i can think of three all of which could destroy anything Sony or MS throws at them as competition...and that doesnt even begin to show the blade of the sword that Nintendo is wielding: Metroid Prime 2: Echos, Resident Evil 4 and just so i dont use the obvious once again... Baten Kaitos.

Now as for the GBA i agree with you on that front but at the same time i can see why nintendo wouldnt have much to show at E3 as far as that goes with the whole DS 'unveiling' and whatnot
Nerevar said:
Actually, you're right, they're not. The xport lineup alone is much better and will considerably outsell that craptacular lineup.

I'm not kidding.
Outsell as in all xport lineup sales in total against say killer 7? No i would'nt even give them that much credit.


When we had this discussion back in May, it degraded into an circular argument with no possible resolution in sight. But now that it's been resurrected, I'm optimistic that if you guys stay on top of it you'll eventually come to a universal consensus, and forever end this debate. Maybe that won't happen by post 1000, 2000, or even 10,000, but you'll get there soon.

Keep up the good work guys.

king zell

I could not believe there are people as ignorant as this

I mean this was a great E3 for Gamecube.. B is the lowest GC's show should get

It was better than Xbox's IMO.. PS2 being the best


king zell said:
I could not believe there are people as ignorant as this

I mean this was a great E3 for Gamecube.. B is the lowest GC's show should get

It was better than Xbox's IMO.. PS2 being the best

We'll be flamed to high hell for this, but I agree with you.

Although I'll substitute "better" for "more favored" to lessen the blows.

EDIT: And I guess I ought to explain my reasoning too.

I spent a good 1/3 of my time at the Nintendo booth due to Donkey Konga, Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat, Odama, MP2E, and RE4, and I had fun with all of them. I did go to MS's booth, and I checked out Conker Live & Reloaded, and watched KotOR II, Sudeki, and Fable for a small time (not really into playing RPGs since they tend to have slow starts in general). I also played Iron Phoenix (and kicked everyone's ass [no one, not even I knew what we were doing]), but that was really it. FPSers and action games don't appeal to me as much as they used to, I guess. Or maybe it's just the types of FPSers on the floor that I wasn't "attracted to." Not into war FPSers at all. On top of that, Halo 2 was notplayable, so that just worsened things.

Another 1/3 of my time was spent at the SNK Playmore booth getting free stuff, and everything else was spent between running around South Hall and West Hall, though I spent a couple hours at Taiko: Drum Master overall.


aperfectt00l said:
Did MS even show up at E3? I dont recall much i only remember bungie with halo 2 and i can wait centuries for that one.

awww, did you run out of comments to ridicule?


king zell said:
a few posts above and you will understand

i see 3 posts in a row where he responds to radically different questions, each bashing microsoft. then he runs out of posts to quote, so he goes trolling on his own.

P.S. - everyone that's seriously trolling this topic (not Jason) needs to go back to GameFAQs. Now.
aperfectt00l said:
Holy God lay off the fuckin LSD! One game GCN what the hell are you talking about i can think of three all of which could destroy anything Sony or MS throws at them as competition...and that doesnt even begin to show the blade of the sword that Nintendo is wielding: Metroid Prime 2: Echos, Resident Evil 4 and just so i dont use the obvious once again... Baten Kaitos.
Holy God, read the rest of my posts. My initial "Zelda" comment was based off what EGM said and that was that Zelda basically saved Nintendo's ass (to sum it up). The fucking game wasn't even playable for christ's sake. It's just that people were so damn happy to see a non-cellshaded Zelda that they were extatic to see what they did (which wasn't much really). I'm not going to repeat what I said again here but please read the rest of my posts because they explain the reasons why I scored Nintendo the way I did.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Mr_Furious said:
Holy God, read the rest of my posts. My initial "Zelda" comment was based off what EGM said and that was that Zelda basically saved Nintendo's ass (to sum it up). The fucking game wasn't even playable for christ's sake. It's just that people were so damn happy to see a non-cellshaded Zelda that they were extatic to see what they did (which wasn't much really). I'm not going to repeat what I said again here but please read the rest of my posts because they explain the reasons why I scored Nintendo the way I did.

Halo 2 was not playable by showgoers either.


they call me "Man Gravy".
Suikoguy said:
Halo 2 was not playable by showgoers either.

But it was playable by the media, which is all that really matters anyway.

aperfectt00l said:
Outsell as in all xport lineup sales in total against say killer 7? No i would'nt even give them that much credit.

doom 3 alone will outsell all those games on gamecube.

Note: I am saying this for the US market only. I have no clue about Japan, nor do I really care about it. So please don't bring worldwide sales into here, because we know that xbox / GC comparisons that involve Japan are irrelevant anyway.
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