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Evolve |OT| Leaving Monsters 4 Dead


Whatever happened to that griffin weekend challenge a few weeks back? I havent played him since crow came out, did we all get a new skin?


So, this could be a whole Journeyman's boots thing, but, did the jump packs get nerfed? Haven't played for awhile, tried tonight, felt way less maneuverable.
Played a bit of the new trapper and digging it. The bat seems way more useful than maggie if you generally have a good sense of trapping, and wow the rifle does crazy damage if you have good aim. Through armor too!

One thing I couldn't nail down was if it had different damage levels based on what stage the monster is in. I was thinking maybe the amount of health taken off the bar just changes due to the monster having more HP, but that doesn't make sense since the HP bar itself gets bigger, so it should be the same.


Just playing evacuation now.

The game rescue is terrible. Either the monster has no idea what they should be doing or the survivors act like hero's for some reason. We just had to get 1 more survivor to the dropship.. I revived one and instead of her following me, she went after the monster which led to everyone dying. Why would a survivor do that?

The other thing is the in game chat on PS4 is terrible. The difference between party chat and in game is huge and it's really annoying as I want people in game to hear me but I keep hearing myself echo etc.

Other than that I really like playing the game.
Almost forgot to get a round in this weekend for the Goliath skin. Contributed like 10 rock throws to the count.

Oh and the mobile app event ended. Sucks you can only redeem the skin on one console, but whatever. A free skin is a free skin and I do appreciate them giving them out for a little work.


Are the new hunters fairly balanced? Or are you at a disadvantage if you don't buy them? Have their been any good sales on the game? With the amount of dlc, I am waiting for this to hit 30$.
Rock throw goal was reached, free skins yay!

Are the new hunters fairly balanced? Or are you at a disadvantage if you don't buy them? Have their been any good sales on the game? With the amount of dlc, I am waiting for this to hit 30$.

There was a lot of talk that Sunny was OP, but she got a nerf in the latest micropatch. I don't think you are at a disadvantage for not buying them, I see people play every tier of hunter in every class and no one says anything. They all play so differently that I think people just choose what they like best.


NeoGAFs Kent Brockman
Rock throw goal was reached, free skins yay!

There was a lot of talk that Sunny was OP, but she got a nerf in the latest micropatch. I don't think you are at a disadvantage for not buying them, I see people play every tier of hunter in every class and no one says anything. They all play so differently that I think people just choose what they like best.

Patch notes

Things i hate they did in this patch:

Autofire Shotgun
Damage reduced by 10%

Mortar Cannon
Damage reduced by 10%
Leech Gun
Damage reduced 30%
Mininuke Grenade Launcher
Damage reduced 25%

The damage reduced from sunny is incredible.


NeoGAFs Kent Brockman
But necessary, Sunny was often outdamaging Assault.

But is a mini NUKE so it has to be a powerful weapon.Now is a fucking joke of gun and for all of this of reducing damage of the new hunters i don't play more evolve until they release new content.(maps,hunters,game modes or increase damage for the hunters)

The damage nerfed from the new hunters is a bad joke but not for me because i'm not gonna play more.

So when characters do too much damage and they get properly balanced, you stop playing the game.

Man I fucking love gamers

Sorry but for me in the initial release they did the correct damage.Not now.

So speak for yourself the next time when you think a game is properly balanced. I have my own criteria.


So, this could be a whole Journeyman's boots thing, but, did the jump packs get nerfed? Haven't played for awhile, tried tonight, felt way less maneuverable.

No one responded. Please tell me I am crazy. The last two games I've played since coming back, I felt so much less maneuverable. I'd pick the same perks and everything.

So much so that it felt like less fun.


But is a mini NUKE so it has to be a powerful weapon.Now is a fucking joke of gun and for all of this of reducing damage of the new hunters i don't play more evolve until they release new content.(maps,hunters,game modes or increase damage for the hunters)

The damage nerfed from the new hunters is a bad joke but not for me because i'm not gonna play more.

So when characters do too much damage and they get properly balanced, you stop playing the game.

Man I fucking love gamers


Rock throw goal was reached, free skins yay!

There was a lot of talk that Sunny was OP, but she got a nerf in the latest micropatch. I don't think you are at a disadvantage for not buying them, I see people play every tier of hunter in every class and no one says anything. They all play so differently that I think people just choose what they like best.

Thank you. I want the dlc, so I'm waiting for the game to go on a good sale. When the game hits around 30$, I'll buy it.
Thank you. I want the dlc, so I'm waiting for the game to go on a good sale. When the game hits around 30$, I'll buy it.

Shouldn't be long I think, summer sale will probably hit that and get a nice community boost from it.

Regarding the balances, anyone else feel like some guns are basically balanced around people playing with a gamepad and not having the speed and accuracy of a mouse? Sunny's nuke is just the latest example of this but on release I remember finding the Caira's heal/nade launcher was so effective that it had to be have been playtested by people with less speed at just moving around. Because its a splash damage target and its more about moving quickly between targets far apart (in rapid healing during fights for example) it's not the kind of thing that benefits as much from traditional aim assist used on pads, you simply need the speed to look around and target faster. Thus I think it was initially much more effective than they planned for.
Seems like a fair patch, overall. I bet Behemoth is getting nerfed in the next few patches, though. That seems crazy tanky.

Also Sunny 4 lyfe. Never need to play another support, except maybe bucket on Nest. THATS IT
But necessary, Sunny was often outdamaging Assault.
Thinking about it, it would have made more sense to decrease the reload speed. That way the mini nuke still does amazing single damage, but it would do far less total DPS. Plus it would make playing as her more difficult because you need to make each hit count. I like that idea a lot better.


Seems like a fair patch, overall. I bet Behemoth is getting nerfed in the next few patches, though. That seems crazy tanky.

Also Sunny 4 lyfe. Never need to play another support, except maybe bucket on Nest. THATS IT

Thinking about it, it would have made more sense to decrease the reload speed. That way the mini nuke still does amazing single damage, but it would do far less total DPS. Plus it would make playing as her more difficult because you need to make each hit count. I like that idea a lot better.

That would have been a much better solution.


Sorry but for me in the initial release they did the correct damage.Not now.

So speak for yourself the next time when you think a game is properly balanced. I have my own criteria.
Sunny had way too much damage and utility. She's still a little op, she shouldn't be able to set down her shield drone so easily, she should have to stand next to the shield drone for 4-5 seconds to manually charge it.
Shield drone is getting it's health massively reduced next patch, so there's that.
That's a good change too. Hopefully you'll be able to easily destroy it with only 1 point in Goliath's fire breath like you can with Markov's mines. Sunny players will have to be more tactical about where they place the shield drone so the monster has to go out of his way to destroy it.


Sunny had way too much damage and utility. She's still a little op, she shouldn't be able to set down her shield drone so easily, she should have to stand next to the shield drone for 4-5 seconds to manually charge it.

Shield drone is getting it's health massively reduced next patch, so there's that.


People should be doing that already -_-
With as much hp as the shield drone has and how easy it is for Sunny to drop a shield drone you don't really have to put much thought into placement currently. The main thing you have to worry about is the shield drone having line of sight over the hunters.

Currently it takes too much effort for a monster to destroy a shield drone, he has to waste an ability or use a few melees on it, and as he's focusing the shield drone your entire team is doing damage to him. Then when the shield drone is destroyed Sunny can drop a new one immediately after, then the monster only has 7 seconds before the shield drone is fully charged again.
But if you can get the shield up on top a spire, or the very edge of a cliff face, the sheer area that the drone can protect is astounding. Get it up high and the monster will have to waste time getting it, it won't get caught in his AOE attacks, while it's also providing the best shielding.

The less time you have to waste scambling to put up new drones, the more time you can boost jetpacks and blow the shit out of the monster.


With as much hp as the shield drone has and how easy it is for Sunny to drop a shield drone you don't really have to put much thought into placement currently. The main thing you have to worry about is the shield drone having line of sight over the hunters.

Currently it takes too much effort for a monster to destroy a shield drone, he has to waste an ability or use a few melees on it, and as he's focusing the shield drone your entire team is doing damage to him. Then when the shield drone is destroyed Sunny can drop a new one immediately after, then the monster only has 7 seconds before the shield drone is fully charged again.
Yeah as it is right now, you don't have to be smart with your placement of the drone. It has so much health that you can place it in the middle of the fight and still have it be useful.
This is actually news to me that the drone had health at all. This is how I thought it worked and how it should be, IMO:

Drone has 1hp. any hit will kill it. But it shields itself, and uses the same charge capacity on itself as it does for the hunters. So if the drone's battery is at 50%, it will use that 50% to shield itself, and if it gets hit at 0%, then it loses its 1hp and dies.


This is actually news to me that the drone had health at all. This is how I thought it worked and how it should be, IMO:

Drone has 1hp. any hit will kill it. But it shields itself, and uses the same charge capacity on itself as it does for the hunters. So if the drone's battery is at 50%, it will use that 50% to shield itself, and if it gets hit at 0%, then it loses its 1hp and dies.
I'm actually not sure how it works myself, all I know is that it takes forever to destroy and basically never runs out of charge.
I haven't played with a Sunny, and I haven't yet bought the DLC, but either the damage nerf, or reload speed nerf was eneded from everything I saw & read. Both do about the same effect, but the lower damage benefits the hunters way better. I much would prefer to keep the massive damage, and to lower the reload speed to something ludicrous.
No one responded. Please tell me I am crazy. The last two games I've played since coming back, I felt so much less maneuverable. I'd pick the same perks and everything.

So much so that it felt like less fun.
I wanna say you are crazy. I just hopped back on last night after a week and everything feels the same. Despite playing with idiot trappers.


Everything is the same as it was :D
So, got this a few days ago from Gamefly. After a few hours I really love it although all the stuff on screen often confuses me for some reason...maybe that'll stop after I get used to it. My gamefly trial is ending and their keep it price is more than it is new from Amazon so now I'm waiting for my Amazon copy to come :D
I really like them doing these challenges often. I wonder if they could have subverted some of the PR nightmare that was the DLC skins stuff pre-release by telling people they'd be giving them out all the time via weekend events and whatnot.


I dig the events but i wish they were actual skins for the hunters, not just pallet swaps for their weapons. Was very disappointed to find out the griffin skin was just green camo for trapper weapons. I wouldnt bitch too much about it if 2k hadnt already had a horrendous business model for this game thus far.


I dig the events but i wish they were actual skins for the hunters, not just pallet swaps for their weapons. Was very disappointed to find out the griffin skin was just green camo for trapper weapons. I wouldnt bitch too much about it if 2k hadnt already had a horrendous business model for this game thus far.

We're not gonna get model changing skins any time soon if at all because TRS wants to rather focus on skins you yourself can see and not skins no one can really see outside of the dropship. The monster can't see your skin cause you are too small for it and other hunters are always moving around and usually too far away.

Also, they are not always just skins there are actually model changes for the weapons with many skins,they are just super subtle.
Yeah, so long as it's first person the gun skins makes more sense than character skins. Third person hunter gameplay is pretty cool though when I watch some streams using observer mode, but for balance reasons first person is the way to go so hunters lack the special awareness that a monster has.

Also Daisy gets skins.
Found this interview over at Gameinformer talking about the post-release happenings:


2K released some impressive gameplay stats shortly after the launch of Evolve, but the number of players has declined substantially since then. How is Evolve's player base trending? Are you happy with where it's at so far?
Ha! We're never satisfied. There is always room for improvement and we're always looking for ways to get better. That said, Evolve's player base is trending as most triple-A online game player bases do: There's huge concurrencies day one, and then it settles out over the course of the game's lifetime. We see Evolve as a living entity. Our plan is to continue to support and grow the game over time. We're in this for the long haul, and part of that is riding the concurrency waves through the highs and the lows. We've got a lot of cool stuff in the pipe and expect that as we grow the game, the community will grow with it. So even though our concurrencies may be lower in week five versus week one, we believe that we'll be able to boost concurrencies with all the new content and challenges we have planned.


New Tiger skin for Goliath in the store now
Okay, haven't played in a month or so. Got back on.

So the wraith can fly now??? It launched itself in the sky and can stay up there for a good 20 seconds. And then when it lands it clones and does it all over again....
And his clone can combo attack better than the person playing the actual wraith??

Did turtle rock really beef up the wraith when everyone was already calling it OP?

F this game lol


Okay, haven't played in a month or so. Got back on.

So the wraith can fly now??? It launched itself in the sky and can stay up there for a good 20 seconds. And then when it lands it clones and does it all over again....
And his clone can combo attack better than the person playing the actual wraith??

Did turtle rock really beef up the wraith when everyone was already calling it OP?

F this game lol

the wraith could always do that. it goes into the air and then it uses the abduction skill (i think warpblast works too) and while he is aiming them, he slowly floats down. it's called playing a "Sky Wraith" and it's pretty easy to kill cause he just hovers there in the air.
the decoy is also a non skill nowadays, no one really uses it anymore and it's easy to evade.

the wraith was nerfed in traversal speed and warpblast range, his decoy has longer cooldown and the supernova duration was halved. It is now (pretty much like before) the weakest monster in straight up fights but it's not basically undomeable anymore.

Right now the Kraken reigns supreme because till the next codefix patch comes out some of his movement stuff in the air is not affected by certain effects and so he is way more mobile in a fight than he should be.

I play this game about 1-3 hours per day, still absolutely loving it. Just wish I could get some more premade groups together again.
Yeah the Wraith got nerfed to hell, it doesn't prove as near as much a problem as before. I think there is still some residual hate for it though, I saw something about people using #Leave4Wraith and bailing on games when she is picked. The main thing is she isn't as annoying to fight and games don't last quite as long. Kraken seems to be the new monster everyone feels is too strong.


Saw a Wraith flying around like that for the first time yesterday. At first I couldn't see it because of the trees and thought the tracking icon was bugged. Annoying tactic, mostly because it was out of reach for my sentry guns! But other than that I don't think the Wraith is op anymore.

Speaking of sentry guns, 6 hours ago we were at 191,180,000 damage for the community challenge. I really hope we reach the stretch goal. Time to play more Bucket!


Oh man, didn't get the goliath voodoo skin after participating last weekend, submitted a ticket on 2k support, how are they at rectifying such things?
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