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Evolve |OT| Leaving Monsters 4 Dead

Speaking of sentry guns, 6 hours ago we were at 191,180,000 damage for the community challenge. I really hope we reach the stretch goal. Time to play more Bucket!
If that's really the count, then there's virtually no chance of us hitting the stretch goal by midnight EST. Unless they lie about it, of course.
Oh man, didn't get the goliath voodoo skin after participating last weekend, submitted a ticket on 2k support, how are they at rectifying such things?
From what I've read on the Turtle Rock forums: pretty good, but it'll take a few days.
Seems like its going to take forever to get the Torvald shrapnel mine mastery. I toss it a ton and it only goes up like 30 per match, despite shooting the hell out of the weak points. Possibly bugged? Or does it only count if it's teammates utilizing those weak points, which would be pretty lame to have to rely on others to get this mastery.

Torvald is awesome though.
We missed the stretch goal by about 40m. I blame Xbox Live for being down part of Friday.
Oh well, at least I got my Arctic Maggie from the app.
I wonder if it did a good job of convincing people on Bucket though, I think collectively the game knowledge on how to use turrets and UAV probably went up a ton. These events should be useful for promoting certain playstyles or hunters that they can see with the stats are balanced but for some reason underplayed, maybe via just perceived weakness.

Not a support player myself but I think it's awesome as trapper when you coordinate with a bucket who uses his UAV to help track the monster. It's like being able to spot on two sides of the map at once.
I've kind of soured on Crow. Gobi just seems kind of.. inconsistent? Like the way the animation plays out makes it hard to tell where exactly he's going to go and how far, and I end up just keeping it selected all the time so I know when its back to throw it. It also tags the monster for a very short period of time compared to dust tagging or Abe's tracking darts. I still think his stasis gun charge shot is extremely useful in domes though if you can hit the shots.

I've been getting put into assault a lot lately and I unlocked Parnell. He's hard to play for sure, he doesn't have a 'guaranteed damage' weapon like the lightning gun or flamethrower, and supposedly does more DPS but you need to aim good. It's tricky, I like playing him but if I do bad in a dome I feel like I let down the team and should have picked another assault instead. But that would just lead to never truly getting better with him.

Torvald continues to be really awesome and my safe pick for if I just want to know I'm going to do good. Still have no idea how to do the mastery for his shrapnel grenade though.


New weekend challenge: http://evolvegame.com/news/evolves-Hyde-vs-Wraith-throwdown-challenge-weekend


Voodoo skin looks awesome, especially with the skull painted on the Wraith's head, but I'm with Hyde on this one, he's my favorite assault.


Was away for a few weeks but coming back to this soon after checking out some GTA and MKX. Time to see the new characters, I'll probably give in.

Any word on those new maps?
Was away for a few weeks but coming back to this soon after checking out some GTA and MKX. Time to see the new characters, I'll probably give in.

Any word on those new maps?

Coming out at the end of the month. I'm pretty excited from watching streams and videos of people playing them on Xbone, they look like really cool maps and I like that they're not just asset reusing from the main game's maps. The mining town one looks really great, dusty and neon everywhere. I also like how the underground mine one has you skydive in from a huge mine shaft before you go under the earth.

New challenge is cool, I can see them changing to this format now that the player count is so low just so no matter what someone wins something. Will be putting in work for Hyde!
Hey guys, what's the best version to get this on if I have a PS4 and an X1? I'm probably just going to play a few matches online and complete the solo "campaign" then trade or sell it depending of how good I am.

Some retail stores have it on sale now for $40.
Hey guys, what's the best version to get this on if I have a PS4 and an X1? I'm probably just going to play a few matches online and complete the solo "campaign" then trade or sell it depending of how good I am.

Some retail stores have it on sale now for $40.
There is no campaign to complete, just botmatches. As to the platform, I'd go with the X1 because it already has two more maps, PS4 will have to wait till the 30th of April for those maps.


Toxic Grenade
Removed Hunter slow effect (and the crowd goes wild!!!!!)

Very nice, I like that one!

And they are finally nerfing the wildlife buffs. Looking forward to this.
Man, it's so hard to close distance with Hyde against a Wraith. This weekend challenge is really making me play assault all stealthy to get around in while inside domes. Miss you Parnell :x
Got the game a week ago and only had time to play a few matches, got val to level 3 and thats it. However I farmed the shit out of the companion app and bought EVERY upgrade so I have that waiting for me on the ps4 =]


Finally got my voodoo skin............at the cost of all my accolades, thank you very fucking much 2k support!!!

"delete your game save data, don't worry, all but your options settings are server side"

Woohoo! I got my skins......

FUCK! all my accolades are reset.
I predict Wraith is going to win this challenge even though less people play monster.. just anecdotal but the games I've been seeing the Wraiths have been on point.

Really wish they got the gas grenade buff in before this weekend challenge.
They made many mistakes with this game, but I really think they overestimated how competent random pub teams are and that has contributed heavily to the player bleed (especially in the first few weeks). I just played a game of post-nerf Wraith and even though I know on paper she's not overpowered, I simply cannot understand why they thought a monster like this would work in a public setting. We have a trapper that's always lagging behind and never cutting it off or surprise boosting to trap it, a medic that never tranqs, so we are simply running around in circles for 20+ minutes until the relay is vulnerable and then die. They couldn't possibly think that is a fun gameplay loop, the only explanation is them being super experienced at their own game in playtesting when coming up with the idea of a super mobile but squishy monster in the 'rogue' archtype. In actual use cases it's completely different.


They made many mistakes with this game, but I really think they overestimated how competent random pub teams are and that has contributed heavily to the player bleed (especially in the first few weeks).
I agree 100%. When going up against even a mediocre monster player this game requires too much skill from the hunters. This game punishes mistakes hunters make too severely, all of the hunters have to play near perfectly in order to stand a chance against a monster that knows what he's doing.

Sunny with her jetpack boost and shield drone has given more recovery options for mistakes the hunters make, but there's only so much Sunny can do to carry a casual pub team.


I bought the US version of Evolve off PSN with the monster pack but it looks like I can't use the Behemoth with my Irish account. It just tells me check the store to get the Behemoth.

Does this mean I'm effectively locked out from playing as the behemoth as even if I wanted to, I can't buy the EU DLC as that won't work and it shows up as unavailable on the US PSN
I bought the US version of Evolve off PSN with the monster pack but it looks like I can't use the Behemoth with my Irish account. It just tells me check the store to get the Behemoth.

Does this mean I'm effectively locked out from playing as the behemoth as even if I wanted to, I can't buy the EU DLC as that won't work and it shows up as unavailable on the US PSN

I don't know for sure but seems like DLC would be account based. You could try contacting 2k support and see if they'll credit your account with it if you give them proof of purchase.
yeah DLC in this is super weird I don't get it
I'm playing on a US account with a UK disc and I have redeemed a Behemoth code on my US account and I can play Behemoth, but I can't buy/get any skins from within the game. Soooo weird, usually you just can't use DLC with other regions but with this it seems like it's based on your 2K account for purchaseables.


Ya I logged onto the evolve forum and it seems to be a known issue. Hopefully it will be resolved but the thread has been opened with a while.


Evolve is $20 on Gamefly right now, anyone know what the PS4 population for it is like? $20 is about my sweet spot for it, but only if there are people to play with.
Evolve is $20 on Gamefly right now, anyone know what the PS4 population for it is like? $20 is about my sweet spot for it, but only if there are people to play with.

Seems like it would be really hard to say when they don't make the actual numbers available. Even on PC which now has notoriously low player counts because of steam charts, I'm still able to find games since it only takes 5 players for a full game. If it weren't for the charts really it'd be hard to even know it's doing so poorly.


Oh man I missed playing in the event this weekend and now I won't get the wraith skin :(

Not sure it actually works like that tbh.

I played dozens of rounds during the Goliath voodoo skin weekend and got nothing, my partner however didnt play (and hasnt done since launch) and got the skin.


Some PC players have been fooling around with the gamepad aim assist in preparation for the $100k tournament on xbox one, and it's ridiculous how strong the aim assist is. It's situations like this where I think there should be different OTs for console and PC players because this changes the meta of the game, hunters have to worry less about positioning and focus more on doing DPS with aim assist.

Edit: Someone made a thread on the forums complaining about how aim assist impacts balancing. https://talk.turtlerockstudios.com/t/aim-assist-and-its-effect-on-telemetry-and-balance/55996
Something is really wrong with me, I'm too lazy to get on my consoles so I've put <6 hours into the game itself but 50+ hours into the iphone game I fucking love. >.> wtf
Some PC players have been fooling around with the gamepad aim assist in preparation for the $100k tournament on xbox one, and it's ridiculous how strong the aim assist is. It's situations like this where I think there should be different OTs for console and PC players because this changes the meta of the game, hunters have to worry less about positioning and focus more on doing DPS with aim assist.

Edit: Someone made a thread on the forums complaining about how aim assist impacts balancing. https://talk.turtlerockstudios.com/t/aim-assist-and-its-effect-on-telemetry-and-balance/55996

VODs been deleted, but the aim assist on gamepads is indeed ridiculous. People posting clips like this being completely proud of simply mashing the RT baffles me. It definitely needs a cool down on that lock on or it'll continue to be abused, people would rather do that than learn to aim.

Here's a gfy of what people are doing: https://gfycat.com/NiceGloriousEider

It's obviously a balance problem as well, hitscan weapons that need to be aimed should be more rewarding than the weapons that aim themselves like the lightning gun or weapons that simply need less aim like Hyde's flamethrower. This neutralizes all of that.


Evolve is $20 on Gamefly right now, anyone know what the PS4 population for it is like? $20 is about my sweet spot for it, but only if there are people to play with.

That's awesome. Very good deal.

I just clicked on skirmish just now and was immediately dropped into a match. So seems pretty quick still. Havent played this game in awhile. Was wanting to rank up more and buy new dlc characters
So I told myself I hated microtransactions, but I picked up the game on sale so I picked up a couple of skins. Holy crap they are awesome. My only gripe is why they didn't include more skins in the main game? Are the Elite skins the only one's you can unlock?I picked up the Savage Kraken, Tiger Goliath, and Clownfish Wraith skin. It's too bad that they are locked behind a paywall because it makes the monsters stand out really well.


Well it is good you are supporting the game. I'm personally too busy trying to kill monster to notice what skin they have on personally though. I am tempted to bite on the new hunter dlc if I find myself playing more. Only had time to run 2 matches last night.

Trying to figure out how we supposed to track the monster when he's not even making any noise and alerting local wildlife. For first minute or two we all literally sort of just stared at each other that first match. By the time the monster alerted local wildlife it evolved L2 already. Then our trapper finally was able to track him. But around this time monster hit stage 3 and we got dropped.

Second match the monster did something unusual. He wanted to fight the entire time. Even after he hit stage 3. He just toyed with us til time almost ran out. So in the last 10s he finished off the power relay and won

Now that I recall- before I stopped playing I used to play coop with other hunters against a monster AI. Might go back to that.
Well it is good you are supporting the game. I'm personally too busy trying to kill monster to notice what skin they have on personally though. I am tempted to bite on the new hunter dlc if I find myself playing more. Only had time to run 2 matches last night.

Trying to figure out how we supposed to track the monster when he's not even making any noise and alerting local wildlife. For first minute or two we all literally sort of just stared at each other that first match. By the time the monster alerted local wildlife it evolved L2 already. Then our trapper finally was able to track him. But around this time monster hit stage 3 and we got dropped.

Second match the monster did something unusual. He wanted to fight the entire time. Even after he hit stage 3. He just toyed with us til time almost ran out. So in the last 10s he finished off the power relay and won

Now that I recall- before I stopped playing I used to play coop with other hunters against a monster AI. Might go back to that.

Is this an option under the modes?

Also, bird's should get alerted every now and then when the monster feeds. I've noticed there is no way around this as I love playing as the monsters.


Is this an option under the modes?

Also, bird's should get alerted every now and then when the monster feeds. I've noticed there is no way around this as I love playing as the monsters.

bird's spawn randomly when you eat, with the chance getting higher the longer it's been between birds. you can eat inside caves or under ceilings to stop them from spawning.


Is this an option under the modes?

Also, bird's should get alerted every now and then when the monster feeds. I've noticed there is no way around this as I love playing as the monsters.

Yeah its under Evacuation->CO-OP. I used to choose this option to ensure I didnt become the monster. Don't get me wrong- I enjoy playing the monster. But sometimes I just want to rank up my hunter.

And after getting crazy trolled by that monster yesterday, I might mix in players vs AI just a tad bit more. But just befriended this one guy that was patient with me and was teaching me the ropes. So I'll give Skirmish a go again

bird's spawn randomly when you eat, with the chance getting higher the longer it's been between birds. you can eat inside caves or under ceilings to stop them from spawning.

Ah, I should check out some guides as playing the monster. Sounds like the goal is to kill the creatures in these areas to avoid alerting the hunters.
I wish the averages worked, it's a smart way to let you know how you actually did since there isn't a simple way to show score in this game with how the class roles work. They've been broken for what seems like forever though.
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