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Fake: Forza Horizon 5 Japan Map Leaked

space falcon GIF


RSI Employee of the Year

Anyone who knows Japan would see this is a fake, made with a collage of old satellite imagery (you notice the badly deleted areas of the coastline).

Even if they wanted to condense Japan on a smaller scale, there is absolutely no way they'd put Akita airport that close to Yokohama, and Morioka is EAST of Akita, not west.

I could go on describing just what a ludicrous representation of Japan that would be. Playground knows how to do a much better job than that.

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Gold Member
Anyone who knows Japan would see this is a fake, made with a collage of old satellite imagery (you notice the badly deleted areas of the coastline).

Even if they wanted to condense Japan on a smaller scale, there is absolutely no way they'd put Akita airport that close to Yokohama, and Morioka is EAST of Akita, not west.

Horizon maps are always fake as fuck though, just try comparing the spots in FH3 with the real australia
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RSI Employee of the Year
Horizon maps are always fake as fuck though, just try comparing the spots in FH3 with the real australia

They're downscaled and condensed, but they're not badly made. This is literally badly made.

It's very noticeable that whoever made this bad fake mashed together satellite imagery of the mount Fuji area (bottom left) with the Yokohama area (bottom right) and the area between Gunma and Utsunomiya (top). You can literally see where they have been blurred together in Photoshop.

The alleged "Akita Airport" has been pasted on top of the villages and fields north east of Utsunomiya (nowhere near Akita or Morioka, mind you). They made it MASSIVE compared to the rest and that terrain can't even fit an airport. 😂
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Gold Member
They're downscaled and condensed, but they're not badly made. This is literally badly made.

It's very noticeable that whoever made this bad fake mashed together satellite imagery of the mount Fuji area (bottom left) with the Yokohama area (bottom right) and the area between Gunma and Utsunomiya (top). You can literally see where they have been blurred together in Photoshop.

The alleged "Akita Airport" has been pasted on top of the villages and fields north east of Utsunomiya (nowhere near Akita or Morioka, mind you). They made it MASSIVE compared to the rest and that terrain can't even fit an airport. 😂
just let a weeb dream


RSI Employee of the Year
just let a weeb dream

The top map is literally pasted from Google Maps. If you look at the Yokohama bay, you'll see the same pattern where satellite imagery is mashed together.

Sorry. I'm a weeb, and I hope the franchise will go to Japan in the future, but this is just a bad fake.


Whatever location they choose, I hope it has varied environments. I loved Forza Horizon and Horizon 3 for that reason. Both had a mix of city, desert and wooded environments.

Horizon 2 was fun as a game but the location was very samey throughout. Horizon 4 is not as bad as Horizon 2 due to seasons, but I also felt that I was missing some environments I enjoy. That's why I keep going back to Horzion 3.


Gold Member
Whatever location they choose, I hope it has varied environments. I loved Forza Horizon and Horizon 3 for that reason. Both had a mix of city, desert and wooded environments.

Horizon 2 was fun as a game but the location was very samey throughout. Horizon 4 is not as bad as Horizon 2 due to seasons, but I also felt that I was missing some environments I enjoy. That's why I keep going back to Horzion 3.
I liked horizon 4 for the snow. Not a whole lot of open world racing games with snowy enviroments like that.


Japan with a focus on modification would be my dream Forza, but I won't get my hopes up...
also, IMO a new type of Forza game where it's basically like a Racing RPG would be way better than the toybox do whatever you want style they have with modern Horizon games.

less cars (maybe 100 to 200 at most) but way more in depth customization and an RPG like progression. get a car, built it up to win races in order to either get even better cars or mod out your own to the point where it's barely even the same car anymore.
basically like NfS Underground 2 but with more depth to it.

and japan would be the perfect place to set it in. maybe even make it take place in the 90s?
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Japan with a focus on modification would be my dream Forza, but I won't get my hopes up...
also, IMO a new type of Forza game where it's basically like a Racing RPG would be way better than the toybox do whatever you want style they have with modern Horizon games.

less cars (maybe 100 to 200 at most) but way more in depth customization and an RPG like progression. get a car, built it up to win races in order to either get even better cars or mod out your own to the point where it's barely even the same car anymore.
basically like NfS Underground 2 but with more depth to it.

and japan would be the perfect place to set it in. maybe even make it take place in the 90s?
You're speaking my fucking language, pal

If they go with Japan then I hope they model more RHD cars this time. A peeve of mine when cruising around on FH4 and 95% of the cars are LHD.


Gold Member
If they go with Japan then I hope they model more RHD cars this time. A peeve of mine when cruising around on FH4 and 95% of the cars are LHD.
Not going to happen bruv! most of the cars they source are from the US as it's easier for them.
I hope it's set in Japan, but I don't think this is the map.

For starters, none of the roads appear to include any major switchbacks which even Horizon 4 had plenty of.

The extreme elevation changes in Japan's mountain regions would necessitate switchbacks or racing up those roads in lower class cars would be a chore/impossible.
Japan with a focus on modification would be my dream Forza, but I won't get my hopes up...
also, IMO a new type of Forza game where it's basically like a Racing RPG would be way better than the toybox do whatever you want style they have with modern Horizon games.

less cars (maybe 100 to 200 at most) but way more in depth customization and an RPG like progression. get a car, built it up to win races in order to either get even better cars or mod out your own to the point where it's barely even the same car anymore.
basically like NfS Underground 2 but with more depth to it.

and japan would be the perfect place to set it in. maybe even make it take place in the 90s?
This is my dream racing game. I still have to play underground 2 to fix my itch.
I would say that this is clearly fake, as already pointed out this map is poorly made from satellite images.
I live in Japan and understand that many gamers want it to be set in Japan and it might be, but this map is clearly fake, why would they even let you race through Yokohama, but not Tokyo.
I would say that this is clearly fake, as already pointed out this map is poorly made from satellite images.
I live in Japan and understand that many gamers want it to be set in Japan and it might be, but this map is clearly fake, why would they even let you race through Yokohama, but not Tokyo.
Maybe Tokyo comes as dlc ?


Whatever location they decide on, I hope they drive on the right side of the road.
Yeah it’s the reason I don’t want Japan, I’m sure it would be a beautiful location but I really don’t want to drive on the left anymore.


Anyone who knows Japan would see this is a fake, made with a collage of old satellite imagery (you notice the badly deleted areas of the coastline).

Even if they wanted to condense Japan on a smaller scale, there is absolutely no way they'd put Akita airport that close to Yokohama, and Morioka is EAST of Akita, not west.

I could go on describing just what a ludicrous representation of Japan that would be. Playground knows how to do a much better job than that.


I don't know about you, but I'm an expert in Japanese culture...
Just saw this, so the second image is the updated and complete image of the first - looks legit, I wonder if a game like this set in Japan would push platform adoption over there.

FH3 drove adoption in Australia.
FH4 drove adoption in the UK.

So I think it will happen. We'll see how much.
It will come to Steam, the Windows store and Xbox


RSI Employee of the Year
Just saw this, so the second image is the updated and complete image of the first - looks legit, I wonder if a game like this set in Japan would push platform adoption over there.

That image is the one that looks the least legit.

You can notice where whoever made this fake collaged satellite imagery from the internet of mount fuji with Yokohama and the Gunma/Utsunomiya area to the north by blurring them together.

Morioka and Akita are WAY north in Japan, and here they're labeled south of Gunma and Utsunomiya, which is ludicrous. They're also inverted. Akita is actually west of Morioka. What's labeled "Akita Airport" is plastered over the satellite imagery of the outskirts of Utsunomiya, pretty literally rammed on top of towns and cultivated fields and it's massively out of scale compared to the rest.

It's a small regional airport with an 8,202 feet runway, and in this amateurish collage it's nearly as big as Yokohama lol, the second-largest city in the country.

If you look at the previous Forza Horizon maps, they are condensed, yes, but they are condensed in a way that makes sense and still follows the geography of the country. They don't just throw around pieces randomly as this does. Playground would never do this bad of a job.
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