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Fighting Games Weekly | July 21-27 | EMPty


Cock Strain, Lifetime Warranty
Search your feelings. You know it to be true.
It'd be pretty hard to argue otherwise in any respect other than graphics.
the SE are a stylistic choice and other than the swoosh of some circulars don't sound dated at all. what else seems 90's?


Unconfirmed Member
the SE are a stylistic choice and other than the swoosh of some circulars don't sound dated at all. what else seems 90's?

People don't realize that? Both the SFX and the voices are this

I wonder what these guys think of the sound design in Xrd

personally I love both series sticking with their iconic sound effects


Cock Strain, Lifetime Warranty
People don't realize that?

I wonder what these guys think of the sound design in Xrd

personally I love both series sticking with their iconic sound effects
nothing sounds better than the tsssk of an OM, I love it so much
Mortal Kombat should re use the classic sound effects

Scorpion's Get Over Here and the actual noise when throwing the spear sounded so much better in MK1-3, and I miss the oooooooooh hit sound and the running yells.


Cock Strain, Lifetime Warranty
That's the sound when they do a spinning sweep and somersault? Yeah that sound is gdlk I might make it my text tone
no an OM is when you cancel an evade with P+K+G, it's used for positioning after knockdowns and to get your opponent side-turned when you have frame advantage.


Decided to waste time and make gifs for Tekken 7 trailer. You can shit on the VA all you want but the trailer itself was dope.

Imagining volcano stage on unreal engine 4.....................damn.





that trailer was 3 minutes of bullshit, and I watched in japanese

oh boy CGI staredowns and visual effects out of a slipknot music video

I guess expecting gameplay really is too much to ask for in 2014

oh well
the SE are a stylistic choice and other than the swoosh of some circulars don't sound dated at all. what else seems 90's?

They are a stylistic choice, much like bomber jackets and graphic print shirts. But those articles of clothing are tied to the '80s, just like VF's sound effects are close to the early '90s. There are no mini-explosions or metallic sound effects that pop up when people block, either.

VF hasn't gone along with popular trends in ages; no hyper-detailed crowds in the background, no buzzing techno beats, very few established VAs, etc. Heck, they got rid of clothing that could fall off after 3 or 4, can't remember which. I like it that way, but it is undeniably '90s.


Cock Strain, Lifetime Warranty
VF hasn't gone along with popular trends in ages; no hyper-detailed crowds in the background, no buzzing techno beats, very few established VAs, etc. Heck, they got rid of clothing that could fall off after 3 or 4, can't remember which. I like it that way, but it is undeniably '90s.
did you not play 5, then? because there were detailed crowds in Jacky's and blaze's stage, and while the soundtrack's instrumentation is varied there is some electronic stuff. overall it has more than graduated from its model2 days.

regarding clothing, do you just mean Pai's hat and Kage's mask?


that trailer was 3 minutes of bullshit, and I watched in japanese

oh boy CGI staredowns and visual effects out of a slipknot music video

I guess expecting gameplay really is too much to ask for in 2014

oh well

MKX also had a CG trailer reveal. I didn't see anyone complaining about that. In fact, people falsely pretended it was in-game footage.

tekken trailers are always the same damn thing

kazuya/heihachi/jin/whatever else taking turns throwing each other into volcanoes

Nobody was throwing anybody in a volcano in the trailer. Also, watch Tekken 6 and TTT2 reveals. They do not involve any of that.

That Tekken trailer is one of the worst things I've ever seen. How do you produce voice acting that terrible in this day and age? From Software has shown that there's no legitimate excuse for such mean voice work coming from Japan. I cringe at what the dub will sound like once characters start speaking aloud. They probably won't even bother trying to lip-synch the dialogue.

It's little things like this that continue to provide a barrier to my ability to like this series.

Errrr. TTT2 had each character speaking their native languages (outside of assassins---i.e. Nina, Anna, Zafina).

Harada also confirmed Tekken 7 will have characters speak their native languages so I don't see why you're making this a big problem. It's just a trailer. If you hate the VA so much, there is always a Japanese version available of the trailer for you to watch.


I could tell BRAWL was shit 10 seconds into playing the game with captain falcon and how they nerfed him.

No, no I know the feel of the game was awful and everything else on day 1 but how broken certain characters were didn't develop into the public eye until like months later. Like, Snake didn't start dominating the results until the summer of 2008 iirc and then MK started to counteract him and it was from like 2009 and on that MK flooded results -- everyone running pocket MKs and everything.

And that's what nailed the coffin for Brawl, but of course the newer players in the scene still kept playing it. It only had more numbers than Melee at tournaments from that point despite how overtly offensive MK was because of its newness. People were desperate to try and find something to counter MK and really nothing honestly can except Ice Climbers.

But the point I was making was that it's still too early to say if the game is shit because we don't have the full game in our hands. I'm not giving Nintendo/Sakurai the benefit of the doubt or anything in regards to how the game might change before release. I just don't generally like the idea of hating on the game without extensive playtime on it (and by extensive I mean more than just 5 hours). Especially because we haven't seen or played every single character yet, let alone figured out their frame data, how safe/unsafe things are, etc. We don't even really know if there's any shieldstun in the game -- there wasn't any in Brawl but we didn't find that out until at least a week or more of playing the game if I recall.

That's just how I feel about Smash 4 right now, we don't know enough. We know some things and can say some of those things are bad, but not all of it is shit yet.
did you not play 5, then? because there were detailed crowds in Jacky's and blaze's stage, and while the soundtrack's instrumentation is varied there is some electronic stuff. overall it has more than graduated from its model2 days.

Hyper-detailed crowds. Like full models with multiple parts that make the stage lag a little bit.
And while there's been plenty of electronic music, it's all been fairly melodic. Outside of some tracks in vanilla VF4, there generally aren't many tracks that go on, and on, and on, and on to make sure that it can fill out a 5 minute match.

regarding clothing, do you just mean Pai's hat and Kage's mask?

Pretty much. I only threw 4 in because I couldn't remember whether or not Wolf's cowboy hat could fall off.


VF4 and 4EVO let you do that, those games were so rad

oh hey, crowds in VF ten years ago

VF 4 evo was the best shit ever. It's training mode is better than any fighting games past or present. To be fair I haven't messed with the console version of VF5FS very much so idk how well it fairs against it.


Cock Strain, Lifetime Warranty
Hyper-detailed crowds. Like full models with multiple parts that make the stage lag a little bit.
ok, find me a FG that had more detailed crowds than 5 did in 2007.

edit, reference:

And while there's been plenty of electronic music, it's all been fairly melodic. Outside of some tracks in vanilla VF4, there generally aren't many tracks that go on, and on, and on, and on to make sure that it can fill out a 5 minute match.
listen to 5R's soundtrack

Pretty much. I only threw 4 in because I couldn't remember whether or not Wolf's cowboy hat could fall off.
that was 3
VF 4 evo was the best shit ever. It's training mode is better than any fighting games past or present. To be fair I haven't messed with the console version of VF5FS very much so idk how well it fairs against it.
4EVO's is still better, altho the 5FS tutorial is serviceable. just not as indepth



Manga depicting 15 year old Nuki and Daigo at the arcades. Nuki is horrified at the "lame" play of Daigo's Guile in SF2.



Slayer of Combofiends
whats strange is that sakurai is saying those kinds of things but nintendo has been involved with 3(?) smash bros. tournaments recently so maybe they are starting to see some advantages from a competitive scene. not sure if that sentiment will get to the developers or not but it sure is weird to watch.

Sakurai doesn't care. He just wants to nerf his own system mechanics down to the ground so it won't be played competitively.

That's really odd.

'S' for "shit", in my opinion.

Japanese or bust.

I summon the power....of Japanese voice acting.


THIS IS WHY JAPANESE IS THE BEST! You can't get the same emotions out of a crappy VA actor in America, except for the top few in the upper echelon, which anime sometimes cannot sadly afford....


Manga depicting 15 year old Nuki and Daigo at the arcades. Nuki is horrified at the "lame" play of Daigo's Guile in SF2.


The lame has been in Daigo ever since he was young.
ok, find me a FG that had more detailed crowds than 5 did in 2007.

edit, reference:

listen to 5R's soundtrack

that was 3

Oh yea, that was 3. My bad.

Look, I think we're talking past each other, so I'll be blunt.
VF's stages have their flash, but they generally run clean, and most of them are basically grounded sets, outside of the occasional moving platform or inexplicably high plateau - and I've been told that's outdated and stylistic, sometimes within the space of a few seconds.
Same goes for how VF5 and FS's crowds, stages and backgrounds are usually compared to games that came out long after the first version of VF5.
Or the fact that there's no dynamic mixing, long-ass in-game electronica tracks, or normal English VAs; or how some characters went back to wearing their old costumes; or all that other stuff.
All the ways that the series could change and the ways it needs to stay the same are tangled together, and what should change is usually very subjective.

tl;dr we need VF6 for the new gen now, so we can say how great it looks for a while and then get bored with it.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Isn't he a test tube baby? Spawned from Ninas toe nail clipping or something? She isn't his mother but the reason why he exists.

Nina had Steve via in vitro during her cryogentic sleep.

Wasn't Kazuya the one who first started the experiments on Nina and had her frozen? I thought she was frozen and experimented on during Tekken 2, before Kazuya was killed. During the time when Dr. B was being forced to work for them. Meaning Kazuya could be the father.

That occured in Tekken 3. T2 she was fine.


Cock Strain, Lifetime Warranty
Oh yea, that was 3. My bad.

Look, I think we're talking past each other, so I'll be blunt.
VF's stages have their flash, but they generally run clean, and most of them are basically grounded sets, outside of the occasional moving platform or inexplicably high plateau - and I've been told that's outdated and stylistic, sometimes within the space of a few seconds.
Same goes for how VF5 and FS's crowds, stages and backgrounds are usually compared to games that came out long after the first version of VF5.
Or the fact that there's no dynamic mixing, long-ass in-game electronica tracks, or normal English VAs; or how some characters went back to wearing their old costumes; or all that other stuff.
All the ways that the series could change and the ways it needs to stay the same are tangled together, and what should change is usually very subjective.

tl;dr we need VF6 for the new gen now, so we can say how great it looks for a while and then get bored with it.
I don't think we're talking past eachother, I'm just fact checking because I'm not sure how else to respond to you when you're basing your arguments on ideas that aren't true. again wrt the soundtrack I would encourage you to actually listen to it as each song evolves in interesting ways- take Jacky's theme from vf5 for example. compare the first 60 seconds with the second, then note the more complicated repetition of the second minute in the third.

as for the stages, again I think you are flat out incorrect. 5's stages were beautiful, some actually look worse in FS imo, and easily are some of the best looking stages in fighting games, definitely not outdated at all. see wolf's stage, which changes dynamically btw, and Lau's stage in 5 vanilla.

but I'm sure even if I encourage you to actually revisit the games, your opinion won't change. just wanted to respond to this I guess.


tl;dr we need VF6 for the new gen now, so we can say how great it looks for a while and then get bored with it.

I think we already got a VF6


Welcome to the future of Virtua Fighter.

Anyhow I took a look at the beastnote blog and I saw something interesting:
Report: Lag affected performances at Evo2014

If I recall correctly this was the first EVO using X360 instead of PS3. Also, while I'm not too sure, I think I also heard that x360's tend to lag when they run hot. Anybody got experience with that?
I don't think we're talking past eachother, I'm just fact checking because I'm not sure how else to respond to you when you're basing your arguments on ideas that aren't true. again wrt the soundtrack I would encourage you to actually listen to it as each song evolves in interesting ways- take Jacky's theme from vf5 for example. compare the first 60 seconds with the second, then note the more complicated repetition of the second minute in the third.

I know what all the 5 soundtracks sound like - they are complicated, that's my whole point. No droning, no heavy loops with maybe one or two variations, none of that stuff. Even when Jacky's theme switched to some kind of hard-ish synth in 5R and FS, they stayed short and sweet. But some people think ambience is boring.

as for the stages, again I think you are flat out incorrect. 5's stages were beautiful, some actually look worse in FS imo, and easily are some of the best looking stages in fighting games, definitely not outdated at all. see wolf's stage, which changes dynamically btw, and Lau's stage in 5 vanilla.

Yes, a few of them do look worse in FS. From what I understand, AM2 toned some stuff down so that it could run better as a downloadable game, or something along those lines. That was what I was getting at - there's no training stage crisis in VF because making sure the stages run clean is a priority. There might not be an entire action scene going on in the background, but they look good.

but I'm sure even if I encourage you to actually revisit the games, your opinion won't change. just wanted to respond to this I guess.
The only thing that's changed is that I'm never going to post in broad strokes again. I clearly can't be trusted to do so competently.


MKX also had a CG trailer reveal. I didn't see anyone complaining about that. In fact, people falsely pretended it was in-game footage.
You can't compare this to MKX's CG reveal, that CG gave a lot of hints about gameplay mechanics and they promised a full gameplay reveal like two weeks after it.
This is T7's second public showing and all we have is a story trailer.
OK so I want to get into anime. Having finished P4G recent I figured I start with P4A. Will I learrning the first game help me out she. The second persona game comes out?


OK so I want to get into anime. Having finished P4G recent I figured I start with P4A. Will I learrning the first game help me out she. The second persona game comes out?

Uh.....yeah learning the first game will help out immensely. It helps with system mechanics, general playstyles of the characters, matchups, etc.
OK so I want to get into anime. Having finished P4G recent I figured I start with P4A. Will I learrning the first game help me out she. The second persona game comes out?

p4a will help you learn the fundamentals of p4a2.

The only difference is that narukami and chie have a totally different playstyle/gameplan.

Some normals and specials do change, but the fundamentals (rolls, hops, instant block, burst, omc etc etc) all apply
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