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Fighting Games Weekly | July 21-27 | EMPty


tagged by Blackace
60 entrants for UNIEL at TSB, good shit NY anime.
Damn, that's a lot of imports, or people paying to try out a new game.

By the way if any of FGC-GAF wants to play Destiny, add me on PSN: enzogtr (I borrowed a friend's PS3).


Damn, that's a lot of imports, or people paying to try out a new game.

By the way if any of FGC-GAF wants to play Destiny, add me on PSN: enzogtr (I borrowed a friend's PS3).
BBCP used to get a lot of entrants before the western release too, I guess import isn't a problem for the anime crowed.


Cock Strain, Lifetime Warranty
I know what all the 5 soundtracks sound like - they are complicated, that's my whole point. No droning, no heavy loops with maybe one or two variations, none of that stuff. Even when Jacky's theme switched to some kind of hard-ish synth in 5R and FS, they stayed short and sweet. But some people think ambience is boring.

Yes, a few of them do look worse in FS. From what I understand, AM2 toned some stuff down so that it could run better as a downloadable game, or something along those lines. That was what I was getting at - there's no training stage crisis in VF because making sure the stages run clean is a priority. There might not be an entire action scene going on in the background, but they look good.

The only thing that's changed is that I'm never going to post in broad strokes again. I clearly can't be trusted to do so competently.
sorry that I misunderstood some of your points, I've talked a lot with many people over the problems VF has mustering a large community and I've grown accustomed to encountering misinformation. there are lots of opinions on the internet

and I do think there is a problem with VF from a commercial standpoint. why people choose to gravitate towards one series rather than another is a complicated question - roster seems to be the easiest answer and I think its a significant part. just look at the heat SCV got! and VF's roster, and you all know I love em to death, is a slow burn. maybe, for many, a no burn.

I'm prolly rambling so I'll let it die but yeah, sorry to jump on you.
dat secret 4 gameshare technique

Yup, haha. First thing that came to mind after Enzo's comment.

Cool. I hope the playerbase sticks around.

Its got a solid month I think but P4A2 and then Xrd being on the horizon have me worried about the games longevity. Anime games have a history of cannibalizing eachother and I don't think UNiEL will have the same amount of pull among its fans after BBCP2.0 and other mainline Arc Sys games drop.
sorry that I misunderstood some of your points, I've talked a lot with many people over the problems VF has mustering a large community and I've grown accustomed to encountering misinformation. there are lots of opinions on the internet

and I do think there is a problem with VF from a commercial standpoint. why people choose to gravitate towards one series rather than another is a complicated question - roster seems to be the easiest answer and I think its a significant part. just look at the heat SCV got! and VF's roster, and you all know I love em to death, is a slow burn. maybe, for many, a no burn.

I'm prolly rambling so I'll let it die but yeah, sorry to jump on you.

It's OK, I should have been clearer from the start.

Bolded is a good point, though. And they tweak the ones they do have from time to time, too, which could go either way. It's interesting stuff.


Cock Strain, Lifetime Warranty
There needs to be a next-gen fighters megamix.
I luv when people give me an excuse to post this again


mascot fighter is probably a better route than trying another sexed up VF. didn't really work well for fighting vipers or last bronx


In a weird way, I think AM2 and French Bread should have swapped roles in DBFC's development -- then we would have had a FG based off of VF that actually gets played. The problem is that I think this would have required 10x the budget and I don't think Sega was up for paying that.


Cock Strain, Lifetime Warranty
make it VF but super basic, make strings strong and get rid of sideturned stuff and wall stuff. keep the throw system as is since lazy TE is the truth but make OMs be attacks like they were in 4. put sonic in it and ryo since I forgot them and add taunts.

hot cakes.
I wonder if the UNIEL hype will last. Are the people playing it a bunch of dissatisfied capcom players or have all the anime players united under one banner?


Enjoying the UNIEL matches so far, almost makes me want to import :|

I always feel like I get into these games so late in the game that it's hard to even be competitive.


Why this game is that good? Not saying it's not, it does look great, but why is it better than other anime fighters? And wtf are those weird bars on the bottom center of the screen?


where can i find a guide for downloading uniel?
There's a pretty damn good guide on Dustloop.

Melty was on PC right? Poverty platform of choice.
The one at Evo was on PS2 -- but a PS2 release in late 2009 is still pretty damn poverty.

Why this game is that good? Not saying it's not, it does look great, but why is it better than other anime fighters? And wtf are those weird bars on the bottom center of the screen?
I don't know if I would say it's undoubtedly better, but it's good and it's different from other anime fighters. The neutral plays more like KoF, if anything.


It was on PC, then PS2, then PC again.
The last release was really hard to get too.
You had to get a limited edition Blu Ray series to get it. It wasn't released standalone.

At Evo, it was on PS2.


Why this game is that good? Not saying it's not, it does look great, but why is it better than other anime fighters? And wtf are those weird bars on the bottom center of the screen?

It's not better than other anime games, just different and fresh. Very few characters have an airdash, the game plays like Street Fighter on crack.
Why this game is that good? Not saying it's not, it does look great, but why is it better than other anime fighters? And wtf are those weird bars on the bottom center of the screen?

there's like a homing short hop/air short hop instead of airdashes, and no superjumps
most normals are air unblockable, so ground game is really important
the gauge at the bottom rewards successful defense and gives the player controlling it something close to an x-factor cancel
no bursts, and no comeback mechanics that you the player don't actually earn first


Why this game is that good? Not saying it's not, it does look great, but why is it better than other anime fighters? And wtf are those weird bars on the bottom center of the screen?

From what I've played:

-Feels great in terms of speed and responsiveness
-Very interesting, mechanically. I love the forward hop replacing air dashes (not sure of the technical term). Defensive maneuvers give rewards without fucking over the person on offense
-Very intuitive. Attack buttons can be canceled into each other in any order, on block or hit, and attacks can be jump-cancelled on hit. I love this
-Very pretty, if you can get over the anime aesthetic.
-I found a lot of the attacks themselves to be very cool.


I did a brief read of the UNIB mechanics in the OT and it has A LOT of interesting mechanics and ideas for a fighting game. I would definitely like to try it out.


Why this game is that good? Not saying it's not, it does look great, but why is it better than other anime fighters? And wtf are those weird bars on the bottom center of the screen?

It's not exactly better, it's just different than a lot of popular "anime" games (I mean, pretty much every mainstream one is made by ASW). People wanted something different.

Remember every anime game has like a huge week one tournament, then in a month they're back down to normal 16-32 man brackets. I'd like to see this game do well but I won't say it's winning everybody over until that happens.
P4A was HUGE when it came out. I think LK even mentioned that P4A majors were bigger than BB:CP.

Then it died because people did not want to deal with Chie and Yu rofl. Very few people in NA played aigis well.
Man I'm probably going in hard on anime. With P4A2, xrd, and yategarasu coming. My body is ready for complex fighting mechanics, waifus and senpais!!


P4A was HUGE when it came out. I think LK even mentioned that P4A majors were bigger than BB:CP.

Then it died because people did not want to deal with Chie and Yu rofl. Very few people in NA played aigis well.

P4A was getting 80+ weeklies for a couple weeks and had 120+ at Summer Jam, then dropped like a rock.

I haven't seen BBCP reach the numbers P4A did when it first dropped, but it also didn't die after the first few weeks. It'll be interesting to see how UNIEL performs.


P4A was getting 80+ weeklies for a couple weeks and had 120+ at Summer Jam, then dropped like a rock.

I haven't seen BBCP reach the numbers P4A did when it first dropped, but it also didn't die after the first few weeks. It'll be interesting to see how UNIEL performs.
BBCP had about 150 people at NEC last year, that tournament was a hot mess. I do hope that the game keeps getting burn for a while, but I wonder how many people will get sick of fighting characters like Merkava and Gordeau.


BBCP had about 150 people at NEC last year, that tournament was a hot mess. I do hope that the game keeps getting burn for a while, but I wonder how many people will get sick of fighting characters like Merkava and Gordeau.

I do want to point this out since it is talked about a lot. The top tiers in this game are pretty wild, but they're actually not unbeatable or busted. They're just obnoxious.
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