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Fighting Games Weekly | March 30 - April 6 | High Speed Korean Downloads

Doing stuff is fun.

I like doing stuff, but I prefer to do it in my own house/room. Social anxiety/just preferring to be a recluse/hermit/homebody doesn't help. Hell, that stuff (combined with scheduling/lack of time, too) is why I don't make it out to as many weeklies as I'd like to.
I like doing stuff, but I prefer to do it in my own house/room. Social anxiety/just preferring to be a recluse/hermit/homebody doesn't help. Hell, that stuff (combined with scheduling/lack of time, too) is why I don't make it out to as many weeklies as I'd like to.
On the topic of you: what is your main Marvel team? I am of the opinion that the best Cap team is Cap/IM/Strider.
There's barely any movies that I've had a desire to go to a theater to watch. Closest thing was Pacific Rim, but ultimately me being lazy and not wanting to leave the house kept me from seeing it.
On the topic of you: what is your main Marvel team? I am of the opinion that the best Cap team is Cap/IM/Strider.

Cap/Nova/Dr. Doom

I think Cap/Nova is a really great shell, at least with Cap on point, because, while Nova doesn't necessarily provide the best way to get in, it provides a really easy unblockable, and an easy way to keep up combos in the corner (it was the only way I could do it until I actually found out the way others did it, lol).

Iron Man is a character I like and played in Vanilla, but I've tried playing him and part of it is probably not being used to him, especially in a real fight, but eh. Strider isn't too much my kind of character either.

And I've talked with Viscant a bit about it, I think he recommended Cap/Vergil/Strider, not that I'd go that team either.


why not cap vergil strider?

mostly because vergil rapid slash also happens to make all charging stars safe and confirmable and then you get vergil/strider. i bet vergil/cap have some kind of combo stuff too because of uppercut or shield slash assist.

i think cap/vergil is a pretty legit combination in general and am surprised more people don't play it. it accentuates the threat of charging star so much while also giving the player honest to god safe options if he dies or messes up.

edit: lol was typin' this up when he replied


Cock Strain, Lifetime Warranty
attending weeklies got wayyyy easier when i went off to school, i don't know anyone here and staying in my room over the weekends is pretty boring. back home, if i went to weeklies i usually had to drag my gf with me since she lives with me when i'm home. she never has a good time so i always feel guilty about it and most of the time don't go.

for movies, i'd never go by myself because the audience can be bad depending on how things work out. it's a crapshoot in that regard, but somedays i'd just rather round everybody up and go see a movie than go to a party or something.
I love seeing movies in theaters, especially IMAX. Love the huge screen and sound. The IMAX/Edwards by me has great/comfy seats as well.

I hate the rude/loud people though, so I do most of my movie watching at AM matinee showings when schedule permits. It's cheaper, and there is like minded people there, loners who just want to watch the damn movie, lol.

That said, I have had good experiences watching "event" movies at thursday AM showings. Good energy, and nobody is opening their mouths and talking and shit.

And watching the "unpopular" stuff at normal evening times also has good crowds as well.

All said, I just love watching watching movies in a good theater. I don't buy food or anything. I bring a water bottle and almonds or something in my pockets. I'm just there for the movie.
why not cap vergil strider?

mostly because vergil rapid slash also happens to make all charging stars safe and confirmable and then you get vergil/strider. i bet vergil/cap have some kind of combo stuff too because of uppercut or shield slash assist.

i think cap/vergil is a pretty legit combination in general and am surprised more people don't play it. it accentuates the threat of charging star so much while also giving the player honest to god safe options if he dies or messes up.

edit: lol was typin' this up when he replied

Cap/Nova/Dr. Doom

I think Cap/Nova is a really great shell, at least with Cap on point, because, while Nova doesn't necessarily provide the best way to get in, it provides a really easy unblockable, and an easy way to keep up combos in the corner (it was the only way I could do it until I actually found out the way others did it, lol).

Iron Man is a character I like and played in Vanilla, but I've tried playing him and part of it is probably not being used to him, especially in a real fight, but eh. Strider isn't too much my kind of character either.

And I've talked with Viscant a bit about it, I think he recommended Cap/Vergil/Strider, not that I'd go that team either.
I did not know this about Rapid Slash. That definitely takes the cake!
The only sword character I like is Taskmaster anyways, lol. I've contemplated going to Vergil just so I have Vergil, but my fightstick is Dr. Doom themed and Nova has too much utility for Cap for me to pass up.

Plus fuck Vergil.
The only sword character I like is Taskmaster anyways, lol. I've contemplated going to Vergil just so I have Vergil, but my fightstick is Dr. Doom themed and Nova has too much utility for Cap for me to pass up.

Plus fuck Vergil.
My 360 stick is SFxT themed. I have never played a match of it. /shrug


So you've seen one good movie since the turn of the century.

I don't even know which one you think is good.

I also forgot the Ang Lee Hulk movie, which I only saw because I had to buy a ticket to get into the theater where the DDR machine was. That movie was so odd. People asked me what I thought and all I could say was "...I don't know..." Sadly, it took me years later before I came up with the ideal response: "Hulk movies? you wouldn't like them when they're Ang Lee."


I don't get seeing movies in theaters. I pay money to sit in a mediocre chair, overpriced food, and inevitably one or two people who can't shut up. If I have to pee, I miss the film. I have to drive out and drive back. And in the end, if the movie is bad, I wasted money and time.

At home, I have a comfy chair, I can eat what I want at a reasonable price, and no one will talk unless we decide to together. I can pause the film, and I am at home the entire time. This infinitely better experience costs me nothing per viewing, and if it is bad I can put something else on.

Why would I ever go to a theater? Only if my wife wants to go. I used to go because I am a whore for theatre popcorn, but it is just not enough these days. I never even know what is at theatres anyway. My wife and I discovered last week that the second Hobbit movie was already released theatres.

1) At the start movies are only available in theaters. So if I want to see the latest X Men movie I have to watch it in the theater. Otherwise someone on the Internet will probably spoil shit like Wolverine getting his skeleton ripped out by Magneto. Otherwise I would have to wait months for it.

2) Social buzz is at the highest upon release when a movie is just out. Your friends all talk about a movie and if you haven't seen it then you end up being the odd one out and they have to temper their conversation about the movie as to not spoil it for you.. or sometimes they end up doing it anyway.

3) Giant screen and good sound system. It's very hard to replicate the theater experience at home, even with the best tech. Even harder for IMAX movies like TDKR.

4) Like mentioned social experience. It's no different than going to a stadium to watch a game for particular movies especially the Avengers. It's fun to socialize with people waiting in the line about their favorite Marvel movies/characters. Some movies are more fun with a crowd.

5) Excuse to get out of the house for something other than your job.

Now I am not saying theater experience is better than home experience but it does have its pros. I personally only watch certain moves in the theater, the more cerebral type movies I much prefer to watch at home alone. Like I am not going to the theater to watch Nymphomanic Vol II, I will watch it at home. Plus movies that aren't technical heavy in terms of effects and sound design do not need to be seen in theater. I can't imagine watchinv Gravity at home but I would've been fine watching American Hustle at home.

I don't buy food at movies and I go at off hours when the tweens don't come. It's usually matinee times with less people who are like minded and ticket costs are much lower, like half price. Like tomorrow I will be watching Captain America at a 2 PM show before the schools get off.

I guess it's also a similar situation to buying games on release day only games have no theater equivalent. But I still get games day 1 if I am highly anticipating one, same for movies.

If I had the choice to watch a newly released movie at home as opposed to the theater I would end up watching most movies at home with very few at theater.. those that are technically more interesting (like Gravity, Avatar).
The only reason I don't like watching movies in theaters is the price. Even matinee prices are too much now. Aside from that, I love seeing movies in the theater.
I want to see some movies on opening weekend, usually as a saturday morning matinee because otherwise the price is unjustifiable. Ever since people started using 3D projectors there's like a 50/50 chance that they don't take the filter off and I get a dark-ass 2D movie (fuck 3D), or there's some sort of sound feedback and the movie sounds like shit, or some shitty people are in the theater making noise/texting. In all these cases even if I complain the theater people don't give 2 fucks, and I can't really vote with my wallet since other theaters that do matinees are even worse.

Having a big screen and loud sound systems is nice, but more than half the time the experience is way worse than watching it on my monitor at home. Fuck movie theaters.

The Light

I don't care about movies enough to see them in theaters anymore. I'll just wait to rent it on dvd or see it on t.v. I saw captain america movie for the first time this week on FX.
Evo Tekken had I believe 355 entrants. The event you're remembering was NCR 2013 where some players boycotted because of a Friday schedule which inconvenienced a number of players due to not being able to get off work (hence the Tekken jobs meme). Notice there is no Tekken at all at NCR this year.

No Tekken at NCR? Dammit Bronson....


tagged by Blackace
If it wasn't for going out to see movies, I might as well be a hermit.

I'm very selective of going to see movies in the theaters, I pretty much won't see something unless I'm already 90% confident I'm going to like it. There are instances where I get dragged to something I don't want to see and it ends up being good though (i.e. LEGO Movie).

My movie backlog is ridiculous. I've had Requiem For A Dream sitting there at the top of my priority list waiting to be watched for years now.
What's everyone's stance on seeing movies with other people? (not counting dates)

I've made a habit of not bothering to organize movie nights and just go by myself at hours when I know the theater will be mostly empty. If someone else mentions that they also want to see the movie I'd tell them when I think I would go, but I don't alter my own plans to try and see it together. House movie nights are much better for socializing anyways.

If I wanted to wrangle a crowd of people who never show up on time and never have money, I'd be a FGC TO.
Also, I hear Daigo wants to play T.hawk and Gief for Ultra after Evo? Did I leave a good impression? Kappa

He also said he may not compete in a tournament before EVO. That would mean no NCR, SEA major, or CEO. Man it would suck to have another Capcom Cup without the Beast. But then again, it's on him if he decides not to attend these qualifiers.

I guess he's not about accumulating points and possibly getting in that way. So if he doesn't win a qualifier then he's definitely not going to get a spot in the Capcom Cup.


He also said he may not compete in a tournament before EVO. That would mean no NCR, SEA major, or CEO. Man it would suck to have another Capcom Cup without the Beast. But then again, it's on him if he decides not to attend these qualifiers.

I guess he's not about accumulating points and possibly getting in that way. So if he doesn't win a qualifier then he's definitely not going to get a spot in the Capcom Cup.

He specifically mentions that he feels like it's his job to not just play but to show off good play. That's part of the reason why he doesn't attend as many tournaments. He wants to be satisfied with how he plays as well. If he manages to win one of the tournaments with a prime spot, that'd put him in for Capcom Cup though, heh.


tagged by Blackace
What's everyone's stance on seeing movies with other people? (not counting dates)

I've made a habit of not bothering to organize movie nights and just go by myself at hours when I know the theater will be mostly empty. If someone else mentions that they also want to see the movie I'd tell them when I think I would go, but I don't alter my own plans to try and see it together. House movie nights are much better for socializing anyways.

If I wanted to wrangle a crowd of people who never show up on time and never have money, I'd be a FGC TO.
Organized movie nights are the only way I keep in touch with a certain group of friends. Hey man want to chil- okay maybe next time. Lets go grab something to ea- okay maybe later. WHOA THEY'RE MAKING ANOTHER GODZILLA? I DONT EVEN CARE IF IT SUCKS, LESGO

House movie nights are cool, but that also usually means you're watching stuff you've already seen. Going out you get to talk about something you all (likely) experienced for the first time, and you get the weird observations certain people caught etc.

Going alone though.. nah I can't rock with that. Defeats what makes it special for me, even though I absolutely hate people talking during films, even if its my friends, it's worth it for talking about things before/after.
Yeah, I figure that's the only way he's getting in. He may go back to defend his title at Dreamhack which would get him in. I hope he goes to TFC because I'll be there. As for his desire to try Hawk and Gief. Well I'm a little disappointed about no Evil Ryu. I really thought he would start warming up to the idea of playing that angry dude.
What's everyone's stance on seeing movies with other people? (not counting dates)

I've made a habit of not bothering to organize movie nights and just go by myself at hours when I know the theater will be mostly empty. If someone else mentions that they also want to see the movie I'd tell them when I think I would go, but I don't alter my own plans to try and see it together. House movie nights are much better for socializing anyways.

If I wanted to wrangle a crowd of people who never show up on time and never have money, I'd be a FGC TO.

I see movies solo alot, especially as I have gotten older. Me and my friends have different tastes and schedules. If our schedules line up and we want to see the same stuff, we do it. Lately, I have seen Gravity, Hobbit movies, Batman movies with friends, and it always fun to discuss what we just saw. But I don't need the socializing experience, I just the want the movie watching experience. I see most movies by myself.

Though I think my next movie with friends will be Godzilla. We are all hyped for it. Will see Cpt America by myself probably. Transformers 4 most assuredly by myself, lol.


Is the "you always get one or two people ruining the movie for everyone" an american thing or what? I've always heard that people going to the theaters in America were quite obnoxious, talking during the movie and all, but never got to check it by myself or from someone, so I don't know how much of that is true.
We have big movie theaters like this in France, where young people like to meet and can sometimes be assholes, but in smaller theaters people are usually quite respectful.
In Paris we have A LOT of theaters, quite everywhere. Most of them are airing movies in their original version, with subtitles, and you can get a sub of 20€ per month to go and see any movie, at any time, in any theater of the two biggest companies (otherwise the ticket for ONE movie is 9~10€). That is dirt cheap, and since I absolutely LOVE going to the theater to see movies, I see a lot of them, since I don't need to bother about the cost or "will I like it or not?". For me it's the best way to watch movie, as I don't get distracted by things around me at home; it has slowly become "impossible" for me to enjoy a movie at home, because I'm always pausing or doing other shits at the same time (like watching some random FG stream).


get some go again
people being obnoxious has always been a thing for as long as i've been going to the movies. it's even worse now that people are on their cell phones throughout the whole movie and distracting you. wish more theaters were ran like the alamo drafthouse.


I use to hate going to see movies. But I gues now it depends on the hype. If I'm feeling the hype for the movie I just end up going, because I figure the crowd will be hype too, which helps make up for any obnoxiousness usually. I've never gotten experiences with babies or drunken kids, mostly bc I try to avoid movies that would have those things. I'm also really selective with movies. I might see three movies a year in theaters.
Only time I've ever seen people be obnoxious was when this couple wanted a refund because the entire theater was talking during Paranormal Activity(3 I thnk). Its was most scared mumbles though and it was quite fun seeing the whole theater scared and shit.

Other than that and the random phone call, never had that problem in movie theaters.


What's everyone's stance on seeing movies with other people? (not counting dates)

I've made a habit of not bothering to organize movie nights and just go by myself at hours when I know the theater will be mostly empty. If someone else mentions that they also want to see the movie I'd tell them when I think I would go, but I don't alter my own plans to try and see it together. House movie nights are much better for socializing anyways.

If I wanted to wrangle a crowd of people who never show up on time and never have money, I'd be a FGC TO.

Most of the movies on that list of movies I've seen in the current century are movies I watched because people invited me out to see them. The exceptions are Transformers (kinda) and Ang Lee Hulk. I almost always go with friends on the very rare occasions I go, but we usually don't go during blockbuster hours.
If I wanna see a movie, I'll just go. I never understood the people who couldn't fathom the idea of going alone. Probably the same people who wouldn't eat out alone.


The only sword character I like is Taskmaster anyways, lol. I've contemplated going to Vergil just so I have Vergil, but my fightstick is Dr. Doom themed and Nova has too much utility for Cap for me to pass up.

Plus fuck Vergil.



What is it with this annoying *BIIP* sound on Decapre's ex teleport ground smash?
I really hope this is just some debug sound of some sort, otherwise this might get annoying preeeeeetty fast...
What is it with this annoying *BIIP* sound on Decapre's ex teleport ground smash?
I really hope this is just some debug sound of some sort, otherwise this might get annoying preeeeeetty fast...

It's the sound of the garbage truck backing up on your face
If I wanna see a movie, I'll just go. I never understood the people who couldn't fathom the idea of going alone. Probably the same people who wouldn't eat out alone.

I don't go alone.. and it's not because I can't fathom the idea, but just because there's no one to talk to after the movie.

What if you liked the movie, or hate it? Or there's a scene that grabbed your attention and you want to talk about it.

What do you do? Bust out your phone and talk to GAF? ... (I bet some people do this.)

I just go through my phone and text people "want to go see xxx" then whoever reply first I go with them. Plus it makes your friend think you think they are special "like oh you wanted to see with me?" but in reality you they were the first to reply!

Win-Win! (just can't tell them that though)
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