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Fighting Games Weekly | May 4-10 | WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD!


I think they look good in games like BB or UNiEL. Dengeki is just not good looking in general.

Edit: So last week we watched a stream of a Korean tournament called the Banana Cup that was running KoF XI and it was glorious. We found it on youtube tonight so I thought I'd share:

Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWIA7Ca-LWk

Thanks, watching now.

Speaking of KOFXI, this was the first time I saw Poongko:


Still one of the most epic matches I have ever seen.
How is yomi anyway

It's basically boiling a fighting game down to the core concept of trying to read your opponent. (as the name suggests) At first it can be a little hard to understand the basic strategies and why you should do certain things over others, but once you get over that initial hump it can be a lot of fun. On a mechanical level it's fairly straight forward, and the rules are simple and easy to understand.


Edit: So last week we watched a stream of a Korean tournament called the Banana Cup that was running KoF XI and it was glorious. We found it on youtube tonight so I thought I'd share:

Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWIA7Ca-LWk

There's 8-9 parts to the whole thing, so here's the channel where they are listed: https://www.youtube.com/user/singkoa1/videos

Now that school is out for 4 months, I return to watching Kusoge and old FGs in synchtube and mumble at 4AM.

Edit 2: I just realized part one's quality is ass, they get way better as they go on haha
Poongko playing XI in 2015! ;__;
And someone made it to winners final with Kensou, Blue Marry and Athena!! He reminded me why I hated fighting Athena in XI, still, good to see a KOG-less team making it that far.


I bought a PS4 to mainly play Evil Within at first but then I got hooked on Destiny. Destiny is the only thing I'm playing on it. When I did go to play Evil Within it ran so bad I decided to get the PC version and never looked back. I hope this really isn't a trend. I think companies should focus first on making the game run good. No game should dip below 30fps. Bloodborne is a good example of that. It seems to be locked at 30fps at all times.

99% of games that are released on PC are going to outshine their console counterparts for anyone with a ~$500-ish rig.

Bloodborne, for the most part, does maintain a smooth framerate (smoothest of the console releases outside of the DS2 port) but even that game dips into 20 fps or less at times with multiplayer / invasions.


Getting a PS4 was way cheaper than upgrading my PC to play all the new games that suddenly don't work on it now that they're baselining the specs off a PS4/XB1 instead of the XB360.


Hmm...That Beast's Fury guy explained a few things about fair usage laws and such. This is a load off my mind. It means I haven't got to worry about having a lot of stuff shutdown on my own project. Game sounds pretty fun...here's hoping they succeed in getting GGPO to work in Unity. I heard its in C++ and Unity is C# so I'm not certain how much effort it'd take to convert it over for Unity. So far I haven't heard of it being done but I'm in the same boat as him and need GGPO setup for Unity.

I'll keep my eyes on Beast's Fury. If they get GGPO setup and working in Unity we will need to talk about that for the sake of what I'm working on.


Wait, is the hitbox shrinking in XF? wtf
Yep, Dante's cr.M and Strider's cr.H are probably the most notorious normals when it comes to hitbox shrinking. Pretty much every character has a hitbox or two change in some level of XF, but there's no consistency in it. Dante's cr.M is fine in XF1 and 3, but not 2. Used to think it was some sort of active frame issue, but tbh, I dunno anymore.
How is yomi anyway

V1 was pretty fun, V2 went odd ways with character design. Things like Bal-Bas-Beta's innate just try to force things into the game that the rule system doesn't model naturally. Not really a fan of the new art either. That said, the core game is fun. Not sure I'd want to give Sirlin money, but that's me.

It's basically boiling a fighting game down to the core concept of trying to read your opponent. (as the name suggests) At first it can be a little hard to understand the basic strategies and why you should do certain things over others, but once you get over that initial hump it can be a lot of fun. On a mechanical level it's fairly straight forward, and the rules are simple and easy to understand.

A good summary.

I bought a PS4 to mainly play Evil Within at first but then I got hooked on Destiny. Destiny is the only thing I'm playing on it. When I did go to play Evil Within it ran so bad I decided to get the PC version and never looked back. I hope this really isn't a trend. I think companies should focus first on making the game run good. No game should dip below 30fps. Bloodborne is a good example of that. It seems to be locked at 30fps at all times.

You can make amazing looking games on any piece of shit hardware if you have good art direction. Devs just push effects effects effects all day nowadays instead of making the game look good.


This thing is running on 100MB of RAM (total), probably a bit less. Yet it looks good and has minimal loading times. It looks good because it's directed well, because the look comes from the art and not piling on effects after effects.

If modern games don't run well and look good it's not the fault of the hardware. It's the fault of the devs having their heads up their asses.



This thing is running on 100MB of RAM (total), probably a bit less. Yet it looks good and has minimal loading times. It looks good because it's directed well, because the look comes from the art and not piling on effects after effects.

If modern games don't run well and look good it's not the fault of the hardware. It's the fault of the devs having their heads up their asses.

Xenoblade is an absurdly beautiful game. Really feel like it didn't get the attention it deserved.
Xenoblade is an absurdly beautiful game. Really feel like it didn't get the attention it deserved.

Tell me about it. I'm really sad how much more washed out Xenoblade Chronicles X's colors are. Everything just looks gray.

Dream game: Xenoblade-style art and music, Dark Souls style environments, Wind Waker-esque combat system with maybe a couple things taken from Dark Souls. Would get me to buy a console just for it probably.


Anyone go to an tourney just to watch? Thinking about checking out an upcoming one, but not sure if it's worth it if it's streamed.


Anyone go to an tourney just to watch? Thinking about checking out an upcoming one, but not sure if it's worth it if it's streamed.

Yeah, I have. There are usually casual setups which are great even if you aren't in the tournament. If it's a large tournament like a major, being in the audience is really cool too since you're sharing the energy with the crowd.
If modern games don't run well and look good it's not the fault of the hardware. It's the fault of the devs having their heads up their asses.
This is kind of very reductionist and ignores the reality of the situation starting from what the mass market prefers in terms of visuals,to the competition and market saturation, and ending with game engines not being a one fits all solution.
Anyone go to an tourney just to watch? Thinking about checking out an upcoming one, but not sure if it's worth it if it's streamed.

I'm not good at fighting games so that's all I do.

I've been to a couple of Big E tournaments just to hang out and watch.
I'm going to Texas Showdown today to spectate.
I'll be at Evo just to spectate.


Oh thank god...their is a virtual stick already setup in my engine! That means I dont have to worry about smart asses holding down both left and right to block in two directions at once to fuck over crossups. The Virtual stick's job is to make it so that when one directional input is detected it cancels out any other being held to prevent that shit. Mike Z talked about this shit and how stick manufacturers had to jump in and update their own stuff because game developers weren't catching this. Glad i'm good to go here.

Sorry...little excited today. Just got my engine and I'm playing with the options in the GUI and what I'm finding is pleasing. Next up...time to find out if I can make aerial attacks force players to face away with you so that when they are hit it and told to "move backwards" it pushes them towards you instead of away from you. I dig crossups and loved Mike Z's 2 hr panel on this shit. If this feature is in then it'll mean that hitting a crossup wont push the opponent away from you on hit or block as you continue to fly past them. If you get a crossup then by God it should be something you can convert without a gap forming and causing whifs.
Tell me about it. I'm really sad how much more washed out Xenoblade Chronicles X's colors are. Everything just looks gray.

Dream game: Xenoblade-style art and music, Dark Souls style environments, Wind Waker-esque combat system with maybe a couple things taken from Dark Souls. Would get me to buy a console just for it probably.

What's the best Xenoblade version? I never played it.
Ps4 for battlefield, madden,destiny and whatever exclusives but games like racing or space/flight sims its PC. My office now my video game room unless my wife is using the PC since she likes the Wacom/duel screen setup.
Gonna get ultra for ps4 so that might bring me back.
i used my ps4 for destiny and bloodborne. I'd also be using it for fighting games but my stick died so I gotta see if I can fix it this week otherwise I gotta buy a new stick. I was wrong, xrd looks way better on ps4 and mkx looks pretty nice too. Also gotta train for evo when sf4 comes out on ps4


Cock Strain, Lifetime Warranty
Majima from Yakuza and Lan Di from shmoo should be VF6 roster additions for general audience appeal. And because it'd be cool.



Majima from Yakuza and Lan Di from shmoo should be VF6 roster additions for general audience appeal. And because it'd be cool.

This would be amazing. Actually, there are a lot of guest characters that I think would fit in nicely with Virtua Fighter. Too bad Sega seems hell bent on mobile games.

Just unlocked stuff using this trick as well. Too bad it will probably be patched out y the time people can get to unlocking Klassic Mileena.

I'd be willing to account share with the guys in here to help with Klassic Mileena when she is available. I know not everyone can or wants to deal with the mobile crap.


Majima from Yakuza and Lan Di from shmoo should be VF6 roster additions for general audience appeal. And because it'd be cool.


If you want general audience appeal:

Capcom Vs. Sega and Sega Vs. Capcom.

First game is a Marvel Vs. styled game. Second game would be Virtua Fighter styled.


This thing is running on 100MB of RAM (total), probably a bit less. Yet it looks good and has minimal loading times. It looks good because it's directed well, because the look comes from the art and not piling on effects after effects.

If modern games don't run well and look good it's not the fault of the hardware. It's the fault of the devs having their heads up their asses.
Evil Within has one of the best art direction in recent years, technically though, it looks like an up-ressed PS3 game and run like a late PS3 Ubi Soft game. Though not because of effects, it's a newly formed Japanese(or is it Chinese) studio's first game, and they had to port it to 5 different platforms using a western engine that depend heavily on CPU power(which X1/PS4 really lack). Basically, Evil Within runs poorly because of some bad decisions made by the suits at Bethesda.


Hello FG GAF. Nice to meet y'all. Are there any of you at the venue at Showdown?

I'm glad this place is bigger than last year. Crowd is pretty lively here, and also, dat Taken 7 aaaAAAaaa


My office now my video game room unless my wife is using the PC since she likes the Wacom/duel screen setup.

[QUOTE="God's Beard!";163319866]I know how that works lol[/QUOTE]

Ditto here for that scenario. My wife adores the Intuos we got. She's always on it and I can't blame her. It makes painting so fluid and natural on PC. I'm hoping for Wacom to partner with Samsung to make a peripheral that functions on their tablets better than the S-pen does on my Galaxy note. Then its painting on the go with even more accuracy :)
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