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Fighting Games Weekly | May 4-10 | WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD!


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Everything about KI looks like a game I want to play, everything except the combo system.

The meta of the combo system is the best part

Use of lights greatly increases knockdown value (increases blowout risk) but makes your combos safer, but less damaging

Use of heavies opens you up to more frequent breaks but does a lot more damage

You can mixup your combos to make it more difficult to break... or make your combos predictable to bait a break to use a counter breaker

The combo system is a game within the game... you're always setting up what you're doing next.

When you break, how often you break, how you build your combos... it all matters

The game always allows someone to be strategizing and executing even when on the defensive.

I wouldn't trade the combo system for any other mechanic. It's top tier.


Mrs. Harvey
I feel like I'm not getting much use out of the new consoles. They just feel so underpowered already. You are always hearing about PC versions being 60fps, better, blah, blah, blah, blah. Sort of a buzzkill.


get some go again
I feel like I'm not getting much use out of the new consoles. They just feel so underpowered already. You are always hearing about PC versions being 60fps, better, blah, blah, blah, blah. Sort of a buzzkill.
there aren't that many great console exclusives either.
I feel like I'm not getting much use out of the new consoles. They just feel so underpowered already. You are always hearing about PC versions being 60fps, better, blah, blah, blah, blah. Sort of a buzzkill.
I guess it depends on what you play. My Wii U gets a lot of use, and the PC has none of the games it offers. Bloodborne is PS4 exclusive, and that experience plus Xrd, another exclusive has made it a joy to have in my home.

For my personal tastes, the PC is the second worst gaming option, significantly ahead of the Xbone.


I feel like I'm not getting much use out of the new consoles. They just feel so underpowered already. You are always hearing about PC versions being 60fps, better, blah, blah, blah, blah. Sort of a buzzkill.

Meh. I use Wii U a lot when I have time. PS4 is collecting dust for the most part. Gonna start playing Bloodborne after this semester ends though.


Mrs. Harvey
I bought a PS4 to mainly play Evil Within at first but then I got hooked on Destiny. Destiny is the only thing I'm playing on it. When I did go to play Evil Within it ran so bad I decided to get the PC version and never looked back. I hope this really isn't a trend. I think companies should focus first on making the game run good. No game should dip below 30fps. Bloodborne is a good example of that. It seems to be locked at 30fps at all times.


Didn't they patch Evil Within after launch to fix the framerate issues?

PS4 right now for me is playing a bunch of remastered games + Bloodborne. I played a bunch of those free PS+ games and some F2P games as well. There's enough stuff to play on it... the thing is that there's just way more stuff to play on PC/Steam.


So is Evil Within really like RE4 like some people say it is?
Yes and no.

It's a RE4 clone without the same finesse or craftmanship of RE4. Sort of like RE5 but with better atmosphere.

Honestly speaking Bloodborne is more RE4 than TEW if we are going to talking about pacing, level design, atmosphere and craftmanship.

Still a good game though.


Mrs. Harvey
The game borrows from a lot of things. Story is okay. Main character is no superhero. The game can get very tense because enemies are ruthless and relentless, far smarter than your average RE zombie.
So is Evil Within really like RE4 like some people say it is?
Think RE5 if it took inspiration from Silent Hill, RE1/4 and Saw/The Ring (what I felt during Laura's chapter) and focused on single player atmosphere. The package is flawed when compared to RE4 because of the weak story and characters, but the combat is so nearly perfect that it is easy to forgive if you concentrate on the gaming part of the equation. The characters do fall flat, though. I'm not exaggerating at all. They have very little presence. Everything about the graphics (minus the weak shadows and rare bad textures) is great and much more appreciated on PC thanks to r_skipglare and customizable black bar sizes. Something about the game lends itself well to medium sized black bars, but not the default monstrosity.

I really can't stress how awesome the enemy design, sound effects, weapon tuning and environment design are. It shines in the first ten chapters, but the game dips into RE5 territory for chapters 11 & 12 without Capcom polish or excellent co-op which does it no favors. The Evil Within made me feel like I was playing a 6th gen console game and in a good way to boot. It's a very "gamey" sort of horror game that most of the older gaming audience into mainstream horror games at the time should appreciate imo.
Vampire Savior tournament right now on Twitch.tv/ugclive
Previously they had Skullgirls.
I like how there has been more Vampire talk in the irc as of late. It's all thanks to Rotanibor's visits and the receptive guys willing to try a classic more seriously. I really need to play VSav more often.


At its best, Evil Within is up to bar with RE4(in term of design, it's still held back by the buggy stuff), but at its best is maybe 2 or 3 chapters only. The bosses are garbage though. There's so much inconsistency in that game's quality.


I'm watching footage of Nitro+ Blasters. Everything is hella whack and looks super budget, then when somebody gets hit the game turns into 20 seconds of custcenes with little anime girls doing things until the person dies in an explosion of anime.

I just saw Saya from Saya no Uta do oki where she puts an orb on you, that has a cross up teleport and instant overheads, then when the hit happens ANIME into an 80% combo.


its pretty early. Its like this for every generation. PS4 will be jrpg/niche console exclusive machine + fighting games.

Even the fighting games will be on PC for the most part , unless they're anime. The question is will the ports be competent. I think MKX and DOA's issues might hurt SFV on PC. (USFIV's issues don't help it much either)

This is why I decided unless something crazy happens, I'm going to bite the bullet and say no to consoles.

How is yomi anyway

It's worth getting.
I'm watching footage of Nitro+ Blasters. Everything is hella whack and looks super budget, then when somebody gets hit the game turns into 20 seconds of custcenes with little anime girls doing things until the person dies in an explosion of anime.

I just saw Saya from Saya no Uta do oki where she puts an orb on you, that has a cross up teleport and instant overheads, then when the hit happens ANIME into an 80% combo.

Link? =)


I can't be the only one who hate 3D-ish(or just not in tune with the game's art-style) special effects in anime games? They look bad and break the consistency of the game's visuals, yet everyone keep using them!

3rd Strike, old SNK games and Skull Girls kept their effects/hit-sparks within the boundaries of their art-style and they looked amazing. GGXrd(excluding May's beach ball, ughh) might be ASW's first game where special effects are in tune with the rest of the visuals and they're fantastic(on PS4 at least ;p). Alpha gradient special effects really doesn't mix well with 2D anime sprites:



I think they look good in games like BB or UNiEL. Dengeki is just not good looking in general.

Edit: So last week we watched a stream of a Korean tournament called the Banana Cup that was running KoF XI and it was glorious. We found it on youtube tonight so I thought I'd share:

Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWIA7Ca-LWk

There's 8-9 parts to the whole thing, so here's the channel where they are listed: https://www.youtube.com/user/singkoa1/videos

Now that school is out for 4 months, I return to watching Kusoge and old FGs in synchtube and mumble at 4AM.

Edit 2: I just realized part one's quality is ass, they get way better as they go on haha


I feel like I'm not getting much use out of the new consoles. They just feel so underpowered already. You are always hearing about PC versions being 60fps, better, blah, blah, blah, blah. Sort of a buzzkill.

How long will it take people to realize this? Absolute worst gen. You can talk about how early the gen is, but the underpowered nature of the consoles keeps the ceiling low in terms of what you can expect. Unless you're happy with crap like The Order and remakes/releases of older games, what reason is there to get excited about what these systems can do?

I'd love E3 to prove me wrong, but I just don't see it happening. The only game that might make me a bit less skeptical is Uncharted 4 - not because I particularly care for the Uncharted series, but I'm just curious how/if Naughty's technical ambitions turn into some rewarding next gen gameplay.

If FGs were more popular, then maybe, I'd have a different perspective. Personal tastes obviously play a role, but the overriding thing that makes this generation so lackluster is that there's nothing everyone can point to that justifies these new consoles existence. It just feels like they were released because, "Well, it's been 8 years, guys, I think it's time".

Would Bloodborne be less of a game were it optimized for PS3? Destiny? Evil Within? etc.?

I don't think so.

Mr. X

Unless Yakuza, stylish action and fighters hit PC like they do consoles, consoles are the best option for me. I'm still playing through PS3 games.
I hate the parts in Evil Within when it stops trying to be a horror game and turns into a shitty third-person shooter. Really kills it. The open horror sections are great, though.

Also, the camera in the save area sucks balls.
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