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Final Fantasy XI 2014 |OT| Kumhau, The Blackthorne Coven, and the Mog Wardrobe.


I think I'm going to get the whole package to play through the story.
I'm going to start from scratch though, since I don't feel like transferring my lv 25 RDM from Ramuh or wherever he was. Bummer about the chocobo, but whatever.


I think I'm going to get the whole package to play through the story.
I'm going to start from scratch though, since I don't feel like transferring my lv 25 RDM from Ramuh or wherever he was. Bummer about the chocobo, but whatever.

Join us on Sylph! Don't worry about starting from scratch either - with the rate of leveling now, you'll catch up to where you were in no time flat.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
No more Abyssea items in the next login campaign. I guess that's what I'll spend my points on tonight. Rem's Chaptrs 6-10 are finally going to be available and it looks like Savory Shank and the +2 stones are going to stay around as the 3000 point items.


Eponymous? Really?

I consider my Vocabulary to be well above average, and even I had to look that one up.

Nicely played SquareEnix translator.

On another note, can't you get Rem's Tales from Sparks? Wouldn't that be a better option?


On another note, can't you get Rem's Tales from Sparks? Wouldn't that be a better option?

You can, but the 6-10 pages cost 15,000 sparks each, and you need 8 of them to upgrade one piece of gear. So you're looking at 120,000 sparks for enough pages to upgrade one item.


Man Yuhtunga Jungle is super confusing to get through

My advice? Install these maps: http://forums.windower.net/index.php?/topic/10-xi-vision-v103-maps/

Then you can see something like this in-game:



Gaf...got question. I have FFXI Ultimate Collection Seekers Edition in my steam library.
I this the one where you get everything?


Is FFXI still billed on a calendar month basis (if you activate your account on the last day of the month you get only 1 free day)?
I need seals and crests. Are there any areas that have better drop rates than others?

Fight stuff of a level appropriate to the drop. Abyssea is good for some actually, you're limited by a weird timer on the drop rates for them, i think you can only get 1-2 every 5 minutes.

Remember you can convert them 3:1 for the ones you want too.
I barely even have enough to convert. I have 2 Beastment's Seals, 32 Kindred's Seals, 1 Kindred's Crest, 2 High Kindred's Crests, and 0 Sacred Kindred's Crests.


Do you toss the ones you get normally?

what are you looking for? I have a ton to burn and plan to spam the mobline comedy when the event starts.


Neo Member
Fight stuff of a level appropriate to the drop. Abyssea is good for some actually, you're limited by a weird timer on the drop rates for them, i think you can only get 1-2 every 5 minutes.

Remember you can convert them 3:1 for the ones you want too.
Something like 1 per party per 5 minute window, although the window resets upon zoning. When SKCs were fresh people would camp the zoneline between Woh Gates and Kamihr Drifts, bouncing back and forth as needed; I used to use the Cape Terrigan -> Valley of Sorrows zoneline for that annoying gather 5 Crests/Seals RoE timed challenge.

For Login Campaign, buying Kindred's Seals is ideal unless you specifically need Beastmen's Seals. You can use the KS on fights like Contaminated Coliseum for guaranteed 109 upgrade materials, and the 3:1 convert rate matches the 30:10 login point fee; you'll even come ahead if they do another of those 2:1 convert rate events (they used to always have them when the BCNM event was live).
ok while I wait for the hilariously inefficient POL updater process to run I have some questions and I don't want to further pollute the welcome back campaign thread:

  • Does it let you pick what server to start on? I remember needing silly in-game items to 'invite' people to create new characters on realms. Part of SE's misguided attempts at evening out realm pops was to randomize your first character, if I recall correctly.
  • I'm starting from scratch so I'd like to get a good idea of WS/casting animations before I roll my first character, youtube's not helping me out here. Anyone got a good resource?
  • Did they change how outposts work? Back in the day LSes would 'raid' nearby outposts by trading them crafted goods so you'd end up with strange outcomes like Windurst controlling Ronfaure and people taking advantage of Outpost warps everywhere in the world. That really opened up my options of moving around the world and I'd hate to have missed the boat there. Are Outpost warps replaced by better options in 2015?


ok while I wait for the hilariously inefficient POL updater process to run I have some questions and I don't want to further pollute the welcome back campaign thread:

  • Does it let you pick what server to start on? I remember needing silly in-game items to 'invite' people to create new characters on realms. Part of SE's misguided attempts at evening out realm pops was to randomize your first character, if I recall correctly.
    Yeah, can pick your server when making a character now, no problems there.
  • I'm starting from scratch so I'd like to get a good idea of WS/casting animations before I roll my first character, youtube's not helping me out here. Anyone got a good resource?
    Didn't find a Spell compilation video, but you can just search "ffxi blm spells" or "ffxi blu spells" or whatever and get pieces here and there.
  • Did they change how outposts work? Back in the day LSes would 'raid' nearby outposts by trading them crafted goods so you'd end up with strange outcomes like Windurst controlling Ronfaure and people taking advantage of Outpost warps everywhere in the world. That really opened up my options of moving around the world and I'd hate to have missed the boat there. Are Outpost warps replaced by better options in 2015?
    Outpost warps are now persistant, so if you change nations, you'll still have all the ones you had from previous nations. There are tons of new ways to warp around. Waypoints, Geomagnetic fonts, Survival Guides, etc. The most useful are probably Home Point warps, examine a home point to register it, and you can then teleport to any other home point you've examined for 500gil. Or free if it's within the same city. And a bunch of new home points are now all over the place.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Did they change how outposts work? Back in the day LSes would 'raid' nearby outposts by trading them crafted goods so you'd end up with strange outcomes like Windurst controlling Ronfaure and people taking advantage of Outpost warps everywhere in the world. That really opened up my options of moving around the world and I'd hate to have missed the boat there. Are Outpost warps replaced by better options in 2015?

The old outpost "conquest" system is dead these days to all intents and purposes.

However there are several fast travel systems that take all the pain out of getting around.

For a start off there are numerous new home-points (big blue crystals) that once you've touched you can teleport point-to-point between. These are most common in cities and near bcnm entry-points.

Then there are survival guides, these are floating books found in most zones of the games that again provide point-to-point travel options once you've activated them. You'll find these at all outposts amongst other field areas, and there is one in each city/town zone so you can use them to immediately warp out to battle camps.

They are often found near FoV/GoV training manuals which are great for supplementing your xp income by doing preset training regimes (kill x of y monster), as well as offering a whole slew of useful things like food, sneak/invis, and warp/home-point functions. Unlike the previous options which simply cost gil to use, these features are paid for with their own currency gained by completing training regimes.

Hold onto your hat though, there is more...

Then there are geomagnetic founts which are similar to the survival guides in that they act as waypoint systems. Primarily found in the Adoulin regions (you access this expansion area via the one in Lower Jeuno) these are activated by clicking as usual, but are paid for by trading them crystals. There is a smaller sub-system of these waypoints found in the middle-lands areas (proto-waypoints as opposed to normal waypoints) that are activated using a quest chain that starts in Ru'Lude Gardens in Jeuno. Very handy in the early game as you get rewarded for finding/activating them.

Obviously on top of all this there are a couple of older point-to-point jump systems, such as the one built into the Voidwatch battle system, the tenshodo quick warp to the older BC areas, and of course the venerable outpost and crag homepoint warp systems that nobody bothers with anymore!

And don't forget to pick-up a warp ring with conquest points, as I'm sure you'll find it utterly invaluable.


First Rhapsodies battle content info, this sounds interesting.

Good to see that SE is still pro at making up words that are mashups of other words they like to use.

Of note though is "Escha" is actually a real term. (Atelier fans would be familiar with it) It comes from a Greek word meaning "last", and Eschatology is the study of the end of the world from a religious perspective.


I wonder if
we'll get a Dynamis zone for Adoulin, like the last cutscene implied, or if Arciela's father disappeared into an Escha zone.
I am stuck at the POL viewer. I really don't want to start from scratch, but I'll be damned if there is no good way to reset your password. Did I migrate it to a square enix account? Square says I did, but then tells me that the email that received that notification two years ago isn't associated with an account in 2015. I might end up emailing... maybe.
Really? Is there any story with Vagary? I remember everyone being excited because they assumed it was a Dynamis reference.

There actually is a story to it, but the fact that you fight clones of the final story bosses is kind of a spoiler for the main plot.
Since I've restarted, what's the best thing to spend my copper vouchers on? It's a bit of an overload trying to look up what all the various currencies do. I'm just trying to level up and enjoy the missions/quests.

Pretty sure it'll only work if you use the full desktop streaming mode - FFXI is still using a really old DirectX version I think.

Seems that way, but it feels suboptimal since FFXI is eating my inputs and preventing me from toggling it. Guess It's back to Fraps. :(


So my brother and I installed everything yesterday. We're ready to go sometime later this week. I'll be a DRG again. Not sure what he will play. Maybe SAM.
What are some easy but good Trusts to get that would complement us and help us through the story? Anything specific I should know?
Since I've restarted, what's the best thing to spend my copper vouchers on? It's a bit of an overload trying to look up what all the various currencies do. I'm just trying to level up and enjoy the missions/quests.

Seems that way, but it feels suboptimal since FFXI is eating my inputs and preventing me from toggling it. Guess It's back to Fraps. :(

Are you running windower as administrator? Might help.


So my brother and I installed everything yesterday. We're ready to go sometime later this week. I'll be a DRG again. Not sure what he will play. Maybe SAM.
What are some easy but good Trusts to get that would complement us and help us through the story? Anything specific I should know?

Some early good ones are Kupipi (Windurst, healer) and Trion (San d'Oria, tank). The DD ones in general are good for leveling, but fall off in usefulness the higher you are.


Some early good ones are Kupipi (Windurst, healer) and Trion (San d'Oria, tank). The DD ones in general are good for leveling, but fall off in usefulness the higher you are.

Thanks. Apparently you need Rank 6+ to get Trion so I'll have to settle for Excenmille but he should be fine.
What's the fastest way to get to Windurst as a fresh Lv 5 afterwards? Any shortcuts or do I have to run for it at least once to get the home point warp?


Thanks. Apparently you need Rank 6+ to get Trion so I'll have to settle for Excenmille but he should be fine.
What's the fastest way to get to Windurst as a fresh Lv 5 afterwards? Any shortcuts or do I have to run for it at least once to get the home point warp?

Ah, forgot about the rank req. You can also get Curilla as a tank once you hit rank 3. You can combine the journey to Windy for Kupipi and Mission 2-3 into the same trip if you like.

Easiest way is probably to go to Jeuno first and get your chocobo license (Needs Lv20), and then ride down to Windurst. The more interesting way would be West Ronfaure > La Theine Plateau > Valkurm Dunes > Selbina > Ride the Ferry (Watch for Pirates!) > Mhaura > Buburimu Peninsula > Tahrongi Canyon > East Sarutabaruta > Windurst


Thanks. Apparently you need Rank 6+ to get Trion so I'll have to settle for Excenmille but he should be fine.
What's the fastest way to get to Windurst as a fresh Lv 5 afterwards? Any shortcuts or do I have to run for it at least once to get the home point warp?

You usually have to get there the old fashioned way once, although I vaguely recall that my first visit to San d'Oria involved a special event teleport, probably during Christmas Starlight Celebration - it was many many years ago.

At the rate one levels nowadays, it might just be viable to walk there safely by killing most things in your path to level up and handle whatever's further ahead in the way.

The path would be South San d'Oria -> West Ronfaure -> La Theine Plateau (watch out for rams) -> Valkurm Dunes -> Selbina -> take the ferry (might be safer to stay below deck in case of skeleton pirates earlier on) -> Mhaura -> Tahrongi Canyon -> East Sarutabaruta -> Windurst.


You usually have to get there the old fashioned way once, although I vaguely recall that my first visit to San d'Oria involved a special event teleport, probably during Christmas Starlight Celebration - it was many many years ago.

At the rate one levels nowadays, it might just be viable to walk there safely by killing most things in your path to level up and handle whatever's further ahead in the way.

The path would be South San d'Oria -> West Ronfaure -> La Theine Plateau (watch out for rams) -> Valkurm Dunes -> Selbina -> take the ferry (might be safer to stay below deck in case of skeleton pirates earlier on) -> Mhaura -> Tahrongi Canyon -> East Sarutabaruta -> Windurst.

Ah the old fashioned way it is then! I was usually pretty good when it came to sneaking around so I hope I can make it on my first attempt. Don't want to level too much beyond 5 so I can level with my brother once I got the Trusts.
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