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Final Fantasy XIII-2 E3 Information Thread [Trailer, BioWare Storytelling, More]


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
RPGCrazied said:
I believe so.
That is pretty fucking sweet (I love the fact that we got so close to actually fighting him in FFXIII).


I have a gut feeling he/it will be a reoccurring battle. You fight him several times throughout the game and probably ends up being the last boss.

Still don't know much about that mystery man though.
So what does a big picture of an ok character design of a young teen male typical of the FF series mean. Does the mean that can't improve and change things for the better? Not really.


Rahxephon91 said:
So what does a big picture of an ok character design of a young teen male typical of the FF series mean. Does the mean that can't improve and change things for the better? Not really.

It means their character design is still as shit as ever, I'd rather play as Vaan.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
God damn it, oh well. Who the hell is Atlas then?


ZephyrFate said:
BREAKING NEWS: Character design does not equate to story! Nor does it actually show any downgrade in character design in general. FFXIII had very good character designs, just not good characters.
Half and half. Some designs are good, some designs are bad. Noel leans closer to bad than good; he lacks a particular feature that makes him a distinguished character, and none of his design speaks of his personality traits. The most evident part of him is his hideous and partially girly pants.
The character design dosen't show anything of his personality? Just looking at the design, you already know he will be a spunky teenage male who's probably easily annoyed, kind of cocky, but is a nice dude. I did'nt say he would be an original character, but his face pretty much gives that much away. Also his design is in line with Fang so he's probably natively from Pulse.


this fight with Atlas is Noel's first time on Cocoon, so he is a Pulse native. Also, I like his design, its not outstanding but it's good.
It's possible for the writing to become adequate, just extremely unlikely.

I'm more willing to give Type-0 the benefit of the doubt in that category because the writer is an unknown if I'm recalling correctly.


cyclenut said:
I will buy it because so far I haven't seen snow. Let's hope I never do.

I think they said the old cast is in the game, but their appearance isn't like they use to be or something.


Fom SE Blog
I’ve had the chance to sit down and play some FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 recently and I wanted to let you know what I thought of it. Before we jump straight into the Hands-On report, however, here are a few key points I suspect you’ll all be interested in knowing.

While still a deeply story-driven game, FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 has a higher emphasis on giving the player choices to make throughout the game. More branching paths, more hidden secrets, more exploration.
Level design sees you returning to unlocked environments to access hidden areas as the game progresses.
A self-contained story set after the events of FINAL FANTASY XIII. XIII-2’s story will be darker and more mysterious.
All-new playable characters (Serah and Noel), plus the return of fan favourites from FINAL FANTASY XIII.
The return of the much loved Moogle. A treasure hunter at heart, he will seek out hidden chests.
Recruit monsters who will aid you in battle, each with unique abilities.

For those of you who wanted more from FINAL FANTASY XIII, the sequel is the game for you. As a FINAL FANTASY fan I had some specific things in mind that I wanted to see from XIII-2 and the more I see of the game, the more excited I get about it..

As you can see from the list above, XIII-2 has seen improvements and expansions in many areas (and these are just features we’re allowed to talk about right now). The designers of the game have made giving more choice to the player a key focus of theirs. Even in the small demo being shown off at E3, the level design features plenty of forks in the road, leading to hidden chests and lurking monsters, as well as wide open areas.

The developers also want players to have more control over their character and a larger variety of experiences in the game, which explains the inclusion of a jump button (the first in the numbered FINAL FANTASY series’ long history), which can be used to find hidden chests. Abilities will be gained throughout the game which will further allow exploration, making you return to areas you’ve visited before to see if your new skills can give you access to hidden areas and items.

Environments are filled with people, many of whom can be engaged in dialogue. A little speech bubble floating above their head will let you know if they have anything interesting to say. All of this dialogue is fully voiced.

Your objectives won’t always be straight forward. Sometimes you will be given a choice of which direction to go to reach your goal or of which order to perform certain tasks in. The E3 demonstration includes the choice to fight a large golem (we’re talking massive - like 20 storeys) or to investigate a mysterious device which has appeared out of nowhere. Investigating the device will lower the golem’s defences, making him much easier to kill, but if you fancy the challenge you can go straight into battle.

Some battles may include interactive “cinematic action” sequences, which require you to press specific buttons at specific moments. On succesful button inputs, rewards are given, depending on the situation. For example, hitting buttons correctly in the first golem battle in the E3 demo results in your party members receiving temporary stat buffs, making the rest of the battle that little bit easier.

We’re not talking too much about the game’s story right now, but we have said that the game takes place a few years after the events of FINAL FANTASY XIII. Lightning has disappeared, presumed dead, and her sister Serah is trying to find out where she’s gone, with the help of the mysterious Noel. You will not need to have played or completed FINAL FANTASY XIII to understand the story of XIII-2. It will help to know some of the backstory, but it has been designed to be accessible to newcomers.

For those who are fans of the franchise, you may be surprised and delighted to learn that Moogles are making a return. One such creature befriends Serah and has vowed to follow her on her quest to find Lightning. He has a few tricks up his sleeves, such as being able to reveal secret chests and other secret abilities which we will be revealing in time.

Another new addition is the recruitment of monsters. They will join your party and each species of creature will have a unique ability. You will be able to switch them in and out on the fly by changing the party’s Paradigm. Yep, the Paradigm Shift system makes a return, with some improvements and refinements. We’re not going into much detail on all the enhancements yet, but we thought you’d like to know that they exist.

So hopefully this whets your appetite a bit and demonstrates just some of the enhancements and improvements FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 will feature. I’m personally very excited about this game and we’ve got much more to tell you about it in the coming months, so keep an eye out here on the Square Enix Members Blog.


Abilities will be gained throughout the game which will further allow exploration, making you return to areas you’ve visited before to see if your new skills can give you access to hidden areas and items.

Environments are filled with people, many of whom can be engaged in dialogue. A little speech bubble floating above their head will let you know if they have anything interesting to say. All of this dialogue is fully voiced.

For those who are fans of the franchise, you may be surprised and delighted to learn that Moogles are making a return. One such creature befriends Serah and has vowed to follow her on her quest to find Lightning. He has a few tricks up his sleeves, such as being able to reveal secret chests and other secret abilities which we will be revealing in time.

Another new addition is the recruitment of monsters. They will join your party and each species of creature will have a unique ability. You will be able to switch them in and out on the fly by changing the party’s Paradigm. Yep, the Paradigm Shift system makes a return, with some improvements and refinements. We’re not going into much detail on all the enhancements yet, but we thought you’d like to know that they exist.



Wonder if we'll see a Wii U port of this (and Versus).

Game looks great, hopefully they fix the problems from XIII.
"We’re not going into much detail on all the enhancements yet, but we thought you’d like to know that they exist."

Sentinel doesn't feel nearly pointless?
Fimbulvetr said:
"We’re not going into much detail on all the enhancements yet, but we thought you’d like to know that they exist."

Sentinel doesn't feel nearly pointless?
Sentinel had a point: its passive abilities (i.e. withstanding a shitload of damage without dying). lol at its actual action abilities and the Sentinel AI though
badcrumble said:
Sentinel had a point: its passive abilities (i.e. withstanding a shitload of damage without dying). lol at its actual action abilities and the Sentinel AI though

It did, but lacked any interesting abilities to be utilized.

Sure, attackers can only attack, ruin, and blitz, but they're way more vital to the flow of battle.

I would have liked a reflective ability that has a higher ATB cost than the normal guard commands, or an ability that absorbs damage for the entire party so that enemies with AOE attacks don't suddenly ruin everything.

I made every effort to avoid using SEN in normal battles, even when the game clearly wanted it to be used and it would be obviously beneficial.
ZephyrFate said:
I used Sentinels quite often to absorb damage, which becomes a necessity in the game's harder battles.

I still used them too, but only when I had to in order to survive.

If there was a battle in which I knew using SEN would get me 5 stars and not using it would still let me win but not with 5 stars, I didn't use it.

They just didn't take it to any interesting places, but it's still possible for them to make it a fun defensive class for XIII-2 now that they've had a good while to reflect on it.
Rahxephon91 said:
I don't think I ever used SEN outside of the parts with Snow and Fang. It seemed pretty useless later in the game.

I used them the least of the roles, but I still got some good use of them later in the game in certain battles. It had its value in certain situations.


Feral Link system looks cool.

Hopefully like X-2 we'll be able to get some really awesome monsters in the group later on.

Sword Familiar

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Regulus Tera said:
Wait, so Versus wasn't shown at all?

Maybe next E3. Which will make it six E3s since its original debut.

I think it's not because they've got nothing to show, they're just focusing on XIII-2 and Type-0 right now. I'm half-expecting a TGS announcement.
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