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Final Fantasy XIII confirmed for Xbox 360

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So this is like the most EL OH EL moment of the year.

Sony fails so hard at securing exclusives. lol

Are the Nintendo and Sony press conferences even gonna matter now? There's no way they'll be able to top what just happened today. :lol


I pray tomorrow for a FFVII Remake announcement. But I know that won't happen. I have no use for a PS3 now. MGS4 was fun while it lasted. Sony doesn't care anymore.
Remember how Blu-Ray was going to make the difference, not just for entertainment media but for games as well? Now we've seen GTA4 running on 360 with no technical limitations, and S/E is willing to put Final Fantasy on multiple DVDs. If those two games don't require BRD, I can't imagine a title that will.

This should be the day where even the diehard Sony fans wake up and admit they're not going to finish first this time. Poor Tabris must be shaking in a corner.


drohne said:
if you're a fan of big production games and this news bothers you, you're pretty much a tool. the aggregated 360/ps3 userbase is our last, best bulwark against the casual trash that dominated even that microsoft conference

Ah drohne, you or any anyone else who honestly believes this trip are tools.



drohne said:
if you're a fan of big production games and this news bothers you, you're pretty much a tool. the aggregated 360/ps3 userbase is our last, best bulwark against the casual trash that dominated even that microsoft conference

I'm quoting this because it's the motherfucking truth.

Anyone spouting MS vs Sony is dumb as dirt. :lol


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
nfreakct said:
Seriously, people are surprised about this?

In this day and age game development costs are too large to make any moves that unnecessarily minimize your audience. FFXIII is a hugely expensive title that forces Square-Enix to be aggressive in recouping their development costs. We've already seen this with Fabula Nova Crystallis Final Fantasy XIII, branching out FFXIII into a brand that utilizes development tools, assets, and technology across a series of games to mitigate some of those expenses. Making the game available on the 360 is the next logical step, the platforms are close enough and neither console has the mainstream market share to justify owning the game solely.

Really, the time of honest-to-goodness exclusives are long dead. Games are too large and too expensive to risk on silly things like traditional platform loyalties. Timed exclusives will exist as long as 1st parties are willing to shell out money and there will always be the 1st party or pseudo-1st party games that of course will remain platform-specific, but otherwise the 3rd party exclusive is going the way of the dinosaur.
^ yup


Busty said:
Shane. Can you turn your phone on? We've been trying to get through to make sure you're alright.

If you don't want to talk just send us a text. Or failing that a thimble full of your tears just so we know you are OK.

Signed The Internet.
:lol :lol
dropped the bonba, thread asploding

RiotPelaaja said:
Finally some sense. Absolutely right. Sony would have had to pay a large doubledigit figure to secure the exclusive, it would be insanity to do that.

konami didnt get on its knees at least.

Edit: maybe they will now.
Epix said:
....and the MS conglomerate juggernaut of deep pockets rolls again....
Or maybe the PS3 user base alone could never have economically supported the game in the first place and now maybe with this it will? I can understand you're not happy with this, but remember videogames are a business, there's no such thing as alliances or doing things based on emotions.
I have both consoles so like this shouldn't matter, but the best part of that announcement was the Japanese dude walking back on stage and tapping Mattrick on his shoulder to say he had one more announcement when he thought had already left :lol


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
ShinAmano said:
Seriously? Go cry some more...SE saw an opportunity to expand its fan base and took it...this is not stopping you from enjoying the game.
If the game is nerfed for DVDs it stopped us from enjoying the game as much as we should have.


I saw the president of SE come back out and then GAF went 500. Then I saw the trailer and laughed myself hoarse.


Great conference, MS. You made your case that 360 is the platform for EVERYONE. :lol


I got grudge sucked!
So this isn't joke? WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWW. I have both systems and will probably stick with the PS3 version, mainly cause I feel bad for Sony.


outunderthestars said:
I don't understand the reason for the meltdowns? It's not like the PS3 isn't going to get the game at all. It just means that the game will reach a wider audience, helping to ensure more games in a niche genre that you enjoy.

Actually what it means is that the game that was supposed to be maintaining the hope that the PS3 could win the console war eventually is now no longer in Sony's hands.

This is -10000000000 points to Sony. GTA, DMC and now the grand daddy of them all FF.


SamuraiX- said:
So this is like the most EL OH EL moment of the year.

Sony fails so hard at securing exclusives. lol

Are the Nintendo and Sony press conferences even gonna matter now? There's no way they'll be able to top what just happened today. :lol
Quite frankly the MS conference was worse than any of the conferences last year. I sure hope Sony and Nintendo do better. Very little new was announced, and the bulk of that was the original Banjo on XBLA and game show type stuff.


BobsRevenge said:
Because the quality will be compromised. Look at it this way. MGS4 takes up much of a 50gig bluray. That game is smaller than FFXIII will be, guaranteed. Now that it has to worry about fitting on DVDs (however many that is) the game will be worse off for it.

Nevermind the fact that a lot of people have already made the decision to buy a PS3 over a 360 because they thought that this was going to be exclusive. Squeenix just shat on their faces.



Considering the last several FF's have been trash I really don't hold any hope for this one either. FF12 was laughable at best. I played it for 3 hours before I just couldn't stomach it anymore. Who wants to play a singler player MMO? Because that's basically what it is.

So yea, this announcement doesn't bother me in the slightest.


SamuraiX- said:
So this is like the most EL OH EL moment of the year.

Sony fails so hard at securing exclusives. lol

Are the Nintendo and Sony press conferences even gonna matter now? There's no way they'll be able to top what just happened today. :lol
an FFVII remake could.

Ploid 3.0

Will the PS3 version be compromised? That's all I want to know. If bringing it to 360 makes the game get finished quicker for ps3 it's a good thing for me. If bringing it to 360 makes them do things like optimizing it for multi platform release (i.e. cut things and design it in a way that bringing it to 360 will be faster) then bah. And if it is the latter I'll wait for reviews and see if the game is good like I should have for gta4. Gaf reviews btw, not media.

PS3 is the lead platform, right? lol Will vs be effected if they do the multiplatform tweak on ffxi? I want the ps3 version to run well, and be big with their CG and such fun stuff like the White Night Chronicles cg screens with the flying thing passing by ribs or something.


Shouta said:
I'm quoting this because it's the motherfucking truth.

Anyone spouting MS vs Sony is dumb as dirt. :lol

As long as the game doesn't suffer, I don't know why anyone would have a problem with the news.


Unconfirmed Member
Melfice7 said:
I wonder why when a game gets multiplatform it seems like it only matters that it's on Xbox and not also on PS3

For example "i can play RE5 on Xbox why i need a PS3?" it goes both ways you know IT is also on PS3

PS3 didn't lose FF13, Xbox got it.. there's a diference
It matters because PS3 is behind in console sales and they're already hurting for exclusives. Losing another one IS big news.


BobsRevenge said:
Look at it this way. MGS4 takes up much of a 50gig bluray.

Except it installs in 5GB chunks in between every act, so it's hardly really using that BluRay superiority.

That game is smaller than FFXIII will be, guaranteed.

According to your own statement above, it can't be much larger unless it slops over onto multiple discs. Predicting a multi-disc FF13 for the PS3?
I think it's ridiculous how apeshit everyone is going......the ps3 is dead?


Most people who know what Final Fantasy is already have the console of their choice. Other people wont give two shits that its just on another game system.

I mean you people are acting as if it's not coming out on the ps3.


Melfice7 said:
PS3 didn't lose FF13, Xbox got it.. there's a diference

While that is true, and it is that which makes what some of the sony fan reactions hilarious, FFXIII was a very big exclusive for the PS3 and it is a big loss for Sony themselves.

Personally I don't even like JRPGs that much, never mind FF, but it really is a big deal.


I am Wayne Brady.
CloudNL said:
Can't wait for Sony's counter-attack tomorrow.
Maybe we will get an extra powerpoint slide! :lol


"Not only will you still be able to play Final Fantasy 13 on the PS3 but look at that, is that a dimebag hidden underneth the disc? Fuck yeah it is. That weed was grown in our columbian grow houses that are powered by cell."


BobsRevenge said:
Because the quality will be compromised. Look at it this way. MGS4 takes up much of a 50gig bluray. That game is smaller than FFXIII will be, guaranteed. Now that it has to worry about fitting on DVDs (however many that is) the game will be worse off for it.

Nevermind the fact that a lot of people have already made the decision to buy a PS3 over a 360 because they thought that this was going to be exclusive. Squeenix just shat on their faces.

You don't honestly believe this do you? You really don't know how large FFXIII will be. I am guessing the 360 version will just come with 4-5 DVDs at most (40GB) and that will be the end of it.


Shouta said:
I'm quoting this because it's the motherfucking truth.

Anyone spouting MS vs Sony is dumb as dirt. :lol

This is why next gen needs to be a PS420, one HD console future.

Just please make online free... please.


Directions: Pull String For Uninformed Rant
I'm just kind of shocked that a Japanese company would fuck over another Japanese company in such a humiliating and high profile way. I mean, they could have at least leaked it or something to take away the impact, but man, this makes me wonder if there is bad blood between Sony and SE that they would smack Sony down so hard and ferociously. Ouch. I've never thought the PS3 was in trouble, I always thought it'd do reasonably well even when it was hurting, but this is a really huge blow to the console. I think this was the biggest exclusive Sony had, and by far.

I also think that Sony's strategy of not money hatting games is a complete and total failure. They need to realize this without delay. It's too late for the PS3 now that they lost this franchise as an exclusive, but if they want to stay in the business with the PS4, they will need to start playing in the ballpark that Microsoft is, or they'll just continue to forfeit the game. Microsoft was brilliant in deciding that instead of buying studios they were going to ensure that every 3rd party game came out for their system, and that they would money-hat key exclusive games. This new strategy is clearly a winning one for Microsoft.


Digi V said:
MGS4 will be coming to the xbox 360 in the near future, I bet my life on it now.

well if it comes out a year or 2 later, then who cares what MS steals from Sony? as long as it doesn't come out on the same day as the PS3 version.
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