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Final Fantasy XIII confirmed for Xbox 360

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needs 2 extra inches
:lol :lol awww shit! so this was the big announcement Nomura was hinting at :lol

so big it hurts


Knowledge is power, guard it well
Is Sony's conference is now irrelevant to anyone who doesn't already own a PS3?

A few months ago, I said that SCE had to be run by people who knew that paying for FFXIII was mandatory. I guess not. There are no words.
I wonder if we'll see a MGS4: ***-ence on 360 now. That's basically all that's left. And I'd wager if FFXIII is multi then FFvsXIII will be multi as well.


Metalmurphy said:
Talk about a roller-coaster :lol

I was saying that not even Alan Wake could save the conference... I was wrong haha

Way to go Sony! haha

For how much do 60GB BC PS3s go on ebay these days?

there's 1. now where's chubigans
This is a big deal, but wait a day and then reflect. It just means that the status quo will stay the same for a while longer. Now, 360 owners won't have to buy a PS3 to play FF13.


Junior Member
Zophar said:
Thanks for selling out your fanbase S-E. I poured probably thousands of dollars into your lap with your offerings on Sony platforms. Your support of the PS3 was instrumental in my purchasing one. Now you're murdering your flagship series for a quick cash grab. Why? Because you have no faith in your fans. Konami turned out all right with Metal Gear, what makes you think we'd be any different for motherfucking Final Fantasy? I and millions of others have rushed out to buy your major releases precisely at release time and time again. I'm certain many of us were still poised to do so, and still are.

I'm not happy that you drank the kool-aid. You had no reason to get into bed with Microsoft and take it this far.
:lol :lol :lol :lol


I'm calling a VERSION of Final Fantasy 13 (like versus) or timed exclusivity in Japan.

Other than that, yeah, Sony fucked this one up for sure. As long as I have my Final Fantasy sometime this or next year, I am a happy camper.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
FoneBone said:
Anyway, I honestly didn't think it was that surprising. It does, however, now leave MGS4 as the only AAA 3rd-party exclusive... unless you count Tekken 6. And that may well not stay exclusive, either.
but by the same boat, exactly how many AAA 3rd party exclusives does MS have?

Clearly this generation isn't about 3rd party exclusives. It's about PS360 vs. Wii. Watching all of the previous exclusives fall by the way side just proves it. All that either console has left for the most part are first party exclusives. Otherwise their lineups look eerily similar.
Anasui Kishibe said:
maybe I'm wrong, but it's a megaton not for the 360 getting FF, but for Sony LOSING the exclusive of its biggest franchise :lol

Yeah your right. I'm just saying looking at the big picture, it was really a painful Conference to watch.


That was without a doubt the biggest megaton to ever happen at an E3.

There was no way anyone saw that coming.

No matter what you feel either way about the game's placement, you just have to hand it to Microsoft for even pulling that shit off. Fake ending to the conference and everything.

Fucking. Epic.


wow, this is good news, now more people could enjoy this game (plus the meltdowns are going to be awesome). But whats with the ps3 is dead comments, sony fans can still play this game and IMO I think it has a better future line up. Ya the 360 has this title, but how dose that matter to ps3 owners (who are not crying fanboys)
Frank the Great said:
Great news.

Now MGS4 needs to be announced for 360 and I will have zero reasons to buy a PS3 (I have nothing against the system, I just don't have the $$$ for it.)
Same boat really. I have nothing against Sony and i have owned their first 2 systems and loved them to bits, but i'll jump first to the console that has the most exclusives i want. I really don't see much reason to buy a ps3 before the 360 (i *will* buy both eventually) when my sole reason at the moment is MGS4, as much as i love that franchise.


EnjoyIncubus said:
So, anyone want to guess how many millions of dollars Microsoft forked over to Square to make this a reality?
None. S-E did this because the PS3 userbase is too small to support (presumably) the most expensive game in the industry.
as huge as this is, i think everybody's overreacting a tad. the main numbered FFs don't sell like they used to. even if it was a sony exclusive, it's questionable how much PS3s the game would actually move.

its a huge win, regardlesss, and telling of the times. but you gotta keep it in perspective


Zophar said:
Thanks for selling out your fanbase S-E. I poured probably thousands of dollars into your lap with your offerings on Sony platforms. Your support of the PS3 was instrumental in my purchasing one. Now you're murdering your flagship series for a quick cash grab. Why? Because you have no faith in your fans. Konami turned out all right with Metal Gear, what makes you think we'd be any different for motherfucking Final Fantasy? I and millions of others have rushed out to buy your major releases precisely at release time and time again. I'm certain many of us were still poised to do so, and still are.

I'm not happy that you drank the kool-aid. You had no reason to get into bed with Microsoft and take it this far.
:lol :lol :lol


nice catch MS, and boo on sony's part. The only genre they really need to kick up a few notches. Oh well, i just hope multiplatform development means the ps3 version will get cut short.


this is on the same level as saturn $399 / psx $299

WtF is up with sony ?

have they just decided to give up this gen


wtf, im supposed to be mad about this but im laughing at everyone freaking. especially on the blog. everyones overreacting a bit though, its not like its exclusive to 360 or anything, and its been being developed for ps3 from the start so itll run great.


Seriously, people are surprised about this?

In this day and age game development costs are too large to make any moves that unnecessarily minimize your audience. FFXIII is a hugely expensive title that forces Square-Enix to be aggressive in recouping their development costs. We've already seen this with Fabula Nova Crystallis Final Fantasy XIII, branching out FFXIII into a brand that utilizes development tools, assets, and technology across a series of games to mitigate some of those expenses. Making the game available on the 360 is the next logical step, the platforms are close enough and neither console has the mainstream market share to justify owning the game solely.

Really, the time of honest-to-goodness exclusives are long dead. Games are too large and too expensive to risk on silly things like traditional platform loyalties. Timed exclusives will exist as long as 1st parties are willing to shell out money and there will always be the 1st party or pseudo-1st party games that of course will remain platform-specific, but otherwise the 3rd party exclusive is going the way of the dinosaur.


I wonder if the woman who was dancing knew about this megaton announcement.

It would explain a lot of things... that grin...


Since my "meltdown" topic was locked, I might as well once again post: how the hell could you let this slip out of your hands Sony? It's almost like you're giving up.

Anyway, this shit's laughable anyhow. Talk about megaton surprise.


The Amiga Brotherhood
It is going to come out in Japan a few months before US and EU so all PS3 owners worldwide are still effectively getting it as a timed exclusive due to the fact that PS3 is region free.

I think it is good news that it is coming to the 360, I hate it when platform holders pay to have it kept from another console.


Wow, betrayalton indeed :lol

After this news, MGS4 is the only (and last?) relevant third party exclusive of PS3. If Konami doesn't release the game on the 360 (while the rest of the third parties are doing it) they're going to look like a bunch of idiots or something.

BTW, right now I'm thinking on selling my PS3. I don't want to be stuck with a dea... I mean, right now I can sell it for a good price, right?. Right?.


Eccocid said:
LOL after ff 13 announcement a sony guy should had jumped to stage and say "$299" that would be megaton counterattack!

I imagine him popping up in the corner like "Toasty" in MK II.

remember everyone, every single glitch and framerate hitch in the game will be blamed by Sony fanboys on the 360 and multiplatform development.

it's going to be glorious.


Time for Insomniac to reevaluate your relationship with Sony, that MS cheddar is serious.

I wonder what this means for Versus though? Sony better shed some light on this tomorrow.

Oh man, if we thought Tretton was nervous last year... not only does he have XBots on his case, he now has every Sony Fanboy frothing like rabied dogs...:lol

Digi V

Wizman23 said:
Is this the equivalent of Halo 4 being announced on the PS3?
Absolutely not. It's a few notches below that but it's huge nevertheless.

MGS4 will come to the 360 at which then there is no point to own a PS3 besides bluray.


Zophar said:
Thanks for selling out your fanbase S-E. I poured probably thousands of dollars into your lap with your offerings on Sony platforms. Your support of the PS3 was instrumental in my purchasing one. Now you're murdering your flagship series for a quick cash grab. Why? Because you have no faith in your fans. Konami turned out all right with Metal Gear, what makes you think we'd be any different for motherfucking Final Fantasy? I and millions of others have rushed out to buy your major releases precisely at release time and time again. I'm certain many of us were still poised to do so, and still are.

I'm not happy that you drank the kool-aid. You had no reason to get into bed with Microsoft and take it this far.


:lol :lol :lol :lol
Yay, finally passed the 500 errors.

Anyways I suppose I would be surprised if I hadn't been saying FFXIII will come to the 360 for financial reasons for over a year (on forums where such talk isn't bannable at least). My only questions are how much did MS pay to save S-E and how mush will it effect the game's quality and release date.
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