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Final Fantasy XIV Reviews - GameSpot 4/10, GameTrailers 4.2/10, GameSpy 2/5, IGN 5.5

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mysteriousmage09 said:
Doesn't mean the game wasn't rushed out, pretty obvious they wanted to beat the WoW ride over actually making every aspect of the game solid.

Well I never said it wasn't a rushed game, I simply said "quality over quantity" just doesn't apply here, more like, shouldn't release a game until it's ready, especially one like FFXIV which is the central title when it comes to making money off subscriptions.


KaYotiX said:
Its more the fact that they made a shitty interface and control scheme when FFXI was pretty damn good towards its latter years. Its like they never learned anything from 11 and started over from scratch...its VERY VERY upsetting. There is a good game there but its buried deep under a bunch of design flaws.

Im sure in 6-8 m onths it will be where it needs to be but atm its not good
I feel like they were forced to release the PC version before the game was ready so Square could have a big name game for the holiday season. I still have hope that shit will be fixed/polished for the real release in March on the PS3.
fat chance


MikeE21286 said:
but it probably won't bring in new people outside of those who enjoyed XI

I don't think those that enjoy FFXI are going to like it though. FFXI has a better interface and simply runs better.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Londa said:
lol this is a good one. :lol

I like how people continue to say this game fails, when they keep adding more servers and servers are getting over crowded.

No shit? It just came out. If adding more servers due to crowding around launch is any indication of success, then Age of Conan and Warhammer Online must be smash hits!


Zefah said:
No shit? It just came out. If adding more servers due to crowding around launch is any indication of success, then Age of Conan and Warhammer Online must be smash hits!
Arguing with Londa about the merits of FFXIV is like arguing with the Pope over whether or not God exists. Don't bother.


Raging Spaniard said:
I dont get the gameplay bitching. The battles are really fun, the gathering is good and crafting is easily the best Ive seen in an MMO.

People have been brainwashed by WoW and see anything different or not super quest based as "bad" I actually like XIV better, I have more stuff to do than just grind .. I just wish it ran better :p

I know this is subjective but the battles are the opposite of fun. The combat in the game needs a ton of work. Just choosing the correct targets with a controller is a pain in the ass. I don't want to aim at the mob 500 yards away when I'm being attacked by a dodo. Also the experience system in this game is a complete joke. There is no reason I should be getting 0 sp after I kill a dodo. My favorite things is when I cast a spell and I have to wait 5-10 seconds because the game is glitching out/lagging that is just so damn fun.


Was the interface designed for a controller at expense of the other control schemes? yes. Was it rushed out of the door? yes. Is the game bare-bones in features at launch? yes.

Is the game fun? Fun is subjective, I say its fun.

This reviewer gave Age of Conan a 8.5 and Vanguard a 7.5, I now laugh my way out of this fucking thread.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
YuriLowell said:
Reviews are always useless. They only give technical details. Everything else is subjective to the person.

Isnt a review suppose to be what the person thought of the product and whether its recommendable? You cant make objective reviews because no one is objective.


Valru said:
Was the interface designed for a controller at expense of the other control schemes? yes. Was it rushed out of the door? yes. Is the game bare-bones in features at launch? yes.

Is the game fun? Fun is subjective, I say its fun.

This reviewer gave Age of Conan a 8.5 and Vanguard a 7.5, I now laugh my way out of this fucking thread.

If the interface was designed for a controller than the game deserves a 1/10.


HK-47 said:
Isnt a review suppose to be what the person thought of the product and whether its recommendable? You cant make objective reviews because no one is objective.


<---The most impartial man in America.
Me, not Gabe.
MMO reviews can be tricky and subjective but I've heard more than enough horrible shit from players to not want this. I'm kind of Glad DCUO is delayed I really want it to be good. I need a new mmo


Unlimited Capacity
The game is not that great right now. It took less than a week for me to lose interest, mostly. The XIV team has a lot of work ahead of them.


Final Fantasy XIV is a notable entry to the genre but only for what it lacks. It lacks character; bare-bones quests and audiovisual repetition fail to instill a sense of fantasy wonder. It lacks cohesion; communication failures, economic oddities, and stringent limitations leave you constantly directionless. And it lacks joy; the abysmal interface and boring monsters make it a struggle to stay invested. The open-ended classes, the stunning graphics engine, the focus on story--these elements deserve rightful praise. It's a shame they weren't put to use in a game worthy of the Final Fantasy brand. Certainly, Final Fantasy XIV will improve as features are added, yet the failures go beyond the superficial. Updates may address a multitude of flaws, but "fun" is not a feature that can be added with a simple patch.

For what it's worth, having played the beta, every point is spot on. The game is a piece of shit, and as someone who enjoys playing MMORPG's, SE won't be getting any of my $$$, not with the direction the game took.

6 months to a year away from being an "modern" (features and techniques and ideas from this fucking century), fun, enjoyable MMO? We'll see.


Alex said:
4/10 assumes it's just a bit below average. It is monstrously below average.
4.0-4.5: Poor

Games that just don't work right and maybe didn't spend enough time in production tend to fall in to this category. They simply lack the cohesion and quality that make other games fun.
Alex said:
4/10 assumes it's just a bit below average. It is monstrously below average.

If you're talking about reviews for anything but video games you'd be correct. In video game review terms, "a little bit below average" is probably something like 7/10.


DaBuddaDa said:
4.0-4.5: Poor

Games that just don't work right and maybe didn't spend enough time in production tend to fall in to this category. They simply lack the cohesion and quality that make other games fun.
This isn't Edge magazine. 7.5 is average for gamespot no matter what they tell ya.
Ouch, pretty harsh. It's only been out for what? Two weeks? SE would patch those flaws, hopefully. WoW wasn't great when it launched back in 2004, but look at it now.


Another this that pisses me off about FF14 is that there are so few mobs. There is so much empty space in this game its fucking ridiculous. Let's have 50 people fight over five or six mobs. Having to fight a group of people to kill a monster is so much fun.
It doesn't even make sense to review the game in its current state. It is quite honestly not a finished game. Some may say this is fair since SE decided to release an unfinished game, but the whole concept of a game review doesn't fall in line with the mmo experience.


TheFatOne said:
I know this is subjective but the battles are the opposite of fun. The combat in the game needs a ton of work. Just choosing the correct targets with a controller is a pain in the ass. I don't want to aim at the mob 500 yards away when I'm being attacked by a dodo. Also the experience system in this game is a complete joke. There is no reason I should be getting 0 sp after I kill a dodo. My favorite things is when I cast a spell and I have to wait 5-10 seconds because the game is glitching out/lagging that is just so damn fun.

I dont think thats ever happened to me as far as targeting with a controller. Nearby clustered targets? Maybe. As far as actually fighting with skills, i've run into that already engaged glitch, but never actually had to wait 5-10 seconds because of lag.

But damn, this should make S-E speed up that market ward update.

As far as beginner info, everything is pretty much straightforward (most stuff is either listed in the journal, or told by npc). There is still alot of work to be done, but introducing the player to the game isnt really one of them.

Focus on fixing up the wards, adding an auction house, adding more stuff to do in general, and bux fixing should be priority (supposed to be an update soon on the wards).

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
KaYotiX said:
Its more the fact that they made a shitty interface and control scheme when FFXI was pretty damn good towards its latter years. Its like they never learned anything from 11 and started over from scratch...its VERY VERY upsetting. There is a good game there but its buried deep under a bunch of design flaws.

Im sure in 6-8 m onths it will be where it needs to be but atm its not good

I didnt like the menus in XI at all and I really like the one sin XIV, sooo yeah, cant help you there.

The things I dont like about the menu in XIV is that they lag and I cant sort my items, but that will come with time. Conceptually its great.

Control wise I use the gamepad, so my experience is the same as with XI.

Im glad the game got a bad score though, itll make Square get on their ass and fix and finish the stuff that needs to be fixed. As much as I liked the game, its obviously not done, and thats not something I can defend.


HappyBivouac said:
It doesn't even make sense to review the game in its current state. It is quite honestly not a finished game. Some may say this is fair since SE decided to release an unfinished game, but the whole concept of a game review doesn't fall in line with the mmo experience.

I strongly disagree. The second money changes hands a review is viable and fair. Sure MMORPGs change over time however things such as the actual interface and basic systems and design of the game are open to review and should be. These are the things in the box. The state of the game that SE knows it shipped. It's not like they're rushing out patches from what I can tell targeting systems one at a time or trying to calm fears.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Effect said:
I strongly disagree. The second money changes hands a review is viable and fair. Sure MMORPGs change over time however things such as the actual interface and basic systems and design of the game are open to review and should be. These are the things in the box. The state of the game that SE knows it shipped. It's not like they're rushing out patches from what I can tell targeting systems one at a time or trying to calm fears.

Not necessarily, the reviewer has not gotten to the endgame yet hes giving a review on a product. Theres some discussion there.


Teknoman said:
I dont think thats ever happened to me as far as targeting with a controller. Nearby clustered targets? Maybe. As far as actually fighting with skills, i've run into that already engaged glitch, but never actually had to wait 5-10 seconds because of lag.

But damn, this should make S-E speed up that market ward update.

As far as beginner info, everything is pretty much straightforward (most stuff is either listed in the journal, or told by npc). There is still alot of work to be done, but introducing the player to the game isnt really one of them.

Man playing as a Thaum is a pain in the ass. For example I failed a leve because I couldn't cast a spell in time. I had 400 something hp and I was fighting a dodo. I tried to cast banish because it had low health. For some unknown reason it took me 20-30 seconds to cast it. I couldn't cancel the spell and I couldn't cast another spell. I was stuck for no reason. If that only happened once or twice I would be fine, but it happens all the time. I'm at the point where I don't want to level up my THM anymore.

man targeting with the controller is awful for me. I kill a target hit left to attack another one and it targets a person running on my right for no reason.


TheFatOne said:
Man playing as a Thaum is a pain in the ass. For example I failed a leve because I couldn't cast a spell in time. I had 400 something hp and I was fighting a dodo. I tried to cast banish because it had low health. For some unknown reason it took me 20-30 seconds to cast it. I couldn't cancel the spell and I couldn't cast another spell. I was stuck for no reason. If that only happened once or twice I would be fine, but it happens all the time. I'm at the point where I don't want to level up my THM anymore.

Maybe it was just the server at the time? Few of the people on Lindblum were doing nice as Thau or Conj, but they did have trouble targeting cure...which i'm not sure why it doesnt work like normal sub targeting with provoke.

I just hope this makes S-E look at whats going on and update accordingly. More quests as well.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
I'll probably still buy the PS3 version when it releases simply because I want to try a PS3 MMO (and I have no interest in DC Universe). Hopefully it'll be a lot better by then.

HappyBivouac said:
It doesn't even make sense to review the game in its current state. It is quite honestly not a finished game. Some may say this is fair since SE decided to release an unfinished game, but the whole concept of a game review doesn't fall in line with the mmo experience.
HD non-empty fields are hard.


Teknoman said:
Maybe it was just the server at the time? Few of the people on Lindblum were doing nice as Thau or Conj, but they did have trouble targeting cure...which i'm not sure why it doesnt work like normal sub targeting with provoke.

I would love to say it was the server at the time but this problem happens constantly. It happens several times every time I play the game. I'm just done with the combat in FF14. For now I spend all of my time crafting and mining/botany.


Eaten By A Grue said:
I think one of the biggest negatives is that there is next to nothing communication-wise between Square enix and the community.

Pretty much...at least with those outside Japan anyway. I liked when you could bug em on the beta forums and they updated as they could.

TheFatOne said:
I would love to say it was the server at the time but this problem happens constantly. It happens several times every time I play the game. I'm just done with the combat in FF14. For now I spend all of my time crafting and mining/botany.

Hmm...cant really say then. Havent heard anyone having that kind of problem in combat, aside from the "already engaged" glitch.


Raging Spaniard said:
Not necessarily, the reviewer has not gotten to the endgame yet hes giving a review on a product. Theres some discussion there.
MMOs are known to frontload their content. :p


I was a huge FFXI player and fan, but XIV is really testing my patience.
XI's oddities were forgivable in a sense because it was the company's first entry, ... but the choices in XIV are downright bizarre. The interface alone is just... mind boggling.

I know it will get significantly better, but maaaan SE... what happened?


Crystal Bearer
Jerk 2.0 said:
*Looks for the Kagari of several months ago*

Where is your god now!?

Versus is next!

I had fun with FF14 before my PC died :p
People waiting on the PS3 version are probably better off at this point. S-E definitely rushed this one out.

And the game still has better environments than FF13, so :p


Raging Spaniard said:
Not necessarily, the reviewer has not gotten to the endgame yet hes giving a review on a product. Theres some discussion there.

Yeah, if he got to the endgame in a Square MMO, it'd probably drop to a 2 or 3.

zerokoolpsx said:
Ouch, pretty harsh. It's only been out for what? Two weeks? SE would patch those flaws, hopefully. WoW wasn't great when it launched back in 2004, but look at it now.

Sadly, you can't just patch the problems FFXIV has, I mean you can fix up the UI, add in good economy and social systems and really clean a lot up, but there's pretty big problems on what little of a backbone FFXIV currently even has.

While it's obvious they rushed it out for budget reasons, it just doesn't have the same hooks or potential FFXI had that allowed it to grow so much. It's a very confused title with a lot of management issues, that's pretty blatantly obvious to me.

Maybe I'll eat my words down the road, I'd always like a new MMO to try, since 75% of the ones with an actual budget wind up faceplanting lately, but I'll be happy to just wait it out, instead of throw money at it.


I've got two friends really into this right now, but both of them admit it's not even a great game right now :lol

I'd be getting the PS3 version, so I'm curious what state the game will be in early next year when that hits, willing to give this a shot if it sounds like they've made some decent improvements.


I'm a pretty hardcore FF fan, played XI as well, had FFXIV CE pre-ordered the moment it was available. Played the beta for 3 weeks, trying to get some fun out of it. But really, the game just sucks.

4/10 I feel is still too generous a score. Even the shoddy free chinese/korean MMOs have given me more entertainment value. I had to cancel my pre-order the day before it was released, took awhile to convince the FF fanboy inside myself.
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