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Final Fantasy XIV Reviews - GameSpot 4/10, GameTrailers 4.2/10, GameSpy 2/5, IGN 5.5

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With the state the game released in a 4.0 is definite something that it probably deserves.... assuming of course its a single player game or a game that doesn't have a chance to drastically change 2-3 months from now from simple fixes. I don't trust a single reviewer that decides to review an MMORPG outside of a large preview page unless its at minimum 1-2 months after release. MMORPG are the worst games to review at a launch unless you review it in comparison to other MMORPG launches, in which case you shouldn't be reviewing it at all and just give a very harsh preview of the game to not recomend people from playing it at launch.

Launches suck for MMORPGs. Every MMORPG under the sun launched with either missing features or horrendous design decisions (some worse then others, .... this game for instance) either due to time constraints, stupidly unaware directors or both (also as in this case). By the PS3 launch we should have plenty of changes happening as well as additions to the world (new classes they said are coming in the first content patch, the market ward changes should actually make the economy possible if still a bit frustrating). EXP system can be overhauled with enough pressure, better more intuitive UI can come up or at least simple fixes can drastically change the fun factor of the product or make it less frustrating (Get me some damn mail boxes, proper search system and auto-sorting function you idiots!). There actually is a bunch of content in the game, but they spread it so thin across the leveling spectrum (Every 5ish rank new quests/story sequences open up which give new gameplay options and content) that as far as most are concerned, its barebones at best. Personally I am loving the game despite its really obvious flaws, and look forward to where they take it in the future, but I definitely won't tell people to get it right now unless the person knew what they were getting into.
I have absolutely no urge to play this game because I was one of the early FFXI adopters. I understand a lot of FFXIs problems were fixed later(or so friends tell me) but in the beginning it was buggy, boring, and extremely unrewarding. It had problems like mob-trains that most other MMOs had figured out how to fix by then...


BudokaiMR2 said:
I have absolutely no urge to play this game because I was one of the early FFXI adopters. I understand a lot of FFXIs problems were fixed later(or so friends tell me) but in the beginning it was buggy, boring, and extremely unrewarding. It had problems like mob-trains that most other MMOs had figured out how to fix by then...

Mob trains were awesome. Standing guard at the Selbina or Kazham gates was the best.
I can't wait to see the teeth-gnashing when Cataclysm comes out as buggy as original WoW did at launch. Blizzard is essentially rebooting WoW with Cataclysm, it's almost more like WoW2 than it is like another expansion to WoW. And the word from Cataclysm beta so far is that it's as full of bugs as a brand-new MMOG, which it pretty much is.

Blizzard seems to be pretty serious about packing Cataclysm full of content, at least. That's the one thing which is killing FFXIV, the dearth of any content. People will suffer through any number of bugs, big and small, if there is compelling content to play through, and right now FFXIV has an incredibly embarrassing lack of basics like sidequests and story missions. Hell, the main story right now consists of story quests you can complete at ranks 10, 20, and (presumably) 30, 40, and 50. That means the story consists of a whopping 6 quests right now, including the introduction/tutorial opening quest. I'm not sure whether I should laugh or cry that Squenix thinks they could have launched the game with 6 available story quests.
Narag said:
Mob trains were awesome. Standing guard at the Selbina or Kazham gates was the best.

They always brought back nightmares of my time as a noob in Everquest. Seeing "TRRRAAAAAINNNN!" in the channel and hugging against the wall and hoping to god one of the 30 werewolves or whatever didn't notice you. :lol


Worships the porcelain goddess
Valru said:
This reviewer gave Age of Conan a 8.5 and Vanguard a 7.5, I now laugh my way out of this fucking thread.

That's all that needs to be said here really.

However, reviewing MMOs is folly. Just in general. Especially by the mainstream sites. Don't pretend you know how to review them. Stick to normal games. This could turn out to be a completely different game 3-6 months from now. Will they re-review it? No.

MMO "reviews" are just silly.
Effect said:
Cheat Code Central - http://www.cheatcc.com/pc/rev/finalfantasyxivreview.html - 4.2/5

This review is kinda questionable I think. They seem to be rating the game more on it's potential even though they point out the negatives to it. I personally wouldn't take this score seriously. The graphics and sound ratings seem okay. Control and Play Value however are something else.

I felt the same way when I saw an excerpt of the review on Metacritic:

Cheat Code Central said:
We can't recommend that you spend $50, and then $12.99 a month after the first 30 days, on a title that has as many flaws as FFXIV does. But we can recommend that you keep an eye on the news to see how this game evolves.

What I see is that it's so bad that I shouldn't bother with it, but I should continue to follow it to see if it gets better? Uh...okay. Exactly how does that equal a score of 84?
While I haven't played any FF14 I think it's worth mentioning that FF11 was a similar disaster.


Is a very long read, but it is commentary on the entire FF11 Update History.

It's mind boggling to image how bad FF11 was at launch when you start reading through that. FF11 didn't come out in the US until after Zilart, and the development history before that was quite the disaster.

If this game is the same team, I don't think it's any stretch to say they're really bad at making video games.


Square failed at pretty much the most important aspect of MMOs: implementation.

It seems the reason for this is the complete lack of communication with the testers. When beta testers are telling you something sucks you should look into it even if you think its fine.

Yeah, Square could fix issues players have with the game through patches and updates but will they?


Kyoufu said:
FFXIV is terrible right now. It has potential but only if S-E gets down to fixing it.

MMOs seem to get a free pass for being crap because they have the potential to not be crap down the line. But i still like to know if a game is crap NOW as much as i want to know how it is in a year, in two years, in three years.


Blizzard seems to be pretty serious about packing Cataclysm full of content, at least. That's the one thing which is killing FFXIV, the dearth of any content. People will suffer through any number of bugs, big and small, if there is compelling content to play through, and right now FFXIV has an incredibly embarrassing lack of basics like sidequests and story missions. Hell, the main story right now consists of story quests you can complete at ranks 10, 20, and (presumably) 30, 40, and 50. That means the story consists of a whopping 6 quests right now, including the introduction/tutorial opening quest. I'm not sure whether I should laugh or cry that Squenix thinks they could have launched the game with 6 available story quests.

Not going to defend how sparse their content is but it seems some bad info is getting out.

Here is side stuff currently in game in regards to story and side-quests.

3-4 Class quests starting at lvl 20 for ALL classes, they happen every 10 levels (so far, only a select few people at lvl 30ish right now thanks to horrible skill up system in place at the moment, and that's not because of Surplus (bonus) skill either).

Storyline quests are actually every 5-6ish rank intervals now. 1,8, 15, 20, 26 etc. There are more, its just that SE decided to do a 'wait and see' to see people discover them. Why is the 'wait and discover' philosophy a problem? No one is going to play the game long enough to see it. New content is opened up upon getting these story quests done (along with the class quests, someone got a new class ability opened up upon finishing rank 30 class quest, a pretty nice ability I might add) although in regards to the storyline stuff, they seem to be placeholders for a more robust system going in place when ready (Path Companion, Parley system).
They should have made a sweet Final Fantasy MMO where you create your party of 4 and you get to have your own airship and fly around. I don't know why they decided to make FFXI twice.

Ploid 3.0

Xiaoki said:
Square failed at pretty much the most important aspect of MMOs: implementation.

It seems the reason for this is the complete lack of communication with the testers. When beta testers are telling you something sucks you should look into it even if you think its fine.

Yeah, Square could fix issues players have with the game through patches and updates but will they?

People beta tested FFXI up until this point, we learned one thing, SE don't listen to anybody. They pretend they are when you're talking (sending a chosen one to fanfest that has the clearance to interview them and give them papers explaining the problems at ground zero), but after they carry on doing their thing, ignoring problems.
The 2 major problems I have with the game are the absolutely atrocious interface and the lack of content. The interface is slow and unintuitive and lacks basic features. The party targeting is borderline unusable and if it weren't for AE cures costing the same as single target I don't think partying could even succeed on any level.

While its not unusual for MMOs to launch without endgame content (the vast majority of WoW raid bosses are patched in after launch), FFXIV doesn't even seem to have anything past the very basics of content. Just about every landmark on the map except for the major towns just seem to be placeholders at the moment. You can go there and look at the pretty scenery but that's it. The npcs will talk to you but they don't make any sense as they all refer to things that don't exist or is yet to be implemented.

I'll keep playing for now but if the rest of the ls quits I doubt I'll be very much far behind.


Ploid 3.0 said:
While FFXIV looks very boring and bad to me, FFXI is actually looking awesome now that SE took the gloves off added new level caps, and gave people a better way to exp.

Just check out how awesome bst is now (bst jugs!).

BST burn vs Sky Gods (kirin has his own vid).
BST is the best job right now imo, 6 sheep jugs can pretty much rape everything/anything, so awesome :D

Ploid 3.0

I was trying to explain to someone why BST is so awesome, and how FFXIV better have a bst like job if it want's my money. He just kept saying that I don't need bst to exp solo. People don't understand, bst is so much more than solo exp. I had a huge grin on my face watching these new FFXI bst vids, especially the one with the taru showing off the new jugs and abilities (OMG sic can now select tp attacks!! and the timer seem to be shorter, he kept using it waiting for the pet to gain tp again). I must resist going back to ffxi.

Edit: Didn't see your name or avatar at first. You know the dude I'm talking about Sacan, it's Hogashi.

Let me in

kevm3 said:
What in the world happened to Squaresoft? Hopefully Versus will be solid then.
I wouldn't bet on it. Every game that has been based on Crystal Tools seems to have taken ages to come out and then suffered from design problems (whether they were by choice or whatever) when it finally arrived. Don't know what's going on over there, don't care. They need to get it together.


Londa said:
Never considered gamespot as a good source for game suggestions. I don't even check reviews anymore before buying a game. I research and decide. Lots of times reviews are bias and its clear gamespot didn't get any money from SE to make this review.


Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Londa said:
Never considered gamespot as a good source for game suggestions. I don't even check reviews anymore before buying a game. I research and decide. Lots of times reviews are bias and its clear gamespot didn't get any money from SE to make this review.

Are you implying reviews are only trustworthy when reviewers get bribed?

Famitsu best magazine confirmed.


Kintaro said:
That's all that needs to be said here really.

However, reviewing MMOs is folly. Just in general. Especially by the mainstream sites. Don't pretend you know how to review them. Stick to normal games. This could turn out to be a completely different game 3-6 months from now. Will they re-review it? No.

MMO "reviews" are just silly.
People are deciding whether or not to buy this game NOW. It's pretty important for them to know if it's a gigantic clusterfuck NOW, even if it turns out okay six months down the road.


Makes me glad that I am waiting for the PS3 version. Hopefully once it is out, most of the issues is fixed and they add in more contents.


Gorgeous game with a really fun combat system. However the UI is poor, there's no real tutorials for the more complicated parts of the game (crafting etc), there's a limit on quests you can take each 36 hour period, and there are just a lot of poor design decisions. Some parts of it just aren't coded properly. The game crashes if you alt+tab/hit windows key while it's in fullscreen.

You can't even reorganize your damn inventory for fucks sake!

In six-ish months when the PS3 version comes out, things will probably be different. This game will make it farther than most MMOs that launch in this poor of a state because of the Final Fantasy name.


Holy crap. Never expected SE to fuck up this badly. I was actually excited about FFXIV for a while but was always hesitant to buy the game because feedback from players was never full of excitement and hype usually associated with major MMO betas / releases.

I know the first half a year of most MMOs are usually a pay to play beta testing period, but it looks like XIV is in its alpha phase. Hopefully SE can get their act together asap and make the PS3 version close to what made FFXI so great. I might get the PS3 version if they can make substantial improvements. I'm so disappointed but am also so glad I didn't buy this game.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Aaron said:
People are deciding whether or not to buy this game NOW. It's pretty important for them to know if it's a gigantic clusterfuck NOW, even if it turns out okay six months down the road.

That's fine. But calling this a review is stupid because they won't go back and review the MMO a month later, three months later, six months later or a year later.

Plus, you know, hello? Age of Conan an 8.5 at launch? Hello?

What is the point of reviewing any...ANY MMO in it's first month? They have all been bad their first month or three months or even six months. All of them. Without exception. You can not name one MMO that was not a "gigantic clusterfuck" on day one. Not WoW, not EQ, not Warhammer, not Age of Conan, not Eve Online, not LOTRO, and on we go.

This is fact. Given this fact, why would you bother with any of them when they are introduced? Ever?

Ploid said:
While FFXIV looks very boring and bad to me, FFXI is actually looking awesome now that SE took the gloves off added new level caps, and gave people a better way to exp.

Just check out how awesome bst is now (bst jugs!).

BST burn vs Sky Gods (kirin has his own vid).

Ploid, aren't you just proving the point that reviewing MMOs in the short term is rather pointless? Holy shit! 17 BSTs and a THF can take on Old God 8 years after the game's release and 7 years after these NM's were introduced!

Plus, like, you played FFXI when this forum actively hated FFXI for the same reasons it hates FFXIV now. For five years or more. =P


Kintaro said:
That's fine. But calling this a review is stupid because they won't go back and review the MMO a month later, three months later, six months later or a year later.

Plus, you know, hello? Age of Conan an 8.5 at launch? Hello?

What is the point of reviewing any...ANY MMO in it's first month? They have all been bad their first month or three months or even six months. All of them. Without exception. You can not name one MMO that was not a "gigantic clusterfuck" on day one. Not WoW, not EQ, not Warhammer, not Age of Conan, not Eve Online, not LOTRO, and on we go.

This is fact. Given this fact, why would you bother with any of them when they are introduced? Ever?
Because people don't want to know how an MMO plays in six months or a year. They want to know how it plays right now.

Not to mention this game shouldn't be a clusterfuck right now. Square has made an MMO before but you wouldn't be able to tell that by looking at the game right now. It runs poorly, it has ill conceived and not properly thought out design decisions, and many parts of the game just aren't implemented.

The game is half finished if that and should not have been released in this state. Square probably knew that and said "fuck it", but that's okay. Consumers are free to say "fuck it" right back and wait until the game is finished before they buy.

I think this guy gave people good reason that it isn't worth playing right now compared to the many other games available.

Also FFXIV is clusterfuck for reasons that differ from why WoW was. WoW had plenty of content at launch and also had many things that are/have become staples of MMOs. You know like...an auction house, a mail system, instanced dungeons, endgame content, the ability to reorganize your equipment, and the power to invite people to a guild without having to stand right next to them. :lol


So, I haven't played a whole lot of FFXIV myself. I've only logged in every now and then because I've just felt too busy to focus on an MMO lately. From what I have played, I must admit, it hasn't hooked me in like FFXI did, which is weird, because as I look at it more, it does seem easily to approach.

I really don't understand the complaints about people being confused and unsure what to do. It's not true that the game doesn't give you any direction, because the entire opening of the game tells you about the guilds, and tells you to do leves. I definitely find it to be an easier game.

Gamespot reviews are useless to me, but I had to see why they gave it a 4/10. Then I looked at the reviewer, Kevin VanOrd, that guy is a complete tool. His reviews always suck, and I wouldn't put any stock in his opinion at all.

Ploid 3.0

Kintaro said:
Ploid, aren't you just proving the point that reviewing MMOs in the short term is rather pointless? Holy shit! 17 BSTs and a THF can take on Old God 8 years after the game's release and 7 years after these NM's were introduced!

Plus, like, you played FFXI when this forum actively hated FFXI for the same reasons it hates FFXIV now. For five years or more. =P

Oh yeah, I know FFXIV will rock after some patches and expansions, it's just that they released this awesome FFXI stuff right as FFXIV is ready. If I were to go to another MMORPG it would be FFXI because of the new stuff and levels. Abyssea looks pretty cool with alliance exping, NMs, and more.
jiggle said:
funny, i thought the game is hella fun/addicting, and only hampered down but a bunch (a TON) of fixable design flaws

There ya go. The game was released with a ton of flaws, bugs, and missing features. Japan press is thrashing it, too, right? Future potential/promises of fixes /= justification for a premature release. Final Fantasy XIV was in no way, shape, or form ready for commercial release, and as it stands, is a glorified open beta that suckers will be paying for in a week or so once first-month complimentary subscriptions end. Never before has a game pissed me off so much with such a boring experience that I questioned my sanity for playing it for the past month.


HappyBivouac said:
I can't believe people are taking this review seriously.

Well what about the fact that its averaging 1.5 stars out of 5 on Amazon?

Surely that counts for something.


It seems lately that Square has spent so much time on making things look pretty they forget that games are supposed to be fun.
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