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Final Fantasy XIV Reviews - GameSpot 4/10, GameTrailers 4.2/10, GameSpy 2/5, IGN 5.5

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animlboogy said:
Did they not come through in the past when boiling down an upcoming patch in bullet points like that?

They have a pretty nasty habit of either not doing it for ages or really coming up short with their promises. It happened for ages in FFXI and still does.


Marrshu said:
You can maintain great quality without copying WoW's design. Look at what Guild Wars 2 is doing, for example.

They certainly aren't copying WoW's design but they're taking and expanding on a lot of elements from it. I prefer both FFXI and GW to WoW but I can still appreciate everything that WoW does so well - and as one poster said - taking 2 months to add an inventory sorting function is beyond a joke. These are the BASICS that should have been in from day one.
Moobabe said:
They certainly aren't copying WoW's design but they're taking and expanding on a lot of elements from it. I prefer both FFXI and GW to WoW but I can still appreciate everything that WoW does so well - and as one poster said - taking 2 months to add an inventory sorting function is beyond a joke. These are the BASICS that should have been in from day one.

I disagree; I think inventory sorting is by far the worst part of the patch. Really, the players should be dropping the items out of their inventory and reacquiring them or sending them to the bank to get the items reordered. Anything else is just encouraging player laziness.


Shouta said:
They have a pretty nasty habit of either not doing it for ages or really coming up short with their promises. It happened for ages in FFXI and still does.
Yeah, but when they've said 'we're doing this in this update taking place in this part of this month' they've done it. Things like Avatars where they only said 'We've got 2 avatars coming in the next expansion at some point' where they were vauge as hell for years. From my experience when they say 'this is the shit that will be done in the next patch' it usually is (providing they don't fuck it up on implementation, and even then it's in the game but no working they way they wanted)


Moobabe said:
They certainly aren't copying WoW's design but they're taking and expanding on a lot of elements from it. I prefer both FFXI and GW to WoW but I can still appreciate everything that WoW does so well - and as one poster said - taking 2 months to add an inventory sorting function is beyond a joke. These are the BASICS that should have been in from day one.

I'm still amazed that a feature (Chat reply) that was in the second phase of WoW's closed beta test wasn't in FFXIV's retail, apparently. :lol


Why cant they just split up the 'ui' completely between a PS3 team and a PC team >_<?

Theres a reason Blizz hasnt ported Wow to consoles... mmos just dont work on pads >.>

Instead of gratifying PC or PS3, neither is if you try to compromise between the two.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Gravijah said:
Whoa, you can't mail?

Nope. No way for players to send each other stuff. Which makes the market ward, or any player run economy incredibility hard. Say I'm in Limsa while a LS mate is in Ul'dah. They find something I need there. They can't buy it, send it to me while I send them the gil to pay them back. Nope, I have to go get it.

LS mates need to send each other mats or crafted items? Nope. Can't do it. Etc.

Also, yeah. No Chocobos. No mention of any of this in their news either.


It's Final Fantasy. Chocobos should be in day fucking one. Day one.

I want to ride a chocobo, fight cactuars, fight tonberries, etc. DAY ONE.


JWong said:
Uh... the first Guild Wars already took a lot of the improvements that WoW brought.

Yes and no and I lean more towards no. It was released 5 months after WoW, which isn't really enough time to analyze a different game and integrate it's strengths into your own game.


Gravijah said:
It's Final Fantasy. Chocobos should be in day fucking one. Day one.

I want to ride a chocobo, ride cactuars, ride tonberries, etc. DAY ONE.
FLEABttn said:
Yes and no and I lean more towards no. It was released 5 months after WoW, which isn't really enough time to analyze a different game and integrate it's strengths into your own game.
WoW has been in beta development for years with its features known to its partners. The Guild Wars developers probably were involved in the development way back when they were still in Blizzard.


I still have some doubts. Those people left early on in the WoW dev cycle, and unless they were in the beta jacking ideas, which is probably in violation of various NDA's, they really could only judge WoW on open beta/release/alpha and not like however many months of close beta and alpha they had.


FLEABttn said:
I still have some doubts. Those people left early on in the WoW dev cycle, and unless they were in the beta jacking ideas, which is probably in violation of various NDA's, they really could only judge WoW on open beta/release/alpha and not like however many months of close beta and alpha they had.
WoW development started before Warcraft 3 was even released. Did they leave that long ago?
They aren't giving you chocobos because then you would be traveling too fast and the copy pasta would be so blatant people would get motion sickness or something.

I mean can you honestly imagine zooming past Lake #3 and automatically seeing another Lake#3 in the corner of your screen.

ZombieSupaStar said:
invisible walls 129 ripped into this some more, and the people defending it. :lol

FF fans will defend the game to the ground

as I already stated in the thread many threads back

many players spent obscene amounts of hours in dragon's aery(and to lesser extent behemoth's dominion and valley of sorrows) just so they can have a chance to fight a monster.

players complained about the shitty system for years and still did it anyway

they did eventually add an alternative way (which took many years later) and gear that obsoleted some of it recently but it's not saying much. the trial of magians system was like watching paint dry waiting for specific elemental conditions


PandaPandaPanda said:
FF fans will defend anything

as I already stated in the thread many threads back

many players spent obscene amounts of hours in dragon's aery(and to lesser extent behemoth's dominion and valley of sorrows) just so they can have a chance to fight a monster.

players complained about the shitty system for years and still did it anyway

hey you have an anime avatar

ahhhhhhhh you broke the rullllleeeeeeees
I don't know why Jwong is so surprised that it's possible other devs had similar ideas of making a game that was neither a chore nor overly punishing towards the player. WoW is far from the first game to have that design philosphy anyway. Making an MMO that is accessible for the players isn't "cloning WoW." I mean, seriously?


notworksafe said:
Yes, very true. I reply to posts with truth and use proof.

You troll, lie, refuse to back up any claims made, bash games having never played them, and consistently mock posters who bring up valid points by calling them stalkers or just ignore them completely. Often you don't even read posts before replying to them. Even people in the FFXIV OT (also devoted fans, one would imagine) think you are a joke.

You are consistently the worst poster I've seen on GAF. It's a wonder you can get away with this garbage.

You're my hero. :D

I pretty much said the same thing. Can a mod up in here please explain to us why Londa has not gotten a ban or at least a warning?

Some of the things she posts make brain cells explode inside my head. Like her saying she doesn't defend this game, that she doesn't have to explain her crazy bull shit troll remarks, and she seems to be the only person who wants the game to REMAIN shitty.

I think in the main thread when she saw that crafting would be less tedious and have a recipe book for crafts you did, that she didn't like it because it makes the players lazy. How in the hell does it make you lazy to not want to put in the same 5+ items over and over for a craft? Them adding a repeat recipe function so you can get right back into the craft is a great idea and cuts down the unneeded time sink time.

Those of us who have been following FFXIV since the first beta on Gaf have all seen her do this over months of time, from thread to thread about FFXIV, and it's mind boggling that she coasts on by unchecked.


CcrooK said:
Damn. Notsafework laying the law down. :lol

I've held my tongue so many times but I don't want to get banned.

He's just calling out bullshit when bullshit is said. Don't see that as being bannable so long as he's not obnoxious about it.


And even i am moderately surprised
The Wife is pulling her hair out over this one. She's off back to FFXI. :/

Her take is that it just feels like this isn't meant for long term FF11 players, this is for a more casual market and that it needs a lot of work to pull across the FF11 crowd.

I need to go back to it - only tried a few brief spells of playing but at such an early stage it's hard to draw any conclusions.


FLEABttn said:
He's just calling out bullshit when bullshit is said. Don't see that as being bannable so long as he's not obnoxious about it.

That's perfectly fine. Though the things I would say...well....no. :lol


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
DCharlie said:
The Wife is pulling her hair out over this one. She's off back to FFXI. :/

Her take is that it just feels like this isn't meant for long term FF11 players, this is for a more casual market and that it needs a lot of work to pull across the FF11 crowd.

I need to go back to it - only tried a few brief spells of playing but at such an early stage it's hard to draw any conclusions.
On the one hand, I want to go back to FFXI. On the other, I don't want to be really behind if they fix this thing.


CcrooK said:
That's perfectly fine. Though the things I would say...well....no. :lol

I've voiced my thoughts too, but I guess mine are a bit more hostile than notsafework was.

She has no problems voicing her opinions about us, so come on CcrooK tell us how you REALLY feel. :lol

As for FFXIV I'm about to plunge into a few hours of play to wrap up some leves. :D I'm still waiting for a Eurogamer, Edge, and Famitsu review for this game though.
What intrigues me most about games like these isn't the game itself, its the dev process. I'm so curious as to the development culture that led a multibillion dollar juggernaut company like SE to spend many millions and 5 years pushing out something like this in 2010.

Did they ever even play their own game for extended periods of time? Some of the design decisions are so WTF pants-on-head that I can't believe any higher ups put some quality time into the game.
FieryBalrog said:
What intrigues me most about games like these isn't the game itself, its the dev process. I'm so curious as to the development culture that led a multibillion dollar juggernaut company like SE to spend many millions and 5 years pushing out something like this in 2010.

Did they ever even play their own game for extended periods of time? Some of the design decisions are so WTF pants-on-head that I can't believe any higher ups put some quality time into the game.

I don't think big game publisher executives actually play any of their companies' games. They're too busy, you know, actually running the company. Many of the executives are famous for not being gamers at all, Bobby Kotick is notable for having come to Activision from Proctor & Gamble for instance.
Unknown Soldier said:
I don't think big game publisher executives actually play any of their companies' games. They're too busy, you know, actually running the company. Many of the executives are famous for not being gamers at all, Bobby Kotick is notable for having come to Activision from Proctor & Gamble for instance.

Which is why the industry is going downhill faster than a coked up supermodel tripping over her own heels in the streets of San Fransisco


zlatko said:
I pretty much said the same thing. Can a mod up in here please explain to us why Londa has not gotten a ban or at least a warning?

She was already warned by Kagari in this same thread, however none of the few that express their disagreement in a more personal or insulting manner, have been told anything.

It's fine to agree or disagree with something, this is a discussion board after all, but I've seen some crossing the line with their snide remarks. If any action is taken, it should go both ways, not just one.


BudokaiMR2 said:
Which is why the industry is going downhill faster than a coked up supermodel tripping over her own heels in the streets of San Fransisco

How common is it for the executives of a company to actually be fans of/users of their products?

I would not think it to be that common.


Teknopathetic said:
I don't know why Jwong is so surprised that it's possible other devs had similar ideas of making a game that was neither a chore nor overly punishing towards the player. WoW is far from the first game to have that design philosphy anyway. Making an MMO that is accessible for the players isn't "cloning WoW." I mean, seriously?


WoW itself wasn't revolutionary, they basically just used the best parts from all other MMOs and made them more accessible to a larger audience. By not "cloning WoW" in some fashion you're basically ignoring a ton of the best features of MMOs.


I let my brother borrow my pc to play this game for a month. I asked him how it was because most of the reviews say it's incomplete or bad. He got super defensive, even refused to look at the scores :/
Also, I never see him smile when he plays it.


notworksafe should be renamed Walker Texas Ranger, props to him and the rest who have been calling out the bullshit.

McLovin how old is your brother? Just out of curiosity


Soule said:
notworksafe should be renamed Walker Texas Ranger, props to him and the rest who have been calling out the bullshit.

He could be called Warcraft's Official Unpaid Marketeer too.


Khrno said:
He could be called Warcraft's Official Unpaid Marketeer too.
Yep. I've only ever said good things about WoW in these threads. Never anything about any other MMO (including pointing out some of the few good things in FFXIV).

Get real.

Once again, I'm sorry that the genre has progressed since 2002 and S-E just hasn't figured that out yet. Don't blame reviewers and don't blame fans of the MMO genre that know there are many (note: not just WoW) new, fresh MMOs that innovate and keep things interesting. Blame S-E for putting out a half-assed game.
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