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Final Fantasy XIV Reviews - GameSpot 4/10, GameTrailers 4.2/10, GameSpy 2/5, IGN 5.5

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zlatko said:
The amount of fixes coming at the end of November are HUGE and automatically could make this game go from a 4/10 to a 8/10 in most peoples books.

If SE pulls of all the stuff they are promising for this update I'll be around for years. Not to mention they just gave us that free month.

Let's just copy them here, so everyone can see the upcoming planned changes, and that SE are trying to finish a proper build in time for the PS3 launch.

The development team is currently preparing two major version updates for release in late November and mid-December. Some of the changes planned are as follows:

Late November Update
  • Adjustments and additions to the user interface
  • Adjustments to the Markets and retainers
  • Lowering of Teleport and Return costs
  • Adjustments to overall battle balance
  • Adjustments to class balance
  • Adjustments to party battle balance
  • Adjustments to monster placement
  • Adjustments to levequests
  • Adjustments to synthesis
  • Addition of new synthesis recipes
  • Alleviation of lag issues

Mid-December Update
  • Addition of notorious monsters
  • Addition of new guildleves
  • Addition of new synthesis recipes
  • Addition of new items

In addition to the above changes and additions, several seasonal events are planned to begin starting in December.

Further details on both version update and seasonal event content will be released in the coming weeks via the Lodestone.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Londa said:
reply to what? Didn't see it. I blocked him after I said he had true dedication. If he makes me feel uncomfortable, I have a right to that. Also after I blocked him I stopped posting, so that means I was busy doing something else.

Even if you post what he saids I won't respond to it. find someone else to bother.

Nice tag


Reading that Encyclopedia Dramatica entry enlightened me.
I really had no idea 14 still didn't have swimming and jumping.
I took for granted that it'd have such basic features.


Neo Member
DaBuddaDa said:
This came directly out of your ass. Ass to internet.

It's effectively cultivating a playerbase who will give them years of dedication in the future.
Judging by the amount of white knighting going on for ffxiv, i'd say SE has already cultivated their marketing team... i mean playerbase that will play the game.
I mean the game is so good, its even got gaf 2 threads dedicated to it right now :lol


Oh and this is Komoto's letter for those interested and that can't be bothered visiting the Lodestone:

As always, we would like to thank you for choosing to play FINAL FANTASY XIV.

In this Topics, I will speak at length about the forthcoming version update.

Allow me to begin by stating that the development team plans to release a version update at a rate of once every three months, of which the large-scale version update currently planned for December will be the first. Nothing is more important to us than seeing to the prompt implementation of the various changes and features players desire to improve playing conditions. In that vein, there are several adjustments and additions which we will be introducing before December's version update.

A good deal of the constructive feedback we received was in regards to the market and retainer systems. As previously addressed in an installment of Ask the Devs, several improvements will be brought to both of these features. Among these are a simplification of retainer access which no longer requires use of the interactions menu, and specific reduced taxes in market wards which will serve to reorganize them by item types.

Further changes we have planned for the near future, which will be coming sometime after the first version update, include the following:

Search feature to allow item searches by individual wards
Icon display to identify retainers selling sought-after items
Increase in the number of retainers that may be employed

A version update scheduled for late November will contain a number of other changes and additions as well. Below is a list of the primary points of focus.

User Interface Adjustments
In response to the generous amount of player feedback we received, a number of changes and new features will be implemented in this area. Many players have voiced dissatisfaction with several facets of the user interface, such as the chat feature and targeting mechanism, and we will be working to remedy these issues as soon as possible.

For more details, please read Ask the Devs.

Party-Based Battle Balancing
Party-based battle will be undergoing a number of adjustments and tweaks, but players may rest assured that we have every intention of staying true to our policy of making a game that is enjoyable for solo players as well.

At present, players have voiced concern over a lack of necessity for forming parties, as well as a shortage of situations that demand the execution of multiplayer battle strategies. To address such issues, we will be making modifications to the way in which the enmity mechanism works, in addition to reexamining the Battle Regimen system.

Server Lag
Notable lag has been observed in certain areas of the game, particularly when a large number of players are gathered together. To combat this, such areas will be divided into multiple "sections" for the purposes of server-side processing, thereby reducing concentrated loads and subsequent lag on individual World servers.

Distribution of Enemies
In an attempt to further reduce occurrences of lag, we initially avoided placing a large number of enemies in close proximity to one another. With, however, the implementation of the measures mentioned above to reduce server lag, and as player concentrations are beginning to disperse from the starting areas, we will be looking into a redistribution of enemies that is more conducive to enjoyable adventuring.

Another significant addition planned for the December version update is the introduction of notorious monsters (NMs), which will appear in open areas and on guildleves (faction leves). Coming together with the notorious monsters will be a wide variety of new items and rewards, and future version updates will usher in all-new content centered around these formidable new enemies.

Further details regarding notorious monsters and associated new loot will be released in Topics posts as they become available, so be sure to check in regularly!

We also have several seasonal events scheduled to take place beginning in December, and hope that you will all look forward to those as well!

There are still more changes and additions slated for year's end and early next year as well. We will make sure to release information regarding them as soon as we are able in the ongoing Ask the Devs FAQ.

Thank you again for your time, and we hope that you will continue to enjoy your time in ever-evolving Eorzea!

Nobuaki Komoto
HappyBivouac said:
In all reality, they had two options:

1) Delay the game, because it's obviously not what they would've ideally wanted to release.
2) Give people the option to pay for and play the game while they finish up the development.

They decided to go with the second option, which may seem stupid, but hear me out. It's going to be hard to get through making this point without seeming like a lunatic, and it's probably going to end up being an unfocused rant, but here goes:

The strategy they chose was essentially to give the players that really wanted to play the game the option to start playing before it was finished. All this really does is give gamers, the consumer, more options of how/when they want to play the game and what to do with their money, compared with the more traditional method of just saying "well, we're not finished, so delay it."

Jesus fucking Christ :lol

Now I've seen the light. A multibillion dollar corporation is "gracing" us with the opportunity to throw money at them during development while they try to wrestle their way out of a wet paper bag.

The only reason this isn't a good idea is because the "gaming community" sucks? Right. Sadly, no, it's not them, it's you. It's good for the industry for review and community sites to rip apart incomplete games with ridiculous and incompetent design. It doesn't matter if they fix it up to a barely functional state one year down the line; they deserve to get called out on their complete incompetence when they ask people to pay for it. There is no excuse, what was the dev team doing for 5 years, with a massive budget, that they have this little to show for it? Is what we have here even remotely in line with that kind of dev cycle? There's more than enough of this bullshit going around in the VG industry already. What's your problem with people calling them out, why are you upset about it? :lol If your feelings get hurt over something like this... well, it's not everyone else's job to shut up so you feel better.

Ploid 3.0

Londa said:
PureAuthor said:
You haven't replied to TSA, by the way.

reply to what? Didn't see it. I blocked him after I said he had true dedication. If he makes me feel uncomfortable, I have a right to that. Also after I blocked him I stopped posting, so that means I was busy doing something else.

Even if you post what he saids I won't respond to it. find someone else to bother.

So who won on how Londa would answer TSA's reply post? :lol
FieryBalrog said:
Jesus fucking Christ :lol

Now I've seen the light. A multibillion dollar corporation is "gracing" us with the opportunity to throw money at them during development while they try to wrestle their way out of a wet paper bag.

The only reason this isn't a good idea is because the "gaming community" sucks? Right. Sadly, no, it's not them, it's you. It's good for the industry for review and community sites to rip apart incomplete games with ridiculous and incompetent design. It doesn't matter if they fix it up to a barely functional state one year down the line; they deserve to get called out on their complete incompetence when they ask people to pay for it. There is no excuse, what was the dev team doing for 5 years, with a massive budget, that they have this little to show for it? Is what we have here even remotely in line with that kind of dev cycle? There's more than enough of this bullshit going around in the VG industry already. What's your problem with people calling them out, why are you upset about it? :lol If your feelings get hurt over something like this... well, it's not everyone else's job to shut up so you feel better.

Good post. SE was afraid of the MMO competition and launched early. This is just more to show that SE has no faith/confidence in their products anymore.

SE used to be the pack leader and now it's following the pack. Goodjob Wada.

edit: What was TSA's post? Sorry don't feel like searching through several pages >_>

Orin GA

I wish I could hat you to death
All this really does is give gamers, the consumer, more options of how/when they want to play the game and what to do with their money, compared with the more traditional method of just saying "well, we're not finished, so delay it."



I would rather pay my $14 and have these fixes rolled out once or twice a week rather than wait until December for one lump sum. They still seem to be oblivious to a number of major issues, primary being the lack of a functional Search/Seek system--isn't even alluded to in the forthcoming patch notes. Partying is pretty much required past Rank 20 where solo and small bands net increasingly pitiful SP. Kind of sounds like a high priority issue when there's no functional system to form said parties. Good news is they're nerfing classes and balancing various aspects of party play, so we can enjoy them sometime into 2011 when they might get around to adding such a system.


demosthenes said:
Wait a second, this outsourcing thing to China is legit? I thought it was just making fun of how clunky the game was. FFS SE, SMH.
There is no proof at all that any part of the game was outsourced to china. People are assuming it because of the wrong words being brought up in some places(like what happened in the beta where you sometimes got JP words or just [EN], the JP version had Chinese characters in places) and because of the fatigue (bonus -.-), guildleves and the tumbler was made in China.


Khrno said:
Let's just copy them here, so everyone can see the upcoming planned changes, and that SE are trying to finish a proper build in time for the PS3 launch.

The development team is currently preparing two major version updates for release in late November and mid-December. Some of the changes planned are as follows:

Late November Update
  • Adjustments and additions to the user interface
  • Adjustments to the Markets and retainers
  • Lowering of Teleport and Return costs
  • Adjustments to overall battle balance
  • Adjustments to class balance
  • Adjustments to party battle balance
  • Adjustments to monster placement
  • Adjustments to levequests
  • Adjustments to synthesis
  • Addition of new synthesis recipes
  • Alleviation of lag issues

Mid-December Update
  • Addition of notorious monsters
  • Addition of new guildleves
  • Addition of new synthesis recipes
  • Addition of new items

In addition to the above changes and additions, several seasonal events are planned to begin starting in December.

Further details on both version update and seasonal event content will be released in the coming weeks via the Lodestone.

That's incredibly ambiguous when compared to Blizzard's patch notes.


Those changes sound like a good start. It remains to be seen how well they work and how far it goes towards making the game fun. Also, the game is going to have to work really, really hard to have the updates not perceived as too little, too late by all but the most ardent fans of the game. The additional free 30 days is another good move. Not going to reinstall here, but I'm encouraged a bit.

Also, what are notorious monsters going to drop? Actual pieces of gear? Will be very funny if they made all this effort for a truly special player run economy and then it turns out the best rewards stem from camping NMs. Funny/stupid.
Zomba13 said:
There is no proof at all that any part of the game was outsourced to china. People are assuming it because of the wrong words being brought up in some places(like what happened in the beta where you sometimes got JP words or just [EN], the JP version had Chinese characters in places) and because of the fatigue (bonus -.-), guildleves and the tumbler was made in China.

But seriously, messing up Chocobo against Chocopo is the kind of mistake a first year Japanese student who's not a native Japanese speaker makes.


Khrno said:
Let's just copy them here, so everyone can see the upcoming planned changes, and that SE are trying to finish a proper build in time for the PS3 launch.

The development team is currently preparing two major version updates for release in late November and mid-December. Some of the changes planned are as follows:

Late November Update
  • Adjustments and additions to the user interface
  • Adjustments to the Markets and retainers
  • Lowering of Teleport and Return costs
  • Adjustments to overall battle balance
  • Adjustments to class balance
  • Adjustments to party battle balance
  • Adjustments to monster placement
  • Adjustments to levequests
  • Adjustments to synthesis
  • Addition of new synthesis recipes
  • Alleviation of lag issues

Mid-December Update
  • Addition of notorious monsters
  • Addition of new guildleves
  • Addition of new synthesis recipes
  • Addition of new items

In addition to the above changes and additions, several seasonal events are planned to begin starting in December.

Further details on both version update and seasonal event content will be released in the coming weeks via the Lodestone.
Same stupid, ambiguous "patch notes" as always. Never change, Square. Hell these aren't even patch notes...just a promise of things that might happen in the future. Sounds even more like normal.

Let me know when these things actually go in.

demosthenes said:
This is how SE works. Get used to it or troll it for the lawlz. We'll hear more in November.
Yes you will. And it will say "Helpful changes delayed until further notice. Here's bug fixes to players exploiting our system to make it play like a real MMO".


In fairness, it's not really patch notes. Kind of like a "battle plan"-esque update, with things they intend to add in a few weeks/months from now. The Lodestone post goes into a little more detail, but still not much. Their actual patch notes will assuredly pale compared to what Blizzard puts out though.


Unless someone wants to provide some actual proof that the game was outsourced to China, the desire to continue spreading this false and misleading claim to further bash a game which is by all accounts bad enough to be bashed on actual demerits will no longer be tolerated.


Ploid 3.0 said:
So who won on how Londa would answer TSA's reply post? :lol
notworksafe said:
2:1 - Wow what a stalker. You are creepy.
4:1 - Ignoring it completely
7:1 - I don't have to explain myself
10,000:1 -Wow, you are right. Thank you for such a reasonable argument.
500,000,000:1 - Here's the proof for the idiotic claims I've made throughout this thread.
999,999,999,999:1 - I'm a man, baby! :lol
And we have a winner! Come collect your winnings at the cashier window, gents!

duckroll said:
Unless someone wants to provide some actual proof that the game was outsourced to China, the desire to continue spreading this false and misleading claim to further bash a game which is by all accounts bad enough to be bashed on actual demerits will no longer be tolerated.
How about ardently defending the game by lying, bashing other games that you haven't even played, and making wild, bombastic claims and saying there's no need to provide proof while ignoring or mocking anyone who calls you out?

Not that there's anyone like that here.... :lol


Via Ask The Devs on the Lodestone:

Ask the Devs! (10/15/2010)
The development and management teams continue to address the questions and concerns of the community in an ongoing FAQ.

The topic addressed this time around is the upcoming version update.

User Interface
Q. Exactly what type of adjustments or additions to the user interface are being planned?
A. Since the game's official release, the development team has continued their efforts in designing various new features, as well as retooling and improving existing ones. Currently, we are focusing on addressing the issues about which players have been most vocal, and are pleased to announce several key changes set to be implemented as soon as next month. The following is a partial list of what we have planned:

–Inventory Sort Feature
The late-November version update will include the addition of a feature that will allow players to sort their inventories.

–Menu Navigation
We are currently working on methods to make navigating the game's menus simpler and more efficient. In the forthcoming version update, we will focus on improving the Actions & Traits menu, starting by automating the selection of main/off hand.

In addition to the aforementioned improvements, the following adjustments are also planned:

Players will be able to scroll their maps via dragging the mouse
A player's current coordinates will now be displayed on the main map
A player's current coordinates will now be displayed on journal maps (as long as the player is in the same area)
Players will be able to relay their current coordinates to others using the text command <pos>
The area name will be added to journal maps
A journal map feature will be added to the main map
The log window will no longer be hidden when maps are displayed

Log Window and Chat
New tabs will be added to the log window
Players will be able to open multiple log windows
Controller functionality will be added to the log window
Players will be able to use Ctrl+R to send instant replies to /tells
Players will be able to change chat modes via menu options
The Home and End keys will now function in the chat log
For players typing multi-byte characters, starting a new message with "/" will automatically switch the typeset to single byte
Players will be able to adjust the font color for various chat modes
Adjustments will be made to the transparency of the log window when unfocused

A Loot List icon will be added
A Loot List option will be added to the System Menu
The general layout of several menus will be adjusted
Previously completed quests will now appear in players' journals

Adjustments will be made to target priority when using the Tab key to cycle through nearby targets
When targeting a party member, a target mark will now appear next to the target's name in the party member list
Players will be able to target party members via the party member list

Keyboard Settings
Several new functions will be added to the keyboard, such as a key used for targeting NPCs
Players will now be able to re-map all functions to any key (other than Esc)

Looking beyond the late-November version update, the team is also working on introducing drag and drop functionality to the Equipment & Gear and Actions & Traits menus, map markers indicating the location of party members, a method to initiate message input in the chat log without having to press the space bar, and more.

Markets and Retainers
Q. Today's maintenance introduced several changes to the Markets. Are there further changes planned?
A. The Markets have been a hot topic since the game's release, and today's maintenance was the first step in making this feature better suited to the needs of the players. With that step we saw the introduction of a one-click targeting system, making it easier to access a retainer's list of wares. We also saw a renaming of the wards combined with a reduced-tax system aimed to promote a more organized distribution of goods, therefore making it easier for players to find the items they seek.

For our next step, we plan on introducing additional features to make navigating the Markets even easier. These include the implementation of a search feature that will not only help players locate items in a Market district, but then display an icon next to the retainers who have those items, reducing the hassle of having to look through the inventories of retainers who may not have what a player seeks.

Return and Teleport Cost
Q. Return and Teleport have made travel within Eorzea quick and easy, but it seems like I am always running out of anima. Are there any adjustments being planned?
A. Yes. The first adjustment, which increased the speed at which anima regenerates, was implemented during a recent maintenance. The second adjustment, planned for the late-November version update, will see a significant reduction in the amount of anima required to teleport or return. To be specific, the cost for Returning will be reduced to 1, and halved for Teleportation to one of up to three "favorite" aetheryte destinations designated by the player.

Battle Balance
Q. What is the development team doing in the way of balancing battle?
A. Without straying from our original stance to provide players with a feasible means to play solo, we are working on improvements to the battle system that will make party play just as rewarding. One of the reasons players have little motivation to form a party is because there are currently few battles that require contriving a detailed plan of attack. To rectify this, we are currently conducting adjustments to areas such as enmity distribution rates and Battle Regimen effects. We will also be introducing several powerful creatures that will be better suited for party-based battles.

Monster Placement
Q. Where are all the monsters?
A. At the time of release, server load issues limited the number of enemies that could appear in areas where large amounts of PCs gathered, such as aetheryte camps situated near city-states. To alleviate this, we have increased the number of servers. This, combined with the fact that players are moving away from these areas and have begun to spread out over the world, will now allow us to increase the number of enemies roaming the realm.

Q. What changes and additions are planned for guildleves?
A. In the late-November update, we will be adding a new feature that allows players to adjust levequest difficulty after activating the guildleve. Furthermore, we will also be adding a feature that will allow players to abandon local levequests after accepting them.

The mid-December version update will introduce many new guildleves; among them special faction leves that pit players against deadly notorious monsters.

Q. What kind of changes are planned for synthesis?
A. The late-November patch will see adjustments to the required ranks and difficulty levels of various existing recipes, ensuring that players will have a better chance to successfully create items when reaching the optimal skill level.

For the mid-December update, we will be adding several new recipes, including ones for crafting new gear. In addition, we will be introducing a new feature that will allow players to select recipes from a list of recently crafted items and recipes learned through levequests, and set all of the appropriate ingredients with the touch of a single button, thus making repeated synthesis of a single item a snap!

Server Load
Q. The lag in some areas is lowering UI and battle response times, making it difficult to play. Why is this happening?
A. Even if a World server is not crowded, a large number of players gathering in a single place would increase server load, adversely affecting gameplay. To alleviate this, we have pinpointed heavy-traffic areas and split up their processing duties over multiple servers, reducing the chances that a single server will become overloaded.


I mean really, the whole point with releasing patch notes weeks ahead of time is for the community to give their feedback on them so the devs can tweak them. These broad patch notes say they are "fixing" the "issues" yet provide no details on HOW. More often than not, when this happens, the fixes end up being worse than the original problem.

But what do gamers know? Japanese game development is all-knowing.

EDIT: Just saw the post above. Much better.


Zomba13 said:
There is no proof at all that any part of the game was outsourced to china. People are assuming it because of the wrong words being brought up in some places(like what happened in the beta where you sometimes got JP words or just [EN], the JP version had Chinese characters in places) and because of the fatigue (bonus -.-), guildleves and the tumbler was made in China.
There is not a Japanese person alive who would make the mistake of spelling Chocobo with the kanji for horse and bird put together. It doesn't even make sense in Japanese. Even after they "fixed" it it was still misspelled in a way that is understandable only if the person misspelling doesn't speak Japanese.

notworksafe said:
And we have a winner! Come collect your winnings at the cashier window, gents!

How about ardently defending the game by lying, bashing other games that you haven't even played, and making wild, bombastic claims and saying there's no need to provide proof while ignoring or mocking anyone who calls you out?

Not that there's anyone like that here.... :lol

She must be a joke character. She's even got the ardent FFXIV lovers in the official thread calling her out.


notworksafe said:
How about ardently defending the game by lying, bashing other games that you haven't even played, and making wild, bombastic claims and saying there's no need to provide proof while ignoring or mocking anyone who calls you out?

That has nothing whatsoever to do with what I just said though. Not sure why you quoted my warning and said that.
funkmastergeneral said:
They need to implement a free trial period. After hearing how god awful the game is no way am I going to buy it without trying it.

Yet you've read, or skipped over a ton of people that aren't Londa that are having fun.


demosthenes said:
Yet you've read, or skipped over a ton of people that aren't Londa that are having fun.
Oh come on...must we go over this again? Your fun (or lack of it) is not the same as someone else's fun (or lack of it). He probably just wants to try it out for himself.

duckroll said:
More tolerated that people posting conspiracy theories from Sankaku Complex and claiming it to be fact. That much I can assure you.
Can we set up a gil based betting pool on the preposterousness of posts we expect from "interesting personalities" in the thread? :D
notworksafe said:
Oh come on...must we go over this again? Your fun (or lack of it) is not the same as someone else's fun (or lack of it). He probably just wants to try it out for himself.

Can we set up a gil based betting pool on the preposterousness of posts we expect from "interesting personalities" in the thread? :D

I'm not saying the game is for everyone, but his post was one sided. And please don't even try to lump me in w/ Londa, I've expressed my complaints several times.
demosthenes said:
Yet you've read, or skipped over a ton of people that aren't Londa that are having fun.

I've been keeping up with the official thread since the game was released, along with reading reviews of it. I love the artstyle but it just seems to have so much wrong with it right now. I want to try it out very badly, but it doesn't worth it without a free trial. I'm not about to drop 50 dollars on a game that might be good in 2 months.


demosthenes said:
I'm not saying the game is for everyone, but his post was one sided. And please don't even try to lump me in w/ Londa, I've expressed my complaints several times.
Oh you are a reasonable person, I'd never do that to you. Also, I don't expect a free trial. XI never had one...just those $1.99 (or w/e the price was) discs in GameStop.

Also...10K Gil on Londa gloating for no reason and rubbing non-existant, still-just-promised patches in all our faces! :lol
notworksafe said:
Oh you are a reasonable person, I'd never do that to you. Also, I don't expect a free trial. XI never had one...just those $1.99 (or w/e the price was) discs in GameStop.

Also...10K Gil on Londa gloating for no reason and rubbing non-existant, still-just-promised patches in all our faces! :lol

I bet we'll see those discs around the time the PS3 launch happens. Maximize their advertising dollars on PC and PS3 sales. By that time the PC version will be lower in price and it'll probably be easier to do a demo on PC.


FF XI did have a free trial, I tried to use it once but quickly gave up after trying to deal with their shitty online service it wanted me to use, such a counter-intuitive method just to get in and play, fuck that shit, I never bothered finishing downloading the client.
mAcOdIn said:
FF XI did have a free trial, I tried to use it once but quickly gave up after trying to deal with their shitty online service it wanted me to use, such a counter-intuitive method just to get in and play, fuck that shit, I never bothered finishing downloading the client.

Playonline is not used in XIV, just a FYI.

Still used on XI.


GT Vespene said:
That's incredibly ambiguous when compared to Blizzard's patch notes.
Square likes to try to conceal the inner math/formulas of their games. They will never say in a patch note: "Combat flubbidygack will be increased by 5 while the cooldown will be increased by 10 and the wiggitywah will be decreased by 2." They'll just say: "Adjustments have been made to the flubbidygack and wiggitywah."


Cathcart said:
There is not a Japanese person alive who would make the mistake of spelling Chocobo with the kanji for horse and bird put together. It doesn't even make sense in Japanese. Even after they "fixed" it it was still misspelled in a way that is understandable only if the person misspelling doesn't speak Japanese.

I'm not denying it happened but from what I read it wasn't 'mispelled' but the wrong word (the word that should be in the Chinese version)

Like how in the beta sometimes with cerain NPCs you would either get [EN] and no other text or english text and then one or 2 words in Japanese characters. I thought it was like pulling the words from somewhere and they were words that were like auto-trans words but it pulled the wrong one (the japanese lettering for Limsa and not the english for eg).
I don't know though as I just went lol beta and ignored it (and they have fixed it for release).
I know the problem with the mispellings were in the release version but could it be possible it was like I thought (honest question, I don't know how the script works in the game). Most of the other text was fine though right? Why would only certain names/words be wrong and not all?


DaBuddaDa said:
OK, all of you playing and defending FFXIV right now, you owe us for this. Our criticism of the game has gotten you a free month of playtime.

You're welcome.
They couldn't make me play this game even if they gave me money.
notworksafe said:
And we have a winner! Come collect your winnings at the cashier window, gents!

People who you call out on their BS and respond with the way Londa did need help. But I knew this would happen. She's the typical SE/Anime fan girl, the type that piss me off to no end and think they know all and live in a dream world. But hey, Cypher put it best.

"Ignorance is bliss." Enjoy that blue pill.
Kandinsky said:
Are those lodestone posts supposed to be encouraging?, holy shit SE never change:lol

Well some people I guess like how SE runs their MMOs since they are saying things like:

FFXI got their initial 30 day trial extended much like FFXIV is getting and it'll ultimately turn out to be a tolerable game etc


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Londa said:
lol yep, like normal players weren't complaining about the game, but still playing, because they still had fun. That isn't possible, right? Only haters foaming at the mouth did this.
When have you ever complained about the game? I play it, so I know there's plenty to complain about. For example, I could manually change every single piece of gear on me in FFXI in the time it takes me to change one item in FFXIV. And that health regeneration bug that you like to damage control is maddening. Then there are the major, "How the fuck is this not implemented?" issues like no AH.


TSA said:
People who you call out on their BS and respond with the way Londa did need help. But I knew this would happen. She's the typical SE/Anime fan girl, the type that piss me off to no end and think they know all and live in a dream world. But hey, Cypher put it best.

"Ignorance is bliss." Enjoy that blue pill.

I wonder how many of us she's set to ignore..... These threads must look a lot different to her


Real smooth notworksafe. So now you try to get people banned for not trying your most fav game by saying their bashing the game, when you actively bash this one at every chance you get.


Yes, very true. I reply to posts with truth and use proof.

You troll, lie, refuse to back up any claims made, bash games having never played them, and consistently mock posters who bring up valid points by calling them stalkers or just ignore them completely. Often you don't even read posts before replying to them. Even people in the FFXIV OT (also devoted fans, one would imagine) think you are a joke.

You are consistently the worst poster I've seen on GAF. It's a wonder you can get away with this garbage.
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