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Fire Emblem Fates |OT| Nohr does what Hoshidon't


I've been using Sakura as my main healer in Birthright. Since I was just using her for staves, I hadn't looked at her stats until she was max level and I promoted her. She's sitting at 25 magic. That's silly. My strongest mage only has 15.

Ala Alba

I've been using Sakura as my main healer in Birthright. Since I was just using her for staves, I hadn't looked at her stats until she was max level and I promoted her. She's sitting at 25 magic. That's silly. My strongest mage only has 15.

Kinda the opposite for me. While Orochi had 26 magic after promotion, Sakura had 15ish.

Sakura did have 19 defense and 23 speed, though. So tanky.


Corrin kind of sucks. Maybe mine is just getting RNG screwed but I find myself leaning on the rest of the team more. He's not durable enough to take two medium-sized hits and he's not evasive enough to avoid them. Dragon form is fine for defense, but the damage output isn't there. He's becoming a follow-up or clean-up character lately. If I need a sword-user, I'd rather just put Hana in there. At least she can kill enemies on her own.

Maybe Chrom and especially Ike has spoiled me. Can't remember being this annoyed at a Fire Emblem lord on the battlefield since Eliwood.


Oboro is amazing. Those defense and res stats are the best I've seen so far. She's like almost Nephenee tier for me...almost.

Oboro and Hana are my main attackers in my game and they work great together. Hana is fast as hell and dodges everything and Oboro can tank like a beast.



the boss would fucking crit me

Perfect run and it had to fucking crit with fucking 20% chance


Classic was a fucking mistake



Feels Hoshido, man.

But I Nohr I'm not going to meet my goal of finishing this before I get my Pokemon New 3DS tomorrow :(

Well whatever. Birthright is a hell of a game, and I'm really hoping I'm still motivated to buy Conquest shortly after finishing it. Usually after playing through a FE, my appetite for the franchise is thoroughly filled and I'm perfectly content not doing any extra stuff and just waiting the few years until the next one comes out.

But I really want to play Revelations, and Conquest is a practically mandatory stepping stone to that, so we'll see. But with Pokemon tomorrow, Twilight Princess Friday, and Pokken a couple weeks after that, I have no clue how I'll fit it in anytime soon.


Corrin kind of sucks. Maybe mine is just getting RNG screwed but I find myself leaning on the rest of the team more. He's not durable enough to take two medium-sized hits and he's not evasive enough to avoid them. Dragon form is fine for defense, but the damage output isn't there. He's becoming a follow-up or clean-up character lately. If I need a sword-user, I'd rather just put Hana in there. At least she can kill enemies on her own.

Maybe Chrom and especially Ike has spoiled me. Can't remember being this annoyed at a Fire Emblem lord on the battlefield since Eliwood.
Welcome to the Shitty Corrin Club! I ended up having to pump mine full of stat boosters to get him up to par with the rest of the team. We're apparently a minority, as most Corrins seem to turn out great


Just wish Australia had a release date for fire emblem fates, everything I have seen and read makes me want this game in my hands so much.
Should I go Priestess or Onmyoji for Sakura?

I actually found Priestess to be very useful for Sakura. It gives alot more defenses in terms of stats and skills which lets Sakura survive the odd turn exposed, and occasionally the bow is surprisingly useful as Sakura should have enough STR and SPD to ORKO peg knights, which are a nuisance in many of the paralogue chapters. Onmyoji plays to her high Mag strength, but I've found myself thinking "I'm glad I have another archer" or "Thank god Sakura survived that" much more than "I wish I had another magic nuke".

The priestess self healing ability also saves turns since you don't have to worry too much about wasting turns healing up Sakura. She has surprisingly good defenses in Priestess class and can be counted on to tank usually one round with fliers or archers.


Witch Ophelia is a beast.

At Lv. 20/40 without stat enhancers, all regular level growths she has:

HP: 40
STR: 11
MAG: 42 (max)
SKL: 29 (max)
SPD: 35 (max)
LCK: 30 (max)
DEF: 17
RES: 30 (max)

With Thor Hammer/Mysteltinn she always has at least 50% critical rate before factoring other skills that increase her critical like the Great Lord skill Awakening.

Then you factor in S rank stat enhancer with Kamui through defense stance.

Keeping her always at 1/2 HP she is almost impossible to kill without tome breaker. Even with tome breaker her accuracy should be high enough to say game over to anyone who attacks.
Does Azura lose the ability to sing if you change her class?

I'd argue that it is not even worth it if you have replicate. I stopped using sing and replaced her.
Birthright 15

First I lose my butler and now my retainer? Shortest tenure ever.
I didnt even get a single support. Damnit.
Welcome to the Shitty Corrin Club! I ended up having to pump mine full of stat boosters to get him up to par with the rest of the team. We're apparently a minority, as most Corrins seem to turn out great

Nah, my Corrin is ass. She can't attack anything outside of dragon mode because I swore off defense and res like a dumbass lol.


Oboro and Hana are my main attackers in my game and they work great together. Hana is fast as hell and dodges everything and Oboro can tank like a beast.

Hmm..I'm also using Hana so I may have to try that combo. I've been pairing her with Silas to serve as my frontline wall.


Birthright Chapter 17


Everything was fine and dandy, all my low levels got caught up, people were Master Sealing, then I knock at your doorstep thinking maybe you'd be like the cool northern village kid. But NO, call the guards, why don't you. Kill Azura, why don't you.


I'll get you back to promoted, Oboro, Takumi, and Setsuna. Just give me time to let my hatred for that lousy thing mull over. ;-;


I adore Conquest so far, and it might even be my favourite Fire Emblem at this point, but as much as I like the limited-resources format of the old FEs, I think there is definitely a tension between a no-grind design and the unlocking of paralogues via supports that you just won't have enough time/turns to build in a single run. I'm not so concerned about missing out on the children (and I never come close to seeing all the character content anyway); it's the maps themselves that I want to experience. I didn't grind in Awakening either until the postgame, at which point I built supports just to unlock the remaining missions because I wanted to run them. In Conquest, I didn't get my first S-rank until after Chapter 19 (although my S-supports are coming in steadily now) and it's clear that I won't get to see everything unless I do some postgame support-building in the DLC, if that is even a viable option.

I guess the issue for me is that Conquest on Hard/Classic is the perfect difficulty for me and I'm having the time of my life running it with no guides, no optimization, and no pre-planning, just figuring out all the mechanics and classes for myself. I couldn't imagine encountering the paralogues any other way: I want to see them on Hard first, and I want to go in cold. But I'm also unlikely to play through Conquest on Hard more than once in the foreseeable future once my first run is done, not only because I have the other two campaigns to get through, but also because it's very time-consuming to perfectly thread a needle through every turn and I can't imagine I'll ever find the time to do it again from scratch.

Incidentally, for those with an S-rank on their avatar,
I take it the child mission for the avatar is one of the few that is the same in all versions of the game? I ask because it stuck out as laughably trivial next to everything else I'd been through, including the other offspring paralogues I've seen—not just in the scaling but also the map design and enemy complexity. Don't tell me Birthright is that straightforward?

You are on a similar pace to what I had in Conquest 17 in terms of promotions, and are ahead of me on supports, though I managed to get two or three units to level 20 and spend seals on them in the middle of the map. This mission took me a long time to get through purely in the number of turns, though just a few attempts (three or four, I think). The trick is to understand the pathing for the enemy units and engage them at advantageous chokes.

To be honest, from my second attempt forward I didn't bother using the Dragon Veins to raise or lower the walls at all, and just followed the default path as a single army with little to no splitting. It does make the map very long, as it forces you into a winding route back and forth, but it has the advantage of keeping clumps of enemies contained until you are ready to deal with them. Keeping the whole army together meant I had failsafes ready in case the hit chance wasn't going my way, and keeping the back line alive was not an issue so long as I could hold the chokes. Something to be aware of is that you don't need to disarm the traps as soon as you see them: it's worthwhile to leave some of them in place (until Saizo gets to them) to slow the enemy down so you can deal with one choke point with your force before you take out the other. I also relied on Xander a lot, but just to tank damage and soak the damage debuffs from all the shuriken, which still wasn't enough to put much of a dent in him. A flying unit is also helpful for escorting your lockpickers up to the traps or flying your tanks right over the traps to hold the line while you advance.

Gameplay-wise it's been fantastic. The map design is up there with some of the best of Radiant Dawn. The story is a bit weak but Awakening was similar outside of some of the supports. I've come not to expect PoR/RD tier stories from FE anymore.

I'm banging my head against a wall on Conquest 17 still. Managed to get through most of the map, promoted a bunch of my units, I let Kaze attack a Master Ninja from a distance to get him some EXP to go up to level 20 but he got wiped out by a critical hit. If only I had just killed the unit with Mozu instead of wanting some extra EXP. I've run this map about 15 times now and each time I lose someone to sheer bad luck. It's quite frustrating but I know I can power through it eventually.
Completed my Lunatic Run of Conquest. As usual, nasty evil stuff but very fun.

Can I just say that I really like what they did for the Final boss here. Fun bit of symbolism going on when you break it down.


I really wanna use Hana more but holy shit her Def is low. I haven't classed her up yet, but at 19 she has like 8 def. She's got great speed and hits like a truck but she can't take a single hit without getting killed.

I did reclass Mozu to archer though and she's suddenly one of my best units, so glad I found a use for her.


Welcome to the Shitty Corrin Club! I ended up having to pump mine full of stat boosters to get him up to par with the rest of the team. We're apparently a minority, as most Corrins seem to turn out great

Whohoo, I'm in a club! Looking at his stats, I think his subpar skill and defense are his main problem. I picked a Speedy Corrin and that's all he's good at. Falls in a weird place stat-wise between myrmidion and mercenary. He's close to his promotion, so hopefully it'll get better there. Will probably have to pump him full of stat boosters.
Okay so my Elise has hilariously high Magic and Speed and I was wondering if it would be better to go Maid for Flame Shuriken (the downside of which is that it would require me getting a second Arms Scroll for her before she could even use them, or if Strategist for having a horse and generic magic nukes. Should I have her go Strategist until I get another Arms Scroll so I can reclass and get Maid with instant Flame Shuriken access? Is Flame Shuriken worth not having a horse and spending two Arms Scrolls?
yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Laslow and Peri's A support. (gave a backstory on why she kills so much)
A servant killed her mom and Peri saw her lying in her own pool of blood. Her dad punished the servant but in Peri's eye every servant feels the same and are killers and if they look at her wrong, she killed them and her dad watches this and never said anything.
Conquest chapter 17 kicked my ass. Was banging my head against the wall until I decided to unbench Camilla and she made it a lot easier. What exactly is a good counter to Ninjas? Niles did a decent job but everyone else was getting completely wrecked. Chapter 18 was a lot easier in comparison.

I think I finally have my main team assembled. Still working on a few levels but I've classed up Niles, Nyx and Perri so far. Elise and Effie should be upgraded by the end of the next chapter.

So are Nyx's growth rates just awful? She's the worst unit by a pretty significant margin at level 20 for me without being ranked up.

I just classed up my Nyx. She seems like a glass cannon. Can't take any hits but deals a lot of damage.





the boss would fucking crit me

Perfect run and it had to fucking crit with fucking 20% chance


Classic was a fucking mistake

20% is pretty high. IDK if it's confirmed in Fates, but crits usually run on 1RN even when hit runs on two.
I recorded these numbers because this is some XCOM RNG bullshit.

Enemy Boss Archer: 9 Health Remaining

Avatar, Yato 16DMG 87% chance to hit: MISS
Niles, Iron Bow 5DMG 72% chance to hit (first attack): HIT, 4 health remaining
Laslow Follow Up 6DMG 68% chance to hit: MISS
Enemy Boss Counter 14DMG 95% to hit, 15% chance to crit: LOL

Also had the damn boss surrounded. I was seconds away from clearing the map. I've spent like 4 hours trying to beat this damn map.
I married Azura a couple days ago and now I'm starting to regret it. She's just so.... boring. I realized my mistake after meeting Charlotte and now I wish I married either her or Selena.


I actually found Priestess to be very useful for Sakura. It gives alot more defenses in terms of stats and skills which lets Sakura survive the odd turn exposed, and occasionally the bow is surprisingly useful as Sakura should have enough STR and SPD to ORKO peg knights, which are a nuisance in many of the paralogue chapters. Onmyoji plays to her high Mag strength, but I've found myself thinking "I'm glad I have another archer" or "Thank god Sakura survived that" much more than "I wish I had another magic nuke".

The priestess self healing ability also saves turns since you don't have to worry too much about wasting turns healing up Sakura. She has surprisingly good defenses in Priestess class and can be counted on to tank usually one round with fliers or archers.

Hmm, I don't really need another bow user, but the skills are better than Onmyoji. But I don't have a magic user, plus Sakura's magic at lvl 1 is almost the same as
at lvl 13, so...
Damn, RNG gods are on my side today.

Ch 17 birthright. Landing a bazillion crits left and right while dodging the worst odds. 1% crit? Doesn't matter, it's happening. An absolute massacre lol.

edit: Jakob calm down. Your 6% crit is becoming 100% this whole freaking chapter. Everything is critting o_O


The RNG is finally giving my Kaze strength. He was getting 1-2 lame stat ups a level for a good long while and str would always end up skipped over. Today, I got like 5 levels with 3-4+ stat ups and 4 extra points of strength. I was getting a bit worried there.
20% is pretty high. IDK if it's confirmed in Fates, but crits usually run on 1RN even when hit runs on two.

I was a bit too mad to write the full story. My archer initiated the attack and had around 75% chance to hit and the boss had a 55% chance to hit. My archer ended up missing and the boss not only hit, but crit too smh.


A thought occurred to me: since the support log is unlocked via My Castle, does the save trick from Awakening work here to get a complete support log? If not, what's the trick this time?


Coming pretty close to the end of Birthright...should finish it this weekend for sure. Now I have to decide whether to go straight into Conquest or to break up the FE with something else.

The game has been really great, overall better than Awakening I think. So glad this has sold well and has a future now.


A thought occurred to me: since the support log is unlocked via My Castle, does the save trick from Awakening work here to get a complete support log? If not, what's the trick this time?

You mean seeing an S-rank, saving in another slot, and then reloading your original? Yep, that still works fine; the log is global even though you see it in My Castle.
S-ranked Oboro and Takumi. First One so far! Oboros confession was much funnier than intended thanks to her facial expressions.

Lmao the explanation for children is so so stupid. I love it.

I wish the private quarters lasted longer. I like the character models but its so short and abrupt you cant appreciate it.


You mean seeing an S-rank, saving in another slot, and then reloading your original? Yep, that still works fine; the log is global even though you see it in My Castle.
Yesssss. Thank you!

Also... Mozu? Really? She is so weak she is perma-benched in my current game.


If I buy a physical copy and download the other path as DLC, do I need to beat one and then move onto the other in order to get the extras for owning both? Or can I play both paths simultaneously? I ask because I bought Conquest and thought I'd want to start with that path, but now I've reached the branch and
I feel guilty abandoning Hoshido. -_- I'd rather play through both at the same time.
Will I lose out on anything?


If I buy a physical copy and download the other path as DLC, do I need to beat one and then move onto the other in order to get the extras for owning both? Or can I play both paths simultaneously? I ask because I bought Conquest and thought I'd want to start with that path, but now I've reached the branch and
I feel guilty abandoning Hoshido. -_- I'd rather play through both at the same time.
Will I lose out on anything?

Path bonuses (things like reclass seals) are added as soon as you own another path. You can redeem them once per playthrough file through the Orb at your Castle. You don't need to beat a path to get them.
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