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Fire Emblem Fates |OT| Nohr does what Hoshidon't


Hmm, ok. I'll see how it goes with that approach. Yes, I have Mozu... at level 4... I guess her level wouldn't matter for manning the turrets but she will die in one hit if something slips through.


That for to the upper right of where you start is key. Bounce back and forth between the north and south chokepoints of that mountains pass, watch for wyverns, don't be afraid to retreat to the south the prepare for an oncoming wave you aren't yet positioned correctly to fight. Fucking great map.

Thanks, any specific team you recommend?


Thanks, any specific team you recommend?
You need some tanks for sure, so Benny+Charlotte and Arthur+Effie. They soak up the hits, and then you have your other units sweep in for the kill when its your turn. The idea is that they'll never get past Benny and Arthur, so the rest of your units are there for the mop up and out of harms reach. So a lot of range. And I'd say bring at least one flier that can fly Nilas up the mountain to shoot down the 2 Wyverns that are armed with hammers. Watch out for the soldiers with Armorslayer and Wyrmslayer. Make sure your tanks have vulnerarys or your healers have long range heals. But yeah maneuvering back and forth around that mountain pass with the fort while having a steady frontline was the key for me.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
In my Conquest playthrough, Lilith has gotten about at least TEN level ups with no stat growths at all. Zip. Zero. I wonder if it's a glitch, because she sucks hardcore now and she's about level 18.

Ala Alba

In my Conquest playthrough, Lilith has gotten about at least TEN level ups with no stat growths at all. Zip. Zero. I wonder if it's a glitch, because she sucks hardcore now and she's about level 18.

Lilith's growths are not random. If she's not getting any stats, she's at her cap.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Lilith's growths are not random. If she's not getting any stats, she's at her cap.
Oh. Well, she's basically screwed now, I guess. Oops.


No bald cap? Lies!
In my Conquest playthrough, Lilith has gotten about at least TEN level ups with no stat growths at all. Zip. Zero. I wonder if it's a glitch, because she sucks hardcore now and she's about level 18.

Yeah I had a few level ups without any stats. I believe they are tied to her sanctuary level. I had a lvl 2/silver for her and once I hit like lvl 50 she just stopped getting anything. Then once I upgraded her santuary to lvl 3/Gold she was getting stats again, and normally a point in each or at least 3/4 of her stats, and now just shy of 80 she's maxed out save for her HP which is at 58. So I wouldn't say you're screwed there seems to be more than enough leeway and extra levels to totally max her out.
Playing through conquest after birthright, Man Xander is such a dissapointment after Ryoma. Neither Leo or Camilla comes close to Takumi in sheer damage output either.

Sure he's tanky as fuck but Ryoma doubles pretty much everyone, crits all the time, and dodges most hits anyways. Not to mention Raijinto is fucking broken with its 2 range.
Playing through conquest after birthright, Man Xander is such a dissapointment after Ryoma. Neither Leo or Camilla comes close to Takumi in sheer damage output either.

Sure he's tanky as fuck but Ryoma doubles pretty much everyone, crits all the time, and dodges most hits anyways. Not to mention Raijinto is fucking broken with its 2 range.

rofl Camilla is the best unit not named Corrin, and yes that's including Ryoma


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
rofl Camilla is the best unit not named Corrin, and yes that's including Ryoma
Bow users destroy her, though, which is a huge weakness Ryoma does not have.


Is there some kind of optimal person to put male Corrin with? Or is it just go with your favorite "waifu"? I'm having a hard time picking who to put my guy with in Conquest and I'm starting to wonder if I need to start doing that now since I'm around chapter 15.


Yea I'm on the side that Ryoma is just a stupid strong unit.

I'm a firm believer that one of the major reasons why Birthright is easier is cause of this guy. Literally can send him on suicide missions paired up with whoever and he'll come out just fine.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Yea I'm on the side that Ryoma is just a stupid strong unit.

I'm a firm believer that one of the major reasons why Birthright is easier is cause of this guy. Literally can send him on suicide missions paired up with whoever and he'll come out just fine.
He solo'd the final chapter for me. I mean, he was paired up with someone. But he basically went into the most powerful group of units in the main game and destroyed them all.


does not matter

she has flight he doesn't

The point is being that if she gets hit by a bow she dies. Doesn't really matter movement wise if you can't take on a group of archers by yourself unlike Ryoma whose stupid sword is essentially a ranged silver sword with no drawbacks.
The point is being that if she gets hit by a bow she dies. Doesn't really matter movement wise if you can't take on a group of archers by yourself unlike Ryoma whose stupid sword is essentially a ranged silver sword with no drawbacks.

yes Ryoma's combat is overkill

doesn't matter

you see, if Falcon Knights had swords, Ryoma would be better off reclassing to it, flying weakness or not
The biggest difference I've noticed betwen the two versions after having beaten birthright and 15 chapters of conquest was that in birthright I ended up with a core of uber units (Corrin, Ryoma, Takumi, Scarlet, Hana, Rhajat) who could stroll in and demolish waves and waves of enemies unscathed while the rest wasn't really necessary while in conquest there's been far fewer super units and by extension everyone has to pull more weight, can't just stack everyone on a safe tile while Corrin and Ryoma single handedly clears entire groups of enemies by themselves while Takumi and rhakat nukes enemies from a distance.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
The biggest difference I've noticed betwen the two versions after having beaten birthright and 15 chapters of conquest was that in birthright I ended up with a core of uber units (Corrin, Ryoma, Takumi, Scarlet, Hana, Rhajat) who could stroll in and demolish waves and waves of enemies unscathed while the rest wasn't really necessary while in conquest there's been far fewer super units and by extension everyone has to pull more weight, can't just stack everyone on a safe tile while Corrin and Ryoma single handedly clears entire groups of enemies by themselves while Takumi and rhakat nukes enemies from a distance.
This is definitely true. Even Kaze and Silas, two of the uber units from Birthright, feel much less capable in Conquest. It also feels like pairing every character up is heavily discouraged, because if you essentially halve your offense, many maps become that much more difficult. You have to think more strategically. Who should I pair up with who? Who is too weak to go on their own? How do I place my units to attack the enemy so that they get pairing bonuses while still remaining safe enough to survive? These are all questions that you're never forced to ask in Birthright, whereas in Conquest you find yourself constantly considering them.

One benefit of restarting Birthright is using characters and pairs I didnt utilize on my first playthrough. I'm surprised at how good Orochi is and her supports with Corrin are great. She was wrecking dudes and leveled up rather quickly.

Still havent used Setsuna or Azama that much yet. Poor Hinoka, gets two of the most uninteresting characters as retainers.
wut. How can you not like Setsuna?
One benefit of restarting Birthright is using characters and pairs I didnt utilize on my first playthrough. I'm surprised at how good Orochi is and her supports with Corrin are great. She was wrecking dudes and leveled up rather quickly.

Still havent used Setsuna or Azama that much yet. Poor Hinoka, gets two of the most uninteresting characters as retainers.


One benefit of restarting my Birthright is using characters and pairs I didnt do on my first playthrough. I'm surprised at how good Orochi is and her supports with Corrin are great. She was wrecking dudes and leveled up rather quickly.

Still havent used Setsuna or Azama that much yet. Poor Hinoka, gets two of the most uninteresting characters as retainers.

Azama's the biggest troll in the game.


I've only used Lobster Man in two chapters. Thankfully I was able to drop him like a rock immediately thereafter since my other units got their levels.


He's a lobster man
My team was filling up with favorites already, how was I supposed to fit a lobster in.

The only shame is that it means I'll not see his Supports until after beating the story. I may grow to like him, but getting past his outer shell (harhar) is too difficult.
He's a lobster man
My team was filling up with favorites already, how was I supposed to fit a lobster in.

The only shame is that it means I'll not see his Supports until after beating the story. I may grow to like him, but getting past his outer shell (harhar) is too difficult.

He's a lobster that brings death and destruction to all your foes. And lobsters are awesome. But seriously, You can send him, unpaired, into a swarm of enemy units and then just watch them all die as they try futilely to beat him
You take that back.

People actually use Ryoma instead of benching him permanently? Indecent.
He's an unstoppable force of walking death. Why wouldn't I use him. Even though my Corrin was probably better by the end of Birthright, Ryoma still had some advantages, most notably the 1-2 range
You can activate Dragon Fang and Critcal hits at the same time?

Well chapter. 25 was a cake walk. 4 turns.

I'm gonna reset, that was way too lucky and I miss out on the chests.


He's a lobster that brings death and destruction to all your foes. And lobsters are awesome. But seriously, You can send him, unpaired, into a swarm of enemy units and then just watch them all die as they try futilely to beat him

Crawdads are cooler. If he was a crawdad man I'd re-consider.

Nah, but really, I can send Sophie, Silas, or Hinoka into groups and watch as nobody dies in the turn. Which means I can then level up other people instead of just Ryoma.

@ the above, I use Setsuna and Takumi. Can never have too many archers in a game. Bows are cool. B)


Woo, finally beat Birthright!

I YOLO'd the last two chapters and ended up losing about five units. I don't think I have the gumption to do Conquest on Classic - I'm sure I could pull it off eventually, but I just don't have the patience to lose so many hours to resetting. Considering a Normal/Casual run for Conquest, then back to Normal/Classic for Revelations.

Also, who knows if I'll ever play Conquest - I'm tempted to put the game down for the while since I just beat Birthright, and I have plenty of other things to play, but if I do that I might keep Conquest on the back burner for so long that I never end up playing it.

PK Gaming

Only your heart knows that answer.
Auzra if you're doing eugenics, but if it's your first of a few playthroughs, just pick whoever you like more.

If you're going for a eugenics run, marrying anyone who isn't a Corrinsexual/2nd gen unit as male Corrin is a bad idea since you miss out on a child unit.


Conquest 10... I spent about an hour last night doing some test runs to see how the map went.

Clearly success will hinge on
manning all 3 turrets.

Niles is the only person who can
man a ballista
. Am I boned?

I only used 2 turrets really, Azura just refreshed the main turret or anyone who needed it. You do want someone guarding the third turret, and remember that your objective is to block them from the green area, so in the last 2 turns you can just block, backup and heal, and rescue your allies so they dont die. No need to fight every enemy at that point
Couple questions:

1. Are the capturable characters any good? I'm particularly interested in
Haitaka, Daichi, and Nichol

2. How do you actually capture people?

3. Are there any actual walkthroughs anywhere yet? Not really for strategy so much as "oh on this stage make sure x character doesn't die, or this character is capturable, etc."
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