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Fire Emblem Fates |OT| Nohr does what Hoshidon't


I'm trying to plan out all my S supports since I have the full marriageable cast now. It's kinda rough because, while I really like the female cast in Birthright, the males seem pretty lame. I'm having a particularly tough time with Jacob. He seemed like a cool dude in Corrin's supports, but in everyone else's he's just a really big asshole. None of the supports I've done with him have given remotely enough chemistry to make me feel good about the pairing.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
On both Birthright and Conquest I seem to have married the weirdest girl. Setsuna, the biggest weed smoker, and Effie, who also sounds blazed 90% of the time. Both of them also have the strangest quirks (Setsuna and her traps, Effie and her petite frame somehow allowing her to have super strength) and sound like they are VERY slow mentally.

Both of them are also very nice pairings for Corrin and useful throughout the entire game, though.

At Conquest chapter 19 and the paralogues are getting super intense. I wanted to wait to get a sudden influx of high level units, but I might pick up a few kids now so that the difficulty doesn't scale to a ridiculous level. Even Xander the one man army has trouble on some of these maps. Also, addendum: I don't think Conquest's story is that bad. What would you do in the Nohr siblings' situation?


Rapid Response Threadmaker
I just started the game and I'm just beat battle 4 or something, the one in the chasm between the two nations.

Can anyone say something to stop me from throwing this 3DS at the wall!?
I was going to waifu Lilith. Then she turns into a little dragon. She said she can't return to human form.
Why would you promise me Waifu Emblem and then do this to me?


Finally got some time to play a bit last night and lost four characters in chapter 7, so I reset. What the hell am I doing wrong? Is there a mode in the game where I can just practice/skirmish or something to that extent?


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Finally got some time to play a bit last night and lost four characters in chapter 7, so I reset. What the hell am I doing wrong? Is there a mode in the game where I can just practice/skirmish or something to that extent?
In Birthright, you can do challenges, which are basically skirmishes except that characters can still die. The challenges scale based on the map chosen, not based on what chapter you're on, so you can still grind supports or level up low level units by choosing lower level maps. On Conquest, you can't do this. The only "extra" maps you get are the castle invasions, which can get as difficult as the main chapters. However, you can still grind supports in the DLC that doesn't give you a pre-set party and lets you use your own characters, although DLC scales with your in-game progress, so it might be hard to level up supports for lower level units in Conquest. The DLC gives XP in Birthright, but not in Conquest.


The character animations in the private quarters are really quite beautiful.

Feels weird, though, with weapons not having limited uses.
Is anyone else having trouble getting Streetpass to work? According to Streetpass Plaza I just passed 8 people who'd just been playing (7 Birthright, 1 Conquest). Not a single one gave me a streetpass. It's possible no one had it set up (mine is, I double checked system settings to be sure), but it seemed weird. I lucked out and got the LE, have been playing through Conquest on it. I wonder if the different carts can't communicate maybe?
Finally got around to marrying my sister, and I'm a little confused about how the child comes around.
Do girl get pragnent, we wait 9 months, then put the child in a time void and they grow to an adult in a few days/weeks?


Finally got around to marrying my sister, and I'm a little confused about how the child comes around.
Do girl get pragnent, we wait 9 months, then put the child in a time void and they grow to an adult in a few days/weeks?

Yes. It often doesn't make much sense for nine months to pass between chapters, but you can make the assumption that the mother spends those nine months in a Deeprealm as well.
The character animations in the private quarters are really quite beautiful.

Feels weird, though, with weapons not having limited uses.

True dat. Rinkah keeps saying increasingly steamy things to me too, as our bond levels up.

It's actually kind of disturbingly intimate, particularly since the story/general characterization is so vapid.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Camilla/Benny best pairing. The supports are so/so, but Ignatius looks like the natural combination of the two.



Camilla/Benny best pairing. The supports are so/so, but Ignatius looks like the natural combination of the two.

Finding myself doing a lot less pairing in this game (Birthright), since I get the offensive bonus from putting units side-by-side instead. I really dig that about this game. Only pairing the really fragile characters.

Can't wait to see what Conquest has to offer. But I think I'll miss the Japanese setting of Birthright. Don't remember that in any past FE games. Loving everything about the setting.


How does it play the best? I'm so close to finishing Birthright and I can't wait for Conquest.
The Map design is great and the extra objectives greatly vary up the pace. Playing it before Birthright felt like a genuine mistake since it ramps up the difficulty so much and it made Birthright a slog to play through.


Other than giving it a bit of a time limit Nina's map's objective is super disappointing, I left her alive until everyone else was dead because I assumed she'd have to survive until I'd routed everyone else. It's basically just a big dumb rout map.

Also, the AI not attack units they can't damage is awful. It was terrible in Genealogy and it's terrible here, especially for already uninteresting and lame rout maps. Like, why give Xander such overkill defense if it means he's going to have a mostly worthless enemy phase.

And before anyone goes "but it's more intelligent and difficult!", no, it really isn't. It just makes killing large swathes of enemies with a character take longer and there's plenty of more interesting ways the AI I could be intelligent and not irritating to deal with, like taking Guard Stance into account to have weaker enemies attack characters with a Guard Stance up first. Having the AI just avoid attacking a character, especially on rout maps, is just a timewaster.

I can see it getting annoying if you are just trying to solo the map, but I like that the AI does this so far. I'm not too far since I'm playing both games, so maybe that will change at some point, but from what I've played it usually forced me to play all my units in a smart way to either defeat them all or survive the next enemy phase thanks to them moving towards me but not getting damaged or killed. I don't think it has negatively impacted any map I've played in this game yet.

I guess it would be easier to have everyone but the high defense unit fall back until he or she defeats them, but that's not fun or efficient and if I can find a way around it quickly then why not go for it?
And after my fifth attempt I beat Birthright endgame! Hard/Classic was probably the right challenge for me.

While I was originally thinking of doing Conquest Hard/Classic after my play through of Birthright I'm questioning that now.

Having completed Conquest Normal and half a dozen chapters of Birthright Hard, I have to say that if Birthright Hard was perfect for you, Conquest Normal probably will be as well.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Wait, you can kill
paralogue and still
recruit her
? And here I was
trying to freeze her over and over again. Damn you, misleading death music!
I just started the game and I'm just beat battle 4 or something, the one in the chasm between the two nations.

Can anyone say something to stop me from throwing this 3DS at the wall!?
I was going to waifu Lilith. Then she turns into a little dragon. She said she can't return to human form.
Why would you promise me Waifu Emblem and then do this to me?

Lilith is technically your only blood related sibling and incest was only really prominent in Genealogy of the Holy War.


Is Birthright Chapter 24 supposed to be this tough? I finished 23 without issues last night and now it feels like every enemy unit in Ch24 is 10 levels higher than me.
(Birthright Hard) Is there a difficulty spike in some of the final chapters? I mentioned this in an earlier post, but ever since Chapter 14 or so the levels have just been getting easier and easier. Hell, I haven't needed to do a single restart in about three chapters now (I'm currently on 21). And this is all without any child characters or grinding (I did one side battle to get Kaze to A rank, and none of the members of my main team leveled up).


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
(Birthright Hard) Is there a difficulty spike in some of the final chapters? I mentioned this in an earlier post, but ever since Chapter 14 or so the levels have just been getting easier and easier. Hell, I haven't needed to do a single restart in about three chapters now (I'm currently on 21). And this is all without any child characters or grinding (I did one side battle to get Kaze to A rank, and none of the members of my main team leveled up).
Yeah, there definitely is. The spike appears to happen most noticeably when you get to (post chapter 20 spoilers)
Castle Krakenburg


Having completed Conquest Normal and half a dozen chapters of Birthright Hard, I have to say that if Birthright Hard was perfect for you, Conquest Normal probably will be as well.
I'm thinking that's what I'll do. I can always try a Conquest hard run down the line when I'm more familiar with the game, but normal seems to be the way to go.

Is Birthright Chapter 24 supposed to be this tough? I finished 23 without issues last night and now it feels like every enemy unit in Ch24 is 10 levels higher than me.

Yeah. Everything was smooth sailing for me before 24. That's the biggest spike though.
Yeah, there definitely is. The spike appears to happen most noticeably when you get to (post chapter 20 spoilers)
Castle Krakenburg

Yeah. Everything was smooth sailing for me before 24. That's the biggest spike though.

Ah, good to know. The frequent restarts on chapters 11-13 weren't fun, but I'm looking forward to some challenge again. It felt like victory in the last few chapters had come a little too easy.
I can see it getting annoying if you are just trying to solo the map, but I like that the AI does this so far. I'm not too far since I'm playing both games, so maybe that will change at some point, but from what I've played it usually forced me to play all my units in a smart way to either defeat them all or survive the next enemy phase thanks to them moving towards me but not getting damaged or killed. I don't think it has negatively impacted any map I've played in this game yet.

I guess it would be easier to have everyone but the high defense unit fall back until he or she defeats them, but that's not fun or efficient and if I can find a way around it quickly then why not go for it?

No it's stupid, forget Xander, it really hurts Benny since his thwomp defense doesn't even work as well for luring enemies.
Would Conquest Normal be the around the difficulty of Birthright Hard since I heard that Conquest Hard is technically harder than Birthright Lunatic?

I might do Conquest Hard anyway, but still need to finish Birthright first.


In Birthright, you can do challenges, which are basically skirmishes except that characters can still die. The challenges scale based on the map chosen, not based on what chapter you're on, so you can still grind supports or level up low level units by choosing lower level maps. On Conquest, you can't do this. The only "extra" maps you get are the castle invasions, which can get as difficult as the main chapters. However, you can still grind supports in the DLC that doesn't give you a pre-set party and lets you use your own characters, although DLC scales with your in-game progress, so it might be hard to level up supports for lower level units in Conquest. The DLC gives XP in Birthright, but not in Conquest.

All very good info to know, thanks! I reset once more and finally just decided to play it slow, creep through the map, keep everyone healed and take out lone folks, draw people out, etc until the Chief was the lone target. Then just went in full force on him. Seems like this is probably the best tactic for my limited knowledge moving forward: slow and steady. But will be reading up on some other stuff as I'm in for a rude awakening if I don't get better before the difficulty ramps up.

Gunstar Ikari

Unconfirmed Member
Birthright 15
can fuck right off. I'd let Kaze die if wasn't like the third-best character on my team. Stupid-ass twist for the sake of having one.
On both Birthright and Conquest I seem to have married the weirdest girl. Setsuna, the biggest weed smoker, and Effie, who also sounds blazed 90% of the time. Both of them also have the strangest quirks (Setsuna and her traps, Effie and her petite frame somehow allowing her to have super strength) and sound like they are VERY slow mentally.

Both of them are also very nice pairings for Corrin and useful throughout the entire game, though.

At Conquest chapter 19 and the paralogues are getting super intense. I wanted to wait to get a sudden influx of high level units, but I might pick up a few kids now so that the difficulty doesn't scale to a ridiculous level. Even Xander the one man army has trouble on some of these maps. Also, addendum: I don't think Conquest's story is that bad. What would you do in the Nohr siblings' situation?

Ala Alba

Hmm, is Vantage, Awakening, and Vengeance a good combo? It seems like it should be. Awakening seems to be limited to female units, so maybe I'll try this for my female!Corrin Nohr playthrough.

Plus it combos well with Silas's personal skill, and Jakob as a support unit for even more avoid.


Conquest 10... I spent about an hour last night doing some test runs to see how the map went.

Clearly success will hinge on
manning all 3 turrets.

Niles is the only person who can
man a ballista
. Am I boned?


I need help, how the hell do you complete the mission to get arthur's kid?
That for to the upper right of where you start is key. Bounce back and forth between the north and south chokepoints of that mountains pass, watch for wyverns, don't be afraid to retreat to the south the prepare for an oncoming wave you aren't yet positioned correctly to fight. Fucking great map.
Conquest 10... I spent about an hour last night doing some test runs to see how the map went.

Clearly success will hinge on
manning all 3 turrets.

Niles is the only person who can
man a ballista
. Am I boned?

If you reclass Mozu as an archer she can use them too. That said, I never used the second ballista. It really only factored into my strategy inasfar as I needed to make sure the enemy archers didn't use it


Conquest 10... I spent about an hour last night doing some test runs to see how the map went.

Clearly success will hinge on
manning all 3 turrets.

Niles is the only person who can
man a ballista
. Am I boned?
Do you have Mozu?
Conquest 10... I spent about an hour last night doing some test runs to see how the map went.

Clearly success will hinge on
manning all 3 turrets.

Niles is the only person who can
man a ballista
. Am I boned?
They're not that important, try to keep the one on the right out of enemy hands to keep fliers safe.
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