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Fire Emblem Fates |OT| Nohr does what Hoshidon't

It's Paula Tiso as both Camillia and Orochi. She just kind of sounds like that. They make it pretty clear Orochi is one of the "old" characters and it seems like Camillia is in the upper tier of ages too, but yeah.

Tiso played Lulu in FFX and the character is 21. This is 15 years ago (Jesus Christ), but yeah, she's always had that voice that makes her characters sound older than what the fiction itself claims.

Wow I totally recognized that Camilla's voice actor was Lulu! I just recently played FFX before Fates came out so Camilla's voice was strikingly familiar.
Is Bow Knight or Adventurer a better option for Niles, who is a hard support for Camilla (unless I need to nuke a pegasus or something). I've kept Camilla as a Malig Knight so far, would promoting him to Adventurer and reclassing Camilla to Wyvern Lord be the best idea here?


Is Bow Knight or Adventurer a better option for Niles, who is a hard support for Camilla (unless I need to nuke a pegasus or something). I've kept Camilla as a Malig Knight so far, would promoting him to Adventurer and reclassing Camilla to Wyvern Lord be the best idea here?

Bow Knight all the way, having E staff at that point of the game is not really that worth it. With BK he will enjoy the boost in str and bulk. (though still not bulky enough)

Adventurer has higher mag growth than str
I actually like that Hinoka sounds like Buttercup. Makes her fit the tough older sister character better. Thing is, I also like that voice on Rinkah as well so I guess itd be weird having two tough girls with husky voices in the game.


Is Bow Knight or Adventurer a better option for Niles, who is a hard support for Camilla (unless I need to nuke a pegasus or something). I've kept Camilla as a Malig Knight so far, would promoting him to Adventurer and reclassing Camilla to Wyvern Lord be the best idea here?

I kinda like the idea of having Niles being a bow knight for the fact that you have a 9-move Archer and the kunaibreaker skill to deal with ninjas. That being said, Pass looks like to be a pretty goddamn great skill for him if you go for adventurer.
Bow Knight all the way, having E staff at that point of the game is not really that worth it. With BK he will enjoy the boost in str and bulk. (though still not bulky enough)

Adventurer has higher mag growth than str
The stats on him don't matter, it's what's better for Camilla that I want.


Is Bow Knight or Adventurer a better option for Niles, who is a hard support for Camilla (unless I need to nuke a pegasus or something). I've kept Camilla as a Malig Knight so far, would promoting him to Adventurer and reclassing Camilla to Wyvern Lord be the best idea here?

Bow Knight

Bow Knight gives more move which is great for Camilla.
Conquest demands that you sacrifice story over gameplay in order to get the true Fire Emblem experience. Birthright sucks, why, by the time I was in chapter 8 Conquest i had clenched my butt cheeks hundreds of times. Birthright? Not one motion from my butt cheeks so far.
Conquest demands that you sacrifice story over gameplay in order to get the true Fire Emblem experience. Birthright sucks, why, by the time I was in chapter 8 Conquest i had clenched my butt cheeks hundreds of times. Birthright? Not one motion from my butt cheeks so far.
Actually the maps fit the story so....the wackier the story the better the gameplay


I'm torn on the Kids explanation.
On one hand, it's stupid as *.
On the other, the characters know their parents and don't have to spend a Support Convo or two talking about their past.

Also, my Sophie is daughter to Silas/Sakura, and it's great just how well the personality fits the two.

In the gameplay department, I haven't had pretty much any troubles since like... Chapter 15. Had the one screw-up in 17, but since then it's smooth sailing. 19 was way too easy, I kept waiting on the "SURPRISE, RE-ENFORCEMENTS!" but it never happened. Glad I didn't get blind-sided, but wouldn't have minded a less free map.

20 looks like it'll be crazy easy as well. Will probably just level those who may be falling behind. With a 29 Def Sophie and 32 Res Hinoka I can wall anyone off to make for low level friendly farm heh.


I wonder if they didn't split the stories Fates would have had a decent story. Birthright left so many holes in the plot, and everyone in Conquest hit their head when they're young. I haven't played Revelation yet but if they just merged the 3 paths into Revelation it might have been fine.

Then again, Deeprealms.


Witness characters with brain damage

Conquest Chapter 14 is hilarious
Who is this mysterious singer?! Kill all singers in the city because we have no idea who it could be!!! Oh hi Azure where were you? You also get the wolf guy that got lost while picking berries on a mountain and for some reason is now in an opera house without realizing it. And you learn that the Nohr kids know their father is insane but they just pretend to be evil so he doesn't hurt them.


And after my fifth attempt I beat Birthright endgame! Hard/Classic was probably the right challenge for me. It was actually pretty simple once I used the hexing rod properly.

Anyways, really enjoyed the game. Music is amazing and the gameplay is addicting. Love the new pair up system. You know something is right when I essentially "lose" hours of gameplay and it doesn't stop me from. While the story isn't great it is fine by me. There were a few moments that were done pretty well. I started finding it kind of funny every time
there was a cutscene of Azura laying on the ground. There were like 5 of the. Her song and all the variations are so catchy.

While I was originally thinking of doing Conquest Hard/Classic after my play through of Birthright I'm questioning that now. Not sure I have the skill to get through it. I'll have to make up my mind on how I play it as I take a fire emblem break with Pokémon Yellow.


Taking it slow, as this is my first fe game. Just beat chapter 9, birthright hard classic.

That one took a few attempts. Wasn't overly difficult, first couple times placed units in stupid spots. Then I make it to the boss who had a 25% critical chance I didn't look at. One shot silas like a chump.


Anyone recommend changing Jakob's class? I got him to 20, but that's not max for him because he's a prepromote, yeah?

Idk, he would probably be better changed, but I can't make myself change him. It'd feel unnatural with his portrait and how he battles.

He has seen better days though. Hasn't done much in my recent chapters. Which sucks, cuz I really like the character. :(
Other than giving it a bit of a time limit Nina's map's objective is super disappointing, I left her alive until everyone else was dead because I assumed she'd have to survive until I'd routed everyone else. It's basically just a big dumb rout map.

Also, the AI not attack units they can't damage is awful. It was terrible in Genealogy and it's terrible here, especially for already uninteresting and lame rout maps. Like, why give Xander such overkill defense if it means he's going to have a mostly worthless enemy phase.

And before anyone goes "but it's more intelligent and difficult!", no, it really isn't. It just makes killing large swathes of enemies with a character take longer and there's plenty of more interesting ways the AI I could be intelligent and not irritating to deal with, like taking Guard Stance into account to have weaker enemies attack characters with a Guard Stance up first. Having the AI just avoid attacking a character, especially on rout maps, is just a timewaster.
Other than giving it a bit of a time limit Nina's map's objective is super disappointing, I left her alive until everyone else was dead because I assumed she'd have to survive until I'd routed everyone else. It's basically just a big dumb rout map.

Also, the AI not attack units they can't damage is awful. It was terrible in Genealogy and it's terrible here, especially for already uninteresting and lame rout maps. Like, why give Xander such overkill defense if it means he's going to have a mostly worthless enemy phase.
Would you attack someone you can't damage? well I guess debuffing, but I like this change makes me take risks.
It doesn't make me take risks though, it just makes me spend four turns cleaning up with Xander (or Kaze in the case of mages) instead of one. So exciting.


Conquest Chapter 14 is hilarious
Who is this mysterious singer?! Kill all singers in the city because we have no idea who it could be!!! Oh hi Azure where were you? You also get the wolf guy that got lost while picking berries on a mountain and for some reason is now in an opera house without realizing it. And you learn that the Nohr kids know their father is insane but they just pretend to be evil so he doesn't hurt them.
Such masterful writing.


Question about chapter four:
I keep losing one of the guest characters. It sounds like they retreat, but knowing these games, I want to confirm if they are "dead" or not.
Question about chapter four:
I keep losing one of the guest characters. It sounds like they retreat, but knowing these games, I want to confirm if they are "dead" or not.
They are not. Try to talk to Hinoka before ending the chapter because you'll get a free Concoction, but otherwise both can "die" without consequence or penalty.


Fan base is in a revolt over Ryoma/Scarlet.
Not gonna lie, I was thinking of pairing them up and was disappointed when I couldn't even get her to support with anyone but Corrin. Makes no sense.

I still haven't paired anyone up besides Corrin and Silas. I was hoping the support convos would give me a better idea, but they're so forgettable. :/


Not gonna lie, I was thinking of pairing them up and was disappointed when I couldn't even get her to support with anyone but Corrin. Makes no sense.

I still haven't paired anyone up besides Corrin and Silas. I was hoping the support convos would give me a better idea, but they're so forgettable. :/

I tried Corrin and Silas' S Support and boy it was dry. Switched to the much better Jakob, but Female Corrin is a terrible lover.


Okay I'll admit, this soundtrack is amazing, Conquest 23 is fantastic

The soundtrack is fantastic. Hoshido 10 is epic as hell.

It's definitely great and deserving of more credit, yeah.

What's funny is they actually hired a manga writer to write that.

Eh. They hired a writer. His background never guaranteed any sort of quality. Just as much schlocky manga out there as anything else.
Okay so I finally upgraded the weapon shop but is it worth getting a silver weapon? You get to do a lot more damage but it debuffs you as soon as you use it which could end up hurting you in the long run.
Eh. They hired a writer. His background never guaranteed any sort of quality. Just as much schlocky manga out there as anything else.

Yeah, but the way they specifically pretended it to be so much better than Awakening in the Iwata Asks is telling.

Hopefully the Fire Emblem story fares a little better.


Grrr I give you food and you level up so why no stats huh. Fish? Cabbage? Rice, none of it makes a difference. I want you to be strong so you can become the eater of worlds.


So need help and a bit of a question about Birthright Chapter 23

What happens if I talk to Elfie and Arthur during that fight. They both walked up to my group and Kana decided to repay them back with some crits so now they are down. What do I lose by them dying? Is it worth restarting? I'm doing decently well right now in terms of the level and level stat ups, so restarting would suck. But if it's worth talking to them I guess I have too.


So, Felicia or Azura on my first playthrough for waifu?

Whatever you like. Persoanally speaking I found Felicia annoying so I guess Azura.

So need help and a bit of a question about Birthright Chapter 23

What happens if I talk to Elfie and Arthur during that fight. They both walked up to my group and Kana decided to repay them back with some crits so now they are down. What do I lose by them dying? Is it worth restarting? I'm doing decently well right now in terms of the level and level stat ups, so restarting would suck. But if it's worth talking to them I guess I have too.

You get some dialogue and turn to green ally's for the chapter. Honestly not worth restarting over
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