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Fire Emblem Fates |OT| Nohr does what Hoshidon't


They did that in Awakening too though.

Awakening was at a time where the series' future was still uncertain though. There was always the chance that it wouldn't catch on in the West as strongly as it did in Japan. So, saving resources on non-essential features made some sense.

Besides, although Awakening did have the mute voice which heavily changed the script, the actual voiced variations just changed pronouns, so ignoring them was understandable, even if they could have been translated with some effort. However, Fates' personality variations in the Japanese version actually had completely rewritten sentences at times, and yet they were still ignored.

Several of the localization choices were rather cheap too - like how they lazily reused the text of the male avatar ending for the female one (and did the same with the Rhajat support), which leads to issues with some ending combinations, which didn't exist in the original, where the female avatar had a different epilogue. Awakening didn't suffer from that kind of problem.

Edit: Unrelated to the above, but looking at the credits list, it turns out that the Heirs of Fates DLC was written by Awakening's scenario writer, who works for IS, rather than another guest writer. Like I said before, I really hope they just go with their own writers next time. Awakening's main problem was just how the story basically disappeared shortly after the timeskip. The story scenes become very brief, and added to the lack of narration there was a big lack of world building and several early plot elements just disappear at that point. Still, they didn't need an outsider to fix those issues, just a bigger script.


What's the deal with choosing 5 people when you've finished the campaign? It saved after, but didn't seem to tell me what it did, or why I was choosing 5 characters...


Sölf;207335415 said:
You can recruit them for later uses in an Einherjar shop.

Thanks! It seems strange they didn't seem to mention what it was about at all. I haven't touched the Einherjar shop at all, so I'll look into that.



Found this on Reddit French Cover of YOUUU ARE THE OCEANS GREY WAVES

The lyrics seems to be extremely close to the English adaptation

This cover is actually very good! I was pleasantly surprised, both by the vocals and the lyrics (I'm french btw). The singer really did a great job. Though, I prefer the lyrics of this version (vastly different lyrics, but more interesting that way).


Thanks! It seems strange they didn't seem to mention what it was about at all. I haven't touched the Einherjar shop at all, so I'll look into that.

It's not actually from the Einherjar shop - you don't need to register units to buy them from there, but the ones there will be a few levels behind. You buy them by talking with your castle's assistant and choosing the logbook. And, like mentioned above, you can also use that to buy their skills for themselves in other files.


Finally beat Conquest yesterday. Required careful planning of Beastslayer and Blessed weaponry, but I pulled it off!

So now I'm doing a Birthright playthrough. Since everybody said it's so much easier I decided to mess around by doing a healer MC playthrough while having most of my units change classes upon getting them. On that note, don't do roids kids.

Anyway I'm guessing the Streetpass function, or atleast getting other people to show up in my courtyard, can only be active for one savefile only at a time? I'd like to sent out my Nohr team so other people can get those odd skills, but I'd also like to receive streetpass in my new savefile. HMM...


If I may suggest one unit to register, other than your Avatar if you got a nice skill from another class, it's Azura. If you get the improved song skill, you can buy it as soon as you have castle access for her. Suddenly, level 1 Azura sings like she was level 10.

I know this Conquest game of mine, if I reach the final chapters before my Avatar is 20/16 with Swordfaire and the Nohr Noble skills, I'm hitting Boo Camp until he does. It might be a little cheaty to do, but Swordfaire for a low level Avatar is just amusing enough to consider. +5 damage when you do, like, 9 normally.


Neo Member
Sorry guys but I have a very stupid question: Where can I find the mess hall? I'm at chapter 15 and I can't build it. I'm totally confused because every guide out there mentions this mysterious building...


Sorry guys but I have a very stupid question: Where can I find the mess hall? I'm at chapter 15 and I can't build it. I'm totally confused because every guide out there mentions this mysterious building...

If you've constructed it using Dragon Vein Points in your castle, then it'll appear wherever you put it as a dish and cutlery icon. If you don't see it on your map, speak to your castle's attendant up at the top to see if you've constructed it or not.


Neo Member
If you've constructed it using Dragon Vein Points in your castle, then it'll appear wherever you put it as a dish and cutlery icon. If you don't see it on your map, speak to your castle's attendant up at the top to see if you've constructed it or not.

I already checked every building on the map and talked to my attendant and it doesn't appear in the building list. Does it depend on the difficult settings if you are able to construct it or something like this?


This cover is actually very good! I was pleasantly surprised, both by the vocals and the lyrics (I'm french btw). The singer really did a great job. Though, I prefer the lyrics of this version (vastly different lyrics, but more interesting that way).

I'm under the impression that the version I posted did an almost 1 to 1 translation from the official English version and the one you posted had much more liberty with the lyrics

And yeah, I know zero French despite of learning it as a kid, but the covers are just so.... phonically pleasant.


I already checked every building on the map and talked to my attendant and it doesn't appear in the building list. Does it depend on the difficult settings if you are able to construct it or something like this?

Nah the diificulty makes no difference. Are you sure you're don't have it in your castle already? The mess hall is one of the earliest buildings you get.

Because if it's not showing up on your building list then that's just weird.

Velcro Fly

So Birthright parings questions

1. I am playing with male Corrin. I hear I either need to pair up with a child unit or
or I risk missing out on a child paralogue. Is this true?

2. Are there any other restrictions like this for Birthright or any other path? I don't really care too much about how I pair off my units, but I do not want to miss out on an entire character just because of it.

I currently have no one paired off yet so anything is still possible for me on Birthright.


So Birthright parings questions

1. I am playing with male Corrin. I hear I either need to pair up with a child unit or
or I risk missing out on a child paralogue. Is this true?

2. Are there any other restrictions like this for Birthright or any other path? I don't really care too much about how I pair off my units, but I do not want to miss out on an entire character just because of it.

I currently have no one paired off yet so anything is still possible for me on Birthright.

1. Yes
2. Same, restriction exists in each path.


So Birthright parings questions

1. I am playing with male Corrin. I hear I either need to pair up with a child unit or
or I risk missing out on a child paralogue. Is this true?

2. Are there any other restrictions like this for Birthright or any other path? I don't really care too much about how I pair off my units, but I do not want to miss out on an entire character just because of it.

I currently have no one paired off yet so anything is still possible for me on Birthright.
There is one more restriction you should be aware of in Birthright if you're going for a full set of children.

Corrin must have an A rank support with Kaze before Chapter 15 or Kaze will leave the group, meaning you lose out on his child.
The more I think about it the more I feel both this game and awakening lacked a cool knight/general character.

SS had Gilliam, PoR/RD had Tauroneo and Gatrie and even the Black knight to some extent, Shadow Dragon had Hector. The names are far away but each game before I feel had *A* general that these new game don't have.
Started chapter 19 on Conquest Lunatic and it's so annoying how the kitsune ignore my beast killer Effie and go afterr the rest of my army even though they're nowhere them -_-


I made it past the bridge too and beast slayer weapons are the only way to reliably OHKO them, am I underpowered?

Velcro Fly

On chapter 16 of Birthright. There is a Strategist that is like around the corner from a choke point but his movement is so high that the first time I did the map I didn't realize he would make it and he totally wrecked my Silas after he had tanked two hits. Such a dirty tarp that whole area is being.
Finally cleared Conquest on hard... So painful... Fun, but painful.

And it looks like Revelation will be a breeze in comparison. Only reached chapter 8 but my avatar is already like level 14 or 15, with a bunch of ridiculous weapons.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
I continuing my struggle towards the end of Fire Emblem Fates Conquest, playing on Hard / Classic. It's really amazing so far, loving the level design, though still hating the random elements, especially on lengthy missions. Mission 22 took 2 hours (and almost 200 rounds) for me in the successful attempt, because I reaally needed to train some of my weaker units and to promote (hopefully) my last batch of characters. Dealing with the huge amount of units and especially Hana who to me seems, due to her high bonus damage skill and her enormous evasion rate, like a lottery (I decided to leave her alive, because I did not find a way to kill her that the probability of all units surviving that exceeds 80%). Now, in mission 23 I'm confident I will be able to conclude the mission without further losses, though I had to give up my fourth healer, Elise, to get so far. My team currently looks like this:
Effie 15
Arthur 5
Kana 8
Camilla 17
Corrin 11
(Benny 17 unpromoted)
Shura 12
Silas 1
Leo 15
Nyx 7
Keaton 8
Xander 15
Felicia 23
Niles 12

For the people who played through Conquest a few times already: Can I go on without Elise (after I have already lost Azurra long before) or is three healers just not sufficient for the reamining maps?

Also, I'm still holding strong on refusing to build any houses other than the staff house and just to always go right to the next battle as soon as I have bought replacement staffs if needed. It will be interesting to see if I can completely avoid having to deal with further buildings (and therefore, buyable weapons). One last remark: It is incredibly difficult to get children in this game I think. I only have Kana so far and I am quite unsure if I can still get any more children by just playing the main story missions [and recruitment missions if available].

EDIT: Decided to redo it, even though it again took about an hour. But better safe than sorry. Now on mission 24 and I have a feeling I will still put a lot of time and thought into this game. Even with Conquest alone I already get enough (quality!) playtime to justify the 80€ price tag. Really an awesome Fire Emblem game.


When in Conquest should your army begin to be all promoted? I'm up to chapter 17 and
those are a lot of ninjas at a higher level than some of my army
. Should I just admit defeat and run a couple of Boo Camps so everyone on the main team is levels 19 or more? Or just push them through to being promoted.


I went into chapter 17 with most of my units promoted, alongside some that just needed a few kills to reach level 20 and promote.


I went into chapter 17 with most of my units promoted, alongside some that just needed a few kills to reach level 20 and promote.
Yeah, I'm gonna take the kids to Boo Camp, then. Maybe grab Ophelia since I unlocked that already. I don't plan on using her, but I bet her Paralogue is full of EXP to grab.

I wonder how I messed that up. Probably in focusing on getting a few kids up to speed. Ah well, live and learn. I need to get Swordfaire on my Avatar before wrapping this run up anyway. Just so he can be utterly disgusting for my Revelation run.

Actually, about buying skills... Is Male Avatar and Female Avatar considered the same unit for that?


Yeah, I'm gonna take the kids to Boo Camp, then. Maybe grab Ophelia since I unlocked that already. I don't plan on using her, but I bet her Paralogue is full of EXP to grab.

I wonder how I messed that up. Probably in focusing on getting a few kids up to speed. Ah well, live and learn. I need to get Swordfaire on my Avatar before wrapping this run up anyway. Just so he can be utterly disgusting for my Revelation run.

Actually, about buying skills... Is Male Avatar and Female Avatar considered the same unit for that?

I don't bother using kids before they get Offspring Seal (except for when I got Percy). Still, paralogues are all around and that's free EXP.

Yeah, male/female avatar doesn't matter for skill buying (although I don't imagine you'll have Gentilhomme on a female avatar).


Started chapter 19 on Conquest Lunatic and it's so annoying how the kitsune ignore my beast killer Effie and go afterr the rest of my army even though they're nowhere them -_-


I made it past the bridge too and beast slayer weapons are the only way to reliably OHKO them, am I underpowered?

It's not uncommon on lunatic for people to equip a beastslayer on their tankiest character and let them solo the map. It's one of the few maps where using less deployment then they give you is a good idea even if it means that 1-2 units are soaking up all the xp and it takes forever. I used Benny paired with peri to wreck that map while my avatar hid in the mountain with Camilla coming down on rare occasion to swoop up a kill or to bait the enemy out of illusion form.

Velcro Fly

Oh man paralogue 5 is such a fun and well balanced map.

I took my Corrin, paired him with Hinoka, and basically sat on the one southern bridge and tanked everyone. Had Setsuna behind them sniping things from a distance and Sakura behind Setsuna to heal anyone as needed. Would swap between Corrin and Hinoka in the lead depending on what was around me attacking. Managed to basically clear the map for some sweet exp.

Only managed to save four of the villagers though

Grinding up some pairings for units that I am not using and it took a while.

I made Hana into that class that can use all the weapons and she's awesome. Fast enough to double a lot of things. Strong enough to hit hard with even the crappy brass weapons until weapon proficiency goes up.

This game is just a joy to play. I'm not sure I can ever go back to Awakening for as much as I loved that game.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Thought these were cool.


The story mentions Young Garon and Young Gunter, although we never see them... neat fan renditions.


'enry 'ollins
Finally got around to beating Birthright Lunatic.

Wow that last chapter. No saving? 50 units surrounding me? After doing 15min of math, I figured my best chance would be to bum rush the boss. With a series of swaps, shoves, dancing, and horses/pegasi, I had 4 battles to kill that 80 hp boss. Then I find out to my horror that dragon breath is apparently physical damage. Still got em!

Does the hex rod work? I tried and not sure if I missed or he's immune.

50hrs according to the save file, but 95hrs according to the 3ds playlog haha.
Finally got around to beating Birthright Lunatic.

Wow that last chapter. No saving? 50 units surrounding me? After doing 15min of math, I figured my best chance would be to bum rush the boss. With a series of swaps, shoves, dancing, and horses/pegasi, I had 4 battles to kill that 80 hp boss. Then I find out to my horror that dragon breath is apparently physical damage. Still got em!

Does the hex rod work? I tried and not sure if I missed or he's immune.

Hexing Rod works yeah, it's pretty silly.

(it even works in Conquest, except you can't normally get one so it doesn't quite matter)


how do I do that boon trick properly at the branch?

something like
Speed/Luck for the first couple chapters then do branch and switch to Str/Luck. I wanna do Revelation on Lunatic but doing it like this where I play the first six chapters, saving as I go, then reset to the main menu for the route selection defaults me back to Hard difficulty


how do I do that boon trick properly at the branch?

something like
Speed/Luck for the first couple chapters then do branch and switch to Str/Luck. I wanna do Revelation on Lunatic but doing it like this where I play the first six chapters, saving as I go, then reset to the main menu for the route selection defaults me back to Hard difficulty

I'm confused your lunatic save is defaulting you to hard after the branch? Or you did the first six chapters on hard and want to play lunatic after ( You can't btw, you can never raise difficulty only lower it).

Dee Dee

So... why did I rush to get all the kids just before chapter 18? Derp.
Completely ran out of master seals before I realized my mistake...

About to start Conquest chapter 19.
I am actually getting better, and had fun with the paralogues, even though Forrest's chapter was a complete bitch, and Dwyer's chapter is still a complete joke (even when forgetting anyone that can open doors, this map boiled down to "just stand here and wait, Leo").

Pairings: Elise and Odin HAS to be canon. They marry for the dumbest reason, after maybe Jakob and Camilla...
All my Royals got lovely wifes and husbands with good supports. When Odin was like "what will the people say?", I wanted Elise to answer: "Xander married his former sister, Camilla married her butler, and Leo married a dark witch trapped in a pre-pubescent body - I spent 7 chapters grinding you support, just marry me already".
Elise is pretty cool in my book now, much better than Sakura. Also, I gave her a magic tome. Muahahaha. Instant success.
It's horrible how my Corrin still refers to Xander as "big brother" in the cutscenes by the way. You guys are married with 2 kids, jeez!

Next up - Laslow and Azura for specific reasons.

Conquest is really fun, but boy do I miss grinding... I understand that the game is not designed to max out all units, but I can't get over how useless Kaze is now, and I feel I missed a chance to make Peri great.

Unfortunately for Peri, my current army consists of nothing but hourse mounted units or generals already... I knew I had a thing for ridden units but holy horseback, how did that happen??


I'm confused your lunatic save is defaulting you to hard after the branch? Or you did the first six chapters on hard and want to play lunatic after ( You can't btw, you can never raise difficulty only lower it).
the first one, kinda. I figured it out tho. gotta update your streetpass through that crystal ball thing the first time you use it for the game to default to the character you want to keep as the base for future Branch of Fate runs.

back then my file would start on Hard when doing Branch of Fate and I tried it again just now and it started on Lunatic. I'm way too lazy to start over again because I'm on chapter 9 Rev and even though there's only an hour's difference between ch 6 and 9 I took 43 turns on ch 8 lol. Speed/Luck isn't gonna gimp me that bad... I think?


what dumbass made these stupid fucking statue coin faced things? like a 50/50 chance they oneshot my mages. no fun at all. they're either completely a breeze or they decimate anyone i use to attack them. fuck that.

Dee Dee

what dumbass made these stupid fucking statue coin faced things? like a 50/50 chance they oneshot my mages. no fun at all. they're either completely a breeze or they decimate anyone i use to attack them. fuck that.

From this I take it you play Birthright?
What mages!?

I don't remember them doing a lot of damage actually, but yeah, they take a few hits before they go down.
Which difficulty are you playing on?


hard. not mages, whatever, magic users, forgot mage was an actual class since I don't have any

they do like 26-28 damage to units with low defence, and since they have low res I've been using my magic users to get in there, but if I don't back 'em up a boulder will just oneshot them...

it's not difficult really but it's so tedious and i'm already feeling like Fates is very often just fucking wasting my time


>nearly finished with level, decide to use hana+ryouma as dodge tank to bait archers into moving forward
>hana has like 70% dodge chance
>hana gets hit by a boulder with probably like 20% chance and two arrows with like 50% chance and dies

fuck this game. this is the fourth fucking time i've restarted this map

i'm playing conquest on baby mode. fuck this.


If it's bothering you that much, why not switch to casual and use the battle saves? Especially if you feel like the game's wasting your time as it is.


Nina and Forrest's paralogue are too damn hard :(

Try Shiro's in late game. Unless you use a specific strategy with a Rescue staff and basically catapulting Ryoma halfway across the battlefield by pairing him with flying units, the idiot will suicide by attacking enemies within the first couple of turns.

Nina is easy enough if you can break through the first few enemies in the north room before she loots the chest. Just take her out and most of the remaining enemies will leave. For Forrest, you just need to make it to the NE door without being 'spotted' and you can intercept the archer they dispatch to kill him.


Try Shiro's in late game. Unless you use a specific strategy with a Rescue staff and basically catapulting Ryoma halfway across the battlefield by pairing him with flying units, the idiot will suicide by attacking enemies within the first couple of turns.

Nina is easy enough if you can break through the first few enemies in the north room before she loots the chest. Just take her out and most of the remaining enemies will leave. For Forrest, you just need to make it to the NE door without being 'spotted' and you can intercept the archer they dispatch to kill him.

"Archer". Oh, you meant that Warrior?


Try Shiro's in late game. Unless you use a specific strategy with a Rescue staff and basically catapulting Ryoma halfway across the battlefield by pairing him with flying units, the idiot will suicide by attacking enemies within the first couple of turns.

Nina is easy enough if you can break through the first few enemies in the north room before she loots the chest. Just take her out and most of the remaining enemies will leave. For Forrest, you just need to make it to the NE door without being 'spotted' and you can intercept the archer they dispatch to kill him.
How do I arrive to the NE door without being seen? It's impossible (not to mention the boss is nearby). I'm hinking of using the staff to teleport the enemy near me but that would be almost cheating...not to mention the staff is expensive and I haven't got much money.


How do I arrive to the NE door without being seen? It's impossible (not to mention the boss is nearby). I'm hinking of using the staff to teleport the enemy near me but that would be almost cheating...not to mention the staff is expensive and I haven't got much money.

If you do it later, you can get to the corridor but have to turtle in there (which isn't even that easy, because enemies have different weapons and come in droves). What I did later on, send Nyx with a Nosferatu Tome paired up with Leo to the western entrance (probably works with any magic user), so she baited a few enemies and then ran away, where as the others blocked the corridor and slowly moved through it. The whole setup took 3 turns I think, until everyone was in position so I could start with this.

Around 4-5 units were on the front of the corridor, barely in range of some enemies, the rest cleared the first room, baiting only 1 or 2 on the first enemy phase when they become active and clearing that room in the next player phase. After that, it's a bit back and forth with the enemies. If you are too far out in the hallway, too many enemies attack and a character may die. If you are too far back, you won't reach the enemies in order to kill them in time. But it works with a bit of panning. You have more than enough time to kill them and then move to the enemy dispatched to kill Forrest.


well, i just said fuck it and let ryouma handle the entire level except for the boss which kamui solo'd with a lucky crit and a monster-slaying sword.


God, I looked at my Fates playtime. Ingame I have logged roughly 84 or 85 hours (a bit over 40 on Birthright and a bit over 43 on Conquest). Actual playtime: 120 hours. God, I basically resetted and retried the same amount of time as it took me to beat one of those routes. xD
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