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Fire Emblem Fates |OT| Nohr does what Hoshidon't

Old Battlefield from Awakening is glorious.

"Dont speak her name!" got me into the series though. I was browsing YouTube for game music and that song was recommended. Didnt take long for the song and the series to completely hook me.


So it feels like Conquest Chapter 8 just had me fight 40 dudes in a single map, half of which just bum-rushed my team at a bottleneck right at the start of the map.

If these missions are going to have this many enemies on the regular (and for some reason, the game is still like "oh, these 8 people is still too many people, leave Mozu behind lol"), I really need to see if I can drop from Classic to Casual. I do not have nearly enough time after work to be doing those kinds of missions twice if I lose someone and I do not want to end up dropping the game because of it.


I haven't had a chapter in Fates that was on the level where Do Not Speak Her Name plays. It's pretty much the best song in Awakening.


The support convos are all (usually) platonic all the way up until A rank. Only the final S rank is guaranteed to get bow-chicka-wow-wow at all. And the ramp up from "i love you" to marriage proposal always happens so quick that you could get whiplash every time.

So yeah, a few minutes minutes on YouTube is going to give her exactly what restarting her game will do for her.
Thanks :) that's exactly what she needed to hear lol.


Finally got my first Support convo!

Birthright SPOILERS - FeMU x
Support C rank:


TEA: Not even once. (Seriously, this support is gun be gud, I can tell.)
I haven't had a chapter in Fates that was on the level where Do Not Speak Her Name plays. It's pretty much the best song in Awakening.

I thought the song that plays on Chapter 6 when you choose your fate is really good.

Awakening has some better highs and forgettable lows, but Fates' OST is consistently good throughout, up there with Genealogy for one of my favorite Fire Emblem soundtracks.
Okay this has been bothering me for a while but why the hell does Corrin ever listen to King Garron considering he's a huge douchebag? Only on chapter 12




Chapter 12 Birthright

"Lost in thoughts all alone."
(Groans of increasing discomfort)

Why you would put that in the game idk, but I laughed a lot at it.


Chapter 22 conquest.

This game punishes you for turtling.

How do I dispatch those Mechanists while advancing, I either end up getting overwhelmed by the reinforcements for taking too long or getting plastered by those debuff turrets
This game...

I swear the Saizo in my birthright run has the RNG gods against him. I've seen him get only one level with more than 3 stats gained....


I was able to capture a special unit in one of the paralogues!

Had a realization that I probably missed a few special units like that.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
I went to gamestop with 80 dollars in my pocket after work and to find out that they're out of stock ;_;


What's the highest turn count you guys have ended a chapter on? Mine is probably 44, in Birthright 15, moving through mountains, then trying to lure the boss from out of the mountains, healing 1HP to maximize XP, and then, y'know, playing the chapter.
What's the highest turn count you guys have ended a chapter on? Mine is probably 44, in Birthright 15, moving through mountains, then trying to lure the boss from out of the mountains, healing 1HP to maximize XP, and then, y'know, playing the chapter.

Wow you're slow
I think I missed a great opportunity to gain a ton of EXP in Hoshido 12 by not ferrying everyone around with Pegasus Knights and abusing those chokepoints. Ah well, at least I got the chest before I was forced to end the map. I want to see if I can kill all of the enemy units
barring the obvious few
before ending the map next time I play through Hoshido.


Wow you're slow

I know, but I've got a lot of time on my hands right now, and I want to make sure nobody dies at the last second to a boss. Half my turns were just moving one or two people, then ending my turn, so it doesn't pad the actual chapter time that much.


Wondering if I should promote Silas to Great Knight or Paladin in Birthright. I don't really use any other axe users besides Scarlet, but I also like the idea of improving his resistance. And aesthetically I like Paladin better...

Also not sure what I want as far as skills go.


Wondering if I should promote Silas to Great Knight or Paladin in Birthright. I don't really use any other axe users besides Scarlet, but I also like the idea of improving his resistance. And aesthetically I like Paladin better...

Also not sure what I want as far as skills go.

Great Knight gets Luna, and Birthright has limited physical tanks so another would help.
Question about permadeath (Awakening was my first one and I've yet to play with permadeath enabled) - if a unit who's important to the story dies, do they DIE die, like disappear from cutscenes from then on and stuff? Or do you just lose the ability to use them in battles? I just can't imagine the developers taking the time to write new dialogue and cutscenes to use in case certain characters eat it.


So many excellent music recommendations - should make the rest of my work week go by faster. I can't wait to start diving into these tomorrow.

Ala Alba

Question about permadeath (Awakening was my first one and I've yet to play with permadeath enabled) - if a unit who's important to the story dies, do they DIE die, like disappear from cutscenes from then on and stuff? Or do you just lose the ability to use them in battles? I just can't imagine the developers taking the time to write new dialogue and cutscenes to use in case certain characters eat it.

They will retreat, but you can't use them anymore.
Question about permadeath (Awakening was my first one and I've yet to play with permadeath enabled) - if a unit who's important to the story dies, do they DIE die, like disappear from cutscenes from then on and stuff? Or do you just lose the ability to use them in battles? I just can't imagine the developers taking the time to write new dialogue and cutscenes to use in case certain characters eat it.

You just lose the ability to use them in battle, they still appear in the story/cutscenes like normal.

Except for Kaze, if Corrin doesn't at least A-Rank with him before Chapter 15, then he dies in the story.
Might not really be a spoiler but for some reason I had no idea Takumi was
a part of the Hoshidan royal family. His clothing and color is different from the others so I didnt make that association.
Its funny how on chapter 10 he says
no one cares and everyone forgets him and Im like its true I thought you were the butler or something.
I have a prison. but I have no idea how to capture enemies?

Basically Birthright and Conquest have a unit (Orochi for Birthright, Nilas for Conquest) that have the unique skill of capturing enemies and sometimes bosses. In order to capture an enemy, they need to defeat someone with the capture command.
As much as I poopooed Awakening's cast, the more I go on, the more I feel like it was actually better than Fates. Maybe that's just weird nostalgia speaking.

Hopefully I become attached to someone soon. Maybe I need to play faster and looser and have some units die to get the emotions to kick in.


Birthright chapter 12 is a Sunday morning stroll once you realize that
you can completely control Xander's pace and reverse his pursuit by placing Corrin on the stage with a peg knight and taking her off as soon as he gallops back in range. Gave me plenty of time to clean up the map.


Basically Birthright and Conquest have a unit (Orochi for Birthright, Nilas for Conquest) that have the unique skill of capturing enemies and sometimes bosses. In order to capture an enemy, they need to defeat someone with the capture command.

So diviners in general or is it just these too? Orochi is one of my favorites and I didn't know about this skill xD

Velcro Fly

Finally started today.

Got up to Chapter 9 on Birthright.

First 6 chapters did a great job of getting me all emotionally attached to characters and feel conflict picking a side. I had decided Birthright first long ago but I never really counted on liking the Nohr siblings as much as I did just based on the first few chapters.

Really impressed with the game so far. Still figuring out some mechanics but I am getting better.
Only mozume and the kids can aptitude, anybody else who got it hacked it or got from a hacked castle.

Besides Aptitude isn't even really worth it, even for a level 1 unit in a special class (which effectively doesn't exist for anyone) it only comes out to +3.9 for each stat by level 40.

If you want to pick up broken stuff go for Replicate, cause then you can have 2 Corrins, or 2 Camillas, or 2 Ryomas, etc. AND it's totally legal too (and cheaper iirc, should gold be a limitation).


Besides Aptitude isn't even really worth it, even for a level 1 unit in a special class (which effectively doesn't exist for anyone) it only comes out to +3.9 for each stat by level 40.

If you want to pick up broken stuff go for Replicate, cause then you can have 2 Corrins, or 2 Camillas, or 2 Ryomas, etc. AND it's totally legal too (and cheaper iirc, should gold be a limitation).

Does Replicate take up a deployment slot? It's kinda broken if not.
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