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Fire Emblem Fates |OT| Nohr does what Hoshidon't

Doing Birthright and I've been collecting the kids and well, jesus Christ these have been some tough battles and maybe it is a result of being at chapter 13.


I wanted to capture one of the two standing beside Xander in chapter 12, but fucking Xander stepped forward first and one shotted Orochi -_-


A few things...

1) on Chapter 10, unlocked paralogue 2. Holy carp is that on another level. I cannot win. The second the promoted flyers get to me I'm done for.

2) I have the prison. How do I capture people?


A few things...

1) on Chapter 10, unlocked paralogue 2. Holy carp is that on another level. I cannot win. The second the promoted flyers get to me I'm done for.

2) I have the prison. How do I capture people?

It's a command that appears bellow attack in the menu that's only usable by Niles (Conquest) and Orochi (Birthright). You just need to finish off an enemy with an attack using that command. When you use that command, dual attack/attack stance doesn't work either.

The command only will appear in the first place if the unit can be captured though. It doesn't work against "main characters", like the ones you can get in the other version of Fates and it also doesn't work against monsters or the invisible soldiers, so against those the command wont even appear when you attempt to attack them with Niles or Orochi.


It's a command that appears bellow attack in the menu that's only usable by Niles (Conquest) and Orochi (Birthright). You just need to finish off an enemy with an attack using that command. When you use that command, dual attack/attack stance doesn't work either.

The command only will appear in the first place if the unit can be captured though. It doesn't work against "main characters", like the ones you can get in the other version of Fates and it also doesn't work against monsters or the invisible soldiers, so against those the command wont even appear when you attempt to attack them with Niles or Orochi.

Gotcha... So say, I use that command on random spear guy. He's imprisoned? And what's the purpose of prisoners?


The cooking feature is great. Also, I just realized there an in-game rating system for units. That's going to come in handy. I'll probably decide on a final core group of characters to carry through the rest of the campaign tomorrow. Still haven't promoted anyone.

It's not possible to capture Laslow and Peri in chapter 12 is it?

Can't capture version exclusive units.
Playing Conquest Hard. I'm wondering if I can switch a character to the alternate promotion of their class, and if so, is Felicia better kept as a maid, or switched to a strategist?


Gotcha... So say, I use that command on random spear guy. He's imprisoned? And what's the purpose of prisoners?

You can convince them to join your troops afterwards, either by persuading then (random chance, for free) or using the castle resources to bribe them.

It's pretty useless on normal, but you can get good units out of that on hard and lunatic. Some minor bosses can be captured too, not just generics. The main characters (the ones that have supports and can take care of stores and such) can never be captured though.

I had heard the explanation for the kids was dumb but not this dumb. Like even Awakening did a better job than this, and that was completely half-assed
Wait until level 20 before using a Master Seal. They'll now get less experience and will be closer to hitting their level cap than before using the Master Seal, so it'd be better to not skip those levels. Eventually there's a seal to increase the level cap, but you'd probably need to grind to get money for it.

It's generally best to wait until they reach level 20 before promotion, but as long as you're not playing on lunatic you should be fine.

You will want to reclass at level 20 instead of 11-12. Exceptions do exist (basically if a unit has capped a couple of stats already it's okay to promote than).

Aww crap. Should I load up my save from an hour or so before I reclassed them? I don't screw myself over later in the game.


You know, after all that, I don't think I'll actually be getting the kids...
I won't really be able to get Supports with them at this point.
Darn you Conquest.
Damn, money does not come easy in this game. Or maybe I've been spending too much buying skills...I barely have any money for my seals.

You know, after all that, I don't think I'll actually be getting the kids...
I won't really be able to get Supports with them at this point.
Darn you Conquest.

From what I understand, the paralogues are better served levelling your main team further. There just isn't enough leeway for you to level the kids. Supports tho, you could always grind out by bum-rushing other people's castles. There's no perma death there, so go nuts.


The cooking feature is great. Also, I just realized there an in-game rating system for units. That's going to come in handy. I'll probably decide on a final core group of characters to carry through the rest of the campaign tomorrow. Still haven't promoted anyone.

Can't capture version exclusive units.

Thanx. I should have realized the obvious.
Up to Chapter 8 now and I somehow managed to get Felicia and My Unit's support to S rank level.

The Castle battles against other players are fun. I can't wait to get my castle up to snuff to see if people will try fighting there.

How does the skill buying work? For my characters at chapter 7-8 I couldn't seem to buy any of the skills available, are there certain restrictions on what can be learned?
You know, after all that, I don't think I'll actually be getting the kids...
I won't really be able to get Supports with them at this point.
Darn you Conquest.
Im playing conquest and as long as you pair up people from the get go to attack together it's not that bad. I've been able to get most children without issues.


Up to Chapter 8 now and I somehow managed to get Felicia and My Unit's support to S rank level.

The Castle battles against other players are fun. I can't wait to get my castle up to snuff to see if people will try fighting there.

How does the skill buying work? For my characters at chapter 7-8 I couldn't seem to buy any of the skills available, are there certain restrictions on what can be learned?

Has to be the same character as the one you are buying from.
Man people saying Jakob > Felicia in Conquest hasn't experience the power of Flame Shuriken Felicia. Good lord she's is a wrecking machine, hits hard and debuff like a champ.


Completing Conquest Chapter 10 on Lunatic with no deaths is the most satisfying thing in this series. That might just be my favorite map in the series, it held nothing back, but the winning strategy was beautiful in how well I could manage everything. This is what defense maps should be aiming to be like.

I am a little disappointed that I didn't reach the fourth house, especially since I managed to get all on my most recent failed attempt, but I'll live without the Dual Club.


Who in Birthright is a good fit for Lodestar?

Nobody! Hold on to both Emblems forever as you check every Male on your team for best use. It's a strategic decision.
Like holding on to potions in games "just in case"

Man people saying Jakob > Felicia in Conquest hasn't experience the power of Flame Shuriken Felicia. Good lord she's is a wrecking machine, hits hard and debuff like a champ.

I don't think I could stand the voice for very long even if she was my best unit. :(

No, it's a human thing called hearing impairments.

My point was that there was no need for it (the fidgeting and teeth grinding was likely enough to get the point across), which subsequently made it funny - and clearly not just to me. Battle scenes don't contain (HI-YAH), (people dying), or (groans of war), so why did they choose to put it there. That was what I was saying. It's something that doesn't get subtitled, you know?

And in the case it is, which I'll say is nice for the hearing impaired, the wording seemed different regardless.
Who in Birthright is a good fit for Lodestar?
I used mine on Jakob's son since I married him to Azura I thought it would work well. I've ended up with a character who dodges like mad, looks funny as hell, the fastest person on the team and does like no damage.

I regret this now but nobody else in my party fits probably due to the fact I don't actually use any sword users except my avatar.
Conquest is becoming my favorite game in the series, yes the story is average, maybe its just me but I did like the whole "turn the Evil side to a good side from the inside" stuff. It gets stupid in some chapters BUT man the feeling of chapter 16, when all your siblings from Nohr finally came together, feels so great. Kamui, Xander, Camilla, Leo, Elise and even Azura. I think that was one of my scene in the game granted because I was always fond of my siblings and we were close knit family, which generally
hits home for me. Kamui was annoying at first but (spoilers now, chapter 15+)
When he finally decided to follow Garon's order and pretend to "evil" was the first sign of growth especially when he rebuttal Iago about him and Azura going missing in that chapter. I think his decision did make sense because continuing to defy his Father can cause his Siblings more harm. I also like the interaction with the siblings tbh, that Scene with Leo in chapter 18 where he killed that Illusionist at the end of the chapter because Kamui doesn't have the heart to kill was really sweet, everyone trying to protect Kamui and make sure to uphold his values.

I know people has problems with Kamui wondering if he made the right choice, but wouldn't you? From his POV despite choosing his family (and before knowing Garon isn't really Garon) he has to watched bloodshed and to the point during the Cheve mission where the innocents (RIP Scarlet) was brutally murder. Again people fault Kamui from being Naive but people forget he was stuck in a castle during most of his childhood and only gets to interact with his siblings + servants. Everything to him was White or Black, his naivety about war is telling when both sides tells him about it but respects him (well in Nohr sides, dont know abt birthright) and follows his orders to preserve his values.

That's my take so far, I'm going in on chapter 19 after I collect some kids, Conquest is up there with my all time favorite Thracia 776. Kudos to IS for making a great game.
Strategist Felecia has like no defense :/
Yeah, I reclassed her but dropped her pretty soon afterwards.

It helps that I bought Replicate for Elise.

You weren't suppose to reclass Felicia, you stick her as a maid for healbot and Flame Shuriken duties. Flame Shuriken uses magic stats (like bolt axe and levin sword), She hits hard and if she doesn't, the debuff is ridiclous. She can basically make any opponent looks like chump for an easy kill.


I had heard the explanation for the kids was dumb but not this dumb. Like even Awakening did a better job than this, and that was completely half-assed

I'm curious about the pregnancies too, because somehow my Azura managed to give birth to two children. Like wow.

She even beats teen mom Elise (her daughter is Sophia and she looks older than her)
Finally married Kaden and now I have a family of transforming units. Perfection. The kids are Fox Dragons, anime as fuck.

In other news on the map for Subaki's child I was down to the last to units. The Dark Mage attacked my avatar and missed then it did a double attack with Oni Savage I think. The mage could only do 8 Damage and same for the Paladin....BUT GUESS WHAT!

They both got critical hits with a 1% critical rate and killed me with the exact about of damage required.

I about threw my 3DS out a window.


You weren't suppose to reclass Felicia, you stick her as a maid for healbot and Flame Shuriken duties. Flame Shuriken uses magic stats (like bolt axe and levin sword), She hits hard and if she doesn't, the debuff is ridiclous. She can basically make any opponent looks like chump for an easy kill.

Not even to get Inspiration? That skill seems pretty good.


I've not married anyone off yet. Curious just how bad the children explanation is if low expectations are being broken.


You weren't suppose to reclass Felicia, you stick her as a maid for healbot and Flame Shuriken duties. Flame Shuriken uses magic stats (like bolt axe and levin sword), She hits hard and if she doesn't, the debuff is ridiclous. She can basically make any opponent looks like chump for an easy kill.

Damn, oh well I still like her as strategist so that she can reach a very far member to heal him/her.
Not even to get Inspiration? That skill seems pretty good.

Yeah inspiration is good but you can always re-class at lvl 35 which will take you to level 15 Strategist, level her up twice to get the skills and then switch back. This is to make sure you keep her usefulness while grinding level with her (as a healbot + debuffer)


Yeah inspiration is good but you can always re-class at lvl 35 which will take you to level 15 Strategist, level her up twice to get the skills and then switch back. This is to make sure you keep her usefulness while grinding level with her (as a healbot + debuffer)

Yeah that makes sense. I'll probably go with that.

When exactly can you get the Flame Shuriken for Felecia in Birthright?

I was able to buy it from the store after I upgraded it, which I think I got after chapter 13.


Gah I keep getting one unit killed in the mid way push in Chapter 12 Nohr Hard. It's always by a tiny mistake but damn those Steel Yumi's are no joke. I manage to get the sub bosses and the rest of the ninjas, then set up dragon crest to blow the poison jars in the middle and set up a wall as best as possible while taking out the Samurai and Lance dudes, but I always manage to leave one unit who I think will manage to survive take a hit and die. Gosh darn it.

Also, bit bummed about how terrible Silas' growths have been. When Selena has 5 points of more defense than you, you know you had some dicey rolls. I need to get the S support with Effie soon so I can bench him. Hopefully the kid turns out alright.
Where's the flame shuriken in Conquest? Can you buy it or is it in a missable chest somewhere?

Chapter 12, defeat one of the ninja mini-boss. Or if you miss that I think you can buy it from someone that has Birthright copy of the game (I think armory has to be level 3 though) need a confirmation for that though)

Edit: Nope not buyable from other Birthright Castle holder since its not infinite stock.


I'm still in the pre-split portion of the game (barely had any time to play) and I'm getting annoyed by the way it keeps just progressing the story without cutting to a menu or giving a break of any sort. After chapter 6, this will change, right?

P.S. Is there a reputable beginner's guide anywhere? Cause I already lost a person (retreated, she comes back I believe as long as it's still before chapter six) so I know I'm gonna need some help on that front.
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