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Fire Emblem Fates |OT| Nohr does what Hoshidon't

Finished Birthright Lunatic mode... it was my first Lunatic FE ever and pretty much the only Fire Emblem I didn't abuse mechanically. I farmed supports in the cheapest scouting mission, which provided like a grand total of like 200exp cumulatively mostly across units I benched. Though I did use my castle to buy astra on the MC since I didn't want to tedium of reclassing, so it's not totally pure.

This whole campaign was much more inspired in terms of map design compared to awakening despite claiming to be "similar", with highlights all throughout the game. I think everyone's already mentioned this but the inclusion of Dragon Veins was a really clever idea especially since many chapters had them either has a limited resource or optional given that they could hinder as much as help. [MAP SPOILERS] The beginning
was a little weak, but to get into specifics some of the really cool maps include the boat map with the fliers, which let you essentially make your own corridors. It got REALLY hectic once the enemies started swarming and if you didn't efficiently clear them the enemy easily overwhelms you. There are plenty of really cool twists on the standard "rout" map, including stuff like the ninja village.
The middle of the game
had some of the more gimmicky maps, including that one lava level which was ridiculous, an interesting "retreat" map and a really cool mid-game boss battle with Camilla, who I think was the first to use Dragon Veins against you. There was an over-reliance on Faceless which was pretty abyssmal though, and the "poison swamp" like chapters were really pointless given how little damage the swamps did. Even lava was more annoying for the move penalty than anything else. Ironically given the environmental hazards this may have been the worst FE game to go barefoot in... but hey, gotta cater to that crowd.

I'm not sure what Conquest's endgame is like yet but Birthright's final few chapters
are basically swarming you with high move high offense/defense units. I'm killing like 60 to 100 baddies on a map which is actually pretty absurd. Speed is virtually never an issue, but the game loves this one-two punch where they keep magic and physical units nearby so attacking an enemy with low defense usually exposes you to the mages. There are only a few units that you can reliably use to man the front-lines given how HARD things hit you. Shoutouts go to Camilla's final chapter which was designed by a sadist. Swarmed by all sides by like 8-move mounted units and an insane dragon vein that did like 1/3 of your health. Although I hated it at the time the enemy bombardment forced you to play aggressively. I bought HP tonics for all my units on that map in order to survive. Iago's final chapter was also pretty insane, since for like the first half dozen turns or so you starting position is assaulted by squads of six mixed mounted units.

All in all probably my favorite FE game yet, though I don't know if I might have the same experience with older FEs since this is the first game where I couldn't save scum for stat resets, even on hardest difficulties.

Also just for fun, my personal Hoshido MVP list!

Final results:
Rinkah 122 Kills
Kaze 124
Ryoma 146
Hinoka 153
Avatar 160.

Personal MVPs:
Ryoma. He's third place cause I basically benched him until the rest of my units were all caught up. What goes unsaid about that list is that Ryoma got like all of his kills in the final 5 chapters, where my basic strategy was that Ryoma in Guard Stance with Kagero would handle one side of the map, and the entire rest of my party would handle the other side of the map. Raijinto is like Ragnell and Killing Edge mixed into a soup of Energy Drops. The combination of Astra granting like a full guard meter, plus Vantage meaning the guard meter is rarely even spent, makes this guy able to charge into a horde of any enemy type imaginable and vaporize them despite being able to take like three hits at most.

Hinoka: Maybe it was just me but I had some really solid defense growths on her, and with a Guard Naginata she was a "hold the line" kind of character. If you can get her married to Silas she makes a ridiculous Grand Knight since her Resistance will be high because of spending so long as a Peg Knight and the class grants a huge Defense bonus. That plus the Guard Naginata means she's one of the few reliable magic and defense tanks which is essential in the Hoshido endgame where it is often impossible to avoid getting hit by both magic and physicals in one turn.

Oboro: High Resistance, high strength, Guard Naginata makes her the perfect "bait" character to pull all the pesky enemies into range of her squishier teammates. Basara seems attractive at first glance due to Rending Heaven and Quixotic but they play against her main talents of just tanking everything. With seal defense and speed even if they suffer zero damage the enemy ends up totally crippled and easily oneshot after any encounter with her.

I've come to realize that, more than anything else, the most important thing in Lunatic is Tankiness. You are utterly flooded with glass cannons and they kind of all bleed into each other eventually with most of them taking a same role. The basic FE strategy of bait with tanks and sweeping with glass cannons falls apart once enemy numbers balloon and you need people to hold the line and plug chokepoints. Even my Avatar, with decent defense growths and like 40 ATK, was only good for being a physical wall when needed and being a glass cannon and boss killer, the lack of resistance really made it very tricky putting her into harm's way.

Edit: Forgot to mention this but the story is kind of ass.


Well just finished Birthright.
I really really loved it. I'm still really impressed how much better it was compared to Awakening. I mean, I still really liked Awakening (was my 2013 GOTY), but I'm blown away just how many of Awakening's problems they fixed (at least mostly gameplay wise).

-I love the changes to the pairup system. In Awakening, you could just be kinda mindless about it and throw your paired up units forward, but they really revamped it to use it a lot more strategically and it really made me think how I wanted to use the stance mechanics.
-I was really surprised on just how much better the maps are compared to Awakening. Like goddamn. Nothing too complex, but they really worked hard on fixing Awakening's problems I can see that. I really liked the usage of Dragon Vein in some of these maps.
-The music is of course amazing. Especially that final map music goddamn. I loved Awakening's Id Purpose, but omfg that final map music was so gdlk.
-Difficulty wise (was on Hard Classic), I thought it was pretty spot on. Was leaning towards a little bit easy towards the end, but overall a much more solid experience compared to Awakening. Yes I realize I've made a lot of comparisons to Awakening, but I'm still so impressed just how much better it was.
-The story was just okaaaay. (Final chapter spoiler warnings)
Wasn't really anything too special, but I can't say I disliked it. I thought it did a pretty good job at making you feel really bad about betraying the Nohr side, considering you spent your whole life with them. Also, the feelings near the end of the game :(. Elise whhhhhy. Xander whhhhhhy. At least I'll get to spend more time with them in Conquest...
Garon just felt like a generic, "GRRR I'M EVIL AND GONNA KILL YOU" type of guy. I kinda hope there's a bit more depth to it than that in the other two games.
I kinda figured Azura would die because of her overusage of her song, but I still felt sad when it happened. All in all, it felt like a pretty standard "prince decides to rebel against his evil father" story, but it was okay all the same. PoR/RD still holds the crown for best FE stories I guess.
-I adored the characters at least. I liked the siblings, even Takumi who was kind of an ass at the beginning, but he does have his reasons for it. Ryoma's pretty much a god in this game wtf. My favorite characters were Hana (my waifu <3), Oboro, Silas, Hinoka, Felicia, and Setsuna prolly.
-The way the children characters are explained is admittedly really dumb and I wish they just kept the time travel aspect of Awakening, but ehhh, I just turned my head off for that. On the kids themselves(I still have to get 3 of them...), my favorites were Shiro, Caeldori, Sophie and Hisame. Kana was of course adorable too <3.

So yeah, that was Birthright. And I really loved it. Probably has the potential to be my favorite Fire Emblem game and that was supposed to be the easy game! Conquest is next, and I'm really looking forward for a more classic FE experience (though I hear the story is bad...which I'll probably just turn my brain off for >>;)
Gonna support grind to get the last few kids before hopefully starting Conquest tomorrow.


Junior Member
Question about the ranking system and marriage. I'm at A rank with Felicia right now. Don't think I want to marry her but if I do S rank her that is just marriage right? If I ever get the chance to have the S rank conversation with her do I just not do it?


Does Replicate take up a deployment slot? It's kinda broken if not.

No you activate it as a skill after deploying.

That + Warp and whatever offensive/critical skill you want breaks the game.

They just do not share the support bonuses but they still do a lot of damage regardless.
Doing my first challenge against some lvl 6 scrubs and man this soft music on this map is beautiful. Kinda gives me Animal Crossing vibes. I knew the OST was gonna be good but I didnt think itd be this great and so early in the game too.
Doing my first challenge against some lvl 6 scrubs and man this soft music on this map is beautiful. Kinda gives me Animal Crossing vibes. I knew the OST was gonna be good but I didnt think itd be this great and so early in the game too.

You can change the music in your castle to that same song. Just speak to Jakob/Felicia, select change music, and then select Road Taken.
Just about to get started and I have a quick question.

I'm going to pick Samurai as my talent. Would I be better bolstering the Speed or Skill that I'll already get, or should I try and patch up the Strength flaw that Samurai will incur?
So chapter 8 (Nohr Hard/Classic) just keeps kicking my ass. Any tips or do I just have to pray to the RNG gods?

My units are as follows:

Corrin lvl 12
Felicia lvl 3
Elise lvl 6
Silas lvl 9
Arthur lvl 7
Effie lvl 8

I've been taking the rescued villager (lvl 1) instead of Arthur because his hit chance pisses me off.

Do I just have to keep trying and trying till I make it through or does anyone have some sort of strategy for this map?


Are the difficulty levels similar to Awakening? Is normal still easy mode and hard mode normal?
Conquest hard mode is a lot harder than awakening hard on top of this game being mechanically sound. It's a pretty recommended challenge though, it feels just right if you're not a newcomer.

Just about to get started and I have a quick question.

I'm going to pick Samurai as my talent. Would I be better bolstering the Speed or Skill that I'll already get, or should I try and patch up the Strength flaw that Samurai will incur?
Samurai is gonna be your subclass, you still start the game as a Royal so it's up to you which stats you value the most.


DLC Spoiler if anyone cares:
I just beat the Awakening Prologue and got the Exalt's Brand. Should I use it on FeMU? She's level 12.


So chapter 8 (Nohr Hard/Classic) just keeps kicking my ass. Any tips or do I just have to pray to the RNG gods?

My units are as follows:

Corrin lvl 12
Felicia lvl 3
Elise lvl 6
Silas lvl 9
Arthur lvl 7
Effie lvl 8

I've been taking the rescued villager (lvl 1) instead of Arthur because his hit chance pisses me off.

Do I just have to keep trying and trying till I make it through or does anyone have some sort of strategy for this map?
What I did was send Corrin and Jakob (felicia's male counterpart) up north paired up in order to get the soldier that's warning the villages. With dragons tone Corrin is sturdy enough or with the yato he should be nimble enough, play around with that. You could also send Effie with some other units but there's too many axe dudes for my liking. I sent the rest of my troops to the west in order to save the western village. Just be careful of the maid's sub boss freeze staff so you're not stuck and left in the open against the reinforcements, she won't move from her spot so she shouldn't attack you and you can't recruit her and she doesn't die if you beat her so no reason to be coy around her.

Also, I personally try to maximize my healers experience gain so whenever I get a chance to heal hp, even if it's one point due to a level up I go for it.


DLC Spoiler if anyone cares:
I just beat the Awakening Prologue and got the Exalt's Brand. Should I use it on FeMU? She's level 12.

Save those for end game, you get a limited amount and you don't want to waste it early. Assuming you play Birthright, there is a child unit that will benefit from it A LOT.
Whats usually a good amount of units to stay with till the end of the game? Theres so many to choose from that I might end up having to let some go.


Chapter 14 Birthright looks really uninspired map-design wise. It makes a lot of sense from a (lol)story stand-point, but seeing nothing but empty field full of enemies is eh.
Whats usually a good amount of units to stay with till the end of the game? Theres so many to choose from that I might end up having to let some go.

You'll end up fielding about 15 units for most of the last third, with 16 in the last couple of maps. For the most part you won't have to cut units until like midway into the game anyways, and by then it should be pretty obvious who isn't pulling their weight. There are some characters, like Mozu, that you have to feed to get them good so you probably want to decide early if you want to bother. For the most part though, in both paths, most everyone is viable so pick who you like, or whomever has good level ups and fit the right niche in your party.


Question about permadeath (Awakening was my first one and I've yet to play with permadeath enabled) - if a unit who's important to the story dies, do they DIE die, like disappear from cutscenes from then on and stuff? Or do you just lose the ability to use them in battles? I just can't imagine the developers taking the time to write new dialogue and cutscenes to use in case certain characters eat it.

You just lose the ability to use them in battle, they still appear in the story/cutscenes like normal.

Except for Kaze, if Corrin doesn't at least A-Rank with him before Chapter 15, then he dies in the story.

Yeah, but an exception is Ch1-6. They aren't permadeath, except for Chapter 6, basically anybody that's "temporary" and will actually join later isn't permadeath. So like the royality guys on Nohr side. But, for example....Sakura on Hoshido side will die permanently though because you actually gain her from Ch6 and onward. Or Azura.


I need help understanding the shop in game. So I go to the shop and see all these weapons and items. Some are bold, some are greyed out. I'm *assuming* bold means a character can use them? But I don't really see a way to properly compare a weapon in the shop with the weapon I have equipped....

What is the best way for buying weapons and stuff and comparing against what you have? The game doesn't actually tell you this shit, unfortunately. :/
Birthright 12 was a lot of fun. It was easy enough that I only had two make two attempts, but I nearly lost at on the last turn anyway. :p it was a great change of pace.
Chapter 12 Birthright

"Lost in thoughts all alone."
(Groans of increasing discomfort)

Why you would put that in the game idk, but I laughed a lot at it.

I laughed hard at this.


As much time as I put into Awakening, it's been a while. I feel like I remember paired units also getting an attack. I noticed now that only happens when they're singled out and in an adjacent spot. Not complaining. Seems a lot more balanced. But I could swear it's different.


As much time as I put into Awakening, it's been a while. I feel like I remember paired units also getting an attack. I noticed now that only happens when they're singled out and in an adjacent spot. Not complaining. Seems a lot more balanced. But I could swear it's different.

It definitely is different.
Pairing is a "defensive" stance now. It's meant to block hits, and you get that shield meter that will guarantee a block. They only pair attack when side by side, I think.
Awakening had it so that pairing did everything, so this is a much less broken way of making the pairing system work. :) -- But also means I die a lot more because enemies do it too.. haha.
Any tips on what to do with the Generals in Chapter 13 of Birthright? They have a fun tendency to come at me at inopportune times and kill someone who can't take a hit like Azura.


I get my JP file working on English. I will have my castle ready soon for all you to take skills and make broken unit.


Nohr 18

Those Generals guarding the door to the other royals are killing me man. I have an Armorslayer/Hammer yet they do so much damage back to me that i cant survive the next turn.


Whom should I capture with Orochi? unique foes leaders or just any enemy?

Some bosses can be captured if they don't appear after that battle (mainly in the paralogues, although there's a woman you can get in Hoshido's main story,

As far as capturing generic units go, if you're playing on hard or lunatic some will have pretty decent stats and even unique skills from outside of their class line (although this is more common in Conquest).
Nohr 18

Those Generals guarding the door to the other royals are killing me man. I have an Armorslayer/Hammer yet they do so much damage back to me that i cant survive the next turn.
This mission might've been the closest call I've had so far.
I started with the top of the map, and saved the two generals for the end. If they're the last bosses, killing them ends the mission, so the idea for me was to kill both of them in one turn before they had the chance to move on their own turn, and before the mounted units in the lower right corner of the room have the chance to move. Basically, do it in one go and don't care whose range you're in.

I didn't have an Armorslayer or a Hammer (because I'm an idiot and sit on all my money) but I have a magic Corrin with a Levin Sword. He did a lot more damage than anyone else, so boosting him with Azura's song was essential. Basically what I did was move everyone around the left side, just out of range, and then rushed them using attack stance when I could. If I couldn't do it in one turn I'd have been screwed, but Azura is the one who saved it after Leo missed.

Also Elise had Enfeeble, which was useful for taking out the first General, who has a bonus from guard stance.

Hope this helps at all. Not the best with advice.


So I need to vent. Right now I am playing Fire Emblem Conquest on hard classic right off the bat because I thought Fire Emblem Awakening hard classic wasn't too hard and somewhat easy in the later chapters. Anyways, I like how past chapter 6 you had to think about your approaches and who to pair up and when to go on the offense. I also love that most of the Nohr characters have decent stats to start off with. Guess I put spoilers up in case someone wants to be surprised by the map.

Chapter 7
was basically forming a wall while the enemies smash their face into Effie, Silas, and Corrin with Felicia, Arthur, and Elise support as needed. Somehow beat it on my first try and had fun.

Chapter 8
with the Ice Village was tricky to get to 3 villages to get bonus reward and it was the first chapter I had to reset several times because someone died. After several resets, I made a solid strategy where I sent most of my characters up north to take care of that one soldier and that group of reinforcement he will summon. When Niles and Odin come along and I paired them up to take care of the village in the left. Niles was able to solo the mages with Odin paired up so it's manageable. Eventually got all three villages closed, took my time beating the stage since enemies would not approach until you come into their attack zone.

Then comes Chapter 9
and that was the first stage where I had to be mindful of enemies skills or I was going to get wrecked. I like how that stage simply felt like a puzzle where you had to approach it a certain way to clear it. Didn't even fight the group at the front door.

Then comes that motherfucking brick wall that is Chapter 10. It is 3:30 a.m. In the east coast and I think I spent like 2 and half hours trying to beat it. No Fire Emblem stages has ever made feel this frustrated.
Like there was fucking reinforcements everywhere every turn. There like no time to heal up. It one engagement after the next. Then whoever designed that stage thought that paired up troops with swarms of Pegasus knights wasn't hard enough, Takumi activated a Dragon Vein and everything just goes free for all basically and it just goes to shit with either I spread my chacters too thin and my support characters died or some of my characters were ganged up to the point of being too much to handle or even worst, a Pegasus knight flies into the green space. That said, I did eventually beat the stage but Selena had to go and died by the club users (don't know or care to look it up right now) despite the hit percentages were in her favor(took every club to the head and couldn't dodge a single one). Played on and beat it with only Selena dead but I didn't want to move on because she was a character I wanted to stick around. I just turned the game off and needed to let this out. Fuck those ninjas and the defense down skill debuffs

Despite that chapter difficulty I'm going to be committed to hard mode because this game is giving me that classic Fire Emblem challenge and it been a while since a turn based strategy had me scratching my head. Of all the Fire Emblem I played, Fire Emblem Conquest is shaping up to be one of my favorites. That said, I need to seriously sleep.
What was the thinking behind making only staves limited use? Genuine question. I haven't played the game yet.

Well, all weapons use to be limited use. They removed that and made each type of weapon more unique with bonuses and specializations but with specific penelties or debuffs to balance it. You can't give a stave the same thing, so the use limit remained. Some staves have really really good abilities so their often 3 or so time use makes sense. At a certain point, why would you use anything but the best stave? With limited use, it gives a reason to carry more around than just the best one depending on the amount of life you need to heal


Some bosses can be captured if they don't appear after that battle (mainly in the paralogues, although there's a woman you can get in Hoshido's main story,

As far as capturing generic units go, if you're playing on hard or lunatic some will have pretty decent stats and even unique skills from outside of their class line (although this is more common in Conquest).

Yeah I think I will capture bosses in paraluges.
Any tips on what to do with the Generals in Chapter 13 of Birthright? They have a fun tendency to come at me at inopportune times and kill someone who can't take a hit like Azura.

I baited out the boss from across the river, and then killed her, and that made everyone left on the map start moving towards me, but the boss moving might be a lunatic only thing. Else, you can use the dragon vien to reduce one of the general's hp to 1. But in general, you should never have people who can't take a hit in the movement range of enemies. put someone with high defense (like Rinkah, Oboro or Sakura) at the edge of the enemy's movement range, and have a couple units next to them ready to pounce the enemy when they come.

What was the thinking behind making only staves limited use? Genuine question. I haven't played the game yet.

I assume they couldn't find an adequate downside for the stronger staves. Strong weapons in this game now have downsides: steel weapons lower the user's speed, silver weapons lower the users strength and skill after use. Lowering stats for a staff user doesn't mean much usually since they're not going to be in battle. I can see having an infinite use heal, but the punishment for using too many heals is that you have to buy them from the shop (I think they have an infinite supply of heals?)


Chapter 12

did Corrin and company really talk about about ambushing the king of another kingdom and details about of the plan in front of a strangers(Layla and Kaden) so casually? lol this game.


Sorry for asking this 2 questions but...where can I find the amiibo items? I got two for each but haven't seen it on the inventory/convoy...

Also what you can do by "bonding"? I S-ranked Azura and she has empty hearts and the game shows the empty hearts after she talks. :p


Sorry for asking this 2 questions but...where can I find the amiibo items? I got two for each but haven't seen it on the inventory/convoy...

Also what you can do by "bonding"? I S-ranked Azura and she has empty hearts and the game shows the empty hearts after she talks. :p

You have to build the accessory shop, and access them there for the amiibo items.
I baited out the boss from across the river, and then killed her, and that made everyone left on the map start moving towards me, but the boss moving might be a lunatic only thing. Else, you can use the dragon vien to reduce one of the general's hp to 1. But in general, you should never have people who can't take a hit in the movement range of enemies. put someone with high defense (like Rinkah, Oboro or Sakura) at the edge of the enemy's movement range, and have a couple units next to them ready to pounce the enemy when they come.

My general path has been to loot the villages, kill the sub-boss, then lure the boss to my side of the river and hope my archers can take them down. By this point, one or both of the general will be on the march and having a full enclosure of everyone that can tank one of their hits is difficult. Azura can only get so far at the end of the map before I'm beset on all sides.

Should I be bringing a Diviner into this battle? Dragon Corrin seems to be the only thing that does any damage to them - even then, he activated his dragon skill once and it only took a general down to 5.
My general path has been to loot the villages, kill the sub-boss, then lure the boss to my side of the river and hope my archers can take them down. By this point, one or both of the general will be on the march and having a full enclosure of everyone that can tank one of their hits is difficult. Azura can only get so far at the end of the map before I'm beset on all sides.

Should I be bringing a Diviner into this battle? Dragon Corrin seems to be the only thing that does any damage to them - even then, he activated his dragon skill once and it only took a general down to 5.

Diviner or an armorslayer sword or hammer axe (not sure if you have it by this chapter) will all be able to take a good chunk off the generals. Doubt a single unit can do it in one turn except for a fast unit with the armorslayer, though. I was able to get the dragon vein that hits the sub boss, and bait out the main boss on the same turn, which was the turn before the other units started moving towards you. You should be able to beat both in 1 turn if you lowered the sub boss's hp with the dragon vein. That allowed me to beat those guys and give me like 2 turns before the generals could reach me mid map, directly across from the boss. At the very least, the dragon vein hitting the sub boss is pretty important.
anyone do
paralogue? my god that was one of the best maps in the game especially if you do it early on
the endless amounts of faceless that seem to spawn plus the poison
really had to make me think about my units position and how to abuse the guard stance system (which in imo is the best one lol)
My general path has been to loot the villages, kill the sub-boss, then lure the boss to my side of the river and hope my archers can take them down. By this point, one or both of the general will be on the march and having a full enclosure of everyone that can tank one of their hits is difficult. Azura can only get so far at the end of the map before I'm beset on all sides.

Should I be bringing a Diviner into this battle? Dragon Corrin seems to be the only thing that does any damage to them - even then, he activated his dragon skill once and it only took a general down to 5.
A ninja with sting shuriken and Takumi should both be pretty strong general killers at this point. The armorslayer from chapter six should also be effective in the hands of Corrin or either samurai if they're up to snuff. Hinoka with a Bolt Naginata should be decent also. Oh, and if the sting shuriken doesn't kill them take advantahe of the debuff. I think Oboro's skill for dropping enemy defense should also be helpful.
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