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Formula 1 - Abu Dhabi GP 2016 |OT| No matter who wins, the race will end in fireworks

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Well in 2012 six different teams won races (McLaren, Ferrari, Mercedes, Red Bull and Lotus).

Oddly enough 2012 turned out to be a close season despite being one of the biggest stompings in the sports history. If it wasn't for mechanical failures while in the lead (again!) Hamilton would have won that year by some 70 points.


don't ask me for codes
Thread title delivers.

But everyone worships Senna.

You don't know what you've got 'til it's gone. He really was something unbelievably special. I've always thought no other sports person has got closer to their true potential than Senna did. I can't think of a race I watched where he wasn't driving so quick he was at the mercy of a mistake.

El Topo

A few of us who watched the races back then have less rose tinted glasses towards him, unfortunately it's uncouth to call out dead people for some of the shit they did so his legacy is untouchable.

I'm just trying to point out that the guy is so revered by many that it is hardly a reason to single out Hamilton.


Things can deffo happen next season with the new rules and unlimited engine development.

Mercedes I imagine started work on 2017 very early because they could afford to not improve as much this season, not sure how early others did.

Hell, Honda engines don't explode nearly as much any more so they might even get McLaren back up the grid.

Between those 4 thats 8 drivers, 5 WDCs and 2 who clearly have the talent to join the club.
I hope this helps Britney step out of Hamilton's shadow a bit. He's obviously capable of putting a lap together, he just seems to suffer in race conditions.

But yeah, at least three teams competing next year please.


Well in 2012 six different teams won races (McLaren, Ferrari, Mercedes, Red Bull and Lotus).

AHEM.. AHEM.. How can you forget Formula 1 race winner Pastor Maldonado with his team Williams?

2012 was the greatest season in recent Formula 1 history because it had the most champions on the grid and 7 different winners in the first 7 races.


He should be like this more often. Watching Nico show his emotions more is what I've been waiting for for at least two years now.

When he was running through how he felt in the race, I now get the feeling that in the other interviews is "Don't say what you're really thinking, you'll sound like a crazy person under pressure" rather than it being a PR machine reason for being reserved. "I thought this was the one day I wouldn't see Verstappen and there he was!" :lol.


Things can deffo happen next season with the new rules and unlimited engine development.

Mercedes I imagine started work on 2017 very early because they could afford to not improve as much this season, not sure how early others did.

Hell, Honda engines don't explode nearly as much any more so they might even get McLaren back up the grid.

Between those 4 thats 8 drivers, 5 WDCs and 2 who clearly have the talent to join the club.

The optimistic scenario for me would be Red Bull and Mercedes fighting for first, with a fight for third between Williams, Ferrari, Mclaren and Force India.


wow i just realized, there's a big possibility we'll see the last season of Alonso and Kimi next year. They are the last two drivers from the early 00's.

Kinda afraid of a pretty shitty driver line up for 2018 now. (i mean Hamilton, Vettel, Verstappen and Ricciardo are great, but the midfield will lack any kind of star quality/race winner drivers)


The optimistic scenario for me would be Red Bull and Mercedes fighting for first, with a fight for third between Filliams, Ferrari, Mclaren and Force India.

My optimistic scenario would be that Red Bull doesn't leap wrong everyone else too much and the new cars don't make it even harder to follow the car in front.

Massive regulation changes have always increased the gaps between teams. Only stability tightens the grid.


Well in fairness in light of the times we live in you would imagine something like that should be possible by now.

I mean we have Mercedes, Red Bull, Ferrari all with good drivers so just maybe another team breaking into that mixing things up...can but hope.

Nah, the cars are so fast and the tolerances so fine. That's why we keep seeing a dominant car, or at the very least, we see teams line up on the grid as team 1, then team 2, then 3 etc.

Many years ago the braking distances were much larger and the cars had way less aero grip so the margins for braking or going around a corner and not flying off was a lot more dependent on the driver and less on the car. The cars are also so fast there is way less room for mistakes.

I often see that as some argument that the drivers now couldn't cut it if they went back you had manual gearboxes with proper gated shifters etc, but the reality is the best drivers can drive whatever you put them in; if Hamilton, Alonso and co got into an older F1 car, they would still be ridiculously fast, in the same way those older drivers would be fast in the new cars, it's just they happen to be around during different years of F1 technology.

You definitely wouldn't see however, someone like Ayrton Senna jump in a Ferrari and somehow be challenging a Merc. It's just not how the cars have evolved. We're talking about a sport where even a quarter of a second is considered off the pace, half a second and you might as well not even show up. 1 second and question what you're even doing on the grid.

The amount of concentration and fitness those guys have to be driving those cars to the times they do is mind boggling, and a huge number of them can do it, but when you have a car that's 0.3 seconds off, over a race, you aren't even in with a shot to win no matter how good you are.

F1 is a technical race probably even more so than a driver one. The only driver you're really competing against is your team mate, outside of that, it's your engineers you need to rely on to be moving forward.

Hell Merc told Hamilton they wanted 1:45.3's, he then put in 3 laps at that, I couldn't even tap my foot to a 0.1 sec accuracy much less drive for nearly 2minutes and stay within that margin.


AHEM.. AHEM.. How can you forget Formula 1 race winner Pastor Maldonado with his team Williams?

2012 was the greatest season in recent Formula 1 history because it had the most champions on the grid and 7 different winners in the first 7 races.
Whoops, corrected. Poor Pastor.

Yeah I like to cite 2012 because people sometimes make it seem like you have to go back decades to find an enjoyable season. The reality is that given the right circumstances, this season could've been like 2012. Next season could. It just depends where the teams are relative to each other and that has always been a big factor in this sport, and always will unless we stick all drivers in the same cars.


Just watched it. Nice, the cunt lost, congrats Nico.

Come on now. As much as I wanted to see Nico win the championship for once, Lewis is still a great driver. It'd be easier if people were respectful to both of them now that the season is over, because it has been toxic talking about these two, both here and on social media.


21 different race winners next season. Let's do it.

But then Red Bull will whine and they will change the tyres again. FFS I still can't forgive how they ruined that season after the camber malpractice at Silverstone. Fuck them.

Please be respectful, Lewis is the people's Champion and still the better driver.

That coming from someone that called the Rosberg family as "scrub family" is definitely the "Joke of the day" presented by Heineken. I guess some people take other people losses very personally.


AHEM.. AHEM.. How can you forget Formula 1 race winner Pastor Maldonado with his team Williams?

2012 was the greatest season in recent Formula 1 history because it had the most champions on the grid and 7 different winners in the first 7 races.

Fuck that. I never want to go back to the Pirelli lottery ever again. yes it's stale now, but it's still better than that shit.


Please be respectful, Lewis is the people's Champion and still the better driver.

The people's champion? For people who are Lewis fans, yes. Not for anyone else. He's still just another racing driver.

His off the race track interviews screamed sore loser. Be respectful, give Nico his praise and move on to next year asap.


Oh and the race today only stopped me from painting walls in the lounge on two occasions.

The start.
The last 5 laps.

We need the shake up next year promises desperately.
Oh and the race today only stopped me from painting walls in the lounge on two occasions.

The start.
The last 5 laps.

We need the shake up next year promises desperately.

Yup. Was a godawful race aside from a little bit at the start, and a little bit after Vettel did his final pit stop.
I think people need to adjust their perspectives and understand that this isn't just some prize, this is something these drivers have longed for since they were kids. Growing up and rising through the ranks, this is the ultimate dream for them. Of course it's upsetting to be runner-up. For this reason, it's not hard to imagine any driver doing the same in this situation, especially given that several reliability issues have set you back significantly, so I don't think it's fair to be giving Hamilton shit for feeling dejected/salty.

Rosberg has driven very well this season, particularly after the summer break. I'm not upset that he won the WDC, I just feel bad that for Lewis given that I believe he was the better driver overall. But let's face it, this is how it goes, it's happened in many previous seasons and it'll happen again, we move on and look forward to 2017,
where I'll be cheering for Ricciardo


That's how I see it.

It makes perfect sense for a person at the caliber of an F1 Driver to be upset at barely losing the ESC.

Also, Hamilton was absolutely the better driver.


Redmond's Baby
Nico posted 4 minute long video of footage from his childhood years on Twitter :)
Stoffel Vandoorne had more points than Esteban Gutierrez despite appearing in only one race.

And then is GUT baffled why nobody respects him... and he is dreaming about being a reserve driver at Ferrari next year lol
Only got to see the start and the last ten laps.

Congratulations to Nico for winning the title fair and square.
The only thing I'm bitter about is the fact that we didn't have good fights between the two for P1 in this season.

Lewis did what he thought he had to do to win the title and while that last attempt seemed desperate, I can in no way blame him for trying. Winning is the only thing that matters and no one cares about the runner-up. The history books and statistics don't care which driver deserved it more than others. It was Lewis' last shot and he missed. Hopefully we'll have better fights between the two next year.
That's how I see it.

It makes perfect sense for a person at the caliber of an F1 Driver to be upset at barely losing the ESC.

Also, Hamilton was absolutely the better driver.

Hell be alright. This loss wasnt anything like the one he took in 2007 & he already has 3 under his belt. The sport is probably better off if we dont have Vettel-like dominance anyway.


I'm very happy for Nico ! WELL DONE AND CONGRATS ! :DD

Lewis was infuriating with his moves to back Nico up into the rest but I totally understand it was his only chance. If anything I was more surprised by the lack of aggressiveness from Nico to try and overtake him but eh !

Mercedes domination through and through, hope 2017 changes that...

In the end, Hamilton is faster, but Nico is a very thorough and solid driver with great consistency and he's been with Mercedes from the start.
Going against Schumacher (v2) and Hamilton is really rough and pulling out a championship even with favorable conditions is worthy of a commendation !


As a Mercedes supporter, since actively starting to watch F1 in 1994, I'd love to say that I'm pleased that Rosberg won the title but... yeah we all know Lewis is the better driver - not that I'd support him of he moved to another (non Mercedes powered) team though. Better doesn't always win though and that's simply what happened this season. I clearly don't care about a driver's off track antics.

And contrary to everybody else's wishes, I hope we continue to dominate next season. Other teams may come as close as they can/like and races may be as exciting as Brazil but I still want to see a Mercedes driver on the top step as often as possible.


F1 retired that numbering system. Now you pick a number and stick with it. It helps those new to the sport identify the drivers. At least that was the FIA's rationale.

No, you can still have the #1 on your car if you choose.

I like that they have their own number though.
So Merc could've won all 21 races if in once race both cars didn't crash into each other and in another the engine didn't blew up

But yeah 2017 is gonna be different...


So Merc could've won all 21 races if in once race both cars didn't crash into each other and in another the engine didn't blew up

But yeah 2017 is gonna be different...
I remember feeling like Ferrari should have won in Australia and for sure Red Bull threw away Monaco.


So Merc could've won all 21 races if in once race both cars didn't crash into each other and in another the engine didn't blew up

But yeah 2017 is gonna be different...

Well we have new aero rules, new tyres and unlimited engine development. Mercedes will no doubt be strong and Ferrari will I'm sure look great but then be shit, but apart from that, anything can conceivably happen.

Vettel already used it too. Not sure if it'll be a big thing for future drivers though.

Doesn't tie in to the merch of having your number on everything so I doubt it.
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