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GC Leipzig - Thread for Cheapskates, Loot Hunter and News Tidbits


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
Game is using a modified version of Gmod. LOL



Hammer24 said:
Sorry, it took me a while ´till it fully hit me: Futuremark, the benchmark specialist, is developing a game? Should look spectacular!
So I take it, this could be from the game too?
Tf53 said:
When I interviewed the exec producer a couple months back, he said that the main focus has been on gameplay, since "they know they can make it look pretty".

The first teaser can be found here. I'll get to see more of it tomorrow.

Checked out the teaser, pretty cool. Decided to look around and found out it wasn't a ship-based space game, like I had assumed from the pic/teaser, but rather a another F.P.S.


http://www.futuremark.com/companyinfo/pressroom/pressreleases/53949/ said:
LEIPZIG GAMES CONVENTION, GERMANY – August 19th, 2008 – Futuremark® Games Studio today revealed Shattered Horizon™, a new game where players fight to survive in the aftermath of a catastrophic Moon mining accident that throws billions of tons of rocky debris into near-Earth space. In this multiplayer first-person shooter for PC teams of players experience realistic zero gravity combat surrounded by the broken remains of orbital infrastructure and the millions of asteroids now encircling the Earth.

With simple and intuitive controls players have complete freedom of movement, making full use of the distinctive environment to control the battle. Shattered Horizon rewards players with gameplay and tactics impossible in games constrained by gravity.


thuway said:
I hope to God they reveal what Alex Evans alluded to when he said "People will say- Little Big Planet is this?"
12 reveals. 1. Heavy Rain. 2. Singstar 3. LBP... 4. GOW3 gameplay? :O


Ephemeris said:
Checked out the teaser, pretty cool. Decided to look around and found out it wasn't a ship-based space game, like I had assumed from the pic/teaser, but rather a another F.P.S.


If they do it right it could be awesome. I hope it's like Tribes but in space.


Confirmed Asshole
Vorador said:
If they do it right it could be awesome. I hope it's like Tribes but in space.
If the physics would be realistic, that would be the ultimate mindfuck :lol :lol Jetpack + Space = HOUSTON WE HAVE A PROBLEM


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?


Confirmed Asshole
Busty said:
Please. Someone. Anyone.

Is the Sony conference being streamed or not?
My guess is that it'll be liveblogged; live streaming is unlikely since traditionally, the network speed at GC is insanely slow.

I'm honestly disappointed that Gametrailers doesn't do livestreaming by default at every conference since they have MTV behind them and it wouldn't be magic for them to set this up.


I think Deep Silver promised to reveal Cursed Mountain, but I guess that didn't happen after all? Or was it only shown behind closed doors?
wmat said:
If the physics would be realistic, that would be the ultimate mindfuck :lol :lol Jetpack + Space = HOUSTON WE HAVE A PROBLEM
I was picturing descent style multiplayer... about time this shit returned. so great


Keyser Soze said:
E3 was the big event for that game, EA held alot of things back but thiey showed that game of very well. I dont think we will see much more of it at events

And good! I don't want to know anything else about the game. When I'll buy it day one I want my experience fresh and spoiler free.


wmat said:
I'm honestly disappointed that Gametrailers doesn't do livestreaming by default at every conference since they have MTV behind them and it wouldn't be magic for them to set this up.

Agreed. I would have thought that Gametrailers might have wanted to increas their profile by live streaming events like this.

After all Gamespot is a shadow of it's former self but it's still a 'note worthy' site because of it's E3 coverage (even if the presenters are so incompetent as to be evil) and streaming of events.


deepbrown said:
12 reveals. 1. Heavy Rain. 2. Singstar 3. LBP... 4. GOW3 gameplay? :O


Mr Reeves, please give us 12 worthy announcements and make PlayStation Kitten happy.

I doubt we'll see God of War 3 gameplay footage. If they had that for a few weeks, they'd show it at E3 since it's an SCEA production.
jjasper said:
So what are the chances SF4 hits the consoles this year?

considering the timeframe and perfectionist attitude at Capcom....pretty slim

They've had a win win formula with early year releases ala Lost Planet, DMC4, etc.


AgentOtaku said:
considering the timeframe and perfectionist attitude at Capcom....pretty slim

They've had a win win formula with early year releases ala Lost Planet, DMC4, etc.

That's true it seems like all their big releases are in Jan/Feb. I guess I can live with that.


Confirmed Asshole
Blimblim said:
Hellz yeah.

I'm done with newscrawling, you guys do it.


One more about live videostreaming from Sony's conference: Don't expect anything from Giga, they're relaunching their site atm.

G4TV only makes daily videos about the GC according to their newsfeed, so they won't do it as well.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?

why don't these guys make a new heath ledger joker based model ? that would be much better ..


Confirmed Asshole
chandoog said:
why don't these guys make a new heath ledger joker based model ? that would be much better ..
Heath Ledger's dead, so they can't really ask / scan him. Plus, he's not the guy from the comics.


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
chandoog said:

why don't these guys make a new heath ledger joker based model ? that would be much better ..

Midway don't have the rights to the film version of the characters.


Confirmed Asshole
GrayFoxPL said:
I can't get the low stream of sf4 to work on gamersyde. Merde!
Zut alors!

I also always have problems with the flash stream directly after the news has been posted. It seems you have to give it a few hours or download the actual file.


The Inside Track
wmat said:
Zut alors!

I also always have problems with the flash stream directly after the news has been posted. It seems you have to give it a few hours or download the actual file.
Yeah we are working on that, will be fixed soon.
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