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//: Global Starcraft II League (GSL) 2012 GSL Season 4 - KeSPA Strikes Back


watching this stream makes me wish they used gom player.

i run into so many issues on twitch with the OSL. issues i dont run into on twitch normally.

Tried VLC? It's in Korean, but with the OSL it's kind of tradition to watch in Korean.

I can't stand the GOM Player, in England I get such bad quality that I can't see what's going on.


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Holy fuck NO

This plague needs to be contained not spread.

gom player is amazing and i use it every day for all my video watching <3

havent tried the VLC thing, might have a look into that thank you. one of the things that bothers me most is if i mute the stream then leave it to go back to hte GSL.. the image seems to freeze.. so i never know when another game has started at the OSL and i seem to miss them all


gom player is amazing and i use it every day for all my video watching <3

havent tried the VLC thing, might have a look into that thank you. one of the things that bothers me most is if i mute the stream then leave it to go back to hte GSL.. the image seems to freeze.. so i never know when another game has started at the OSL and i seem to miss them all

On the english stream they shut it off between games for vod purposes.


gom player is amazing and i use it every day for all my video watching <3

havent tried the VLC thing, might have a look into that thank you. one of the things that bothers me most is if i mute the stream then leave it to go back to hte GSL.. the image seems to freeze.. so i never know when another game has started at the OSL and i seem to miss them all
Gom player is terrible. VLC should be your dedicated player, twitch should be used by everyone for streaming.


Last vs Flash game two was so sick.

Someone actually did Last's build to me on ladder yesterday and I got owned.

Flash has taught me YET AGAIN (he did all throughout broodwar) how to react to silly builds like that. Flash SO GOOD <33


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Gom player is terrible. VLC should be your dedicated player, twitch should be used by everyone for streaming.

VLC chugs with 1080p vids i'm finding.

I prefer goms features, subtle adjustments of audio (wonderful when i'm bluetoothing the audio to my stereo and there's a slight delay), subtitle placement adjustment is easy. and so many other tiny tiny features i use almsot daily!


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plant infestor outside protoss base.

neural parasite mothership when it comes near and waste vortexs

run off giggling
ooh leenock

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you

Two positional tanks with MMM against Protoss?
Loving it.



relies on auto-aim
Pork belly sucks so I'm alright.

Seeing 'Foreign Players' next to an empty soju glass and the above image is funny.


Tuning in to this, probably won't be a good idea staying up all night but what the hell.

WHY are her cheekbones so prominent.


Haven't watched GSL in a while, the free stream is worse than I remembered it. Probably because I've become used to just average twitch streams that are much higher quality.


CGI bullshit is the death knell of cinema
I thought it was a good series between Bomber and Baby, TvT's really make for some of the best mirror matchups.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Sigh, Nestea. Ultralisks still suck. GG
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