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//: Global Starcraft II League (GSL) 2013 Season 2 + GSTL Season 1 Thread

WHOA! WTF whoever has Sound on his fantasy team that is a ton of points.

Where was this kid in WOL? HOTS seems to agree with him lol. Bomber watch out bro, this kid might take your ACE Terran of ST position.

Keeping an eye out for Sound, might trade for him lol.
Tune in after the footy expecting to see a few games and end up seeing the end of an all kill lol. Damn that series must have been pretty quick.

Sound vs that one Zerg was pretty close but after that Sound dominated vs Terran.

I mean the first match vs Tassador wasn't even close so I thought the Zerg player might tie it up. But after Sound won his 2nd match it went downhill for NSH.

That Hellbat drop is gonna become a new midgame timing. I know I want to try it. At least before they nerf it. lol
Sound vs that one Zerg was pretty close but after that Sound dominated vs Terran.

I mean the first match vs Tassador wasn't even close so I thought the Zerg player might tie it up. But after Sound won his 2nd match it went downhill for NSH.

That Hellbat drop is gonna become a new midgame timing. I know I want to try it. At least before they nerf it. lol

Not surprised tassadar wasn't close, ever since he won code A (or came second not sure) he really hasn't done much of anything.


I hate that there are only 4 teams playing per week. Really fucks my FGSTL picks a lot because I'm forever tempted to trade downwards heavily rather than focusing on lateral/race trades just to get a player that's playing instead of a dud for the week. *sigh*


Battle of the teams with token lady players.

I say Prime put the puppy out as their second player. He's a newcomer that could use the stage time.


Fuck. I have Byun on Prime and San on Azubu on my anti. I can see it now: Byun 3 kill into San Reverse AK. Wunder dies.
jesus the free stream is horrible, mainly due to the HORRIBLE observer jumping around so quickly that the screen turns to mush. Bah. It looks alright when stable...but battles are just bad


jesus the free stream is horrible, mainly due to the HORRIBLE observer jumping around so quickly that the screen turns to mush. Bah. It looks alright when stable...but battles are just bad

It has been like this since day 1 pretty much.

Also Byun on my anti-team. Fuck my life.
I missed it and no MKP. :( But wow Byun following Sound with a All-kill. I didn't have him on my anti so I'm good. Gonna trade Avenge for him most likely or Sound if the value difference is too much. Looks like Terran is going to get a nerf if the other races don't start winning more. Its really skewing the results.

Then again Blizz is probably waiting for the 1st HOTS GSL to finish and see the RO8 before they say anything.


I missed it and no MKP. :( But wow Byun following Sound with a All-kill. I didn't have him on my anti so I'm good. Gonna trade Avenge for him most likely or Sound if the value difference is too much. Looks like Terran is going to get a nerf if the other races don't start winning more. Its really skewing the results.

Then again Blizz is probably waiting for the 1st HOTS GSL to finish and see the RO8 before they say anything.

This won't be possible. Points get adjusted every week and there's no way you're going to be able to trade someone who wasn't played for someone who just got an all kill... and I wouldn't judge too much from balance based off this kind of setup. Wait for the individual league!

boiled goose

good with gravy
I dont really like how speed boost medivacs work out.

It seems terran can just doom drop on a whim, do a ton of damage, and then get out.
Static drop defense is not good enough and everything else is slower.

I think it either needs to be made an energy based ability or nerf medivacs in some other way.
Medivas seem unfair, because you can win a match on a spontaneous decision, not calculated play.


I dont really like how speed boost medivacs work out.

It seems terran can just doom drop on a whim, do a ton of damage, and then get out.
Static drop defense is not good enough and everything else is slower.

I think it either needs to be made an energy based ability or nerf medivacs in some other way.
Medivas seem unfair, because you can win a match on a spontaneous decision, not calculated play.

I expect them to add some sort of drawback to using it other than the simple cool down. It kind of sucks not having a tournament every weekend! IPL6 was supposed to be this weekend and it would've been nice to watch some more tournament-level HOTS even if the main tournament was gonna be WoL :(
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