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//: Global Starcraft II League (GSL) 2013 Season 2 + GSTL Season 1 Thread

boiled goose

good with gravy
I am also not a huge fan of how widow mines are working out. The fact that terrans are opting to cut out tanks so much in PvZ is sad. I think a simple range decrease will make them play out more interestingly and make their usage more strategically.

My favorite change so far is for PvT. Toss now how a lot more options to pressure. Makes the matchup a bit more dynamic. I would like a buff to recall. Fun abilities like this should be used more often. :p


Openers for next week:

Axiom-Acer.Scarlett vs

MVP.Dream vs

Wow, Scarlett opening. DOUBLE WOW, Mvp opening! Mvp rarely seems to play in GSTL, and they're actually opening with him!
I am also not a huge fan of how widow mines are working out. The fact that terrans are opting to cut out tanks so much in PvZ is sad. I think a simple range decrease will make them play out more interestingly and make their usage more strategically.

My favorite change so far is for PvT. Toss now how a lot more options to pressure. Makes the matchup a bit more dynamic. I would like a buff to recall. Fun abilities like this should be used more often. :p

Mines are by far the best addition to HOTS and are now my favorite unit i think. Bio/widow mine is an awesome unit composition in ZvT and i love watching it. I think you will see tanks used a little more as time goes on. Even if they don't that's an issue with tanks not mines, they need a boost.

Decreasing the range of widow mines is more likely to make them not used at all if anything.

I expect them to add some sort of drawback to using it other than the simple cool down. It kind of sucks not having a tournament every weekend! IPL6 was supposed to be this weekend and it would've been nice to watch some more tournament-level HOTS even if the main tournament was gonna be WoL :(

Such a huge missed oppurtunity. There was so much hype around HOTS and MLG and then.....nothing! It's even worse if people are newish to the game. If they enjoyed MLG and wanted to watch more where would they go? There has been so little to watch, it has basically just been Korean team leagues.


I am also not a huge fan of how widow mines are working out. The fact that terrans are opting to cut out tanks so much in PvZ is sad. I think a simple range decrease will make them play out more interestingly and make their usage more strategically.

They already have a fairly low range. Playing with widow mines and defending against them has not been figured out yet. Blizzard would be foolish to change them at the moment. They are exciting in every matchup at the moment. Some pro terrans are already starting to shift to mine+tanks in TvZ because mines alone may not replace tanks as zergs improve their defence/micro.
They already have a fairly low range. Playing with widow mines and defending against them has not been figured out yet. Blizzard would be foolish to change them at the moment. They are exciting in every matchup at the moment. Some pro terrans are already starting to shift to mine+tanks in TvZ because mines alone may not replace tanks as zergs improve their defence/micro.

This is basically what i expected to happen and it's a good thing. Hopefully blizzard don't touch anything just yet.


They already have a fairly low range. Playing with widow mines and defending against them has not been figured out yet. Blizzard would be foolish to change them at the moment. They are exciting in every matchup at the moment. Some pro terrans are already starting to shift to mine+tanks in TvZ because mines alone may not replace tanks as zergs improve their defence/micro.
Totally agree. I think HotS will need a balance patch, but it's still too early. Once GSL is running HotS full steam things will start to shake out.


relies on auto-aim
Mines will be dealt with in time by player skill and people figuring them out.

Mine + Tank traps are the future. A glorious micro based positional future that punishes 1a.


Good. Daybreak still the best map to watch. Fuck CK though.

Don't make me laugh, Daybreak has been awful for about 2 years now. The games are so stale and there's such little room to move around there's no point in people splitting their armies as everything is defended by sitting in the center. It's an awful map.

This is quite possibly the worst map pool ever. Thank god for proleague.


What exactly is the problem with Whirlwind? Besides the balance whining at the end of WOL i'm genuinely curious what the problem is. Is it just because of the size of the map?

I'm a mech player and I freaking love Whirlwind. If I can deal with the size of the map with the slowest possible army in the game (one of my highest winrates is on that map), I'm not sure why other people hate that the maps too big. I'd argue that maps in SC2 are far too small.
I'm a mech player and I freaking love Whirlwind. If I can deal with the size of the map with the slowest possible army in the game (one of my highest winrates is on that map), I'm not sure why other people hate that the maps too big. I'd argue that maps in SC2 are far too small.

I definitely don't want all maps being that big but it is a nice change from the usual maps. I've only had one game there this season (still waiting to get one on neo arkanoid lol).


The way I see it, the bigger the maps the more spread the expansions are. The more spread the expansions are the easier it is to be agressive with smaller amounts of units and therefore defend with a smaller amount of units.

Daybreak and to a greater extent Ohana fucked this up completely and almost killed the competitive Starcraft 2 scene for me. Everything was so clustered together that it makes it easy to defend even up to 5 bases by just sitting in one place. It then makes it impossible to attack anywhere without deathballing it as it'll be instantly killed and leads to the worst kind of games possible.

There's a reason why Neo Planet S is so good. It's small, but large enough that you have to actually have an army to defend bases.
I dont really like how speed boost medivacs work out.

It seems terran can just doom drop on a whim, do a ton of damage, and then get out.
Static drop defense is not good enough and everything else is slower.

I think it either needs to be made an energy based ability or nerf medivacs in some other way.
Medivas seem unfair, because you can win a match on a spontaneous decision, not calculated play.
Protoss might have to build Phoenix before building a death ball now :( Mutas increased speed shut down medicacs.

Speedivacs make the game better in more than one way


I like speedivacs but it has made Mech TvT so much harder tdue to how easy it is for them to mass drop marauders over and over again, but I'm slowly learning how to set up defense to stop them so even then I don't think they're too strong.

Toss and Zerg have their ways of dealing with them too and they certainly make the game more exciting to watch.

The only issue I have with them is the fact most pros now won't even bother with mech as with their crazy multitask it's just better to drop everywhere.


I don't really like Whirlwind because it reminds me of Tal'darim Altar, although Whirlwind is a good deal better. Big maps are just weird for me.


work sucks! having to wake up sucks! AHHH GSL :[

[Code S] RO32 Group A 2013 GSL Season 2

RorO vs.
Creator vs.

just a bit over 3 hours to go!

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
work sucks! having to wake up sucks! AHHH GSL :[

[Code S] RO32 Group A 2013 GSL Season 2

RorO vs.
Creator vs.

just a bit over 3 hours to go!

Ill be asleep :/

I just want to see it for the WCS changes they might do.


oh god, 720. maybe i can finally read the damn unit count.

might still get a ticket. i'll see how this plays out. would be nice since this is all one big tournament we could pay a flat price for everything. no separate gsl and mlg, just one big ass package.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
GSL Map Pool Revealed


Goodbye forever Daybreak & Cloud Kingdom (just kidding foreign tournaments will use you until legacy of the void comes out)

never mind, daybreak is the second whirlwind
I hate Whirlwind... feels like it's 5x bigger than Tal'darim.
Man this sucks. I have to sleep thanks to a test tomorrow. Will have to grab a EHQ pass and watch the VODs. GO BOMBER AND CREATOR! Sorry Roro and Crazy but I want the other 2 to pass.


I am not Max
I haven't watched any sc2 in almost a year and this ZVZ is the weirdest thing I've seen on this game

What happened to make it just ling muta?


I haven't watched any sc2 in almost a year and this ZVZ is the weirdest thing I've seen on this game

What happened to make it just ling muta?

That's just how ZvZ is these days. Mutas got a buff in HOTS to make them faster and regenerate health. Since the infestor nerf (fungal is a projectile), Mutalisks reign supreme in this matchup.


TBH muta wars was a nice change, but I think I'd prefer going back to roach/infestor and the various multitasked aggressions it allowed (rather than having ALL your mutas in one place at all times).

Crazy was crazy for wasting gas on burrow and infestation pit as an aside.
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