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Green Lantern got kicked out of The Justice League (2017)

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EW said:
For instance, it’s not an accident that Warner Bros. hasn’t said much aboutGreen Lantern besides the fact that they’re planning a 2020 reboot. The character is not referenced in BvS and Silverman acknowledges, he may not turn up onscreen for a while.

“[Green Lantern] is an incredible character. He’s actually multiple incredible characters,” Silverman says. “There’s real opportunity there. We didn’t do a great job on that first Green Lantern movie. This is a character who deserves to be treated in the same way that Batman and Superman and Wonder Woman are being treated now, which is with great reverence. I guess I can say to the Green Lantern fans: if they can be patient with us, I think they’ll be really happy.”

But how patient? Rovens says we may not see Hal Jordan, John Stewart, or any incarnation of Green Lantern until Justice League – Part Two. Maybe. “Every beat of the movie is not yet worked out. So there’s the possibility that he may or may not be in Justice League 2,” the producer says. “For now, we felt that we were introducing enough characters that the best possible place we could put Green Lantern is some introduction in Justice League 2, or barring that, a movie after.”

The stink from that movie is really that bad huh? Must be all the green bacon from the cg suit


oh, so he didnt get kicked out literally within movie universe

they just ditched the character for this JLA version. like they did with martian manhunter (tho thats more in line with comics and Cyborg's sudden promotion)

bit confusing title

there's already a Green Lantern Corps movie announced so I think we all figured this


fuck that CGI green bitch anyway. he doesn't deserve to be in another movie unless his name is John Stewart.
Eh even Marvel took a while to get truly cosmic level stories.

Seems like the best course of action is to keep things earthbound (Superman's alien origin notwithstanding initally. Makes that leap to galactic level events better when we've cotrasted it with shit we've had on earth alone.


The Ryan Reynolds Green Lantern movie was franchise ending bad. Worse than the Affleck Daredevil and on par with Ghost Rider and Elektra. It's no surprise they're not in a rush to bring him back. That movie also torpedoed a director's career and ended a marriage.
They just need to introduce the Corps in JL Part 2 and show people how awesome they can be. Then they can launch a movie for the GL of their choosing.


Paper or plastic?
Waiting 3-4 years for another GL movie? I really think WB is being a bit overzealous about not reintroducing GL. It's kind of ridiculous given how quickly superheroes have been rebooted as of recently. We're in a different time. I can only speak from my own pov but I don't think the general movie going audiences remembers or cares about the last one.

Sou Da

Geoff Johns is probably in some dark room right now doing a draft for the GLC movie, muttering to himself about it'll be bigger and better than any Justice League movie ever could be.


I haven't been expecting him in the first JL movie. They never reference the character when it comes to that movie.

I fully expect him to be in the second JL movie, especially if its Darkseid.


They should forego the origin story and just have Hal Jordan show up as Green Lantern for whatever the big bad is in Justice League. Kind of like how they started off the cartoon series.


love on your sleeve
Hal Jordan, this is all your fucking fault! For real, I'll always be salty that we're finally getting a Justice League movie but it doesn't include Green Lantern and Martian Manhunter. That just feels bad, man.


Time for that curveball, WB.



This is is exactly what Marvel is doing.

Big Team-Up Part 1, followed by Boring Space Cop, and then Big Team-Up Part 2.


but Stewart is boring. only time he was decent was in the 70s when he was telling Hal off. other than that.... Green Lantern : Mosaic was a good miniseries though.
if I can't have Hal then I want Guy Gardner.

I think JLU gave people a very distorted look at the character. Short of the same dynamic as JLU, Stewart should stay home.

All the Lanterns suck, but Rayner is the most bearable.
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