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Green Lantern got kicked out of The Justice League (2017)

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No Green Lantern or Martian Manhunter in the Justice League but we get stuck with Cyborg and a Flash that isn't played by Grant Gustin.


Thank Cheesus. He can stay on the corny ass CW network.

And because of his last movie performing so bad doesn't it make more sense for Green Lantern to be in Justice League? He and Cyborg NEED that push.


Cyborg is a founding member but not Green Lantern. Blasphemy.

Are the Black Canary rumors that solid? I do feel like Justice League will try to have at least two female members included, and honestly I'd much rather see Black Canary than Green Arrow.

If anything the Mera rumours are more truthful.
Justice League Part 2 Green Lantern should be Hal.

The Green Lantern Corps movie should focus around John Stewart and Guy Gardner and basically remake Lethal Weapon in space.


Hal is such a piece of shit he somehow learned nothing from becoming a psychotic universe destroying monster. This guy systematically murdered almost all of his allies then basically got a full pardon because he was super sorry about it. This is ignoring what a piece of trash he is in all of facets of his life. The best thing to come out of the New52 is seeing him fail at life.


Hal is such a piece of shit he somehow learned nothing from becoming a psychotic universe destroying monster. This guy systematically murdered almost all of his allies then basically got a full pardon because he was super sorry about it. This is ignoring what a piece of trash he is in all of facets of his life. The best thing to come out of the New52 is seeing him life at life.

hey its not his fault

a yellow space bug made of fear did it


hey its not his fault

a yellow space bug made of fear did it

I still can't believe they did that, it was so beyond.....stupid.

One reason I hope one day it turns out Hal tricked everyone and actually pulled off remaking the universe with himself being often front and center as a great hero and his "turn" nothing more than being infected by a bug.

He even gave everyone a world of their own like he said he would.


Super Member
hey its not his fault

a yellow space bug made of fear did it
and then the yellow space bug possessed all the fan favorite characters

so hal is just like them again. except somehow better still

then the space bug appeared in the movie as a cloud of diarrhea


People really underestimate how popular the Justice League cartoon made John Stewart with most of America. He IS the Green Lantern in most people's minds.
People really underestimate how popular the Justice League cartoon made John Stewart with most of America. He IS the Green Lantern in most people's minds.
I said this before, but in class one day this guy said how he was mad how the movie changed Green Lantern into a white guy and everyone was in agreement. I meant to correct him, but just let it pass for some reason.


People really underestimate how popular the Justice League cartoon made John Stewart with most of America. He IS the Green Lantern in most people's minds.

People keep saying this but it's hardly true. Most movie goers have only the smallest idea who they are most of the time, Batman, hey people know what he usually is. Superman, yup, Wonder Woman sure! But ask them who Diana Prince is though and they'd be lost. Green Lantern? They'd likely be confused at the idea of any more than one.

It's like the Batman cartoon that everyone loves to praise despite it's ratings were merely okay at best and regularly crushed by other shows like X-Men.
Just make Diggle a Lantern and give him his own show since Arrow has no clue what to do with him.

And then he can bring Green Arrow with him too.


People keep saying this but it's hardly true. Most movie goers have only the smallest idea who they are most of the time, Batman, hey people know what he usually is. Superman, yup, Wonder Woman sure! But ask them who Diana Prince is though and they'd be lost. Green Lantern? They'd likely be confused at the idea of any more than one.
That is absolutely true outside the US.


Super Member
That is so sad. To go through life thinking GLs are just PEW PEW lasers and bubbles.
Well in comics he makes real guns and is an architect

maybe he can design towers from which he snipes while fighting parademons

then Kyle would design a sentai robot and knock it down
That is so sad. To go through life thinking GLs are just PEW PEW lasers and bubbles.

They can easily take elements of Rayner's skills with the ring and put them in Stewart. I'm almost sure it'll be Hal & John as the two lanterns they'll use in the Corps movie.


It's true even INSIDE the US, most people got no idea who Wonder Woman really is half the time, even the writers have trouble.

Aquaman? We all know what people think his deal is.
I was referring to the "John Stewart is the Green Lantern to most people" issue :V


The writing of that film was truly so terrible, I think they're right to take a long, loooong time reintroducing the character in film. It doesn't even matter which character they go with, though my money would be on either Hal with a heavy blend of the kind of character Kyle Rayner was in the later runs of his books, or just Kyle Rayner.
People really underestimate how popular the Justice League cartoon made John Stewart with most of America. He IS the Green Lantern in most people's minds.

define America. I guarantee you Stewart wouldn't have carried a show by himself like Hal did. and you forget Jordan has been a Lantern longer, has been in more shows and movies and is the current Lantern. so I don't think a show from over ten years ago is the barometer by which you should be going by.

That is absolutely true outside the US.

that was absolutely NOT TRUE while growing up outside the US. I don't know how old you are but Jordan is the Lantern, Stewart is a back-up. and only the third best option behind Gardner and Rayner.

DCAU viewers had one major positive over GL readers back in the 70s and 80s.

An interesting protagonist.

bwahaha at thinking Stewart is deep.

Oh please, Lasers and bubbles were there just to keep animation costs down and you know it.

excuses, excuses...


that was absolutely NOT TRUE while growing up outside the US. I don't know how old you are but Jordan is the Lantern, Stewart is a back-up. and only the third best option behind Gardner and Rayner.
There are facebook and youtube pages going all nostalgia about the JL cartoon around here. And most people never heard of Green Lantern, Hawkgirl or J'onn before the cartoon.
Man, JL with no GL is gonna be... weird.

It's gonna be really weird.

As for which Lanterns they eventually go with for GL Corps, I'm fond of the idea of having one experienced Lantern who's been serving since before MoS and one new guy. In that context, Stewart could be pretty interesting as the serious, by-the-book veteran contrasted with an off the wall rookie. I'd favor Kyle for that slot, but Guy would work as well.

The big thing for me would be getting the powers right, which means absolutely no green beams or bubbles. Every Lantern's constructs should be immediately identifiable as being theirs, even if it means you have to tweak the rules a little to allow for an acceptable level of variety. A GL should descend into battle surrounded by an army of their own design.

BTW, Hal has grown on me a little, but he's still the least interesting Lantern, barring his history with Sinestro. Just transpose that chunk of the character onto John.
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