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Green Lantern got kicked out of The Justice League (2017)

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Anything they do will just be tacted on from another better GL


This was some Good Shit.


Am I the only one who watched the Green Lantern CG animated series... And liked it?

That Hal was fantastic. The world was very Star Wars like; the locations, the rules, the twists. Shit, he saved all of existence in that show. You can't get any bigger than that. And fuxking battle planets mannnn.


Am I the only one who watched the Green Lantern CG animated series... And liked it?

That Hal was fantastic. The world was very Star Wars like; the locations, the rules, the twists. Shit, he saved all of existence in that show. You can't get any bigger than that. And fuxking battle planets mannnn.

Looked ugly as shit. And Hal.

And yes ugly as shit is my opinion of the CGI Star Wars show too, seriously I hate those art designs.


Am I the only one who watched the Green Lantern CG animated series... And liked it?

That Hal was fantastic. The world was very Star Wars like; the locations, the rules, the twists. Shit, he saved all of existence in that show. You can't get any bigger than that. And fuxking battle planets mannnn.

We're not on about the animated series but yeah people talk about Young Justice all the time but the animated series is really dope.

The art style turned me off initially but turned out to be great. Shame we'll never get a season 2.
Am I the only one who watched the Green Lantern CG animated series... And liked it?

That Hal was fantastic. The world was very Star Wars like; the locations, the rules, the twists. Shit, he saved all of existence in that show. You can't get any bigger than that. And fuxking battle planets mannnn.

Yeah, that was a fun show. Visually it was a little like a CGI take on the DCAU style. People brushed it off because of it, though, which is a shame 'cause like you said it had a fair bit going for it.


We're not on about the animated series but yeah people talk about Young Justice all the time but the animated series is really dope.

The art style turned me off initially but turned out to be great. Shame we'll never get a season 2.

I'm just throwing it in there because I think it took the best approach at forming Hal; the creative, gold-hearted hero. He's an otherwise unremarkable character with a wicked cool ability, and that show is what made me a fan of his. It only took God knows how long for the character to click with me.

And I know what you mean by the art style; but I grew up with Reboot... So it's a step up, lol.


I'm just throwing it in there because I think it took the best approach at forming Hal; the creative, gold-hearted hero. He's an otherwise unremarkable character with a wicked cool ability, and that show is what made me a fan of his. It only took God knows how long for the character to click with me.

And I know what you mean by the art style; but I grew up with Reboot... So it's a step up, lol.

I grew up with Reboot too.

That was not a problem, but those CGI shows today....meh, they can do better. Reboot made it's technology work for it inspite of it's limitations for those eras.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
No Green Lantern or Martian Manhunter in the Justice League but we get stuck with Cyborg and a Flash that isn't played by Grant Gustin.


Replacing Martian Manhunter with Cyborg was the shittiest change to the lineup. Cyborg is just such a fucking boring character. I'm all for diversity, but they really should've chosen someone more interesting.


Doesn't Geoff Johns have some say in the DC Cinematic U? I'm surprised he let this happen.

He does! In fact he's nearly up there with Dan Didio and Jim Lee in power these days at DC. The Green Lantern movie was suppose to be his "big break" into films, before the release you would hear about how he had contributed to the movie and gave his input. After it was such a bust though you never heard him associated with it. If it had been successful his role would have been trumpeted.


There's a lot of potential with Cyborg. For example, they could make him like a Braniac type of character - absolutely connected with technology and the Internet, etc - while also playing the anguish of one losing their perceived humanity (ala Robocop). Aside from that though he needs an image and personality overhaul because he's just a dull as hell character.

Martian Manhunter would have been something more interesting and unique to go with IMO. The potential for MM action sequences seem limitless, and writing an alien experiencing culture shock and wonder is probably pretty easy to mine for humor and intrigue.
There are facebook and youtube pages going all nostalgia about the JL cartoon around here. And most people never heard of Green Lantern, Hawkgirl or J'onn before the cartoon.

yeah facebook pages about the JLU, not Stewart.

Love that shit eating grin on Guy.

don't know why everyone is acting so shocked considering they've worked with plenty of Lanterns and seem them do amazing things. splitting an atom is so low on the totem pole that it's not worth mentioning.

Not just any. All.

Look at that smile.

can't account for bad taste.
edit: matter of fact a warning should be given out to the women of DC. dating this guy may cause sudden death!


I forgot Kyle screwed Alan Scott's daughter

And kept his identity secret throughout it.

Despite her being you know, green......and her not hiding who she is. And staying at his place. And then later getting a new boyfriend when he was out in space and telling him who Kyle was. Kyle found out when he came back to his apartment.

Yeah the break up was done pretty shitty but hey they had to get rid of Kyle's support and role, Hal was coming back!


Quick slayven, get me some Kyle vs. Hal comics reccs. Gotta see some parallax pre-yellow stupid demon thing in action.


Raw dogged it up and down the 3600 sectors

Kyle was at his best with Donna

True that.

And then Jim Byrne ruined it because he wanted the character and I can't remember if he did nothing with her or made her more complicated. It gets confusing at times to remember all the changes...


Quick slayven, get me some Kyle vs. Hal comics reccs. Gotta see some parallax pre-yellow stupid demon thing in action.
will in the morning

True that.

And then Jim Byrne ruined it because he wanted the character and I can't remember if he did nothing with her or made her more complicated. It gets confusing at times to remember all the changes...
Was that when they made her a goddess or something?


It feels really weird to have a JL without Green Lantern

1) Hal Jordan
2) Guy Gardner
3) Kilowog
4) Who cares
It's hard to imagine GL not being a founding member. I always considered GL DC's biggest franchise after Batman & Superman. I can't see this being a creative decision, especially since Johns loves GL so much. Executives must be really concerned about the 2011 GL movie sabotaging their new universe.

I'm guessing Mera will be the stand in member for the 7th. There was a Black Canary rumor as well. Shazam is also possible, but it seems unlikely, at least not before part 2.

I'm 99% certain if they're going with John Stewart as one of the lanterns. The JLTAS generation recognizes him and it would set itself far apart from the 2011 film. The second choice is less clear but I think it will be Hal because of Geoff Johns and to setup Sinestro. The question as to which one (if not both) will be the league JL is more ambiguous.
wonder who the seventh is gonna be then if not Green Lantern.

unless they just jumped the gun with that Aquaman UNITE THE SEVEN thing

Think of it in the same way as the Justice League cartoon. Too many white dudes. Need more women and minorities. Cyborg is there and Aquaman is Hawaiian now, so WB good there.

Wonder Woman

There are rumors they're playing up Mera's role, but I'd probably be better off with Zatanna. (Black Canary and Hawkgirl are probably a no-go due to TV.)


Pretty sure they are already planning to pretend the first GL movie never happened.

Also BREAKING NEWS, wielding the most powerful weapon in the universe Hal Jordan is knocked out...


That poor bird.


Think of it in the same way as the Justice League cartoon. Too many white dudes. Need more women and minorities. Cyborg is there and Aquaman is Hawaiian now, so WB good there.

Wonder Woman

There are rumors they're playing up Mera's role, but I'd probably be better off with Zatanna. (Black Canary and Hawkgirl are probably a no-go due to TV.)

Black Canary has been rumored for the movie.

And I don't think anything that happens on the TV side can dictate what happens in the movies, anyway. It's usually the other way around.


Crashing this plane... with no survivors!
Think of it in the same way as the Justice League cartoon. Too many white dudes. Need more women and minorities. Cyborg is there and Aquaman is Hawaiian now, so WB good there.

Wonder Woman

There are rumors they're playing up Mera's role, but I'd probably be better off with Zatanna. (Black Canary and Hawkgirl are probably a no-go due to TV.)

Maybe they'll give Raven or Starfire a promotion, like Cyborg.
Maybe they'll give Raven or Starfire a promotion, like Cyborg.
Either of them seems more interesting than an Robot man to me.


I only know him from some TT comics and the shitty New 52 JL comics where he is shoed in. He is super out of place in that comics which half of it is his boring origin story.


If they want to focus Green Lantern on the space cop aspect and not even be on earth for Justice League I can deal with that. If the League leaves earth the Corp should show up though.

In 2020 a cgi GL suit could look okay.

The green lantern suit should be CGI, its a construct. And they should always have that glowing green edge from their force field.


Crashing this plane... with no survivors!
Either of them seems more interesting than an Robot man to me.


I only know him from some TT comics and the shitty New 52 JL comics where he is shoed in. He is super out of place in that comics which half of it is his boring origin story.

I think he has potential as a guy whose caught between being a human and a machine. He'll need some of his arrogant personality from the cartoons to stand out in the Justice League movie.

Can we give a promotion to Danny The Street too?

No. He died during the Man of Steel fight. That's why Batman is so pissed at Superman.


All this arguing over which GL it should be, even though we know damn well the DCCU version will likely be unrecognizable as the character, personality-wise. It doesn't matter who they use.
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