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Green Lantern got kicked out of The Justice League (2017)

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This isn't JLU.

I've never actually seen one episode of any of the DCU cartoons after the first Batman from the 90s.... don't ask.

vv:: mogo is not going to join the JLA, how the fuck would that even work? " Oh hey super blue pajama man, Mogo and 5000 lanterns that live and sleep on him will be attending the next meeting"


Latino superhero would be sweet. I'm on the Kyle train here

EDIT: and the Blue Beetle train. But that's a ways away. If ever.


Err... The creators of the CW universe were the writers of the Green Lantern film.

Well yeah, before it got tampered with and fucked up. I remember listening to a podcast where someone said Berlanti wasn't happy his name got attached to it.
Stupid question but can it really be the Justice League without him?

Idk, from my small knowledge of the Justice League, unlike the X-men, they are* a specific group with very iconic characters that people have come to grow with. Well, I did due to the cartoon but idk. It's whatever they want to do, but I think it would feel a lot different without him


Yeah, but it was not their original draft.

Well yeah, before it got tampered with and fucked up. I remember listening to a podcast where someone said Berlanti wasn't happy his name got attached to it.
That's true. But I do remember them writing the draft that incorporated Parallax and had Clark Kent and Guy Gardner cameos.

I did not know that they wrote an original draft that had Alan Scott.
I think a problem here was that the 2011 flick kind of got Green Lantern too right

The blue bobbleheads
Oa and The Corps
Kilowog, Tomar Re, and Sinestro (just in the looks and casting though)
The depiction of the powers

The main muckup was Hal himself. Reintroducing this same exact world simply cannot work. They will need to retool it dramatically


I would really like it if Kyle was the GL but they are almost certainly going to go with John Stewart (unless they do Cyborg and then you know, can't have two black guys because Hollywood) and he'll be the tough boring marine.

It's a shame really.


Hal Jordan fucking blows

Matt Damon as Guy Gardner


WB should really do this.


That movie fucking sucked but seriously no Hal or J'onn in Justice League is a bit of a let-down.
named 3 great John Stewart stories not named Mosaic

I will wait.

Mosaic, Mosaico (Spanish) and however you say mosaic in Russian.

I think JLU gave people a very distorted look at the character. Short of the same dynamic as JLU, Stewart should stay home.

All the Lanterns suck, but Rayner is the most bearable.

I found him (Stewart)even more boring in JLU.
make Hal old grey temple Hal.

Matt Damon as Guy Gardner

this would be brilliant.

Latino superhero would be sweet. I'm on the Kyle train here

EDIT: and the Blue Beetle train. But that's a ways away. If ever.

I always found that to be a reach with Kyle.

Stupid question but can it really be the Justice League without him?

Idk, from my small knowledge of the Justice League, unlike the X-men, they are* a specific group with very iconic characters that people have come to grow with. Well, I did due to the cartoon but idk. It's whatever they want to do, but I think it would feel a lot different without him

of course it can be but it would feel a bit incomplete without the Green Lantern to complete the seven.


Ubisoft Marketing
Thread title is misleading.

Anyway i'd rather they take their sweet time to get Green Lantern right. Although always portrayed as one of the Big 7, the last movie was so bad that execs must wake up in cold sweats everytime the mention of it comes up.

Take your time.


No Green Lantern or Martian Manhunter in the Justice League but we get stuck with Cyborg and a Flash that isn't played by Grant Gustin.



I found him (Stewart)even more boring in JLU.
make Hal old grey temple Hal.
Now that's an idea. Make Parallax Hal Jordan the villain of a Justice League movie (after he's destroyed the entire corps). Kill him off and rebuild the Green Lantern Corps from scratch with Kyle Raynor at the helm.


Super Member
Maybe they can take a detour from space cops and have Alan Scott, Space Knight


He was watching from space all along.


The GL stink is strong.

Considering they cast Mera, could she stand in? She has a cool powerset, and wears... green. Plus more female representation.

Besides, Avengers managed to kick off without Hank or Wasp. This shit ain't written in stone.


love on your sleeve
Stupid question but can it really be the Justice League without him?

Idk, from my small knowledge of the Justice League, unlike the X-men, they are* a specific group with very iconic characters that people have come to grow with. Well, I did due to the cartoon but idk. It's whatever they want to do, but I think it would feel a lot different without him

You can have it without him, there are Justice League rosters without Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman as well. I sure as hell wouldn't want the first ever Justice League film to not have them there though. It's like if Avengers had the West Coast Avengers roster.


Stupid question but can it really be the Justice League without him?

Idk, from my small knowledge of the Justice League, unlike the X-men, they are* a specific group with very iconic characters that people have come to grow with. Well, I did due to the cartoon but idk. It's whatever they want to do, but I think it would feel a lot different without him

Bats, Supes, and Wondy are the heart and soul of the Justice League. Functionally speaking as long as their around the rest of the team make-up is whatever. At least for the main League.

off topic, but fuck Cry for Justice and Rise of Arsenal.


You can have it without him, there are Justice League rosters without Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman as well. I sure as hell wouldn't want the first ever Justice League film to not have them there though.
The original Justice League roster was Wonder Woman (replaced by Black Canary in a retcon just because), Martian Manhunter, Green Lantern, Flash, and Aquaman. That would be one hell of a tough sell in film.


Unconfirmed Member
Now that's an idea. Make Parallax Hal Jordan the villain of a Justice League movie (after he's destroyed the entire corps). Kill him off and rebuild the Green Lantern Corps from scratch with Kyle Raynor at the helm.

That seems like a decent idea. Introduce a villain that mainstream audiences can recognize heading into the movie, his power set seems varied enough to counter the Justice League, and you'd get buzz for "killing off" Green Lantern.
Speculation: we're getting the buddy cop Green Lantern movie and DC has no clue which one to feature in Justice League. If Johns is involved, he'll want Hal Jordan, but Warner Bros is probably eyeing John Stewart instead. So which one do you put in the film?

I'd do Kyle Rayner (Asian-American!) and Guy Gardner, but that's just me and Hal fans would have a goddamn fit over Kyle before Hal.


Ubisoft Marketing
Speculation: we're getting the buddy cop Green Lantern movie and DC has no clue which one to feature in Justice League. If Johns is involved, he'll want Hal Jordan, but Warner Bros is probably eyeing John Stewart instead. So which one do you put in the film?

I'd do Kyle Rayner (Asian-American!) and Guy Gardner, but that's just me and Hal fans would have a goddamn fit over Kyle before Hal.

I'm no fan of Hal, but lord, i'd have him in over Kyle in a heartbeat



Aqua Roman Reigns?

Hopefully Martian Manhunter as well.

I feel bad for GL. I am pretty sure nearly every property on TV or movies has gone belly up in the past 10 years. Guy can't catch a break.
Are the Black Canary rumors that solid? I do feel like Justice League will try to have at least two female members included, and honestly I'd much rather see Black Canary than Green Arrow.


Sinestro was very well done.

I still need to read Berlanti and Guggenheim's original script pre-butchering.


Super Member
Maybe the JL should accept Sinestro. He never turns evil, he's just a little fascist. Like Batman but with superpowers.


Hal is one of the worst characters DC's ever created, so I'm all for him sitting this out.

Gimme John or Kyle. I'd take Guy at this point, but then "superhero who is a big dick" kind of loses its originality when literally every character is a dick.
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