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Halo 5: Guardians |OT| The Trials of Osiris


I'm right there with you! People are complaining about not getting onyx or whatever..... Hell no. You guys are too good. I tried to play a round of SWAT and went 4-13. Silver 1 on breakout is a good start for me.

Sounds like my SWAT games.

I've not played 10 matches in any playlist, but with my performance, I'd be rock bottom.

But I always the best multiplayer games are fun even when losing and Halo 5 is that for me.


could never
How is the community when it comes to complete newcomers? Never played halo in MP. The last shooter I played with others was modern warfare 1.

How do you mean? if you mean matchmaking then no one will ask you if you're new, just gonna get your ass kicked. lol

Halo is rough for newcomers.
UGH.. having a hard time getting away from my Green Thumb layout.
I tried to go back to default but for some reason i kept pressing in the RT and crouched when i didnt really want to.

Tried bumber jumper and hell jumper but maybe i just need to force myself into playin a new layout. T_T....

Just so used to have rRight Stick as melee. lol
How is the community when it comes to complete newcomers? Never played halo in MP. The last shooter I played with others was modern warfare 1.

They generally have a fairly steep learning curve. But I think with the addition of sprint, ads and boosting I think it's much easier to get to grips with if you've played first person shooters before, specifically COD. I'm absolutely awful at previous Halo games online but I'm not doing too bad on this one!


Nearly 12 hours on the clock for 5 completed missions on legendary co-op, with all collectibles in the bag. 2 hours for Unconfirmed alone. I am loving the punishment.
I love this game. Warzone feels really fresh and Arena somehow feels new and classic at the same time. Really really enjoying my time with the game so far.
I played Halo 5 for about 4 hours last night. I started out by running my campaign on Legendary and damn, this game is hard. The smaller battles are easy but when they start packing on the enemies, it gets so difficult. The Promethiens in particular are very difficult because the crawlers are good at flanking you and because the Boltshot now tracks you, they can hit you even when you cannot see them.

I really like what 343 did with the Jackels. It's cool to see variants that use automatic weapons and their agility makes them a really interesting enemy. I also like that the Hunters have been turned up to 11. I remember playing through Halo 1 and seeing them in the Silent Cartographer for the first time and they literally scared me. Then I found out that you could circle around them and take them down with a single round and that ended that. The H5 Hunters can really take a punch. On one of my many tries at a certain battle in Mission 2, it took me about 5 rounds from the Railgun and 3 rockets to kill one of them. It's good that the tried and true, "hit them in the back" strategy still works though because in another try, I took one down with 4 Railgun rounds.

The Promethiens are also more interesting to fight. Soldiers add something to the battle field that Knights didn't. I like how they teleport around the battlefield but that you can see where they went. The Halo 4 method of teleportation made Knights that teleported a pain in the ass. Speaking of Knights, these ones are awesome. I like the addition of the weak points and it's a lot of fun to see their armor break before you land the killing blow.

I was only able to finish 2 levels in two and a half hours before moving on to Multiplayer. I played three games of Warzone and one CTF game in Arena. On the first two games of Warzone, I was on a team that dominated. On the third, we had a really close battle that came down to the other team getting the final shot on the Warden. That kill put them up by about 30 and we were never able to recover. We ended up losing 1000 to about 980ish. That game showed me the potential of the mode.

I had to tend to my baby eventually but I was able to get one game of CTF in on Truth. Let's just say that I cannot wait to play more.
I got placed into Gold level 1 for Slayer. Does the game always place you in a level 1 tier, or could I have theoretically placed into level 2 or 3? I was consistently outplaying Platinum-ranked players, so i'm a little disappointed tbh.


How is the community when it comes to complete newcomers? Never played halo in MP. The last shooter I played with others was modern warfare 1.
Play with your friends! My first match online and I already had this asswipe bitch people out over the mic not even two minutes into the Warzone game. Thank God for the mute button.


Still playing the campaign - completed mission 10. With regards to the Blue Team to Fireteam Osiris mission ratio,
it has been very very disappointing playing as Locke for far more than as MC.


Anyone having issues finding public matches?

It just keeps there searching until I get this message: Attention. There was a problem with the Dedicated Servers.


could never
Wow I'm an idiot, all this time I couldn't put my finger on the reason why I love Locke's look... he's fucking Dead Space 2's Isaac almost.


I adore both helmets.
This boss fight on legendary is fucking retarded, whos the person with -5 IQ who designed this shit?

Nerd rage aside, this is seriously destroying any enjoyment I was having in campaign.

EDIT: LITERALLY the worst.

Yeah I played it on solo Heroic and wanted to break my controller. Took awhile to understand the best way to finish it.

It definitely feels like that fight was designed with 4 people playing and not with 1 person/3 bots. Bots were useless.
Heroic feels easier than previous Heroic campaigns.

It is, but some parts are super hard. Important part tho is thats its fun. And it is fun. Having played Halo CE and 2 last week, i can feel the diff right away. Heroic is "easier" than CE and 2 but honestly, 2 feels more "cheap" than "challenging".

Boss fights in 5 ramp up the difficult way up though. Doesnt feel balanced with the rest of the game.

That being said, i finished it yesterday and i loved the SP. Story was simple but effective, really enjoyed it. Reviews were way too hard on this games SP. Gameplay is tight, MP is great, warzone is so fun. 343 are so much better at telling stories than Bungie is. Night and day.

Really did a good job. Finished it yesterday on heroic and now will start solo legendary today.


Wow just had an amazing warzone match. We were down 900 to 600. I somehow got points for eliminating two hunter elders (yay for luck!!) and then that big promethian boss with the sword showed up. While everyone was busy trying to get him myself and another guy finished capping the final point. Our team got him, and we made the huge comeback and won 1000-989. That was insanely intense. A 400ish point swing in a few minutes. Our team went into full beast mode. Of course the tanks helped!


How many people on here have a positive kdr? I checked out about 16 players stats who I was playing against and only one person had more kills than deaths.
Not sure If its been answered, but where are the maps from the beta in the slayer playlist? Id much rather have truth on rotation instead of regret(got placed on that map 3 times in a row), and I thought empire and its variants played pretty well too..
How many people on here have a positive kdr? I checked out about 16 players stats who I was playing against and only one person had more kills thanks deaths.

My arena K/D is 1.5. Most people playing this game that I've come up against have been pretty bad/obviously new to Halo.


Not sure If its been answered, but where are the maps from the beta in the slayer playlist? Id much rather have truth on rotation instead of regret(got placed on that map 3 times in a row), and I thought empire and its variants played pretty well too..
Haven't played multi yet but I'm assuming non beta maps might be a bit more weighted at the moment.
I need to just play Warzone to get better, right now I have a .3 k/d, I do not want my arena k/d to stay low. .is there a mode where k/d isn't tracked and I can practice on all maps (instead of doing custom games by myself).
How many people on here have a positive kdr? I checked out about 16 players stats who I was playing against and only one person had more kills thanks deaths.

I'm currently at 2.2 but for some reason I never care about my KDR in Halo as much as I do in COD.

I don't know why that is, but that was always how I felt. Weird,

As long as we win and I don't hurt the team by going 5 -10 or some crazy negative ratio, then I'm all for it.
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