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Halo Infinite | Campaign Gameplay Premiere – 8 Minute Demo


The story might turn out to be bad/terrible, H5 already took the franchise in the wrong direction and they'll never be able to revert it, they can only continue from where it left or try to spin it in yet another direction, which might end up being even worse.
This! This is why I keep saying to revive this series, they need get some fucking decent writers that know what they're fucking doing and get it away from 343i and give it back to Bungie.
Just doesn't help anything when the comparison used is OT Star Wars vs New Star Wars.


I think that at the end of the day gameplay>graphics, no matter the game. The story might turn out to be bad/terrible, H5 already took the franchise in the wrong direction and they'll never be able to revert it, they can only continue from where it left or try to spin it in yet another direction, which might end up being even worse. Graphics might get better, might not, but if that's the price of 60FPS and smooth and responsive controls, then be it, because it's exactly the gameplay what will matters in the long-term, gameplay is why all of the great looking shooters die in less than a month, while Halo (or CoD) still stand tall, no mater the hate they get, people simply have fun playing those games, as they have with Minecraft and Fortnite who are faaar from being graphical benchmarks, and that's what ultimately matters, that's what video games are for in the first place. The guy in the video is IMO on point with the people who complain the most about the graphics aren't the targeted audience, most of those people are not even interested in the game at all to begin with, and many are simply trolling PS guys, (color me surprised). Realistically, Halo is a two-decade old franchise, most of its die-hard fans have grown up and play video games to a limited extent, or don't games at all anymore, so it needs to search for new, younger audience, and this happens to pretty much every long-lasting franchise sooner or later, and the old guards are always upset, but thet's just the way it works. Well as always, time will tell, a year from now we will have a clear view of how is the game doing, how many people play it.
This is basically a new story already though
Just saw the Flight Simulator 2020 newest trailer and analysis. Horizon as wide as the eye can see, 100s of generated clouds, buildings and detailed terrain, not a single pop in. Halo geometry wise looks like a generation behind and its absolutely falling apart.


Junior Member
Just saw the Flight Simulator 2020 newest trailer and analysis. Horizon as wide as the eye can see, 100s of generated clouds, buildings and detailed terrain, not a single pop in. Halo geometry wise looks like a generation behind and its absolutely falling apart.
And those FS guys had a fraction of the budget that 343 had and probably much worse legacy code to deal with. Good management with clear goals against amateur management too busy fighting the good fight.


Unconfirmed Member
Watched the demo again this morning.

Nobody's convincing me that gameplay doesn't look fun, or at the very least promising. It's going back to the sandbox, but with some new additions to mix it up a bit. The grappling hook alone could change things quite dramatically. Hooking an explosive barrel to yourself, throwing it into a group of enemies & blowing it up with a well placed shot? Taking down an Elite's shield & quickly hooking yourself towards it for a melee takedown? Then Chief hit a charging Brute in the leg & stunned it for a moment, causing it to stumble. I like the look of that. These look like interesting new additions, which could lead to fun tactical choices, to me.

This is on top of the open-world aspect, which nobody's really talking about for some reason. We're actually going to get to explore a Halo ring! That sounds kind of awesome to me.

I really hope 343 pull this off. It's showing a whole lot of promise.


120 fps is a lot, but can you even reap the benefits of it when playing with a controller? Serious question, I've never attempted it before.


The gameplay in uncompressed 4k video looks quite solid or at least as-expected from Halo. I have also watched it against a Destiny 2 video and with some adjustments to visible pop-in and discounting the 4k60fps target it actually looks on par. Destiny has imo much better art design but otherwise the explosions, particles, enemies all look Craigy.

The main things to tweak are:
- obvious bugs with lighting and self-shadowing
- explosions lacking weight and crunch
- enemy AI
- very noticeable pop-in

If the target is to make this game Destiny-like open world shooter then it will do fine as a cross-gen game especially after RT patch. I don't know if we need another Destiny with Halo skin, how similar the games will be at the end or whether Halo audience even wants an open world game with all its quirks and usually lackluster campaign.

However that demo was a terrible choice for showcasing next-gen console and next-gen graphics as it aims for other targets instead. MS really should've tampered expectations regarding the powah of Series X unleashed in this showcase if that was their main demo. 30FPS potentially dynamic 4k game like Horizon will obviously eat this for breakfast in terms of presentation.
Watched the demo again this morning.

Nobody's convincing me that gameplay doesn't look fun, or at the very least promising. It's going back to the sandbox, but with some new additions to mix it up a bit. The grappling hook alone could change things quite dramatically. Hooking an explosive barrel to yourself, throwing it into a group of enemies & blowing it up with a well placed shot? Taking down an Elite's shield & quickly hooking yourself towards it for a melee takedown? Then Chief hit a charging Brute in the leg & stunned it for a moment, causing it to stumble. I like the look of that. These look like interesting new additions, which could lead to fun tactical choices, to me.

This is on top of the open-world aspect, which nobody's really talking about for some reason. We're actually going to get to explore a Halo ring! That sounds kind of awesome to me.

I really hope 343 pull this off. It's showing a whole lot of promise.

Agreed. Gameplay looks great. Open world environments, exploration, warthog etc...brings back the good ol days of Halo CE





The two pieces of music they've released thus far are pretty darn incredible. Say what you will about how it looks - and I don't think its visuals are up to par myself - but if the rest of the soundtrack hits like those two pieces, they're going to deliver an absolutely stellar soundtrack.


Having watched the gameplay a couple of times, the initial disappointment of the reveal is slowly but steadily turning into optimism. I liked the content of what I saw, just not the presentation. After Halo 4 and Halo 5, I think it's good we're "only" bummed about graphics.
I've watched all of The Act Man's review videos of Halo 4 and Halo 5, and I couldn't agree more with his analysis. Seriously, it's worth a watch. That's why I'm cautiously optimistic about Infinite.

I would love for the game's graphics to be too notch though.

REE Machine

Watched the demo again this morning.

Nobody's convincing me that gameplay doesn't look fun, or at the very least promising. It's going back to the sandbox, but with some new additions to mix it up a bit. The grappling hook alone could change things quite dramatically. Hooking an explosive barrel to yourself, throwing it into a group of enemies & blowing it up with a well placed shot? Taking down an Elite's shield & quickly hooking yourself towards it for a melee takedown? Then Chief hit a charging Brute in the leg & stunned it for a moment, causing it to stumble. I like the look of that. These look like interesting new additions, which could lead to fun tactical choices, to me.

This is on top of the open-world aspect, which nobody's really talking about for some reason. We're actually going to get to explore a Halo ring! That sounds kind of awesome to me.

I really hope 343 pull this off. It's showing a whole lot of promise.
The animations and gameplay doesnt look a step above, it looks very old and dates. Hell even the melee option elbow sucks, think of something else already. Give Cheif a combat knife or something.

Also again i dont think they ever confirmed open world, I feel like its open hub areas.I doubt this game is like gta or horizon whereyou can explore the whole world/ring, probably just big sections of the ring.
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PlayStation/PC gamer (some Nintendo sprinkled in for Metroid/Mario/Zelda)

I'm a new Halo fan. After the huge hoopla about Halo Infinite I decided to get gamepass for $1 and play the first few games in the series. I played Halo CE anniversary and it was hella fun and a masterpiece IMO. I'm just now starting Halo 2 anniversary.

After watching Halo Infinite gameplay reveal, I cannot help but notice it looks worse than the remastered originals on PC. Mind you, I have watched it in full 4k on my TV as well.

The details in Halo CE/Halo 2 anniversary are so much better than what I've seen from Halo Infinite. That is not right and should not happen under any circumstance. I don't care if it is "open world" or 4K 60 fps, this is not the game we deserve.

As Halo fans, you are doing yourselves a disservice if you do not voice your graphical concerns about this game. It is not just Sony fanboys that believe the demo we were shown was lackluster, especially graphically. The gameplay looked ok, but the graphics were 2 generations old.
PlayStation/PC gamer (some Nintendo sprinkled in for Metroid/Mario/Zelda)

I'm a new Halo fan. After the huge hoopla about Halo Infinite I decided to get gamepass for $1 and play the first few games in the series. I played Halo CE anniversary and it was hella fun and a masterpiece IMO. I'm just now starting Halo 2 anniversary.

After watching Halo Infinite gameplay reveal, I cannot help but notice it looks worse than the remastered originals on PC. Mind you, I have watched it in full 4k on my TV as well.

The details in Halo CE/Halo 2 anniversary are so much better than what I've seen from Halo Infinite. That is not right and should not happen under any circumstance. I don't care if it is "open world" or 4K 60 fps, this is not the game we deserve.

As Halo fans, you are doing yourselves a disservice if you do not voice your graphical concerns about this game. It is not just Sony fanboys that believe the demo we were shown was lackluster, especially graphically. The gameplay looked ok, but the graphics were 2 generations old.

It's really cool to hear someone new to the franchise is enjoying them, it can be hard to know how much our love for something is nostalgia-based so seeing someone brand new find delight in the games makes me feel safer in my convictions about them.
The animations and gameplay doesnt look a step above, it looks very old and dates. Hell even the melee option elbow sucks, think of something else already. Give Cheif a combat knife or something.

Also again i dont think they ever confirmed open world, I feel like its open hub areas.I doubt this game is like gta or horizon whereyou can explore the whole world/ring, probably just big sections of the ring.

knife? What? Lol


Not open world. Devs said that they try to limit the invisible walls & timeout to go back to the gameplay area limits. But they are still there.

I am still pretty hyped about the game. I am not sure if a complete open world would be the best choice for the game. Maybe, maybe not.

i hipe that the level design, weapon gamplay and AI are the best of the best in gaming. That would make Infinite the Halo come back we want

REE Machine

knife? What? Lol
Knife does not belong in Halo.
Better than his stupid elbow animation, god take inspiration from doom and give me something good. That or stick a blade to his other arm that he can jam into the covenants necks and purple blood comes spewing out, like make this enticing to play. Looks like a child elbowing that shit
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Halo CE and Halo 2 do not look better than Halo Infinite - anniversary graphics or not.

How about we see a bit more of the diversity in Infinite before going to town on it? I'm sure there are going to be far more interesting environments and set pieces than what was shown in that 8 minute demo!


I agree that the melee attacks look very weak.

They should rework the animations, add a bit of a lounge, and probably render the arms in the same camera as the rest of the world so they connect better.
Make them 3D attacks (probably sphere sweeps ) that connect with the enemy mesh or ragdoll and apply localized impulses and spawn particles/vfx on contact location.

They shouldalso make the npcs stagger and be pushd back with several really cool animations once hit. Maybe trying some powered ragdolls for extra fidelity and inertia conservation.

The final touch would be adding 2 or 3 combo attacks than you could chain in case you want to hit a grunt to death without seeing the same animation over and over.
Alternatively they could add a "hold melee to continously deal damage till you kill the weak enemy or hold to break his neck, etc..." Like an assassination that takes longer and leaves you vulnerable to other npcs shooting at you.
I feel like the MC should be able to kill a grunt or a jackal and probably even one single elite or brute in hand to hand combat without getting shot by him even once.


PlayStation/PC gamer (some Nintendo sprinkled in for Metroid/Mario/Zelda)

I'm a new Halo fan. After the huge hoopla about Halo Infinite I decided to get gamepass for $1 and play the first few games in the series. I played Halo CE anniversary and it was hella fun and a masterpiece IMO. I'm just now starting Halo 2 anniversary.

After watching Halo Infinite gameplay reveal, I cannot help but notice it looks worse than the remastered originals on PC. Mind you, I have watched it in full 4k on my TV as well.

The details in Halo CE/Halo 2 anniversary are so much better than what I've seen from Halo Infinite. That is not right and should not happen under any circumstance. I don't care if it is "open world" or 4K 60 fps, this is not the game we deserve.

As Halo fans, you are doing yourselves a disservice if you do not voice your graphical concerns about this game. It is not just Sony fanboys that believe the demo we were shown was lackluster, especially graphically. The gameplay looked ok, but the graphics were 2 generations old.

Good response. Btw, you need to check out the MP as well. It’s so much fun and the interface is amazing for it.
Better than his stupid elbow animation, god take inspiration from doom and give me something good. That or stick a blade to his other arm that he can jam into the covenants necks and purple blood comes spewing out, like make this enticing to play. Looks like a child elbowing that shit

nah man, then it’s a one melee kill what do u mean - you wanna be slashing at someone instead of elbowing? What is exactly evolved about that? T about a complete non issue
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REE Machine

nah man, then it’s a one melee kill what do u mean - you wanna be slashing at someone instead of elbowing? What is exactly evolved about that? T about a complete non issue
The animations are trash and I want to feel like a badass in a green suit not some child elbowing his toys on a sunday afternoon


It made a lot of sense to me. I think it looks great and I'm looking forward to it!
This video is embarassing. He is comparing the flagship game of a next gen console to games designed to be played on potato pcs, as light as possible, as old gen as possible.

If you are happy with Halo becoming a Fortnight, then I celebrate your attitude.

But we have seen the campaign mode, that has nothing to do with any of that. The multiplayer runs at double the dramerate, so it will display half the processing cost.

Besides the way he is trying ro "give arguments to win battles" ewwww
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