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Halo Infinite | Campaign Gameplay Premiere – 8 Minute Demo

The more I rewatch this the worse it looks. Chief is shooting and blood is flying off but none of it is sticking to the ground. Also 343 completely ignored the huge community backlash about the guns in their games running out of ammo too fast.
Looked like Halo. Will reserve judgement on graphics until I see a decent stream. It's all about the MP, baby!
there's a 4k version already uploaded. I watched it to give my final verdict.

4k version looks very clean as you would expect from 4k 60fps. However, just looks like a current gen game running at 4k and 60fps. Gameplay wise, just looks like any other Halo, larger areas and the same dumb AI.


Gameplay looks pretty damn solid, but yeah, the visuals are definitely not top tier. The way the grass pops in as the camera pans around - that aggressive culling shouldn't be necessary on a 12tf machine from a first party studio. Sorry to see it being held back by the Xbox One.
i thought the exchange between chief and that guy was really well done. it felt like a step up from previous halos, no? he was kinda funny too. comedy is something halo has never done enough of imo, it really helped get me engaged and... well i dunno i just thought the va's and the animations looked and sounded great
He seemed really cringe to me. Just like all of the Halo 5 dialogue
4K 60fps on this is like polish on a turd in terms of graphics. I had lower expectations after seeing that screenshot already.

Extremely underwhelming, Xbox One doing its work to hold back Series X.


Neo Member
Well it is a much prettier version of Halo. Pretty much what I expected. Would have been nice if they demoed some of the interior environments which would show off the lighting engine a bit better.
Any developer tasked with carrying the torch on this series is in a damned if you do damned if you don't situation. Either the OG halo fans complain the mechanics have changed to much or the other side complains it's not innovative enough. As long as this game has the core components that made the first few great. Mission accomplished from my perspective. It is nice seeing it go in a different overall game design direction.


Usual suspects in here dogging on everything.

Looks pretty good. Pop in is a bit concerning since the game is supposed to launch here in a few months. hopefully will get ironed out.

4k/60 will look dope.
Well, I guess your explanation in PMs was correct, the variable electricity currents coming out of the wall seem to limit hardware performance, so it seems to affect a locked 12Tf machine as much as it does a variable 10Tf machine. 😉


Rage Bait Youtuber
lol sony fanboys concern trolling hard geez. This looks great



I didn't get the feel of going back to the origins at all.

Gameplay will decide it for me.

Visually, on tge stream, it looked quite bad to me. And there was A LOT of popping in the environment. What was that?


I'm not the biggest Halo fan, I never finished 4 or 5 but Infinite looked good to me. Maybe it was just the open world and outdoor scenes but I excited to play it.
I'm not really sure what people were expecting, the trailer from last year gave a good idea what the game would look like and this clearly is the evolution of it.


I mean of course you’d love it. Look at your avatar 😂

Shht! 😉

Rewatched it, still like it but I get why the graphics aren't wowing anyone. I don't mind and really like the look, but the human face looks really lastgen. I don't know what's wrong with Halo and faces, but they always look bad. At least it isn't Lord Hood again, still have nightmares from Clayface in uniform.


Apart from Brutes, I thought it looked great. Being open reminds me of ODST. A bit of a shame they didn't show us more from another part of the map.


The only thing that disappoints me is..
"This" cost 500 mil..
I feel like Microsoft needs to take a closer look at some higher positions at 343i and consider a swap there..
As much as I liked the gameplay, this does not feel like 500m. At all.
That was the worst shit I've seen. They dare release a trailer for the most anticipated XBOX exclusive that looks like XBOX one and feels like destiny with doom sprinkles. That was beyond boring..

I don't play on consoles but Sony has it so easy it's laughable. If I were Sony I'd just call the studios and tell them to downgrade and take it easy.
I didnt really see the lighting because i was focused on the pop-in, unresponsive grass, plastic look, etc.
Its not a bad looking game, but as said before, you expect more from a 12tf machine
Don't disagree with you.

Hoping for improvements when the game launches


im sorry how it can be next gen if it will come to x1 standard console.... gameplay demo didint looked so much next gen for me as well. just like better settings nothing more.i just started to look at all show now.
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Yeah, this and the event thread is painful reading. So much negativity.

I loved the grappling hook btw. Infinite is going to be a huge game for me.
Well, it’s not like the criticism is just out of the blue. No matter what you think of the gameplay (I for one thought it looked drab), when you hype up the next gen installment of your main franchise running on your super duper machine, and there are whole mountains popping in... that is just BAD. And the show was just shy of tragic.


Meh, it's Halo, I'm that weird fan that enjoyed ODST and Halo 5 more than the "mainline" entries.

I've never understood the people that claim the game is tactical, it's just "throw as many enemies we can at the player" design.
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Works for me. I was wanting a more open world and that appears to be what I am getting. I also like the return of the brighter colors...I was getting tired of the washed out, muted look.


Well, it’s not like the criticism is just out of the blue. No matter what you think of the gameplay (I for one thought it looked drab), when you hype up the next gen installment of your main franchise running on your super duper machine, and there are whole mountains popping in... that is just BAD. And the show was just shy of tragic.

I didn’t notice the pop in, the stream was too shit 😂

Graphically, it looks like Halo for me. The classic visual style with some nice particle effects. Gonna have to watch the 4K video.

I do hope they fix any pop in issues though. No excuses on the XSX.
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