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Halo Infinite | Campaign Gameplay Premiere – 8 Minute Demo

Mister Wolf

Yeah, a lot of us aren't investing in next-gen just to get 4K/60, if that's all you wanted was this gen at 4k/60 I guess you have every right to be happy. Personally as a PC gamer this shit does not impress.

As a PC gamer I will be playing Halo Infinite at 4K higher than 60fps just like I've been doing with MCC on PC.
Everything but the graphics impressed me. I love the idea behind this, but I'm tired of shitty graphics in Halo. I really expected GI, or Raytraced reflections but I feel like there was none of that. At the same time, this game doesn't look complete or polished.
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Watch the background when he goes up the elevator, or when they close the world-map menu.

Ok just watched it in 4K. Some comments below.

This is the best looking Halo to date, in the classic Halo style we expect. I don’t want a photo real Halo

The open world feels alive. The ambient sound and vistas all pulling it together.

Sound design is fucking superb.

Warthog doesn’t sound like a warthog. I don’t like that.

Chief shot a Brute in the leg and he tripped. I like that.

Beautifully smooth frame rate.

Pop in needs to be fixed.

Nice looking lighting and particle effects.

Big Brute dude needs more model work, and he looks like Gary Glitter.

I don’t know what ‘next gen’ graphics people are expecting, but aside from the glitches, this looks like it will deliver for me. I’d wager that most of the haters never planned on playing it anyway.
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Man this looks bad....yikes


Same energy


I get alot of borderlands 3 vibes from this not feeling it right now everything seems like it doesnt interact with the ground. The car and enemies looks like they are floating, maybe it’s only this level but i dont feel the Halo vibe i was hoping for.


I think it certainly looks crisp and smooth for the most part. And it looks and plays like Halo, which is a good thing for people wishing for more of what Halo is.

For me personally, I’m just not excited by the Halo world, enemies and style anymore. That isn’t to say it’s bad. It just doesn’t get me going anymore, which is crazy because I was Halo obsessed as a kid.


I noticed a *lot* of hitching with the framerate, and eagerly await DF's analysis.

Worse by far is they either held back (or do not have) a game play loop beyond campaign story. Maybe this is my fault, but Halo "Infinite" implies (in my mind - admittedly my own expectations could be the problem here) variation, customization, repeatable gameplay (presumably for the purpose of character building). "BECOME THE HERO" (Destiny was BECOME LEGEND). You, your character, embarks on a journey to save the galaxy/earth whatever - and becomes something. You evolve, constantly improve your Hero/Legend by accomplishing things and building your character up, his weapons, armor, attachments, ... all that. Halo Infinite with it's title and slogan imply there's something more to the game than previous Halos offered, but none of it was showcased.
So I can only conclude none of it is there. And that's a shame.

Again, I realize my own expectations/hopes is the real villain, and my own vision for where Halo needs to go probably doesn't align with most peoples. I kinda hoped for some kind of Destiny alternative (read: not copy) but in the Halo universe. Or at least a step in that direction. Not games as a service per se, but some rpg elements and some kind of game play loop beyond the campaign missions. Shame if it's just do the levels and game over.
Two big problems.

They should have shown off a bright green and blue vista at noon - we didn’t need more orange/brown/sunset Halo. I hope the game isn’t all like that.

They shouldn’t have held so much back. Its too late in the game for such a narrow slice.


Golden Boy
you must have missed the open world and console part.
You want to compare an open world game running on a 12tf next gen console to one running on curret gen console. I gave you a better comparison.
Fact is: they could be doing better than this. Again, it doesn't look bad, but its not looking next gen.
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Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
You can argue that's cross-gen too since it's a standalone expansion from an existing PS4 game.

Infinite will be available on both old and new hardware, that's the boilerplate definition of crossgen.

Miles Morales will only run on PS5: while it's a first wave title and obviously build atop a ps4 game it won't fully show what's possible, the fact they can unshackle themselves from ps4 hardware means it's likely to look better. But as always, we have to wait for the gameplay footage.


Clearly held back by the XBOX One.
I know it’s sort of open world and 60fps, but it didn’t look that great.

Naked Lunch

Looks like a back to basics Halo - which is what the series needed.
Gameplay looks slowed down from 5, which is a good thing - if sprint is still there (and I think it is?) it didnt seem too quick and crazy.

Im good with them sticking with 60fps - even if it hurts the visuals. Its all about the gameplay.
Not a fan of the time of day lighting that was featured - the colors looked off from normal Halo fare.
I wish the reveal would have jumped around a bit and showed different environments from the game.
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Stream so graphics can’t really be judged at least for me as I don’t have a 4K tv

Gameplay looks like classic Halo which makes me happy. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to play that demo, Halo has Always been about multiplayer for me anyways!

As long as they deliver a great multiplayer and solid campaign I’m in.

Mister Wolf

You want to compare an open world game ruuning on a 12tf next gen console to one running on curret gen console. I gave you a better comparison.
Fact is: they could be doing better than this.

Well we will wait then until you show me a game on PS5 or Series X that achieves everything I listed and looks better. We can throw out 1440p 60fps performance modes because obviously it will look better in its assets when its sacrificing that many pixels. 1440p is only 44% of 4K.
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Golden Boy
It’s cross gen though.
Yes, unfortunately cross gen might be the issue here

Well we will wait then until you show me a game on PS5 or Series X that achieves everything I listed and looks better. We can throw out 1440p 60fps performance modes because obviously it will look better sacrificing that much pixels. 1440p is only 44% of 4K.
I am sure we wont have to wait too long
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Watching that twice at high resolution. I honestly don't know what they were thinking. This was supposed to be the game that brought Halo back, and maybe it will from a gameplay perspective at least because it looked fun.

However, what really bothered me is they completely failed to show off this more powerful console jargon they keep boasting about. 4k 60fps is great, but everything, and I mean everything is built around the old hardware. It oozes the original Xbox one.
The way the hills funnel you towards the objective and keep streaming to a minimum, no wide-open spaces. This is a typical Far Cry 2 type strategy when they went with console development along PC because of RAM limitations.
It just really takes away the openness they tried to sell in the previous trailers. If the game really had that sort of explorable scale, they would have shown it.

On top of that, the visuals, textures, lighting were a huge letdown. Nearly everything looks ripped from Halo 4 and 5 visually with some minor touch-ups. Of all the Halo games, this was the most underwhelmed I've ever been in a reveal, especially considering "12tf of power!" It literally looks like an original Xbox one game in high resolution in gameplay.

And to top it off, the whole story seems convulated and the sidekick character pilot is not believable in the slightest. The boss character is laughable too, and MC just seems dumber than ever, like he's just on a theme park ride going along with whatever silly narrative these writers toss at him. "gimme a weapon, the fallen must die." It's comically bad.

I'm hoping the multiplayer is truly something special.
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I like the idea of the open world and it all gave serious Halo CE vibes. Any true Halo fan from the beginning has to be somewhat pleased by that. You can tell they drew DIRECT inspiration from the second mission HALO.

I really dug ODST and if its like that, then I can get behind this game. I also like that the Banished are in the game and not those stupid ass robots. There is stuff to be positive about here and honestly, I have played many games that are boring as fuck with great graphics ( EA games COUGH).

With that said, Im glad it will be on game pass because I won't be paying $60
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  • I think one of the issues was just how clean everything looked. Too clean.
  • Some weather effects i think would have done wonders to make the game look more gritty in this demo. Like some rain, smog, etc.
  • Guns didnt stand out
  • not sure how i feel about the equipment
  • But gameplay looked fun
  • graphics looked on par as what they did last year
  • seamless transaitions from story cutscene to gameplay
  • open world
  • 60fps, 4k
  • likable characters
  • No Promethean
Ultimately, the hype was unreal and it didnt quite hit that high bar. The demo just really didnt do anything special to set itself apart.
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