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Halo Infinite Multiplayer is out NOW


You unlock rerolls in the BP.

I have the base-tier battle pass, the one without the 20 level jump, and couldn't spot how to do this at all. Just had a 24 hour countdown which I presume resets them all. But cheers for mentioning, will investigate how to do this so I can get rid of the shitty melee ones I get stuck with.
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While I'll play the objectives in capture/transport type maps, on the deathmatch maps my K/D ratio is about 7/10 (playing on Xbox). I'm constantly getting one-shot by snipers and constantly having to reload (my default AR) and/or switch to pistol to finish off an enemy.

I am terrible and my teams probably hate me.
Most of the time I'd kill to get a teammate capable of going 7-10
Reading all the buzz and excitement in this thread, then playing the game for an hour or so is making me feel like...


It's a 24 player CTF, TDM, and Domination game with no hook...in 2021. I honestly can't understand how people put up with such lack of ambition or creativity in their games. Hope 343 is working on some big mode for 2022.

Will be interesting to see how long this stays popular.
Not everything needs to reinvent the wheel. A series like Halo which has been meandering for so long now has a fun and highly playable version in Infinite and I think that's a winner. It's nice to just have a class Arena-style shooter in 2021.


aka IMurRIVAL69
No slayer playlists unfortunately. There’s every chance you could end up with slayer but 2/3 games were objective based for me. It’s not much fun without a full team that chat so just give me slayer so I can not worry and at least try to carry my team at points.

I didn’t hear 1 person on voice chat over like 20 games last night.

Also is there no text chat?


Not everything needs to reinvent the wheel. A series like Halo which has been meandering for so long now has a fun and highly playable version in Infinite and I think that's a winner. It's nice to just have a class Arena-style shooter in 2021.

They needs a BR version of some sort to stay in touch tho
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I have 1700 hours in CSGO and this is my first Halo so everything feels extra weird to me.

It's quick fun with not much strategy going on and I don't think I'll put an ungodly amount of hours in it.
I like the way it looks and it runs great on my PC so if anything, it's making me want to play the single player campaign more than anything else.


They needs a BR version of some sort to stay in touch tho
"Stay in touch"
Please god no, modern gaming trends are fucking awful, and I'm not even a quake boomer or anything. I appreciate Halo for actually sticking to its roots for once, BF2042 is a complete mess thats going to need like a half a year for it to be anything near decent, and Warzone is complete shit to play ATM while Vanguard, also a bit more true to its roots, is a lot a fun, even if unbalanced.


"Stay in touch"
Please god no, modern gaming trends are fucking awful, and I'm not even a quake boomer or anything. I appreciate Halo for actually sticking to its roots for once, BF2042 is a complete mess thats going to need like a half a year for it to be anything near decent, and Warzone is complete shit to play ATM while Vanguard, also a bit more true to its roots, is a lot a fun, even if unbalanced.

I understand, but... that's what the "kids" want.


Hooollly Crap, just played a game of Oddball with Snakebite. Dude was so good, had 38 kills in a 2-0 win. I freaking love how you never know who you might get in the queue! Could be randos, can be a world champion! Honestly that does him a disservice. In the recent rankings he was put at #3 All time!

This Guy!
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So based on a few games, the Spartans do "kind of" run; they just don't have a specific action to make them go even faster (I still find this odd but I will get used to it). The only mode that I am really liking so far is oddball (it's the only one I keep getting even in quickplay, unlness it is the only mode to play right now?). I just can't get over why Halo just doesn't fully embrace ADS with the guns. Destiny has kinda ruined other games for me lol. The guns don't feel personal since you start with one or pick up guns from the map....I kinda stopped playing UC4 multiplayer because of that.

Also, this might just be me, but why does it take soo long to matchmake?
I find myself waiting for minutes before it will actually connect to a game.
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I understand, but... that's what the "kids" want.
Yeah, but there's plenty of games for the "kids" - I'm glad that there are still some games that might cater to those of us who don't fit that demographic. Every game doesn't have to focus on pandering to them with the same cliché' stuff...


The guns don't feel personal since you start with one or pick up guns from the map....I kinda stopped playing UC4 multiplayer because of that.

That's what thing CoD does very well.. gun customization.

Yeah, but there's plenty of games for the "kids" - I'm glad that there are still some games that might cater to those of us who don't fit that demographic. Every game doesn't have to focus on pandering to them with the same cliché' stuff...

Well having a BR mode won't take away the core multiplayer we are enjoying today, it would be optional..


That's what thing CoD does very well.. gun customization.

Well having a BR mode won't take away the core multiplayer we are enjoying today, it would be optional..
Going by the customize section, I think Halo Infinite might also do that? I am not too sure since I didn't spend a lot of time there, just updated my character. I was referring to the gun collection you can accumulate in Destiny 2. Sometimes i wish I could just take my Destiny guns into other games lol.
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Well having a BR mode won't take away the core multiplayer we are enjoying today, it would be optional..
This is true, but there are so many BR games out there, that I'm fine if Halo chooses to ignore it completely. I'm not 100% against them adding one, but I generally don't play them very much, and I have a feeling matchmaking in the other modes would suffer since BR is still somehow so hot.


Gold Member
Played for about four hours last night. Only meant to play for an hour.

Never got a chance to play the MP flights so this is my first experience with Infinite and I'm really impressed. I was in the camp that Halo 5 had great MP but the campaign was hot garbage.

This feels like a refinement of Halo 5 with a helping of classic Halo-style trappings and it is a joy to play.

Id appreciate more map variety and I'm very annoyed there's no slayer playlist. Especially for quick play. When you play with randoms CTF can be frustrating with no communication.

I also don't give a flying fuck about cosmetics or "progression," (isn't ranked progression enough without bitching about not getting a shiny new knee pad?!) but I agree that your performance in a match should dictate your progression if you're into that sort of thing.

Still learning the maps and weapon placements before I jump into my 10-game ranked placement.

I am loving this.
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I have a difficult time fully appreciating multiplayer modes with infinite respawns. I find myself just running out, acting a fool, and getting blasted, because I know I can just run back in, which leads to me zoning out and tension flying out the window.

Personal problem.


Finished my 10 ranked games to get my rank.
Game is pretty fun, but I guess nobody uses voice chat or what?


Gold Member
I'm seeing a lot of new players who are a little confused about the ways Halo differs from something like Apex or COD. Hopefully some of these tips will make the game more enjoyable to you.

- Halo isn't a twitch shooter. The TTK (time to kill) is much higher than something like COD (although this is probably the fastest TTK of any Halo game) where line of sight can mean instant death. As a result Halo is less about accuracy and more about a race to drop your enemy's shields. Once the shields are down, things like headshots matter. A BR for example can four shot an enemy, but only the fourth shot matters if it's a head shot. The first three can land anywhere and will pop the shield, the fourth shot will kill if it's a headshot, but it will take two if they're body shots.

-This is likely the reason I've seen so many complaints about "grenade spam." This has been a core feature of Halo since 2001. Learn to use grenades immediately! If two players of equal skill get in a gunfight the player with less shields will likely lose. Ditto for 2v1s - the 2 will likely win every time. This is why you can change the tide in your favor with a well-placed grenade which will instantly pop shields and set you up for a one shot kill. This is also one way you can outplay others and win those tricky 2 or 3v1s. A good move is to duck around a corner when you're being pursued and throw a grenade at the wall - those chasing you will rush around the corner to an explosion. Grenades can also be used to deny positioning, make an enemy think you're somewhere you're not and so much more. Use em!

-The idea that every gunfight in Halo is a race to pop shields makes lone-wolfing it much less viable than in COD and makes the importance of proper team play and power weapon/power position control doubly so. Stick with your team! But not so close that a grenade or rocket will kill you all. Good team placement means being close enough to be able to help if your teammate gets into a gunfight (remember, 2v1 will win 90 percent of the time) but far enough away to not take splash damage from a well placed rocket. At the very least you want to be close enough to clean up a kill should your teammate lose a fight but has weakened their opponent in the process. Higher TTK = emphasis on sticking with your team. 2 or 3 guns shooting at someone will drastically lower that high TTK.

- This is probably the most important tip for newer players who are struggling with their K/D ratio. DONT DIE! To be serious, often the best thing you can do to help your team is to not rush in and die over and over. Stop sprinting. Stop rushing. Make yourself a hard kill. Play like an absolute dick. If you feel a gunfight isn't going to go your way, do NOT see it through and die. Retreat, run, make your enemy give up their positioning in order to come after you. If your teammates are worth a shit they will be in range to jump in and help, and even if they aren't you may either a) escape without dying or b) draw your enemy away from their higher ground/power position which can often be more advantageous than a kill.

-Seriously, if you're new and feel like you're getting fucking tattooed in every match: DONT RUSH IN. DONT DIE. Retreat and make yourself a tough kill. We'd all rather play with someone who is 2:6 but made the other team fucking earn those six kills than the classic new players who just sprint into the chaos every time and end up 2:20 and bitching about not being able to kill anyone. You will get better at fighting eventually. For now, just try not to die and learn about the game. See how long you can stretch the time between deaths and your teammates will thank you.

- Power weapons are fucking important. There's no meta like in Apex or COD. All guns are drastically different but learning where the power weapons spawn (fyi these are things like the rocket launcher, sniper, sword, shotgun etc.) is intrinsic to winning at halo. Even shitty players can wreck house if they have the rocket launcher. Learn where this stuff spawns and either deny the enemy getting them or take it yourself. Just be careful about rushing in. Your enemy likely has the same idea.

- Lastly, there's no shame in just messing around with bots and quick play. It's probably the most fun way to learn the maps and spawns before jumping into ranked. Please don't jump into ranked with zero experience. It's fine to have a range of skill in ranked (that's the point of the tiers), but spending a little time doing your due diligence will pay dividends and your teammates will appreciate it too.

Didn't mean for that to turn into a wall of text. Just some ruminations for newbies.

Hope this helps ... someone.
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Game feels tight and responsive on console and the maps are well designed IMO. However, as many have already mentioned, tying rank progression to daily/weekly objectives instead of performance within matches was a very dumb move. Hopefully they fix this quickly.
Reading all the buzz and excitement in this thread, then playing the game for an hour or so is making me feel like...


It's a 24 player CTF, TDM, and Domination game with no hook...in 2021. I honestly can't understand how people put up with such lack of ambition or creativity in their games. Hope 343 is working on some big mode for 2022.

Will be interesting to see how long this stays popular.
Where have you been the past 10 years? 343i tried mixing the Halo gameplay formula up drastically in Halo 4 with loadouts, Sprint, and in-game ordinance drops but were skewered for it. In Halo 5 they kept sprint, but removed the loadouts and ordinance drops due to negative community feedback and added some new movement mechanics like clamber which IMO really worked.


Gold Member
Where have you been the past 10 years? 343i tried mixing the Halo gameplay formula up drastically in Halo 4 with loadouts, Sprint, and in-game ordinance drops but were skewered for it. In Halo 5 they kept sprint, but removed the loadouts and ordinance drops due to negative community feedback and added some new movement mechanics like clamber which IMO really worked.

Oh yea clamber is great. The traversal in this is amazing.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
In that game you do challenges to earn stars to level up the battle pass.

In this game you do challenges to earn experience to level up the battle pass.

James Franco GIF

I get you are nothing but a fanboy, but their progression systems are far more different than what you claim. However, admitting that would mean that you look like a fool so you are doubling down to dismiss any criticism.


Poor Battlefield.
I hope you are not serious...

Battlefield shits over this.

And you 343 fans should look beyond the shiny new thing...
Has no one noticed the delay of Season 2? Aka Coop for campaign?
Or the lack of maps and modes? (This is what they would have shipped in december).
Terrible progression or the lack of something like that?
Anyone that played some shooters on consoles the last couple of years should also notice the terrible aiming which isnt fixable.

Really really lackluster release

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
I hope you are not serious...

Battlefield shits over this.

And you 343 fans should look beyond the shiny new thing...
Has no one noticed the delay of Season 2? Aka Coop for campaign?
Or the lack of maps and modes? (This is what they would have shipped in december).
Terrible progression or the lack of something like that?
Anyone that played some shooters on consoles the last couple of years should also notice the terrible aiming which isnt fixable.

Really really lackluster release

It gives me hardcore Overwatch vibes. Fantastic skeleton with very little meat on its bones. A pitiful amount of maps, even if the maps we have are very well designed. The inability to choose the specific types of game modes you want to play (I just want Team Slayer, I don’t care about objective based modes outside of BTB). The over abundance of predatory MTX to push people to spend IRL money with no way to earn currency in-game.

The fanboys keep bringing up that “343i is adding another progression system after launch!” Which is great! But launch isn’t until December 8th so that means we have at least 6-8 weeks before we see any real updates. All these issues that have been ongoing have been stated by fans in numerous test launches too and 343i ignored them.

I give 343i this: They created an amazing skeleton. Now they need to get their head out of their ass and actually do what the community wants. Sometimes the community does know what is better and 343i needs to be more humble and admit when they fucked up.

However claiming Battlefield is better? Nah. It’s just as shitty with the lack of content as this is. The only difference is that it’s progression system is better paced.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
Halo has NEVER had a COD/Battlefield style progression system. Forcing that into the game would make it Call of Duty with Spartan armor and not Halo.

How? The core gameplay still plays nothing alike and plays like Classic Halo. Adding in a proper progression system that isn’t designed to push people to spend IRL money is a *good* thing and something everyone should be pushing for.

The first few matches a day feel great. You earn a good bit of EXP, but after that it comes to a trickle. It’s not fun to continue to play matches and feel like you aren’t getting rewarded. You don’t gain ranks, or unlocks. You just *play*. Halo 3 and Reach had better progression systems than this shit.


Gold Member
How? The core gameplay still plays nothing alike and plays like Classic Halo. Adding in a proper progression system that isn’t designed to push people to spend IRL money is a *good* thing and something everyone should be pushing for

Again if you put in a level system where it becomes a race to the top level to unlock the most powerful kill streak or weapon attachment, then it's no longer Halo. That makes it Call of Duty.

Halo is skill based where everyone is on the same level in every game. Call of Duty is time based and whoever spent the most time has the most powerful loadout.
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