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Halo Infinite - Review Thread


Well here's hoping. I'll play is likely when they add coop in. I feel it's a game for multiplayer
If that’s your main concern don’t worry you’ll have a blast with the game, just like IGN did.

edit: just like everybody did.


I get it you're excited....
But this is a point of concern for me and also for the IGN review. They let it go but I wouldn't have. They literallly said there is no variety in the landscapes. That's a problem.
Well if you read some of the Cyberpunk 9 and 10 reviews you would swear the game would get a 6 or 7. Sometimes reviewers think the 'overall package' is good enough to overcome a games shortcomings. Sometimes great gameplay can overcome evreything,as it should do imo. Although i hope Halo Infinite is nothing like Cyberpunk though lol.

The biomes thing is a little dissapointing, especially after 343 confirmed multiple biomes, but the environment looks great to me from the review vids, and we know there are plenty of caves and indoor areas on top of the open world.
Plus with the '10 year plan', i'm sure 343 will be adding new areas to the game for years to come.


I was already bored of that environment from watching trailers, knowing that it never changes has put me off completely. Gameplay finally steps up but art direction completely takes its foot off the gas, they conflated all the whining about returning to classic halo gameplay with aesthetics, exclusively returning to a single halo 1 mission, a 20 year old featureless landscape with a nice skybox. Its starwars all over again.



Series S now has a 60fps mode and has higher settings as well as running at a more solid framerate than One X. Looks a big improvement over the previous code.


Unconfirmed Member
I said story is objectively bad or mediocre, but since you live in a pretentious wolrd where no objectivity exists I could see why you have a problem with that.
oh, objectivity absolutely exists in my world, but in the world of art it doesn't.

Therefore I will end this with the following. There is no authority in judging the quality of art. Yes, there are artists that have more experience than others. There is art that is liked by many people and there is art liked by few people. There is art that is 'professional' and there is art that isn't. And yes, you can absolutely learn from other experienced artists, especially as a beginner, but point is, there aren't absolutes in art. It's not even empirical. There is no right or wrong in art. At all. And lastly, every person that puts himself into a position to define if art is objectively good or bad, doesn't understand art whatsoever.



Series S now has a 60fps mode and has higher settings as well as running at a more solid framerate than One X. Looks a big improvement over the previous code.
Man the Series S version look way more detailed, with way better lighting.
It looks like when you take a modern PC game and go from Ultra down to medium, with a bit of low thrown in.


Looks like review scores have impressed Steam users, the games back to no.1, after being out of the top 10 a couple of days ago. It even overcome 'Icarus', the new 'meta streamer' survival game.
Trying to stay dark on this game (I heard spoilers are out) but I'm not surprised at all to see the game has reviewed well.

Well done, 343.


If I play for gameplay then I might as well stuck with multiplayer. What made Halo unique, was combination of story, gameplay, unique environments a s big set pieces, but now two out of four of those important factors are missing.
It's funny you should say that, the absolute best time I've had in Halo (besides playing Halo:CE at launch in Coop.....that was phenomenal) was Firefight in ODST. Like I said, to me Halo's gameplay is ace and I never cared for its characters and story.
Great stuff 👏 343 have delivered on what was one of the most troubled development cycles in recent memory. 87mc and would have been an easy 90+ if it had more content MP and co-op Campaign. All is coming though and that's great for the future of this game.


So another MS flagship title ends up in low 80 metacritic. The time and money invested in this and they can't break 90? It's their flagship title with a year delay.
Are you retarded? An 87 is not "low 80s". Forza Horizon is a 92, MFS is a 91. Psychonauts 2 is an 89. Microsoft is doing great and all you gotta do to prove it is look at the competitions scores, they are virtually identical.

GTFO with your bullshit.


a new debate lord was born today.
He's an idiot that you guys are giving too much attention. Anyone who is even remotely interested in a games story isn't going to read the script beforehand. The fact he claims to have already done so says everything about his actual interest and why he's being as stupid in this thread as he is.

Halo Infinite being good has broken a lot of these clowns.


Gold Member
So is Far Cry 6 and all the other open world games, how many others hit 120fps on console?
Fuck if I know, I’m just saying it shouldn’t be a difficult feat if a developer chooses to do it.
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Honestly, I don't entirely disagree with the sentiment (though I don't think the tone is likely to win people over). Internet debate doesn't do shades of grey (because it's more about one-upmanship than anything else), but it doesn't change the fact that they exist. Good opinions are about 90% objective in that they make logical, contextual deductions from fact (in much the same way as theory and observation work in science) and shitty opinions are about 90% subjective in that they beg and borrow evidence as necessary to substantiate a subjective persuasion (as politicians do with statistics).

Any good review should be mostly objective (at least in substance) and the subjective should either be caveated (mileage may vary, newcomers may be put off, etc.) or at least be in context (compared with prior entries, in a crowded genre, etc.). I think most sensible people know this and it shouldn't need spelling out, but being that reductionism is the first recourse of people desperate to win an argument on the internet, it often feels necessary.

Anyway, I'm waffling... everyone can go back to talking about biomes now.

So is Far Cry 6 and all the other open world games, how many others hit 120fps on console?
It's hard to say, but I'd imagine most last gen games that already run 4K/60 on current gen could do a 1080/120 mode with the proper optimisations. It's just hard to tell because the market for open world games isn't generally crying out for those modes so developers aren't doing them. It's mostly fast-paced competitive shooters like Call of Duty and DOOM Eternal. Halo Infinite's campaign is occupying a slightly weird space in being a fast-paced open world shooter. Far Cry 6 is a good shout and probably would be possible with same sort of compromises we see in Halo, but clearly they didn't see a reason to try (probably because they put visuals ahead of performance).
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Cause it generally better for the rest of the world imo. Its a universal launch across the world so they had to find one time that made the most sense. There definitely is one timezone where its a shitty launch time, I think it might be AU/NZ.
It's 3AM on the 9th for me.
The most sense would be a digital release that lines up with a physical release.
Gonna have guys getting the physical release at midnight who already finished the campaign by the time us digital peasants get to play it.


No, which is exactly what I'm saying, they can't write a story to save their life. Best 343 can do is 7/10 story, but that's a joke for a massive IP like Halo. It's becoming a joke how they keep rebooting the story every game because of their previous screwups.
Listen, it is rare that games have amazing stories. We all know this.

It’s not like a film which is passive entertainment, the story only makes up a part of the game because you are supposed to be entertained by the interactive part of the package


Hard to Kill
Honestly, I don't entirely disagree with the sentiment (though I don't think the tone is likely to win people over). Internet debate doesn't do shades of grey (because it's more about one-upmanship than anything else), but it doesn't change the fact that they exist. Good opinions are about 90% objective in that they make logical, contextual deductions from fact (in much the same way as theory and observation work in science) and shitty opinions are about 90% subjective in that they beg and borrow evidence as necessary to substantiate a subjective persuasion (as politicians do with statistics).

Any good review should be mostly objective (at least in substance) and the subjective should either be caveated (mileage may vary, newcomers may be put off, etc.) or at least be in context (compared with prior entries, in a crowded genre, etc.). I think most sensible people know this and it shouldn't need spelling out, but being that reductionism is the first recourse of people desperate to win an argument on the internet, it often feels necessary.

Anyway, I'm waffling... everyone can go back to talking about biomes now.

It's hard to say, but I'd imagine most last gen games that already run 4K/60 on current gen could do a 1080/120 mode with the proper optimisations. It's just hard to tell because the market for open world games isn't generally crying out for those modes so developers aren't doing them. It's mostly fast-paced competitive shooters like Call of Duty and DOOM Eternal. Halo Infinite's campaign is occupying a slightly weird space in being a fast-paced open world shooter. Far Cry 6 is a good shout and probably would be possible with same sort of compromises we see in Halo, but clearly they didn't see a reason to try (probably because they put visuals ahead of performance).
Hey I had the same discussion with someone here about subjectivity and objectivity in reviews and the manicheanism in debates online.I think that agreat movie adressing those topics is "Thank you for smoking".
Anyway back n topic it is great that the game is reviewing well, honestly I had little hope that they could pull it off but it seems that they did congrats and thank god it had a year delay.


Man on the one hand I really want to get my hands on Infinite SP ASAP, but I also kinda want to wait for the cutscene fix patch. Choices choices.


Gold Member
Let’s just put it out there, Xbox have absolutely crushed the first year of the series consoles and smashed 2021.

Looking forward to E3 2022 and what lies beyond at this point.
We already know we have redfall, deathloop and starfield next year.

And deathloop was really well received on ps5, looking forward to seeing what other games come out next year, that we don't even know about yet.


What development costs? The 500 million one made up by Xbox dynasty, that was debunked by Frank O'Conor but still conveniently used as console war fodder?
Are you his mum? Stay in your lane, where did i say 500mil? Are you implying it cost nothing to make infinite? I realize halo is holy ground for sensitive people like yourself but warnen knows what im referring to. Take your dog whistling elsewhere


They seem to nail core gameplay n finally put A. I. as a priority as it was with the original trilogy... N then shit em selfs with everything else...

Congrats to 343 on finally making a good beta version of a good Halo game, now patch in all the missing features n go make a great Halo game cos u seem to finally being able to do it.
N do not take a fucking decade to develop it this time
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